• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fate

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Ecological Risk Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Agricultural Lake : Risk Quotients and Probabilistic Approach (농업용수를 공급하는 호소 수역 내 잔류 농약의 생태위해성평가 : 위해지수방법과 확률론적 방법)

  • Lee, Ji-Ho;Park, Byung-Jun;Park, Sang-Won;Kim, Won-Il;Hong, Su-Myung;Im, Geon-Jae;Hong, Moo-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.316-322
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    • 2011
  • BACKGROUND: Pesticides concentration was monitored in 50 agricultural lakes, and ecological risk for aquatic organism was assessed using risk quotient (RQ) and probabilistic methods. METHODS AND RESULTS: Pesticides concentrations detected in 50 agricultural lakes during peak season (June and September) were in the range of $0.17{\sim}0.99{\mu}g/L$. The RQ for algae and the other species was estimated to be 0.25 and below 0.01, indicating medium risk and no risk. Oxadiazon predominantly contributed to RQ value of 99% for algae, fishes, and amphibians. In terms of hazardous concentration at 5% of species ($HC_5$), ecological risk quotients (ERQ) for oxadiazon ranged from 0.18~0.33, showing a medium risk level. Overall, the concentrations of pesticides were much lower than $HC_5$), value. Probability of combined ecological risk for pesticides ranged from 1.82% to 2.41%. CONCLUSION(s): Combined ecological risk probability did not exceed the acceptable level of 5%, indicating no ecological risk for selected aquatic species. This study suggests that regular ecological risk assessment (ERA) will be required to protect and manage an agricultural lake. Not only ERA at screening level by comparing exposure with toxic effects for aquatic species also advanced ERA technique considering species in indigenous to Korea, chronic toxicity, pulse dose, fate, and environmental factors should be required.

Investigation of the effect of water chemistry on biologically mediated flocculation in the aquatic environment (수질화학 조성이 수자원환경에서의 미세 부유입자 응집 거동에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Choi, Jeong Wooa;Lee, Byung Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.11
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    • pp.715-723
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    • 2017
  • Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) in the water environment assemble fine, colloidal particles, such as clays, microorganisms and biomass, in large flocs, which are eventually subject to sedimentation and deposition and determine water/sediment quality and quantity. This study hence aimed to investigate the way that water and colloidal chemistry affects EPS-mediated flocculation of colloidal particles, using a jar-test experiment. Especially, ionic strength, divalent cation and humic substances concentrations were selected as experimental variables in the jar-test experiments, to elucidate their effects on EPS-mediated flocculation. A higher ionic strength increased flocculation capability, reducing electrostatic repulsion between EPS-attached colloidal particles and enhancing particle aggregation. 0.1 M NaCl ionic strength had higher flocculation capability, with 3 times larger floc size and 2.5 times lower suspended solid concentration, than 0.001 M NaCl. Divalent cations, such as $Ca^{2+}$, built divalent cationic bridges between colloidal particles and EPS (i.e., $colloid-Ca^{2+}-EPS$ or $EPS-Ca^{2+}-EPS$) and hence made colloidal particles to build into large, settelable flocs. A small $Ca^{2+}$ concentration enhanced flocculation capability, reducing suspended solid concentration 20 times lower than the initial dosed concentration. However, humic substances, adsorbed on colloidal particles, reduced flocculation, because they blocked EPS adsorption on colloidal particles and increased negative charges and electrostatic repulsion of colloidal particles. Suspended solid concentration in the tests with humic substances remained as high as the initial dosed concentration, indicating stabilization rather than flocculation. Findings about EPS-mediated flocculation in this research will be used for better understanding the fate and transport of colloidal particles in the water environment and for developing the best management practices for water/sediment quality.

