• Title/Summary/Keyword: Future perception

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The Development and Application of Integrating Instruction with Evaluation Materials for Strengthening of Independent Living Competence: Focused on Technology and Home Economics Education (기술·가정과 생활자립역량 함양을 위한 교수학습-평가 연계 자료 개발 및 적용)

  • Lim, Yun Jin;Kim, Eun Jeung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of the study was to analyze the home economics education experts' and teachers' perception of ways to align instruction with evaluation, based on the 2015 revised technology and home economics curriculum for the purpose of developing the independent living competencies, and to provide examples of alignment in practice. The analysis is based on the data from a Delphi study (10 experts) and a survey of technology and home economics teachers(n=422). The results of survey indicated that experts and teachers perceived the instruction-assessment alignment to be most appropriate for project learning-project assessment, followed by project learning-portfolio assessment, problem solving learning-portfolio assessment, and problem solving learning-project assessment, in order. Based on the survey results, a model of instruction-assessment alignment and a teaching-learing plan were presented, based on 'Development task of life cycle and Life plan' unit. This was considered to be a proper method of instructional alignment for the purpose of developing 'independent living competence' with project-learning/project-assessment. The model focuses on consistency between instruction and evaluation, unity in methods, and the availablility of feedbacks of assessment for the improvement of independent living competencies. In conclusion, this study contributes as foundational information for teaching and learning-assessment alignment. Diverse methods of instruction-evaluation alignment is expected for future research.

Influence of Country-of-Origin Image, Brand Attitude and Corporate Social Responsibility on Chinese Consumers' Perceived Quality and Purchase Intention (원산지 이미지, 브랜드 태도, 기업의 사회적 책임이 중국 소비자의 지각된 품질과 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Bo-Young;Lee, Ga-Young;Song, Ni-Eun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2017
  • As purchasing power of Chinese consumers has increased and their purchase channels have become more various, Chinese consumers are paying more attention to foreign products and purchasing more of them as well as the domestic goods. With great expectations, many companies in different nations are scrambling into the Chinese market. In this situation, Chinese consumers have a wider range of choices when selecting and purchasing goods, thereby trying to take several factors into account in order to choose the best one in a limited time. This study is about how much country-of-origin image, brand attitude and corporate social responsibility influence Chinese consumers' quality perception and their purchase decisions. The study result shows that country-of-origin image, brand attitude and corporate social responsibility all have a positive effect on perceived quality of the consumers, and among those three, the brand attitude is found to be the most influential factor. It also shows that perceived quality brings a positive effect on purchase intention. Also, in terms of difference in product categories, the influence of corporate social responsibility on perceived quality and the influence of perceived quality on purchase intention are shown greater in dairy products than in PC. This study has academic significance as it has investigated consumer behavior, considering each different factor above. Also it has practical significance since it offers an implication on the marketing strategies of the companies that are planning to advance into the Chinese market in the future.

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Production of an Interactive Media Artwork with motif of Characteristics of comets (혜성의 특성을 모티브로 한 인터랙티브 미디어 아트 제작)

  • Lee, O-Jung;Kim, Hyung-Gi
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1529-1535
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    • 2017
  • Due to its unique formation and mystery phenomena, comets is a major motif that inspires various creative fields. Media art that has been developed and expanded in step with the development of modern scientific technology has expressed the unique characteristics of comets such as their structure in the art as a motif, using technologies. This study describes the process of producing "Near by", an distance-recognition interactive media art. offering the audience a chance to create a tail of a comet as they close to it. changes the color of a LED structure representing the nucleus of a comet as the audience approaches it. At the same time, a video of a comet's tail is projected. Through this interaction, the audience will renew their perception on comets and emotionally interact with the art. This work capturing not only the formative characteristics of a comet, but also its forming process as a motif. Such composite way of expressing a motif could be presented as a possibility of extending the expression of the natural phenomenon in the future media art field.

College Students' Dietary Behavior for Processed Foods and the Level of Perception on Food Labeling Systems According to the Level of Nutrition Knowledge in Won Ju Province (원주지역 대학생의 영양지식에 따른 가공식품 관련 식행동과 식품표시 인식)

