• Title/Summary/Keyword: Failure Study

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A Study on the Factors that Determine the Initial Success of Start-Up (스타트업의 초기 성공을 결정하는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Ho;Yun, Hwangbo;Gong, Chang-Hoon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to find out which factors determine the success of start-up in the initial market and what are the most important determinants. For the empirical analysis, the questionnaire related to the analysis of success factors for start-up success was designed according to the quantitative analysis (AHP technique). First, we selected 8 representative success factors for successful start-up in the initial market. In order to determine the degree of priority among these factors, we surveyed 12 entrepreneurs who are interested in entrepreneurship, universities, research institutes, and public officials. As a result of the empirical analysis, 51% of the funds in the tier 1 were ranked as the top priority to determine success factors. Followed by research and development (32.5%), management (8.7%) and marketing (7.8%). In particular, when each of the four items is calculated as 100 according to the result of the tier 1, and the tier 2 is converted, the foreign investment is analyzed as 43.7%. It was followed by 15.14% of R & D facilities, 14.07% of ideas, 8.7% of managerial ability, 7.29% of domestic investment, 5.85% of buyer feedback, 3.3% of development strategy and 1.95% of marketing strategy. Among the eight success factors, overseas investment items showed the closest preference to half, and it was the most important variable that determines the success or failure of market entry. The implication of this study is that many start-ups in Korea expect to receive investment and support from overseas accelerators. This means that overseas investment itself has been recognized as a start-up that makes services and products that can be used in the global market. A high preference for attracting foreign investment is due to the fact that the amount of investment is larger than that of Korea and that it can flexibly cope with the pressure on the performance compared to domestic investors. In this study, it was meaningful that we could confirm this fact through questionnaires of start-up experts. In future research, we need to find a viable alternative through studying how to provide start-up to foreign direct investment at the national level.

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  • Han, Sang-Un;Vang, Mong-Sook;Yang, Hong-So;Park, Sang-Won;Park, Ha-Ok;Lim, Hyun-Pil
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.506-521
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    • 2007
  • Statement of problem: The cumulative success rate of wide implant is still controversial. Some previous reports have shown high success rate, and some other reports shown high failure rate. Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze, and compare the biomechanics in wide implant system embeded in different width of crestal bone under different occlusal forces by finite element approach. Material and methods: Three-dimensional finite element models were created based on tracing of CT image of second premolar section of mandible with one implant embedded. One standard model (6mm-crestal bone width, 4.0mm implant diameter central position) was created. Varied crestal dimension(4, 6, 8 mm), different diameter of implants(3.3, 4.0, 5.5, 6.0mm), and buccal position implant models were generated. A 100-N vertical(L1) and 30 degree oblique load from lingual(L2) and buccal(L3) direction were applied to the occlusal surface of the crown. The analysis was performed for each load by means of the ANSYS V.9.0 program. Conclusion: 1. In all cases, maximum equivalent stress that applied 30 oblique load around the alveolar bone crest was larger than that of the vertical load. Especially the equivalent stress that loaded obliquely in buccal side was larger. 2. In study of implant fixture diameter, stress around alveolar bone was decreased with the increase of implant diameter. In the vertical load, as the diameter of implant increased the equivalent stress decreased, but equivalent stress increased in case of the wide implant that have a little cortical bone in the buccal side. In the lateral oblique loading condition, the diameter of implant increased the equivalent stress decreased, but in the buccal oblique load, there was not significant difference between the 5.5mm and 6.0mm as the wide diameter implant. 3. In study of alveolar bone width, equivalent stress was decreased with the increase of alveolar bone width. In the vertical and oblique loading condition, the width of alveolar bone increased 6.0mm the equivalent stress decreased. But in the oblique loading condition, there was not a difference equivalent stress at more than 6.0mm of alveolar bone width. 4. In study of insertion position of implant fixture, even though the insertion position of implant fixture move there was not a difference equivalent stress, but in the case of little cortical bone in the buccal side, value of the equivalent stress was most unfavorable. 5. In all cases, it showed high stress around the top of fixture that contact cortical bone, but there was not a portion on the bottom of fixture that concentrate highly stress and play the role of stress dispersion. These results demonstrated that obtaining the more contact from the bucco-lingual cortical bone by installing wide diameter implant plays an important role in biomechanics.

