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Clinical Observation on C.V.A with Diabetes Mellitus (당뇨병(糖尿病) 환자(患者)에 병발(倂發)된 뇌졸중(腦卒中)의 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察))

  • Yoon, Cheol-Ho;Seo, Un-Kyo;Jeong, Ji-Cheon
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.22-44
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    • 1994
  • Clinical observations were done on 67 cases with Diabetes Mellitus in CVA patients who were confirmed by CT scan and observed for over 1 week, admitted to the Dept. of Internal Medicine in Oriental Medical Hospital of Dongguk University from January 1992 to December 1993. The results were as follows; 1. 86 patients (15.3%) with Diabetes Mellitus were found in 561 CVA patients, the 6th decade of age was 40.2%, the ratio of male to female was 0.72:1. 2. The local distribution of CVA was similar to common CVA, and occlusive CVD was 83.6%, cerebral hemorrhage was 16.4% in this study. 3. The association between blood glucose and years were not significant. The largest ratio of fasting blood glucose were 140-199 mg/dl (44.6%) in admission, below 139 mg/dl (51.8%) in discharge in case of occlusive CVD. In cerebral hemorrhage, that were 140-199 mg/dl(45.5%) in dmission, below 139 mg/dl (45.5%) in discharge. The largest ratio of pp2hrs blood glucose were 200-299mg/dl in admission and discharge both occlusive CVD and cerebral hemorrhage. 4. The total sensitivity of urine glucose was 71.6%, and sensitivity of urine glucose in cerebral hemorrhage (81.8%) was more higher than that of occlusive CVD (69.6%). 5. Below 4 years had the highest prevalence(44.8%) in duration of diabetes mellitus. Patients usually used oral hypoglycemic agents(41.8%), insulin injection(23.9%) treatment and non-therapeutic was 17.9% in this study. 6. Predisposing factors and symptoms in admissin were similar to common CVA. The conscious disturbance on attacck was 41.1% in occlusive CVD, and that was 63.7% in cerebral hemorrhage. 7. The most common ratio of the season's attack was spring (44.8%), 8. The frequency of post history was as follows, hypertension (44.8%), heart disease (10.4%), and they were in below 199 mg/dl (83.3%) of fasting blood glucose. 9. The family history of CVA was 46.3%, and they was higher than nondiabetic patients. 10. The recurrence rate of CVA was 28.4%, and that of occlusive CVD(28.6%) was higer than cerebral hemorrhage's (18.2%). 11. The smoker was 52.2%, the drinker was 38.9%. 12. The complications was occured in 10 cases (14.9%) after admission, and they frequently occured than common CVA. 13. In admission, the ratio of systolic blood pressure in over l60mmHg was 42.9%, that of diastolic blood pressure in over l00mmHg was 12.5% in occlusive CVD. In cerebral hemorrhage, the ratio of systolic blood pressure in over l60mmHg was 54.5%, that of diastolic blood pressure in over l00mmHg was 27.3%. 14. The average beginned time of physical theraphy was, generally lated, 8.3 days in occlusive CVD, 11.2 days in cerebral hemorrhage. Average admitted period was longer than common CVA, and was 29.2 days in occlusive CVD, 11.2 days in cerebral hemorrhage. 15. The degree of recovery were 82.1% in occlusive CVD, 72.7% in cerebral hemorrhage. 16. The herb medications were various Sunghyanggeonggisans, Sopungtang, Ganghwalyupungtang, Yanggyuksan etc. were used most frequently, and Yukmijihwangtang, Gamidaebotang, Mangeumtang etc. were used as discharge.

