• Title/Summary/Keyword: Force density

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A Study on the Numerical Analysis of Magnetic Flux Density by a Solenoid for MIAB Welding (MIAB용접에서 코일에 의한 자속밀도 분포의 수치적 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Dong-Hyeok;Kim, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2001
  • The MIAB welding uses a rotating arc as its heat source and is known as an efficient method fur pipe butt welding. The arc is rotated around the weld line by the electro-magnetic force resulting from the interaction of arc current and magnetic field. The electro-magnetic force is affected by magnetic flux density, arc current, and arc length. Especially, the magnetic flux density is an important factor on arc rotation and weld quality. This paper presents a 2D finite element model for the analysis of magnetic flux density in the actual welding conditions. The magnetic flux density is mainly dependent on gap between two pipes, the position of coil from gap center, exciting current, and relative permeability. Thus, the relations between magnetic flux density and main factors were investigated through experiment and analysis. Experiments were performed for the steel pipes(48.1mm O.D and 2.0mm thickness). The analysis results of magnetic flux density reveal that it increases with increasing exciting current, increasing relative permeability, decreasing distance from gap center to coil, and decreasing gap size. It is considered that the results of this study can be used as important data on the design of coil system and MIAB welding system.

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A Study on the Mixture Formation Process of Diesel Fuel Spray in Unsteady and Evaporative Field

  • Yeom, Jeong-Kuk;Park, Jong-Sang;Chung, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.2253-2262
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    • 2005
  • The focus of this work is placed on the analysis of the mixture formation mechanism under the evaporative diesel spray of impinging and free conditions. As an experimental parameter, ambient gas density was selected. Effects of density variation of ambient gas on liquid and vapor-phase inside structure of evaporation diesel spray were investigated. Ambient gas density was changed between ${\rho}a=5.0\;kg/m^3$ and $12.3\;kg/m^3$. In the case of impinging spray, the spray spreading to the radial direction is larger due to the decrease of drag force of ambient gas in the case of the low density than that of the high density. On the other hand, in the case of free spray, in accordance with the increase in the ambient gas density, the liquid-phase length is getting short due to the increase in drag force of ambient gas. In order to examine the homogeneity of mixture consisted of vapor-phase fuel and ambient gas in the spray, image analysis was conducted with statistical thermodynamics based on the non-dimensional entropy (S) method. In the case of application of entropy analysis to diesel spray, the entropy value always increases. The entropy of higher ambient density is higher than that of lower ambient gas density during initial injection period.

Hydrodynamic Stability of Buoyancy-induced Flows Adjacent to a Vertical Isothermal Surface in Cold Pure Water (차가운 물에 잠겨있는 수직운동 벽면주위의 자연대류에 관한 안정성)

  • 황영규
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.630-643
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    • 1991
  • The hydrodynamic stability equations are formulated for buoyancy-induced flows adjacent to a vertical, planar, isothermal surface in cold pure water. The resulting stability equations, when reduced to ordinary differential equation by a similarity transformation, constitute a two-point boundary-value(eigenvalue) problem, which was numerically solved for various values of the density extremum parameter R=( $T_{m}$ - $T_.inf./) / ( $T_{o}$ - $T_.inf./). These stability equations have been solved using a computer code designed to accurately solve two-point boundary-value problems. The present numerical study includes neutral stability results for the region of the flows corresponding to 0.0.leq. R. leq.0.15, where the outside buoyancy force reversals arise. The results show that a small amount of outside buoyancy force reversal causes the critical Grashof number $G^*/ to increase significantly. A further increase of the outside buoyancy force reversal causes the critical Grashof number to decrease. But the dimensionless frequency parameter $B^*/ at $G^*/ is systematically decreased. When the stability results of the present work are compared to the experimental data, the numerical results agree in a qualitative way with the experimental data.erimental data.

A Comparison of the Form-Finding Method of Tensegrity Structures (텐세그리티 구조물의 형상탐색 기법 비교)

  • Lee, Seunghye;Lee, Jaehong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2014
  • A tensegrity structure consists of a set of continuous cables in tension and a set of discontinuous struts in compression. The tensegrity structure can be classified into self-stressed and pre-stressed pin-jointed structure. A key step in the design of tensegrity structures is the determination of their equilibrium configuration, known as form-finding. In this paper, three effective methods are presented for form-finding of tensegrity structures. After performing form-finding process, a set of force density and corresponding topology results can be obtained. Then the force density method combined with a genetic algorithm is adopted to uniquely define a single integral feasible set of force densities. Numerical examples are presented that demonstrate the excellent performance of the algorithms.

