• Title/Summary/Keyword: Field surveying

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Analysis of Data Characteristics by UAV LiDAR Sensor (무인항공 LiDAR 센서에 따른 데이터 특성 분석)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Lee, Keun-Wang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2020
  • UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are used widely for military purposes because they are more economical than general manned aircraft and satellites, and have easy access to the object. Recently, owing to the development of IT technology, UAV equipped with various sensors have been released, and their use is increasing in a wide range of fields, such as surveying, agriculture, meteorological observation, communication, broadcasting, and sports. An increasing number of studies and attempts have made use of it. On the other hand, existing research was related mostly to photogrammetry, but there has been a lack of analytical research on LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging). Therefore, this study examined the characteristics of a UAV LiDAR sensor for the application of a geospatial information field. In this study, the performance of commercialized LiDAR sensors, such as the acquisition speed and the number of echoes, was investigated, and data acquisition and analysis were conducted by selecting Surveyor Ultra and VX15 models with similar accuracy and data acquisition distances. As a result, a DSM of each study site was generated for each sensor, and the characteristics of data density, precision, and acquisition of ground data from vegetation areas were presented through comparison. In addition, the UAV LiDAR sensor showed an accuracy of 0.03m ~ 0.05m. Hence, it is necessary to select equipment considering the characteristics of data for effective use. In the future, the use of UAV LiDAR may be suggested if additional data can be obtained and analyzed for various areas, such as urban areas and forest areas.

Trends of Disaster Management Research (행정학에서 재난관리분야의 학문적 연구경향)

  • Ahn, Hye-Won;Ryu, Sang-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2007
  • This study aim is to investigate disaster management actual in field of public administration and establish object of disaster management study by surveying the trends of disaster management for development of disaster management. This study has examined the trends in researches on disaster management that have been done so far First, their changes have been investigated by years and it was found out that the studies on disaster management accounted for 81.8% after the year of 2000. Second case studies accounted for 47.7%, with respect to the method for research which means researchers lay emphasis on case studies. Third, the studies that aim to suggest policy alternatives were found the highest with 79.5%, in regard of research objectives, an the studies on verification theories with 13.6%, which means that more efforts need to be made on theorization and verification continuously to lay the groundwork for studying disaster management. Fourth the studies have been examined by type of disaster and it was found out that since 2001 the studies on social disasters and comprehensive studies on social, man-made and natural disasters have increased by 27.3% and 50% respectively. Fifth, studies have been examined by administrative units and it was found out that the studies on central government local government, private sector and NGO's disaster management accounted for the highest percentage with 50%. Lastly, the studies on preliminary strategies(mitigation & prepaedness) and post-strategies (response & recovery) accounted for the highest percentage, 56.8%, with respect to disaster management steps, and it was shown that studies are being made preponderantly on post-strategies.

A Study for the Vitalizations of Marine Leisure Sports; Analyses on the recognitions for the Marine Leisure Sports and their Current State-of-the- Art (해양레저스포츠에 대한 인식과 이용실태 분석을 통한 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Mo;Shin, Yong-John;Park, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.645-652
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    • 2008
  • The interest on the marine leisure sports is rapidly increasing with the advent of the five-day week and with increments of GNP. The self-governing bodies are trying to drag large investments into the marine leisures industry through international exhibitions and yacht rallies. Unfortunately, the demands in the domestic area don't increase differently from those demand patterns in the advanced countries. In this study, several suggestions for vitalizations on the marine leisure industry are made after surveying the recognition degree of the domestic people on the marine leisures and the current states of their spending on the marine leisures. As results, it has been shown that the policies based upon negative factors coming from negative understandings on the leisure activities should be largely revised. Further, it seems that the policies for the preparations of the laws and the regulations for the marine leisures as well as for the R&D policies should be taken systematically so that the infra structures are constructed while improving the negative understandings on the leisures. The fundamental databases investigated in this study will help the policy makers and the investors reduce the risks of the policy and the investments in the field of marine leisure sports.