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Clinical Outcome and Long Term Follow-up of Chronic Functional Constipation in Children (소아 만성 기능성 변비의 치료 성적과 장기적 예후)

  • Ahn, Yoon Jin;Park, Jae Ock
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.200-209
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long term outcome and the factors contributing to treatment outcome for chronic functional constipation in children. Methods: Sixty three children were enrolled who had chronic functional constipation and could be followed by telephone contact. They were treated at the Bucheon Soonchunhyang Hospital for more than 1 month and observed from March 2001 to June 2005. We analyzed the clinical features, symptoms and signs, as well as the course and results of treatment. Results: The male to female ratio was 35 (55.6%) : 28 (44.4%). The mean age at the onset of symptoms and diagnosis was $21.1{\pm}23.5$ (1.9~84.0) months and $47.1{\pm}34.2$ (6.9~138.0) months, respectively. The mean defecation frequency before treatment was $3.2{\pm}2.3$ (0.5~10.0) times per week. The symptoms associated with constipation were as follows: soiling 34 (54.0%) which was more common in males than females, large stools in 30 (47.6%), decreased bowel movements less than three times a week in 20 (31.7%), straining during defecation in 19 (30.2%) and retentive posturing 19 (30.2%). The mean duration of follow-up was $34.2{\pm}14.6$ (3.6~60.0) months and 44 (69.8%) patients had their symptoms resolve ("success") and 19 (30.2%) were not resloved ("fail") from the constipation. The time for recovery from soiling, straining during defecation and retentive posturing after treatment was $4.3{\pm}2.4$ (1.0~36.0), $5.0{\pm}1.4$ (0.8~36.0) and $5.0{\pm}3.1$ (1.0~36.0) months, respectively. A relapse of the constipation occurred in 15 (23.8%) patients, 9 (60%) boys and 6 (40%) girls. The time to relapse after cessation of treatment was $2.9{\pm}1.9$ (1.0~6.0) months and the only risk factor associated with relapse was the initial duration of treatment. Conclusion: Most of the patients had resolution of symptoms within five months after treatment; relapse occurred within three months after the interruption of treatment. The duration of treatment was important for recovery and for the prevention of relapse in the constipated children. Thus a long term maintenance of therapy and follow-up is necessary for chronic functional constipation in children.

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Study on Gastroesophageal Reflux according to Feeding Types (수유 종류에 따른 위식도 역류의 빈도)

  • Yun, Seok-Kang;Park, Jae-Ock
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: Gastroesophgeal reflux (GER) is defined as involuntary movement of gastric contents into esophagus. Relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter caused by immature anatomical development in newborn and young infants produces GER frequently. We wanted to know whether the frequency of GER is influenced by feeding types and position or not. We studied in 16 subjects according to feeding types (breast feeding group: BFG-7, formula feeding group: FFG-9) who admitted to the Soonchunhyang university hospital for recurrent regurgitation with 24 hr esophageal pH monitoring from August 1996 to July 1999. Methods: We compared two groups by number of reflux episode, reflux rate, longest episode, numbers of episodes lasting >5 minutes, longest episode in upright position and longest episode in supine position. We used Mann-Whitney test for statistical analysis. Results: 1) The subjects were 7 infants in BFG and 9 infants in FFG, 16 in total, and mean age was 2.1, and 2.6 months for BFG and FFG, respectively. 2) The reflux numbers were $244{\pm}151/day$, $275{\pm}155/day$ for BFG and FFG, respectively. 3) The reflux rate was $14{\pm}15%$ for BFG and $28{\pm}22%$ for FFG. It was lower in BFG. 4) The longest episode was $20{\pm}28$ minutes for BFG and $58{\pm}66$ minutes for FFG. It was significantly longer in FFG. 5) The numbers of episodes lasting >5 minutes were $5{\pm}6$ for BFG and $9{\pm}3$ for FFG. 6) The longest episode in upright position was $10{\pm}8$ minutes for BFG and $40{\pm}47$ minutes for FFG. It was significantly shorter in BFG. 7) The longest episode in supine position was $18{\pm}29$ minutes for BFG and $52{\pm}66$ minutes for FFG. It was significantly shorter in BFG. Conclusion: Breast feeding is strongly recommended to reduce the regurgitation in infancy. It is an another benefit of breast feeding.

