• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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Development of a basic kimono sleeve - Focusing on the standard body type of Korean people in their thirties - (기모노슬리브 원형 개발 - 30대 표준체형을 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Soon Kyo;Uh, Mi-Kyung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.224-236
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    • 2017
  • Kimono sleeves have continuously appeared in modern fashion as a design motif and this trend has become increasingly prevalent recently. However for research in the area of clothing composition for kimono sleeves in Korea, there has been a lack of development of master patterns based on basic data from the analysis of the standard body type of Korean people and finalized designs based on comparative experiments and analysis of pre-existing research Thus, there is no ideal master kimono sleeve pattern development research based on the examination of the results of the analysis of the standard body type of Korean people. Therefore by recognizing the importance of developing a master kimono sleeve pattern, this research aims to present a practical master kimono sleeve pattern for the standard body type of someone in their 30s. First, the four master patterns were collected and a dressing evaluation was conducted, and by selecting and improving one of these master designs, a final research master pattern was developed after a second dressing evaluation. Through this research, it was possible to design a master kimono sleeve pattern appropriate both externally and functionally for the standard body type of someone in their 30s, which has not been a consideration in previous research.

Pattern Development of Maternity Leggings (임산부용 레깅스 패턴 개발)

  • Cha, Su Joung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.708-726
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    • 2020
  • This study develops leggings patterns for pregnant women with increased needs in utilization and necessity. It provides basic data for the development of leggings for pregnant women. The pattern was deformed by analyzing the leggings of U company, and simulated using the DC Suite Program. SPSS 24.0 was used for the analysis. As a result of the appearance evaluation, the primary pattern had many spaces in the thighs, calves, and the upper part; in addition, wrinkles occurred in the upper part and the knee part. The length of the leggings was long and agglomeration in the ankle appeared. Wrinkles were reduced by setting the hip circumference, hip width, and leggings length to reflect the results of the primary in the case of the secondary pattern. A pattern was developed that closely adhered to the body without any wrinkles in the appearance evaluation of the final pattern. Future studies should examine legging patterns of pregnant women according to the material change. Wearing evaluation and appearance evaluation should be done by making actual leggings for pregnant women, not 3D simulation.

Development of Evaluation Indicators on Improvement Level of Rural Village Roads in Korea (농촌마을내부도로의 정비수준 진단지표개발)

  • Cho, Eun-Jung;Choi, Soo-Myung;Kim, Young-Taek;Park, Su-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.159-171
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    • 2010
  • Since rapid industrialization of Korean society, out-of-village roads have been greatly improved, while almost all of in-village roads have not been fundamentally improved yet. Unless village roads should be improved in relatively comparison with trunk roads, it has been widely recognized that grass rooted achievement of accessibility revolution not be realized. In this regard, this study tried to develop evaluation indicators system for improvement of village roads. The evaluation indicator system on village road conditions was proposed which is sub-categorized as structural improvement of road itself, its communication serviceability and public securing level of property rights of road site. The system has 6 indicators(2 of each subcategory);good pavement ratio and over 3m wide road length ratio, ratio of household fronting under 2m wide road and connectivity of road network, ratio of registered as 'road' in land category and ratio of publicly owned road sites. In the final conclusion, village roads in rural Korea have been generally in worse condition regardless of whether prior improvement works or not, except some of recent plan-based improvement villages.

Evaluation Factors of PDM Systems (PDM 시스템의 평가에 관한 연구)

  • 강석호;김영호;황영헌;김대환
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.209-226
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    • 1996
  • System Intergration (SI) has resently been conceived as one df the most important tools for enforciong and reinforcing the competitiveness of an enterprise. A major concern of SI lies in sharing many types of information, such as engineering, production, finance, marketing, and so on. Product Data Management (PDM) systems are mainly concerned with product- related information, and also support a large portion of the Commerce At Light Speed (CALS) straitegy. PDM systems receive a great amount df attention form industry, A variety of PDM solutions have been introduced for the last few years, and its market has expanded very fast with an annual growth of 30%. However, in general, it is not an easy task to choose a right PDM solution for a particular company. A major purpose of this paper is to provide essential factors in evaluating PDM systems. While developing the factors. we consider the expected future trend of PDM technologies and three types of PDM-based intergration (frontward, rearward, and sideward integrations). We Propose to carry out the evaluation process in two fold. An overall evaluation is performed first to narrow down many alternatives into a few candidate systems, and then a detailed technical evaluation step follows to determine the final solution. A number of influencing factors are categorized and described in each of these steps.

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A Study on Quality Evaluation of Discovery Central Index - the Case of EDS(EDSCO Discovery Service) - (디스커버리(Discovery) 통합색인의 품질평가에 관한 연구 - EDS를 사례로 하여 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.415-440
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    • 2014
  • This study intends to make a comprehensive inquiry into the meaning and limitations of Discovery, and to explore how to make full use of Discovery in library cataloging. To this end, first discussed is the meaning of Discovery, which has a variety definitions. For the quality evaluation, 5 criteria were developed on the basis of literature review. Then this study conducted the quality evaluation on the basis of previously developed 5 criteria and usefulness of Discovery in library catalogs is thoroughly discussed. Based on these, the final discussion includes strategies for Korean LIS scholars and library practitioners to consider when applying Discovery as an integrated search tool.