Fantasy and educational meaning of Sukhyangjeon - A relationship between notice of hardships and fantasy (<숙향전>의 환상성과 교육적 의의 -'고난의 예고'와 환상의 관계를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hyo-jung
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.34
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    • pp.41-74
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to investigate the narrative strategy and meaning of fantasy in classic novels and to derive the educational meaning from the fantasy of Sukhyangjeon. This study selected Sukhyangjeon because is considered a suitable literary text that embodies characteristics of fantasy inherent in classical novels through its successful portrayal of the fantasy genre and its high popularity during its time. Specifically, this study observed that the "notice of hardships" which repeatedly appears in the narration of Sukhyangjeon reinforces the fantasy of the novel as it serves as an advance notice of intervention from heaven. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between the notice of hardships and fantasy by focusing on Sukhyang's life. The way in which the "notice of hardships" is a form of illusion realized it evident in the plot when heaven saves Sukhyang from her hardship even though it was heaven that had granted her those forms of hardship. Firstly, the "notice from heaven" constitutes the macro structure of Sukhyangjeon. Through it, readers realize the enormous power of heaven by seeing how Sukhyang's life has been realized in accordance with heaven's notice with that, it evokes a sense of respect to heaven. In addition, heaven saves Sukhyang from different forms of danger. It enhances a miraculous feeling, which the omnipotent power of heaven shows, against the innocent appearance of Sukhyang during her times of danger. Meanwhile, when heaven notifies Sukhyang and the surrounding people of their fate and subsequently realizes it through dreams, this act creates a mysterious atmosphere and improves the probability of the narrative. If so, the narrative meaning in reinforcing the fantasy of the novel by the use of "notice of hardships" could be revealed through Sukhyang's real life. First, the hardship in which Sukhyang has gone through is so realistic and detailed that the readers' feelings of empathy are evoked with the fear of the coming hardship, wailing together, and trying to resolve the inner anxiety through Sukhyang's happiness. Second, the heavenly beings who are touched by the good behaviors of Sukhyang save her from the dangers of death. This creates the belief in readers that heaven intervenes for the good people. Third, the active attitude that Sukhyang and Leesun show in the process of marriage helps them overcome their earthly hardship and preserve their relationship in heaven. This gives readers hope that they could go to a "higher life" after going through suffering. This fantasy of Sukhyangjeon helps readers overcome their anxieties of reality through fantasy and recognizes the importance of relationships to enhance a sense of unity and solidarity with others. Because of these elements, it is expected that the fantasy of Sukhyangjeon will have a meaningful value to modern readers.

Distribution and Behavior of Soil CO2 in Pohang area: Baseline Survey and Preliminary Interpretation in a Candidate Geological CO2 Storage Site (포항 지역 토양 CO2의 분포 및 거동 특성 연구: CO2 지중저장 부지 자연 배경 조사 및 예비 해석)

  • Park, Jinyoung;Sung, Ki-Sung;Yu, Soonyoung;Chae, Gitak;Lee, Sein;Yum, Byoung-Woo;Park, Kwon Gyu;Kim, Jeong-Chan
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2016
  • Distribution and behavior of baseline soil CO2 were investigated in a candidate geologic CO2 storage site in Pohang, with measuring CO2 concentrations and carbon isotopes in the vadose zone as well as CO2 fluxes and concentrations through ground surface. This investigation aimed to assess the baseline CO2 levels and to build the CO2 monitoring system before injecting CO2. The gas in the vadose zone was collected using a peristaltic pump from the depth of 60 cm below ground surface, and stored at gas bags. Then the gas components (CO2, O2, N2, CH4) and δ13CCO2 were analyzed using GC and CRDS (cavity ringdown spectroscopy) respectively in laboratory. CO2 fluxes and CO2 concentrations through ground surface were measured using Li-COR in field. In result, the median of the CO2 concentrations in the vadose zone was about 3,000 ppm, and the δ13CCO2 were in the wide range between −36.9‰ and −10.6‰. The results imply that the fate of CO2 in the vadose zone was affected by soil property and vegetations. CO2 in sandy or loamy soils originated from the respiration of microorganisms and the decomposition of C3 plants. In gravel areas, the CO2 concentrations decreased while the δ13CCO2 increased because of the mixing with the atmospheric gas. In addition, the relation between O2 and CO2, N2, and the relation between N2/O2 and CO2 implied that the gases in the vadose zone dissolved in the infiltrating precipitation or the soil moisture. The median CO2 flux through ground surface was 2.9 g/m2/d which is lower than the reported soil CO2 fluxes in areas with temperate climates. CO2 fluxes measured in sandy and loamy soil areas were higher (median 5.2 g/m2/d) than those in gravel areas (2.6 g/m2/d). The relationships between CO2 fluxes and concentrations suggested that the transport of CO2 from the vadose zone to ground surface was dominated by diffusion in the study area. In gravel areas, the mixing with atmospheric gases was significant. Based on this study result, a soil monitoring procedure has been established for a candidate geologic CO2 storage site. Also, this study result provides ideas for innovating soil monitoring technologies.