  • Won, Hyang-Rye;Yun, Hye-Ryoung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.379-393
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    • 2011
  • This study compared the college students' dietary behavior for processed foods, who will be the main consumers in the future and looked for the measures to understand and establish the right food labeling system by surveying the level of understanding and utilization of food labeling. The data was analysed by SPSS win 17.0 program, and the results are as follows. For the standard of selecting processed foods, the group with high nutrition knowledge considered the reliability of foods as important and the group with low nutrition knowledge considered the products introduced in TV commercial as important. When purchasing processed foods, the group with high nutrition knowledge considered nutrition, taste, price, appearance(shape), and the consumable period more than the group with low nutrition knowledge. For trans fat, the group with high nutrition knowledge learned more about it than the group with low nutrition knowledge. The ratio of confirming food nutrition label was higher in the group with high nutrition knowledge. Regarding the level of confirming individual food labels, the highest level was for milk and dairy products. And there was significant difference for the processed products of meat, cookies, bread and noodles. It was found that the level of confirmation was higher in the group with high nutrition knowledge. And the most important indication for individual food product was the consumable period. To preserve the purchased foods, the group with high nutrition knowledge preserve the foods in line with the description written on the food cover sheet, and this group used to return or exchange the products when they found them spoiled or purchased by mistake. The group with high nutrition knowledge knew more about the nutrition indication than the group with low nutrition knowledge. The necessity of nutrition indication for processed foods and the need of education and PR(Public Relation) were acknowledged higher in the group with high nutrition knowledge. For the effect of nutrition indication, it showed that the group with high nutrition knowledge thought it would improve the quality and the group with low nutrition knowledge thought it would be helpful when comparing the product with others. The group with high nutrition knowledge showed higher understanding level about nutrition indication than the group with low nutrition knowledge.

A Study on the Chinese Poems in Je-Ma Yi's Dongmuyougo (이제마(李濟馬)의 『동무유고(東武遺藁』에 나타난 한시(漢詩) 연구(硏究))

  • Rho, Ihll-sun
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 1999
  • The Chinese poems written by Je-Ma Yi may be categorized into two different facets: one is about a broad spectrum of a man's feelings covering from delight to sorrow; and the other is about self-caution. He has been known to be a warrior having strong self-respect and a man of tough personality reluctant to compromise with others. As a result of analyzing his poems, however, it was confirmed that he was an ordinary person who got along with his neighborhood, took a pleasure in appreciating natural beauty and wandered around in agonies of pain. The literary features reflected in his self-caution poems are compatible with his own philosophical thought. Through these poems, he revealed his autonomous perception of life, and its ultimate goal was placed on the fulfillment of moral obligation, the highest value that a man should achieve as an individual. Je-Ma Yi's Chinese poems are in full harmony with the general tendency shown in the area of poetic literature during the late Yi dynasty. As pointed out above, particular qualities are represented in his poems, and thereby, from comparative perspectives with his unique literariness, future research activities should be directed to a well-defined study on other contemporary writers.

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The Attitude on Introduction for Total Amount in Terrestrial Broadcasting Television: Comparison of Public and Professional Awareness (지상파 TV에 광고총량제 도입에 대한 태도: 일반인과 전문가 인식비교)

  • Jung, Jin-Tack
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.205-213
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    • 2015
  • Era of multi-channel digital multimedia on the Internet, cable, satellite and IPTV and the growth of new media such as terrestrial broadcast advertising with the poor rating has also dropped sharply. In this situation, terrestrial TV suggesting the introduction for total amount system appearing comments. In this study, the introduction of these intermediate advertising the public and professional awareness about the issue by comparing the introduction for total amount advertising feasibility was done in the purpose. The results were as follows. First, Studies on terrestrial TV suggesting the introduction of total amount system and public opinion about the differences in perception between experts is high. Second, Both the public and professionals about the total amount system preferred application stage were in favor of gradual for/limited permit cross-media. Third, the general population was higher than the positive response from experts about the benefits of the total amount system. Finally, the general public about the disadvantages of the total amount system they were more positive response than the experts. The introduction for total amount system validity of these data for future total amouny system to provide a basis for enforcement is expected to give.

High School Teachers' and Students' Perceptions on the Purpose of Science Learning based on the Semantic Network Analysis (언어네트워크분석에 기초한 과학학습의 목적에 대한 고등학교 교사와 학생들의 인식)

  • Park, Kyeong-Jin;Chung, Duk-Ho;Ha, Minsu;Lee, Jun-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.571-581
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to investigate how high school teachers and students perceive the purpose of science learning. Participants were high school science teachers and students from one hundred and sixty high schools nationwide, which were selected through proportional stratified sampling method. Teachers and students responded on open-ended questionnaires about the purpose of science learning. The data were analyzed using the semantic network analysis method. Our study illustrates three major finding: First, teachers recognized the intrinsic value related to cognitive domain as the more important purpose of science learning, while students recognized the extrinsic value related to personal usefulness domain as more important. Second, teachers' responses were significantly different depending on the teaching career. Beginning teachers believed both intrinsic and extrinsic values were equally important, while experienced teachers believed the cognitive domain about understanding of scientific knowledge was more important than intrinsic values. In other words, the differences in perception of the purpose of science between teachers and students, the experienced teachers is greater than the beginning teachers. Finally, students' responses were different depending on their academic track. Humanity major students recognized that learning science made their everyday-life easier while science major students recognized that learning science should be related to their future careers. In conclusion, the results of this study is expected to be of use as the basic data to identify the characteristic of teachers and students related to science.