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Carcass Grading Properties of Imported Beef Cattles Fed in Korea (국내에서 비육한 수입 생우의 도체등급 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, B.Y.;Cho, S.H.;Kim, J.H.;Lee, W.S.;Kim, Y.K.;Ahn, C.N.;Kim, J.M.;Yoon, S.G.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to provide the information for the carcass grading properties of imported beef cattles fed in Korea. The cattles from 4 different breed such as Hereford, Angus, Murray Grey, Hereford${\times}$Angus were imported and slaughtered at 700kg(24 month). The Yield and Quality grading characteristics for 10 cattles from each breed were evaluated. Carcass weight of Murray Grey was lower than the other breed(p<0.05). The thickness of backfat was the lowest for Hereford(13.7mm) and followed by Hereford${\times}$Angus(17.30mm), Angus(18.20mm) and Murray Grey(18.90mm). Hereford had the highest Yield index(64.63%) and Murray Grey had the lowest Yield index(62.43)(p<0.05). The frequency percentages of marbling degree for Angus having the 1++ over degrees were 50% which was the highest among the breed. In the frequencies of final carcass grades, Hereford produced 30% of B grade and 70% of C grade in Yield grade and the 3 grade produced in Quality grade. All carcasses of Angus were graded as the grade C in Yield grade and 20% carcasses of Angus had the 2 grade and 80% carcasses had the 3 grade in Quality grade. Murray Grey produced 10% of grade B and 90% of grade C in Yield grade and produced 10% of the 2 grade and 90% of the 3 grade in Quality grade. The Hereford${\times}$Angus produced 100% of grade C in Yield grade and 100% of the 3 grade in Quality grade.

The Weather Representativeness in Korea Established by the Information Theory (정보이론에 의한 한국의 일기대표성 설정)

  • Park, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.49-73
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    • 1996
  • This study produces quantitatively weather entropy and information ratio using information theory about frequency in the appearance of precipitation phenomenon and monthly change, and then applies them to observation of the change of their space scale by time. As a result of these, this study defines Pusan, Chongju and Kwangju's weather representativeness and then establishes the range of weather representativeness. Based on weather entropy (statistical parameter)-the amount of average weather information-and information ratio, we can define each area's weather representativeness, which can show us more constant form included topographical, geographical factors and season change. The data used for this study are the daily precipitotion and cloudiness during the recent five years($1990{\sim}1994$) at the 69 stations in Korea. It is divided into class of no precipitation, that of precipitation. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) The four season's mean value of information ratio is the highest value. as 0.641, on the basis of Chongju. It is the lowest as 0.572, on the basis of Pusan. On a seasonal basis, the highest mean value of information rate is April's (spring) in Chongju, and the lowest is October's(fall) in Pusan. Accordingly weather representativeness has the highest in Chongju and the lowest in Pusan. (2) To synthesize information ratio of decaying tendancy and half-decay distance, Chonju's weather representativeness has the highest in April, July and October. And kwangju has the highest value in January and the lowest in April and July. Pusan's weather representativeness is not high, that of Pusan's October is the lowest in the year. (3) If we establish the weather representative character on the basis of Chongju-Pusan, the domain of Chongju area is larger than that of Pusan area in October, July and April in order. But Pusan's is larger than Chongju's in January. In the case of Chongju and Kwangju, the domain of Chongju area is larger than that of Kwangju in October, July and April in order, but it is less than that of Kwangju area in January. In the case of Kwangju-Pusan, the domain of Kwangju is larger than that of Pusan in October, July in order. But in April it is less than Pusan's.

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Spaciotemporal Distributions of PM10 Concentration and Their Correlation with Local Temperature Changes : a Case Study of Busan Metropolitan City (PM10 농도의 시공간적 분포 특징과 국지적 기온 변화 간의 상관관계: 부산광역시 사례 분석)