Existential Consciousness and the Meaning of Characters in André Malraux's Literary Works (앙드레 말로의 문학작품에 나타난 등장인물의 실존의식과 존재의미)

  • Oh, Se-jung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.47
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    • pp.191-216
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    • 2017
  • Among 20th century Western ideologies (Western civilization), existentialism is a spirit of the times to restore humanity as rationality and advanced technology have driven mankind to impoverishment and death, experiencing the First and Second World War, Great Depression, Fascism and the Spanish Civil War. In his literature, $Andr{\acute{e}}$ Malraux records his existential agony of how mankind lives and faces death by questioning the fateful life and death of characters. For Malraux's characters, the absurdity of existence related to the human identity means self-examination. Malraux explores existential consciousness and actions of characters in the presence of a concept known as death relative to terror, revolution, and adventure. Malraux deftly addresses the concept of death in his literary works, and it has being emphasized as a central subject for philosophical speculation. In Les $Conqu{\acute{e}}rants$(1928), La Voie Royale(1930), La Condition Humaine (1933), L'Espoir(1937), Malraux suggested a philosophical thesis of the meaning of life through characters in tragic situations, and sought out the consciousness of being and the existential meaning through how the characters control their fate. Malraux, in such a tragic perspective of the world, portrays humanity, affirmation of life, and characters' consciousness and actions in denying death. The agony of death triggers escapist behavior such as having unpredictable instinctual desires such as gambling or smoking opium, but these are desperate struggles to flee from frustration and related to the question of one's existence. What is always emphasized with respect to Malraux's existentialism is the tragic metaphysics of the inevitable destiny of the human condition eventually leading to the question of how humans ultimately confront death. But as characters unite in times of war, revolution and adventure in the novel, such cooperative actions symbolizes a keen sense of solidarity reflecting a camaraderie that transcends individualism. Fellowship among people who voluntarily gather for the common cause of philanthropy and restoring humanity is possible because of the underlying human greatness to sacrifice for such a noble cause. Therefore, Malraux's camaraderie includes the victory of existentialism in creating a world of humanism.

Possibility of Clinical Philosophical Interpretation of Juyeok through Synchronicity (동시성을 통한 『주역』의 임상철학적 해석가능성)

  • Seok, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.131
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    • pp.223-244
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, the author interprets Juyeok (The Book of Changes) as a philosophical book on self-culture instead of a book on divination. Juyeok, originally, was a book on divination written to tell fortunes; however, it has been a rich source producing the discourse of the humanities. This is because it has a unique system of linguistic symbols. Gwae-Hyo (Hexagrams and Horizontal Lines) system of Juyeok has a number of symbolic features, and there is too much room for new philosophical, cultural interpretations. Thus, Juyeok can be applied to any information and events, and it can, accordingly, help solve the problems of life we are facing. Moreover, Juyeok's unique characteristics are revealed very well in active intervention of persons who read and interpret it. Carl Gustav Jung is the very person who argued that one should interpret Juyeok through this active intervention. In the foreword of Juyeok translated by Richard Wilhelm, he mentions a possibility of the interpretation of Juyeok applying 'synchronicity.' According to him, Juyeok is a material not to predict the future or tell the fate ordained, but to look back on oneself or find the solutions of problems oneself. It allows the inquirer to interpret Gwae-Hyo-Sa (Explanations) not simply through the result of fortune-telling but the act of telling one's fortune. He applies 'synchronicity' to the finding of answers to one's problems in the given Gwae-Hyo-Sa. Synchronicity refers to 'the principle of non-causal relationship explaining a phenomenon of meaningful coincidence.' Here, simultaneity, unlike contingency the principle of causality refers to, means 'meaningful coincidence.' He presents a theory that the divination signs derived from Gwae-Hyo-Sang (Images) through synchronicity is a reflection of the psychology of the unconscious the fortune-teller or a man who receives the results of the divination signs has under certain circumstances on the outside. This is because Jung interprets it like this because the way of communication of Juyeok using symbolic language is not direct but indirect. Juyeok's system of symbolic language aims not at delivering objective knowledge, but the reader's self-transformation. This point can be applied in clinical philosophy. People who suffer from agony and pain in their daily lives may find meaningful and helpful advice for themselves no matter what Gwae-Hyo-Sa they choose in Juyeok. This is because it was originally hidden in their inner space and just revealed concretely through Gwae-Hyo-Sang or Gwae-Hyo-Sa in Juyeok. In this sense, we connect the meaning Gwae-Hyo-Sang or Sa contains from Juyeok to their circumstances, read counsel or advice needed ourselves and make it our own to be able to have power to change and help ourselves. And at this very point may be evaluated as an important role of Juyeok.