Analysis of Relevance of Korean and Foreign Science Curricula and Invention (국내외 과학과 교육과정과 발명의 관련성 분석)

  • Son, Jeongwoo;Lee, Bongwoo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.651-658
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the invention-related content of foreign science curricula and investigate the perception of science educators about the degree of relevance between science curriculum and invention. For the analysis of foreign science curricula, we investigated the programs of 10 nations, including the US, Canada, UK, Japan, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, France, Finland and China. To analyze the relevance between Korean science curriculum and invention, we examined common topics such as science, integrated science, and science inquiry experiment, and investigated that the elements related to invention education were included in each 'achievement standard' and 'teaching and evaluation methods'. Science educators including science teachers were asked to evaluate the degree of relevance of invention education. The results were as follows. First, science curricula in many countries contained invention-related content. Second, science educators recognized that invention education was related to science curriculum, but the systematic connection was insufficient. Third, because it is mainly limited to the results of designing and device design, they recognized that the relevance of invention education, which focuses on various processes such as problem design, inventive techniques and intellectual property, was not revealed. Therefore, it is necessary to be process-oriented when developing invention education teaching-learning methods and related materials in science education for the future.

A Study on the Possibility of Domestic Dance Film's Development - Focusing on 'Seoul Dance Film Festival' and 'Dance Film Project' (국내 무용영화의 발전 가능성 연구 - '서울무용영화제'와 '댄스필름 프로젝트'를 중심으로)

  • LEE, Eunjoo;CHUNG, Euisook
    • Trans-
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    • v.4
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    • pp.37-63
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    • 2018
  • Dance films, which started together as a combination of dance and video technology, have evolved into a new genre. Overseas, from early 1950s, experimental dance films have been produced and the dance film association is organized along with many dance film festivals are being held. However, it has not been long since the perception and creativity of the genre of dance films in Korea. Under these circumstances, holding of the 'Seoul Dance Film Festival' and experimental approaches by 'Dance Film Project' are important for the development of domestic dance films. Therefore, this paper explores the concept and development of dance films, the status and features of various overseas dance film festivals and the 'Seoul Dance Film Festival'. This paper also explores the roll and function of 'Seoul Dance Film Festival' and 'Dance Film Project', and their expected benefit along with possibilities of prosperity of domestic dance film. 'Dance Film Project' is the educational and experimental venue for producing of dance films, and the 'Seoul Dance Film Festival' is a platform for producing dance film makers, show of works, dialogue with audiences, international exchanges, and distributions. The dance film festival embodies the value of the past and current flow of the dance film and is intrinsic to the existence of a live content that can be predicted the future aspect of its roll. The two groups mutual growth and development are expected to play a positive role in the development of domestic dance films.

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Development of Maker Education Programs Based on Storytelling for Traditional Living Culture Education: Focusing on Traditional Patterns and Obangsaek(Korean Traditional Five Colors) (전통 생활 문화 교육을 위한 스토리텔링 기반 메이커 교육 프로그램 개발: 전통 문양과 오방색을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Saetbyeol
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.51-76
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this research was to develop the education program on traditional living culture for home economics(HE) based on the 2015 revised national curriculum. The existing school curriculum for traditional living culture tends to overly focus on the theories about traditional culture and suffer from absence of continuity in learning activities. It can be argued that HE is an ideal subject for dealing with traditional living culture as it aims to develop students' ability to recreate the traditional culture, meeting present needs and trends. This study, thus, attempted to present the practical ways of improving the quality of education on traditional living culture by developing HE education program for high school students. To fulfill the purpose, this research, as a teaching topic, selected the traditional patterns and the "Obangsaek"(Korean traditional five colors) which can commonly be dealt with in the subjects of traditional Korean food, Korean costume and Korean style house. In particular, the program was developed following the ADDE process. In the stage of analysis, this article analyzed the HE curriculum and making activities included in HE textbooks based on the 2015 revised national curriculum, as well as the needs of teachers and students regarding traditional living culture education. In the stage of design, this study developed the instructional model, selecting class topics, tools and materials. In the stage of development, the programs on traditional living culture including costume, food and house were developed. In the evaluation phase, this research conducted the validity test and received the feedbacks from 12 HE educators in order to complete the programs. This study finally suggested that future studies in this area examine the effect of the presented programs on enhancing the students' perception of traditional culture and the will of developing and succeeding the traditional living culture.