A Study on the Management Activities and the Characteristic of Food Restaurant Entrepreneur (외식업 창업자의 특성과 경영관리활동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae Hoon;Hong, Hyo Seok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2014
  • This study is preliminary founding start-ups of restaurant entrepreneurs to study the characteristics of management in order to provide useful information was studied. Survey period is from 2013 March 15 to August 31. About the nature of the preparation and establishment founder findings restaurant entrepreneurs of Western Gyeongnam area were most often in the form of an independent establishment has been compiled, work experience and other industries operating experience was more than restaurant entrepreneurs of operating experience. Hypothesis Testing in accordance with results of this study are as follows. First, the 50 founders than 30 founders quickly when the customer complaint or that service, order food and non-food note is issued after obtaining the order or that provide food, no customer is often inconvenient check the sharing services, such as personnel activities were devoting a lot of effort. Second, the re-startups restaurant entrepreneurs than new startups restaurant entrepreneurs was founded after the founder of career-related customer complaints about food more active coping was, and re-startups restaurant entrepreneurs by the founder other than business founded by the founder of the food-related customer complaints more aggressively for coping, respectively. Third, restaurant entrepreneurs of the store operations management has integrity, words and actions match, such as the degree of belief in the promise of reliability and the possibility of failure, which means the degree of recognition and response efforts are having an impact deal. Fourth, restaurant of food service management services and after-sales service has impact on the founder of the self-efficacy and self-efficacy of pre-service features and reliability founder affecting. Fifth, the revenue of the restaurant for dealing with customer complaints management includes efforts are having an impact. Sixth, restaurant founder of reliability and customer care has influenced the self-efficacy. Seventh, management of operational management activities have a positive impact on business performance are.

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Exploring the Role of Vocational Education for the Social Integration in Preparation for the Reunification of the Korea Peninsula (남·북한 통일대비 사회통합을 위한 직업교육의 역할 탐구 -통일 독일의 사회적 통합 사례분석을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Sung-Kyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.382-397
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    • 2016
  • This study focuses on the lessons and implications of Germany's measures for the social integration after the reunification, and especially the Germany's measure on labor reproduction for the economic stability of East Germany. This analysis indicates, whether South Korea is going to achieve gradual and peaceful reunification or absorb North Korea due to its sudden collapse, that the reunification, in any case, requires the social integration through economic stability of both North and South. In order to ensure national reconciliation, recovery of homogeneity, and establishment of identity for the economically stable social integration, the new integration of educational system is necessary. Especially, the objective of this study is to find the role and direction of vocational education for the stability of the North Korea's labor market and economic life in order to socially integrate South Koreans with its Northern counterparts. First of all, this study examined a priori example of the experiences during West Germany's social integration process, i.e. the vocational education promotion process for the social stability and economic life. It figured out the problem of vocational education for the integrity as well as analyzed the vocational education differences and integration promotion system between East & West Germany. Even though East and West Germany showed their disparities in each vocational education, they corroborated each other by finding one similar system such as bifurcation, which lead to the integration of the labor market and new vocational education policy for the economic stability. Despite the West Germany's support for the socio-economic integration, nevertheless, the East Germany's capacity turned out to be insufficient, which resulted in the failure of the policy. Based on above discussion, this study intended to suggest the efficient solutions of vocational education for the internal reunification of South and North Korea by promoting the independence and self-support of North Koreans and leading the stability of labor market and economic for the future reunification.

Comparison of chewing ability and quality of life before and after the dental implantation (임플란트 시술환자의 시술 전.후의 저작능력과 삶의 질 비교)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Won;Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Kang, Pock-Soo;Kim, Woo-Shik;Lee, Hee-Kyeong
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.215-221
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Recently the populations of patients receiving implant surgery are greatly increase for maintaining oral health. Purpose: This study was conducted for implanted patients to assess the chewing ability patient satisfaction level and changes in quality of life before and after the implant surgery. Material and methods: The current study subjected 109 adult patients, older than 20 years of age, who received implant surgery from December, 2006 to October, 2007 at the 6 dental clinics located at Daegu and Ulsan metropolitan cities. Twice of surveys were conducted for the patients before and after receiving the dental implant surgery. Results: As the motivation of receiving implant surgery, 45.9% of the patients selected the surgery for the chance o "f chewing function recovery", and " failure of treatment and complications" was found to be the most worrisome at the time of surgery by recording 38.5%.The satisfaction level before the implant surgery scored 30.37, while the score was increased to 45.01 after the surgery by showing a significant difference before and after receiving the surgery(P<.001). Regard on the surgery, 91.8% of the patients responded as "Satisfy", and 89% of the study subjects responded that they have willingness to recommend the surgery to their families and friends. The chewing ability score measured by using the surveys on edible foods, the score before the surgery was 15.24, while the score was increased to 19.11 after the surgery by showing a significant difference before and after receiving the surgery(P<.001). The quality of life score was also found to be increased to 11.17 after the surgery from 9.99 before the surgery by showing a significant difference(P<.001). Conclusion: In a future, the studies on the numbers of implanted loss teeth and the location of tooth loss are necessary, more long-term follow study are needed, and it is thought to be necessary to enlarge the sample size of subjects in conducting the studies.