Effects of α-particle beam irradiation on superconducting properties of thin film MgB2 superconductors

  • Kim, Sangbum;Duong, Pham van;Ha, Donghyup;Oh, Young-Hoon;Kang, Won Nam;Hong, Seung Pyo;Kim, Ranyoung;Chai, Jong Seo
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2016
  • Superconducting properties of thin film MgB2 superconductors irradiated with 45 MeV ${\alpha}$-particle beam were studied. After the irradiation, enhancement of the critical current density and pinning force was observed, scaling close to strong pinning formula. Double logarithmic plots of the maximum pinning force density with irreversible magnetic field show a power law behavior close to carbon-doped MgB2 film or polycrystals. Variation of normalized pinning force density in the reduced magnetic field suggests scaling formulas for strong pinning mechanism like planar defects. We also observed a rapid decay of critical current density as the vortex lattice constant decreases, due to the strong interaction between vortices and increasing magnetic field.

Chaotic Behavior of a Double Pendulum Subjected to Follower Force (종동력을 받는 이중진자의 혼돈운동 연구)

  • 장안배;이재영
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.439-447
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    • 1997
  • In this study, the dynamic instabilities of a nonlinear elastic system subjected to follower forces are investigated. The two-degree-of-freedom double pendulum model with nonlinear geometry, cubic spring, and linear viscous damping is used for the study. The constant, the initial impact forces acting at the end of the model are considered. The chaotic nature of the system is identified using the standard methods, such as time histories, power density spectrum, and Poincare maps. The responses are chaotic and unpredictable due to the sensitivity to initial conditions. The sensitivities to parameters, such as geometric initial imperfections, magnitude of follower force, direction control constant, and viscous damping, etc., are analysed. Dynamic buckling loads are computed for various parameters, where the loads are changed drastically for the small change of parameters.

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The study on effects of porosity, strain and grain size on B-H Hysteresis Ioop (기공율, 응력 및 입자 크기가 B-H Hysteresis loop 특성에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • 김성재;정명득;백종규
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 1994
  • Effects of density, inner-stress, and grain size on B-H hysteresis loop properties of Mg-ferrite were investigated. As the sintered bulk density increase, coercive force($H_c$) decreasand squareness ratio increase. Coercive force was very dependent on inner-stress in sintered body, so coercive force increase from 1.95[Oe] to 4.35[Oe] when inner stress present in bulk, however, the squareness ratio was almost not changed Coercive force and squareness ratio were independent on grain size of sintered body which is between 6-11[$\mu\textrm{m}$]

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Analysis of Lorentz force of radial magnetic field type vacuum interrupter using finite element method (유한요소해석을 통한 횡자계 방식의 진공인터럽터 전극의 로렌츠 힘 분석)

  • KIM, Byoung-Chul;YOON, Jae-Hun;HOE, Jun;KANG, Seong-Hwa;LIM, Kee-Joe
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.1197-1198
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    • 2008
  • There have been few papers using finite element method(FEM) to analyze arc driving force for spiral type vacuum interrupter electrode up to date while there have been many papers dealing with AMF type electrode by means of FEM. AMF analysis is very important in AMF type electrode because it has proportional relation with effective area which means the area of magnetic flux density above critical magnetic flux density to diffuse arc. In the same manner, arc driving force is an important factor to drive arc by Lorentz force. In this paper two models were calculated and compared by using commercial FEM software Maxwell 3D.

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Monitoring of Chatter Vibration by Frequency analysis of AE & Force Signals (AE 및 Force 신호의 주파수분석에 의한 Chatter 진동의 감시)

  • 조대현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2000
  • A machine tool has some serous stability problem in the from of tool chatter during the cutting process. Chatter vibration deteriorates the surface finish, reduce tool and machine life, accelerate machine tool system component wear, and may lead to an unacceptable noise sound in the working environment. In this study, in order to moni색 of the chatter vibration on the cutting process, the behavior of spectral density of AE signal and principal cutting force signal has been investigated. Furthermore, its reliability from obtained the results has been studied to evaluate and confirm the proposed method with the application procedure and the experimental results.

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Vibrational Analysis of Dopamine Neutral Bae based on Density Functional Force Field

  • Park, Seon Gyeong;Lee, Nam Su;Lee, Sang Ho
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.1035-1038
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    • 2000
  • Vibrational properties of dopamine neutral species in powder state have been studied by means of the normal mode analysis based on the force constants obtained from the density functional calculation at B3LYP level and the results of Fourier trans form Raman and infrared spectroscopic measurements. Ab initio calculation at MP2 level shows that the trans conformer of dopamine has higher electronic energy about 1.4 kcal/mol than those of the gauche+ and the gauche-conformers, and two gauche conformers have almost the same energies. Free energies calculated at HF and B3LYP levels show very similar values for three conformers within 0.3 kcal/mol. Empirical force field has been constructed from force constants of three conformers, and refined upon ex-perimental Raman spectrum of dopamine to rigorous values. The major species of dopamine neutral base in the powder state is considered a trans conformer as shown in the crystallographic study of dopamine cationic salt.