  • Park, Sunyurp
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2017
  • The main objective of this study was to investigate the climatic impact of $PM_{10}$ concentration on the temperature change pattern in Busan Metropolitan City(BMC), Korea during 2001~2015. Mean $PM_{10}$ concentration of BMC has gradually declined over the past 15 years. While the highest $PM_{10}$ concentration was observed in spring followed by winter, summer, and fall on average, the seasonal variations of $PM_{10}$ concentration differed from place to place within the city. Frequency analysis showed that the most frequently observed $PM_{10}$ concentration ranged from $20{\mu}g/m^3$ to $60{\mu}g/m^3$, which accounted for 64.6% of all daily observations. Overall, the west-high and east-low pattern of $PM_{10}$ concentration was relatively strong during the winter when the effect of yellow-dust events on the air quality was weak. Comparative analyses between $PM_{10}$ concentration and monthly temperature slope derived from generalized temperature curves indicated that the decreasing trend of $PM_{10}$ concentration was associated with increases of annual temperature range, and $PM_{10}$ concentration had a negative relationship with the temperature slope of warming months. Overall, $PM_{10}$ concentration had a weak correlation with the annual mean temperature, but it had a significant, positive correlation with the winter season, which had a dominant influence on the annual mean temperature. In terms of energy budget, it has been known that the change in $PM_{10}$ concentration contributes to the warming or cooling effect by affecting the radiative forcing due to the reflection and absorption of radiant energy. The correlation between $PM_{10}$ concentration and temperature changes in the study area was not seasonally and spatially consistent, and its significance was statistically limited partly due to the number of observations and the lack of potential socioeconomic factors relevant to urban air quality.

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Characterization of an Ion Channel Prepared from Tomato Roots and Inhibitory Effects by Heavy Metal Ions (토마토 뿌리조직에서 분리한 이온채널의 중금속에 의한 저해)

  • Shin, Dae-Seop;Han, Min-Woo;Kim, Young-Kee
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.390-395
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    • 2004
  • In order to characterize ion channels present in tomato roots, microsomes were incorporated into an artificial lipid bilayer arranged for electrophysiological analysis. Of the five different ion channels that could be found, a channel of 450 pS conductance was found most frequently. This channel displayed subconductance states of 450, 257 and 105 pS. All subconductance states showed linear current-voltage relationships. At positive holding potentials, high frequency of transient channel openings was observed; however, at negative potentials, the open times were long and open probability high. Po was 0.83 at -40 mV. When an additional 50 mM $K^+\;or\;Na^+$ was added to the cis side of bilayer, the reversal potentials shifted in the negative direction to near -10 mV. Thus, the 450 pS cation channel selects poorly between $K^+\;and\;Na^+$. In the presence of $100\;{\mu}M$ metal ions, the channel activity was severely inhibited by $La^{3+},\;Ba^{2+},\;and\;Zn^{2+}$, and Po was decreased to 0.2 or even less. However, $Al^{3+}\;and\;Cd^{2+}$ decreased the activity by only 20%. Interestingly, each metal ion showed different kinetics of channel inhibition. While $500\;{\mu}M\;La^{3+}$ inhibited the activities of all subconductance state, 1 mM $Zn^{2+}$ inhibited all except the 105 pS state. $Cd^{2+}$ changed the gating of the channel from a long-opening state to brief transient openings even at negative holding potentials. These data represent that the metal ions may have different binding sites on the channel protein and could be useful modulators and probes to investigate structural characteristics as well as the functional roles of the 450 pS channel on the root physiology.

Effects of Clipping Method on Forage Yield and Quality in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum americanum(L.) Leeke] (진주조 예취방법이 청예수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Keun-Yong Park;Rae-Kyung Park;Byeong-Han Choi
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.274-279
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    • 1989
  • The objective of the study was to determine optimum clipping time, interval and height of Suwon 1 pearl millet hybrid in Korea to increase forage yield and quality. Clipping height 20 cm above the ground surface was the best resulting in producing 11.1 tons per hectare of green chop. However, clipping height 5 cm was not good for regrowth of the ratoon crop. Just after the first cutting when the plant height reached two meters around mid-July, four weeks cutting interval was the best for higher forage yield of 11. 4 tons per hectare. Crude protein content of the clipping height 20 cm was the highest being 12.8 percent. Dry matter of the first cut contained 14 percent of crude protein being the highest, and with lower crude fiber content of 24 percent. And also four weeks cutting interval was the highest in crude protein content being 13.1 percent along with lower crude fiber content of 24.2 percent. Thus, the forage yield depended on clipping height greatly, but the quality was dependent upon clipping time, interval and frequency more than cutting height pearl millet plant. It would be desirable for higher yield and quality of Suwon 1 pearl millet hybrid to cut three or four times during the growing season at 20 cm clipping height and at four weeks clipping interval from the first cut when the canopy height is above one meter under the Korean environmental conditions.