  • HoWoongShon;SeongBeomKim
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.139-153
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    • 2003
  • Subsurface information is one of the most important factors in the archaeological excavation. To obtain the information on the underground, geophysical prospecting is becoming a popular method. This study is on the small rocky islands located 200m away from the shoreline of Gampo, Gyeongju city, Korea. According to the historical records and field surveys, it was revealed as the tomb of King Munmu of Shilla Dynasty. However, the questions and debates, such as whether it is really the tomb of King Moonmu or not, and whether it is a buried place or not, are still remains, in addition to the incompletion of precise surveying and scientific studies. The scope of this study contains the researches on the above problems and debates using the geophysical and geological methods and techniques. The rocky islands around the submerged Tomb of King Moonmu is composed of granite, and sag exists inside of the islands. Sea water enters through the east groove by wave and is drained to the west slot by hydraulic gradient, since west slot is 15cm lower than the east. Sag inside of the islands is believed to be extended and widened from pre-existed sinkage by applying tools like chisel in the joints and cracks. It is concluded that the submerged megalith inside of sag was from the rock block which was developed by joints. Geophysical surveys reveal that there is no artificial structure or stone/china/steel chest, under the m egalith and rocky island. Researches show that the tomb of King Moonmu was constructed in the small rocky island artificially. However, the evidences show that planners and constructors of the tomb made every possible effort to preserve the natural environment and condition. It is strongly believed that the megalith was sort of alter to sprinkle bone-ash rather than buried place.

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A Fundamental Study on the Maintenance of Administrative Boundaries based on Spatial Information (공간정보기반의 행정경계 정비를 위한 기초연구)

  • Yun, Ji-Ye;Park, Hong-Gi;Choi, Yun-Soo;Nam, Dae-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2012
  • An Administrative Boundary is the basic of spatial information to cover geographical and regional area. Its importance has arisen in our society at the Smart world era. However, it is difficult to serve exact boundary's lines as administrative boundaries are based on the cadastre lines of land register ; these partly are overlay each other or has gaps. So, it Should be adjusted. But, the maintenance work of administration boundaries causes a conflict or confusion unless we offer concrete procedures and detailed plans previously. Therefore, a rational method is required to prevent side-effects such as confusion, disagreem ent and a conflict etc. In this Study, we present a method and 5 step procedures to make better use in a practical maintenance work. we researched on basic studies of Administrative boundary's concept, history. And we performed a field survey as well as analysis of current problems. considering these results, we suggest usage of various spatial data sources, stake-holders' participation, a method of Nearest district's boundaries to maintain administrative boundaries. Throughout the method, we expect it to serve correct boundary-data to various fields without a big confusion. it is also useful to apply its results not only for re-surveying our land but for recording appropriate boundary-data as rational lines.

Research on Basic Investigation and Analysis for Iand Substitution Planing using High-resolution Satellite Imagery (환지계획 수립시 고해상 위성영상을 이용한 기초조사 및 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Seung Pil;Jeong, Cheol Ju;Yeu, Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2013
  • Various data like digital maps(1/1,000 or 1/5,000), field surveying, online materials and literatures are used for the preliminary investigation for urban development such as the feasibility evaluation, the profitability analysis, the zoning proposal, the zoning designation, and the land replotting planning. There are a couple of urban development methods like an expropriation, a replotting, a mixed-used method. The replotting method requires the consideration of land replotting types based on topography and building condition, which is not easy to gather data for the preliminary investigation maintaining the security of development planning. There are limitations of a preliminary investigation using aerial photos to detect topographic and building changes at specific period. GIS data combined with high-resolution imagery has advantages over the current dataset, which come from easy acquisition of various spatial resolution satellite images, wide swath coverage, the choice of imagery resolution satisfying a usage purpose, economic benefit comparing to aerial photos, and the calculation of distance and area on imagery from image modeling. For these reasons, the proposed method in this study enables to perform the more appropriate preliminary investigation using more accurate information.

Derivation of Building Fire Safety Assessment Factors for Generating 3D Safety Status Map (3D 안전상태지도 제작을 위한 건물 화재안전 평가항목 도출)

  • Youn, Junhee;Kim, Taehoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2020
  • Various technologies, systems, and legal systems are applied to prevent and quickly respond to fire disaster; nevertheless, the damages to life and property caused by fires are not reduced every year. For managing fire disaster, generating spatial information-based safety status map and procuring suitability of attribute information for each position information are essential. The safety status map is generated by deriving the fire safety status assessment factors, indexing, and locating the surveying results through various methods. In this paper, we deal with derivation of building fire safety assessment factors for 3D safety status map. At first, we survey the foreign and domestic fire assessment model cases and its factors, and analyze the applicability of Korean 3D fire safety status map. Next, assessment factors for fire safety assessment model are derived. Assessment factors are derived and categorized by their information collecting activity; factors that can be accessed through basic building information and factors that can be accessed through field survey. As a derivation result, 14 assessment factors were derived over five categories(Industry Risk, Structural Risk, Fire Fighting Facility, Fire Dangerousness, Fire Response Status).

