• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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Applying AHP in Evaluation the Distribution Science of Suppliers for Retails in Vietnam: Case of Saigon Co-op Mart

  • NGUYEN, Nhu-Ty
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Retailing is a very special sector because it demonstrates the effectiveness of combined products and services to create business values. In this study, the author wants to investigate particular areas in the distribution sciences of the purchasing process in Coopmart (Saigon Coop-Vietnam), which is about sauces and seasoning. Research design, data and methodology: The data were collected by experts of Saigon coop, which first went through the Delphi method to choose criteria and sub-criteria for the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). Results: After a long process of calculation based on AHP, the final supplier is chosen according to experts' interview; Masan is the most potential candidate to be the main supplier of sauces and seasoning to Coop mart. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the typical methods such as quantitative analysis of this process - AHP. With the aim of increasing the computational content of the evaluation process suppliers, especially the comparison of suppliers in the same industry as AHP has shown. This enables analyses of all the providers to be more scientific. Conclusions: Thus, this paper would help the facility managers ensure objectives to the reasonable decision, which can be based on AHP to get more information, implement plans and get strategic collaboration with suppliers.

A case study of problem-based learning (PBL) in classes (PBL을 활용한 <드레이핑> 교과 수업사례 및 학습효과 연구)

  • Kang, Yeo Sun
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.346-360
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    • 2021
  • Universities have recently introduced problem-based learning (PBL) to various subjects to enhance problem-solving skills (including self-directed learning and small-group learning) required in industry. The PBL module was applied to the personal production process in a draping class. A study was based on a questionnaire after conducting two PBL modules with a group of students. Each PBL module included 'design analysis', 'presentation of flat sketch and draping plan', 'discussion of the plan', 'evaluation of the draping result and correcting the problem', and 'final evaluation of the completed project'. Results showed that satisfaction with the PBL method and its activities was higher than satisfaction with existing teaching methods. In particular, among the various components, the 'design analysis' and 'the presentation step of flat sketch and draping plan' stages were more helpful to students compared to small-group discussion. Moreover, the effects of PBL were observed through student reflection essays, in which students suggested that PBL was very effective in enhancing problem-solving through self-directed and small-group learning. Despite the overall satisfaction with PBL, students expressed some minor difficulties associated with awkwardness with a novel learning method, lack of diverse perspectives among each group, and poor communication skills. Therefore, the study shows that PBL is highly likely to be useful to students when they are solving pattern drafting problems and making samples through self-directed learning and small-group learning.

Effects of Online Project-Based Learning Application: A Case of Engineering Accounting Course (온라인 프로젝트기반 학습모형 적용과 효과: 공학회계 사례)

  • Kim, Moon-Soo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2022
  • In many existing studies, the analyses on the application and effect of the project-based learning model (PBL), a student-centered teaching and learning strategy, have been emphasized and carried out in various majors and courses. This case study analyzes the effects of applying a project-based learning model to the engineering accounting course for engineering students in 2021 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, compared with the offline course in 2019 and the simple online course in 2020. Project team consisting of 2-3 students carried out online collaborative learning activities for solving open-ended problems through the 5-step PBL procedure including presenting the final result. Except for this online PBL application in 2021, textbooks, lecture contents, assignments, and tests were implemented the same for each semester for three years. Through lecture evaluation and survey by students, the online PBL application semester showed higher effects in inducing student-centered learning, lecture satisfaction, and student competency improvement compared to the non-applying semesters, further, it was evaluated that the online PBL application to the course and evaluation method were more appropriate than other semesters. It is expected that the online PBL method and operation procedure applied in this study can be utilized as a best practice for the design and operation of various online courses for student-centered collaborative learning activities and educational effects.