Factors Related to Cashmere Products Purchases by Foreign Tourists Visiting Mongolia (몽골 방문 외국인 관광객의 캐시미어 제품 구매와 관련 변인)

  • Svetlana, Svetlana;Yu, Haekyung;Ko, Sunyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.557-571
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the evaluation of Mongolian cashmere products by foreign tourists visiting Mongolia, purchase motivation, and purchase intention by nationality as well as analyzed factors that affected purchase intentions. Questionnaires were distributed in Ulaanbaatar from July 25th to September 3rd, 2012. We collected 626 questionnaires and used 616 copies in the final analysis (149 from Koreans, 128 from Japanese, 119 from Russians and 220 from English-speaking countries). Awareness about Mongolian cashmere products and purchase intentions differed significantly by nationality. Purchase motivations were divided into 3 factors-usefulness, mood shift, gifts and souvenir. Evaluation of cashmere products consisted of 5 factors-product excellence, uniqueness, ostentation, economic value and fashionableness. Purchase motivation and evaluation differed significantly by nationality. Purchase intention was significantly related to awareness prior to visit, product excellence, usefulness, gift/souvenir motivation factors, and nationality.

Evaluation of Design Issues and the Social Perceptions of the Asian Culture Complex, South Korea

  • Shon, Seungkwang;Shon, Donghwa
    • Architectural research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to understand and analyze the social recognition and debate shown during the progress of the Asian Culture Complex (ACC) public project as well as the environmental evaluation performed by provincial community members. A 30-question survey based on a Likert scale was conducted with 150 experts. The study showed, first, that despite controversies over landmarks and historical locations, the quality of the architect's first draft was considered fairly high. However, vibrant landmarks were greatly desired. Furthermore, respondents reported conflicting recognitions of the same concept, which were defined differently depending on the terms and concepts used by the architect. Second, historical locations were considered important. The architects' final design was modified based on quality and in response to social pressure, resulting in the partial retention of the provincial government annex building. Although the first draft was considered to be of high quality, the modified plan was considered even better than the original design, revealing the 2-fold characteristics of the identical phenomenon in the environmental evaluation. Third, many groups held opinions that were balanced between the architects' originality and the value of community-based recognition; hence, the social inclination and evaluation of the project differed across the public.

Development of Evaluation Method for Performance of Weapon System using Axiomatic Design based Inner Dependence AHP (공리적설계 기반의 내부종속 AHP를 이용한 국방무기 해외 구매사업의 무기성능 평가방법 개발)

  • Cho, Hyunki;Kim, Woo-Je
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.45-65
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    • 2012
  • Test and evaluation of weapon system is an important task to evaluate the performance of overseas weapon system purchasing project. Especially, quantitative evaluation of performances is hardly completed in defense projects where multiple criteria are conflicted each other. In order to solve this problem, we apply Axiomatic Design (AD) and Inner Dependence AHP method. First, finite functional requirements (FRs) are categorized in hierarchy structure by selecting proper design parameters (DPs) to implement their corresponding FRs. If there are no ways to select DPs when design is coupled between FRs and DPs, then inner dependence is allowed to overcome the strict rule of independence in AHP. Second, the weights of DPs are calculated by applying both Inner Dependence AHP method for coupled design and normal AHP method for uncoupled or decoupled design. Finally, information axiom of AD is applied to the proposed weapon systems by calculating information contents for all parameters. Weapon system with minimum sum of information contents is considered as the best solution. The proposed method in this study should be used in multiple criteria decision making problems involving various conflicting criteria.

Integration of Multiple Segmentation Methods based on Evaluation Functions for Segmentation of Visible Human Color Images (평가함수에 의해 혼합된 다수의 분할 방법을 적용한 Visible Human컬러 영상의 분할)

  • 김한영;김동성;강흥식
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.3_4
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes an approach integrating multiple segmentation methods in a systematic way, which can improve overall accuracy without deteriorating accuracy of highly confident segments of boundaries generated by constituent methods. A segmentation method produces boundary segments, which are then evaluated with an evaluation function considering pros/cons of the current and next methods to apply. Boundary segments with low confidence are replaced by a next method while the other segments are kept. These steps are repeated until all segmentation methods are applied. The proposed approach is implemented for the segmentation of muscles in the Visible Human color images. A Balloon method, a minimum cost path finding method, and a Seeded Region Growing method are integrated. The final segmentation results showed improvements in both overall evaluation and segment-based evaluation.

Resources Evaluation System for Rural Planning Purposes(IV) - Application Study to the Case Areas - (농촌계획지원용 지역자원평가시스템 구축(IV) - 사례지역 적용연구 -)

  • Choi, Soo-Myung;Han, Kyung-Soo;Hwang, Han-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.5 no.1 s.9
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 1999
  • This study, a sub-one of comprehensive research works titled under "Rural Resources Evaluation System", tried to verify utility/applicability of the developed model system through the case study works on 3 sample villages, Backya, Uyan and Suyu, representing the lowland, upland and seashore villages respectively. From the various surveying and collecting works including the official/statistical data collection, map analysis, in-situ investigation, field survey and written material review, the original data set were obtained and manipulated into final input data for resources grading. After then, by the automatized calculation procedure of "Rural Resources Evaluation System", score results for resources evaluation were finally produced with the total maximum score being 1,000. Through comparing works among score results of 3 case villages and between score results and areal characteristics of each case village, the applicability of the system developed in this study was well confirmed.

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