Field Assessment of in Situ Remediation of NO3--contaminated Ground Water Using Zero-valent Iron/Bio Composite Media (영가철/바이오 복합처리제를 이용한 질산성 질소 오염 지하수의 현장 지중정화 적용성 평가)

  • Joo, Wan-Ho;Chang, Yoon-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the assessment of field applicability of in-situ remediation of nitrate-contaminated groundwater located in Yesan-gun was performed. Zero-valent iron/bio composite media injected PRB (Permeable Reactive Barrier) and monitoring well were installed in the contaminated groundwater site and monitored main remediation indicators during the PRB operation. Nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, Fe ion, TOC, and turbidity were analyzed and the diversity and population of microorganism in the PRB installed site were investigated for the verification of effect of injected PRB. In the study site where is an agricultural area, a river flows from west to east that forms a river boundary and the southern area has an impermeable sector. It was found that nitrate flows into the river, which is similar as groundwater flow. Simulation result for the fate of nitrate in groundwater showed steady state of nitrate arrived after 3~5 years passed. However, it is just to consider current conditions with no additional input of contaminant source, if additional input of contaminant source occurs contamination dispersion and time for steady state are expected to be increased. The monitoring results showed that Fe ion, TOC and turbidity in groundwater were not clearly changed in concentration after PRB installation, which indicates adaptability of the injected PRB for remediation of groundwater with no additional harmful effect to water quality. The concentration of nitrate maintained less than 5mg/L until 42 days after PRB installation and recovered its initial concentration after 84 days passed and showed termination of reactivity of injected zero-valent iron/bio composite media for removal nitrate. Nitrite and ammonia ions found after installation of PRB indicates reductive removal of nitrate. And the outstanding increase of microorganism diversity and population of Betaproteobacteria Class which includes denitrification microorganism explains biologically reductive removal of nitrate in injected PRB.

Development of A Material Flow Model for Predicting Nano-TiO2 Particles Removal Efficiency in a WWTP (하수처리장 내 나노 TiO2 입자 제거효율 예측을 위한 물질흐름모델 개발)

  • Ban, Min Jeong;Lee, Dong Hoon;Shin, Sangwook;Lee, Byung-Tae;Hwang, Yu Sik;Kim, Keugtae;Kang, Joo-Hyon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 2022
  • A wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is a major gateway for the engineered nano-particles (ENPs) entering the water bodies. However existing studies have reported that many WWTPs exceed the No Observed Effective Concentration (NOEC) for ENPs in the effluent and thus they need to be designed or operated to more effectively control ENPs. Understanding and predicting ENPs behaviors in the unit and \the whole process of a WWTP should be the key first step to develop strategies for controlling ENPs using a WWTP. This study aims to provide a modeling tool for predicting behaviors and removal efficiencies of ENPs in a WWTP associated with process characteristics and major operating conditions. In the developed model, four unit processes for water treatment (primary clarifier, bioreactor, secondary clarifier, and tertiary treatment unit) were considered. Additionally the model simulates the sludge treatment system as a single process that integrates multiple unit processes including thickeners, digesters, and dewatering units. The simulated ENP was nano-sized TiO2, (nano-TiO2) assuming that its behavior in a WWTP is dominated by the attachment with suspendid solids (SS), while dissolution and transformation are insignificant. The attachment mechanism of nano-TiO2 to SS was incorporated into the model equations using the apparent solid-liquid partition coefficient (Kd) under the equilibrium assumption between solid and liquid phase, and a steady state condition of nano-TiO2 was assumed. Furthermore, an MS Excel-based user interface was developed to provide user-friendly environment for the nano-TiO2 removal efficiency calculations. Using the developed model, a preliminary simulation was conducted to examine how the solid retention time (SRT), a major operating variable affects the removal efficiency of nano-TiO2 particles in a WWTP.