A novel reference model for dental scanning system evaluation: analysis of five intraoral scanners

  • Karakas-Stupar, Irina;Zitzmann, Nicola Ursula;Joda, Tim
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2022
  • PURPOSE. The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the accuracy (trueness and precision) of five intraoral scanners (IOS) using a novel reference model for standardized performance evaluation. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Five IOSs (Medit i500, Omnicam, Primescan, Trios 3, Trios 4) were used to digitize the reference model, which represented a simplified full-arch situation with four abutment teeth. Each IOS was used five times by an experienced operator, resulting in 25 STL (Standard Tessellation Language) files. STL data were imported into 3D software (Final Surface®) and examined for inter- and intra-group analyses. Deviations in the parameter matching error were calculated. ANOVA F-test and Kruskal-Wallis test were applied for inter-group comparisons (α = .05); and the coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated for intra-group comparisons (in % ± SD). RESULTS. Primescan (matching error value: 0.015), Trios 3 (0.016), and Trios 4 (0.018) revealed comparable results with significantly higher accuracy compared to Medit i500 (0.035) and Omnicam (0.028) (P < .001). For intra-group comparison, Trios 4 demonstrated the most homogenous results (CV 15.8%). CONCLUSION. The novel reference model investigated in this study can be used to assess the performance of dental scanning technologies in the daily routine setting and in research settings.

Comparison of Feasibility of Touch-Based Cognitive Training Games in Community Elderly and Elderly with Minor Dementia

  • Jung, Seung-Hwa;Oh, Seon-Jin;Park, Hyun-Ju;Park, Dae-Sung
    • Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.154-164
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    • 2022
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to select a cognitive training game that can evaluate five cognitive domains and to study their validity with existing cognitive evaluation tools. Design: Methods: Delphi survey was conducted through the 2nd questionnaire for 30 experts to select games suitable for training 5 cognitive domains. Five cognitive training games and Mini Mental State Examination - Korea(MMSE-K), and cognitive impairment screening test(CIST) were conducted for 82 elderly in the community. Pearson correlation analysis was performed to find out the correlation of the three tests. The ROC curve was used to calculate the selection criteria for the game results for the screening evaluation of the presence or absence of mild cognitive impairment. Results: The coefficient of variation to evaluate the stability of the Delphi survey was less than 0.50 in most game items. The 'correct answers' and 'level' of the five final selected game items showed a statistically significant positive correlation with the CIST and MMSE-K scores. CIST score and 'time' of all game items except 'number making_time' showed a statistically significant negative correlation. Conclusions: The validity of the cognitive training program using smart devices was evaluated, and the criteria for classifying the cognitive domain and distinguishing the presence or absence of cognitive impairment were confirmed.

Study of Personal Credit Risk Assessment Based on SVM

  • LI, Xin;XIA, Han
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Support vector machines (SVMs) ensemble has been proposed to improve classification performance of Credit risk recently. However, currently used fusion strategies do not evaluate the importance degree of the output of individual component SVM classifier when combining the component predictions to the final decision. To deal with this problem, this paper designs a support vector machines (SVMs) ensemble method based on fuzzy integral, which aggregates the outputs of separate component SVMs with importance of each component SVM. Research design, data, and methodology: This paper designs a personal credit risk evaluation index system including 16 indicators and discusses a support vector machines (SVMs) ensemble method based on fuzzy integral for designing a credit risk assessment system to discriminate good creditors from bad ones. This paper randomly selects 1500 sample data of personal loan customers of a commercial bank in China 2015-2020 for simulation experiments. Results: By comparing the experimental result SVMs ensemble with the single SVM, the neural network ensemble, the proposed method outperforms the single SVM, and neural network ensemble in terms of classification accuracy. Conclusions: The results show that the method proposed in this paper has higher classification accuracy than other classification methods, which confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.

Comprehensive validation of silicon cross sections

  • Czakoj, Tomas;Kostal, Michal;Simon, Jan;Soltes, Jaroslav;Marecek, Martin;Capote, Roberto
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.12
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    • pp.2717-2724
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    • 2020
  • Silicon, especially silicon in the form of SiO2, is a major component of rocks. Final spent fuel storages, which are being designed, are located in suitable rock formations in the Earth's crust. Reduction of the uncertainty of silicon neutron scattering and capture is needed; improved silicon evaluations have been recently produced by the ORNL/IAEA collaboration within the INDEN project. This paper deals with the nuclear data validation of that evaluation performed at the LR-0 reactor by means of critical experiments and measurement of reaction rates. Large amounts of silicon were used both as pure crystalline silicon and SiO2 sand. The critical moderator level was measured for various core configurations. Reaction rates were determined in the largest core configuration. Simulations of the experimental setup were performed using the MCNP6.2 code. The obtained results show the improvement in silicon cross-sections in the INDEN evaluations compared to existing evaluations in major libraries. The new Thermal Scattering Law for SiO2 published in ENDF/B-VIII.0 additionally reduces the discrepancy between calculation and experiments. However, an unphysical peak is visible in the neutron spectrum in SiO2 obtained by calculation with the new Thermal Scattering Law.