Study on Channel-bed Fluctuation Using Aerial Photographs(II) -Analysis of spatial-temporal distribution on the deposits- (항공사진(航空寫眞)을 이용(利用)한 하상변동(河床變動)에 관한 연구(硏究)(II) -하상퇴적지(河床堆積地)의 시(時)·공간적(空間的) 분포(分布) 해석(해석)-)

  • Chun, Kun Woo;Kim, Kyoung Nam;Cha, Du Song
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.3
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 1995
  • Black and White aerial photogrphs are much useful to obtain the information on the channel-bed fluctuation in the following aspects. 1. In the decision of river width, the linear regression formula between the value of aerial photograph interpretation and that of field surveying is Y=1.0+0.94X(the decision coefficient is $r^2=0.98$). Therefore, aerial photographs are proved effective for the measurement of river width. 2. Aerial photograph interpretation makes it possible to classify the plane channel and the deposits in river, and suggests the situation of the plane distribution of deposits, the size of channel and the course of channel formation. 3. The periodical channel situation can be figured out through the interpretation of aerial photographs pictured in different times. Also, the comparing and analyzing each interpretated information can be able to guess the course of the variation of channel influencing powerfully channel - bed fluctuation. 4. The microtopographic map of river can be made through the decision of river with, the interpretation of the plane shape of channel - bed and the analysis of variation of channel. On the basis of this map, the plane analysis of deposit is possible.

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Accuracy Analysis of 3D Position of Close-range Photogrammetry Using Direct Linear Transformation and Self-calibration Bundle Adjustment with Additional Parameters (DLT와 부가변수에 의한 광속조정법을 활용한 근접사진측량의 3차원 위치정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Hyuk Gil;Hwang, Jin Sang;Yun, Hong Sic
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the 3D position coordinates were calculated for the targets using DLT and self-calibration bundle adjustment with additional parameters in close-range photogrammetry. And then, the accuracy of the results were analysed. For this purpose, the results of camera calibration and orientation parameters were calculated for each images by performing reference surveying using total station though the composition of experimental conditions attached numerous targets. To analyze the accuracy, 3D position coordinates were calculated for targets that has been identically selected and compared with the reference coordinates obtained from a total station. For the image coordinate measurement of the stereo images, we performed the ellipse fitting procedure for measuring the center point of the circular target. And then, the results were utilized for the image coordinate for targets. As a results from experiments, position coordinates calculated by the stereo images-based photogrammetry have resulted out the deviation of less than an average 4mm within the maximum error range of less than about 1cm. From this result, it is expected that the stereo images-based photogrammetry would be used to field of various close-range photogrammetry required for precise accuracy.

Assessing the Real-time Positioning Accuracy of Low-cost GPS Receiver using NTRIP-based Augmentation Service (Ntrip 기반 보정서비스를 활용한 저가 GPS 수신기의 실시간 측위 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Yong Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents the static and kinematic positioning accuracy by the real-time GPS positioning modes of the low-cost GPS receivers using NTRIP-based augmentation service. For this, acquires both the raw measurements data of the field tests by LEA 6T GPS module of u-blox AG, and correction communication via NTRIP caster with RTKLIB as an open source program for GNSS solution. With computing the positions of the check points and road tracks by six kinds of GPS positioning modes which are Single, SBAS, DGPS, PPP, RTK, and TCP/IP_RTK, compared these results to the reference position of the check points. The position error average and rmse of the static test by GPS L1 RTK surveying showed $N=0.002m{\pm}0.001m$, $E=0.004m{\pm}0.001m$ in horizontal plane, and $h=-0.116m{\pm}0.003m$ in vertical, these results are very closed to the coordinates with the geodetic receiver. Especially, in case of the kinematic test with obstacles located on both sides of road, the computed track with ambiguity fixing showed very similar trajectory considerably from VRS network RTK mode. And also, evaluate and verify the performance of the TCP/IP_RTK mode developed based on TCP/IP protocol.