The study on the rebirth from a lost pansori : An aspect of a changgeuk (실전 판소리의 재탄생 연구 - 창극 <변강쇠 점 찍고 옹녀>를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sojeong
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.33
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    • pp.59-95
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the text and musical characteristic of , a changgeuk (a Korean traditional opera), by the National Theater of Korea, which was performed overseas with the title of and recognized its artistic values home and abroad alike, focusing on the process of its rebirth from a lost pansori. A changgeuk was dramatized from a lost pansori into a Korean traditional opera. In the process of rebirth of , the content of latter half, which is the performance of a funeral service for the deceased Byeongangsoe, was deleted, and the contents of Ongnyeo's fight against jangseungs in order to take back Byeongangsoe was newly inserted, thus creating textual changes. In addition, as the title presents, Ongnyeo is no longer a conventional lewd woman, but a subjective and independent female who is fighting against fate, different from its original perspective in which the leading character is Byeongangsoe. All the sounds of a changgeuk were made by the creative technique of traditional Korean songs through various attempts, such as inserting chords between performers in order to present most appropriate songs for the opera, namely proper sounds for the hidden side of the opera. In addition, according to the change of mind of performers or characters, the tone and vocal sound of the song were different. In particular, a changgeuk attempted a variety of techniques in the accompaniment of music, and used many sound buks or diverse genres such as popular music, waltz, classic and folk songs of every province, thus presenting challenging attempts. These attempts made the opera more abundant and helped it to be expressed realistically and dramatically. As above, the contents of a changgeuk were borrowed from classical narrations, but its musical aspects got off the technique of traditional changgeuk, thus attempting various changes and techniques. In this vein, it presented a novel modality of changgeuk equiping with the characteristic of 'reviewing the old and learning the new,' thus proposing the directivity and possibility of changgeuk in the present society.

The Character of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and Intermixture of Three Religions in Journey to the West (『서유기』에 나타난 유불도의 특징과 삼교회통론)

  • Kim, Kyeong-soo
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.69
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    • pp.593-622
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism and to examine the characteristics of Intermixture of Three Religions in Journey to the West. This novel, which has the structure of satire, hope, and surrogate satisfaction while being the center of satire and humor, is a refuge for the people. Even today, it can be said, however, that for the people, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism was not a distinctly separate system of religions. Journey to the West story is about the liberation of Buddhism that is obtained through Taoism training. In the celestial world, not all gods are perfect, and often make mistakes. In such a story, the mistakes of beings living as human beings are simply insignificant. What is not different from the structure of life in this world is still a world of nature. The world is rife with absurdities, both on earth and in heaven. The characteristics of Intermixture of Three Religions can be summarized in several ways. First, the Trip of Samjang is not just to gain the enlightenment of illegal but rather to seek a greater sense of meaning. Second, the means to gain enlightenment is that it does not claim that one is right or good. Third, mercy, goodwill, and respect for life for oppressed and exploited peoples are common to all religions. Fourth, this story suggests that everything from the beginning is already a matter of mind. Fifth, all of the logic of Three Religions in this novel can be said to be "preliminary." Human life implies that it is going on a planned path, perhaps as a fate. But the important thing is, as in all religions, even if the road is a planned one, Journey to the West is strongly and persuasively speaking that it is the way of life as well as the attitude of living silently in carrying out its duties.