Evaluation on the Criteria of Organisational Sustainability by Adopting ANP

  • Yu, Shuai;Li, Miaomiao;Xin, Siqi
    • Journal of East Asia Management
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.63-92
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    • 2021
  • Human activities have been putting a great burden on the earth, leading to many serious problems, such as lack of resources, ecological degradation and air degradation. Although many countries have recognised this circumstance and have developed some sustainable development strategies, the earth still needs research on sustainability in different views and various industries. The nursing industry has grown with the ageing of the global population in recent years, and professional nursing institutions could relieve structural deterioration caused by the ageing population in family, social, economic and cultural. Hence, exploring the key criteria of organisational sustainability in the nursing industry is of the utmost priority. This paper puts forward an evaluation framework to identify the key criteria of organisational sustainability. After connections with nursing homes A and B in China, the author adopts literature research to confirm the criteria system which is based on triple bottom line, utilises analytical network process method to design the network hierarchy analysis model and importance comparison questionnaires to collect experts' first-hand data, and uses technical software - Super Decisions to integrate data and obtain final results. The results recommend three top-ranked criteria in the entire system, eco-recruitment, eco-procurement and corporate social responsibility are discussed with some professional suggestions in the end. The limitations are also extended in the last chapter to provide future research perspectives.

Evaluation Study of LCOE for 8 MW Offshore Floating Wind Turbine in Ulsan Region (울산 앞바다 8 MW급 부유식 해상풍력터빈의 LCOE 연구 )

  • Dong Hoon Lee;Hee Chang Lim
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2023
  • The commercialization has been of great importance to the clean energy research sector for investing the wind farm development, but it would be difficult to reach a social consensus on the need to expand the economic feasibility of renewable energy due to the lack of reliable and continuous information on levelized cost of Energy (LCOE). Regarding this fact, this paper presents the evaluation of LCOE, focusing on Ulsan offshore region targeting to build the first floating offshore wind farm. Energy production is estimated by the meteorology data combined with the Leanwind Project power curve of an exemplar wind turbine. This work aims to analyze the costs of the Capex depending on site-specific variables. The cost of final LCOE was estimated by using Monte-Carlo method, and it became an average range 297,090 KRW/MWh, a minimum of 251,080 KRW/MWh, and a maximum of 341,910 KRW/MWh. In the year 2021, the SMP (system marginal price) and 4.5 REC (renewable energy certificate) can be paid if 1 MWh of electricity is generated by renewable energy. Considering current SMP and REC price, the floating platform industry, which can earn around 502,000 KRW/MWh, can be finally estimated highly competitive in the Korean market.

Comparison of Six Observational Methods for Assessing Arm- and Hand-intensive Tasks (어깨 및 팔 동작 부하 측정을 위한 관찰적 기법 비교)

  • Dohyung Kee
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to compare six observational methods for assessing arm- and hand-intensive tasks, based on literature review. The comparison was conducted in viewpoints of body regions, force/external load, motion repetition, other factors including static posture, coupling, duration/break, pace, temperature, precision task, and final risk or exposure level. The number of risk factors assessed was more, and assessment procedure was more complex than the observational methods for assessing whole-body postural loads such as Ovako Working Posture Analysis System(OWAS), Rapid Upper Limb Assessment(RULA), and Rapid Entire Body Assessment(REBA). Due to these, the intra- and inter-reliabilities were not high. A past study showed that while Hand Arm Risk Assessment Method(HARM) identified the smallest proportion of the work tasks as high risk, Strain Index(SI) and Quick Exposure Check(QEC) hand/wrist were the most rigorous with classifying most work tasks as high risk. This study showed that depending on the observational technique compared, the evaluation factors, risk or exposure level, and evaluation results were different, making it necessary to select a technique appropriate for the characteristics of the work being assessed.