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Variation of Seed Characteristic, Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Sunflower Germplasm (해바라기 유전자원의 종실특성과 지방함량 및 지방산조성 변이)

  • Lee, Yun-Ho;Song, Hang-Lin;Piao, Xiang-Min;Park, Kyeong-Ho;Nam, Sang-Young;Kim, In-Jae;Choi, Sung-Yeol;Jang, Young-Seok;Kim, Hong-Sig
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to obtain the basic informations on variability of germplasm and cultivation practice for the production of biodiesel in sunflower. A total of 275 accessions obtained from the National Agrobiodiversity Center (34 landraces from Korea, 219 and 22 introductions from America and other countries, respectively) were screened to evaluate variations of seed characteristics, oil content and fatty acid composition. Seed types were classified into 4 types (broad ovoid, narrow ovoid, rounded and elongated). The broad ovoid type was the highest proportion of 40.4%, while the elongated type was the lowest proportion of 5.0% among accessions. Also, the seed colors were classified into 4 colors (gray, brown, black and white). Gray and brown seed color showed the highest distribution and white seed color showed the lowest among accessions, respectively. Hundred and one liter seed weight ranged 2.9~15.5g and 178~439g with averages of 6.3g and 322.0g, respectively. Oil content ranged from 11.7% to 45.6% with an average of 25.5%. The frequency distribution of oil content showed the highest in range of 22~28% and the lowest in range of over 40%. Three promising accessions with higher oil content than 40.0% were IT031967, IT031970 and IT031965 introduced from America. Palmitic and stearic acid contents, saturated fatty acid, ranged 3.1~7.6% and 1.3~4.1% with averages of 4.7% and 2.2%, respectively, and a total content of saturated fatty acid ranged 5.4~9.4% with an average of 6.9%. Oleic and linoleic acid contents, unsaturated fatty acid, ranged 18.1~75.7% and 18.1~74.1% with averages of 55.2% and 38.0%, respectively. Five accessions, IT031831, IT031669, IT031895, IT031938 and IT031694, showed higher oleic acid content than 70%. A total content of unsaturated fatty acid ranged 89.6~94.8% with an average of 93.0%.

Characteristics of a planar Bi-Sb multijunction thermal converter with Pt-heater (백금 히터가 내장된 평면형 Bi-Sb 다중접합 열전변환기의 특성)

  • Lee, H.C.;Kim, J.S.;Ham, S.H.;Lee, J.H.;Lee, J.H.;Park, S.I.;Kwon, S.W.
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.154-162
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    • 1998
  • A planar Bi-Sb multijunction thermal converter with high thermal sensitivity and small ac-dc transfer error has been fabricated by preparing the bifilar thin film Pt-heater and the hot junctions of thin film Bi-Sb thermopile on the $Si_{3}N_{4}/SiO_{2}/Si_{3}N_{4}$-diaphragm, which functions as a thermal isolation layer, and the cold junctions on the dielectric membrane supported with the Si-substrate, which acts as a heat sink, and its ac-dc transfer characteristics were investigated with the fast reversed dc method. The respective thermal sensitivities of the converter with single bifilar heater were about 10.1 mV/mW and 14.8 mV/mW in the air and vacuum, and those of the converter with dual bifilar heater were about 5.1 mV/mW and 7.6 mV/mW, and about 5.3 mV/mW and 7.8 mV/mW in the air and vacuum for the inputs of inside and outside heaters, indicating that the thermal sensitivities in the vacuum, where there is rarely thermal loss caused by gas, are higher than those in the air. The ac-dc voltage and current transfer difference ranges of the converter with single bifilar heater were about ${\pm}1.80\;ppm$ and ${\pm}0.58\;ppm$, and those of the converter with dual bifilar heater were about ${\pm}0.63\;ppm$ and ${\pm}0.25\;ppm$, and about ${\pm}0.53\;ppm$ and ${\pm}0.27\;ppm$, respectively, for the inputs of inside and outside heaters, in the frequency range below 10 kHz and in the air.

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