A Comparison of Minilaparotomy and Laparoscopic Sterilization (Minilaparotomy 불임술(不妊術)과 복강경불임술(腹腔鏡不妊術)에 관(關)한 비교연구(比較硏究))

  • Bai, Byoung-Choo
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 1977
  • Anderson(1937), Power and Barnes(1941) reported a study concerning a method of tubal sterilization in association with peritoneoscopy or laparoscopy in which they cauterized the tubes. There appears to have been a hiatus of interest in sterilization (cold or hot) associated with laparoscopy until reintroduction by Palmer(1963), Frangenheim(1964) and Steptoe(1967). On the other hand, for interval female sterilization, however, minilaparotomy is relatively new. By Saunder and Munsick(1972), John Lyle(1974), Frank Stubb(1974), Vitoon(1973) and B.C. Bai(1975), their own technique for interval female sterilization requires 2.0 to 2.5cm, incision at the margin of the mons pubis. In Korea, female sterilization by means of minilaparotomy firstly reported by B.C. Bai using Bai's uterine elevator, of his own device, early in 1975. Recently inteval female sterilization by laparoscopy and minilaparotomy are widely accepted throughout the world especially in Asian countries. Minilaparotomy is carried out from 1974, laparoscopic sterilization from 1976, and in this study each of 250 cases of those were analysed and discussed for the comparison at Seoul Red Cross Hospital. (1) In the age distribution, numerous clients were in their age of 3135 in laparoscopy as well as minilaparotomy. Average 33.7 years in L and 33.2 years in M. (M=minilaparotomy, L=laparoscopic sterilization) (2) As regarding living children, women having 3 children represented the greatest number, 113 cases out of 250 in M group and 102 cases out of 250 in L group. Average No. of child are 2.9 in Land 3.1 in M. (3) Concidering the operation day in the menstrml cycle, the greatest number of cases, those who underwent tubal sterilization during the days of 26, next during the 610 days of the cycle in both group. (4) Concidering the operation time, 188 cases by laparoscopy were performed in 610 minutes, 33 cases within 5 minutes and 24 cases in 1115 minutes. Maximum 50 minutes, minimum 4 minutes and average 8.3 minutes. The majority of cases (154 cases) by minilaparotomy required 610 minutes and 67 cases 1115 minutes, 6 cases within 5 minutes. Maximum 30 minutes, minimum 4 minutes and average 10.4, minutes. In both groups, most of the reasons for the extra length were surgical difficulties such as thick abdominal wall, pelvic adhesion, less cooperation of patients in early period of this study. (5) Hospital stay after operation in L group required 34 hours in 125 cases, 23 hours in 41 cases, 45 hours in 32 cases out of 250. Maximum 8 hours, minimum 1 hour and average 3.8 hours. In M group hospital stay required 67 hours in 100 cases, over 7 hours in 85 cases, 56 hours in 46 cases and so on. Maximum 14 hours, minimum 2 hours and average 6.5 hours. (6) The time between operation and gas passing in the majority cases of both groups, were 1236 hours. A veragetime 20.3 hours in L and 27.2 in M. (7) Laparoscopic sterilization coincident with induced abortion were carried out in 27 cases, laparoscopy with minilaparotomy to control for mesosalpingeal hemorrhage in 1 case. Minilaparotomy coincident with induced abortion were performed in 65 cases, D and C whit polypectomy, menstrual regulatian, and remaval of IUD in 1 case respectively. (8) In L group, 1 case of mesosalpingeal hemorrhage, 1 case of abdominal wall infection were complicated during operation. In M group, 1 case of uterine perfaration, 1 case of abdominal wall infection, 1 case of hemorrhage from omentum and 1 case of bloody vaginal discharge were complicated. No intensive medical treatment was required for those minor complications in both groups. (9) No failure has been recognized and these two sterilization techniques might be the simple, safe and the most effective method for permanent contraception at present time. There is no significant clinical defference between L and M group in this study.

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우리나라 농촌지역의 출산조절행태 및 출산조절행위의 결정요인 분석

  • Chung, Kyung-Hee;Han, Seung-Hyun;Bang, Sook
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.33-53
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    • 1988
  • This study aimed at developing a desirable family planning policy and strategy by examining the current status of family planning practice in rural Korea and by indentifying the crucial factors which affect fertility control behavior. For this purpose, an analytical study was conducted, using the survey data collected in July 1985, on an interview basis, on 1, 440 married women living in the Soyi, Wonnam and Maingdong townships of Eumseong County(in North Chungcheong Province). This study population has the typical characteristics of rural areas, and the results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: 1. In regard to the demographic characteristics of the study population : their average age at marriage was 23.7, they had an average of 2.6 children( 1.3 boys, 1.3 girls) :10% experienced the death of their child (ren) :14% had spontaneous abortion(s) :4% weathered stillbirth(s) :35% went through induced abortion (s) : and 5.5% were currently pregnant. The average of their ideal numbers of children was 2.2, while 44% felt that they must have a son. 2. Looking at the contact rate with medical & health institutions, over the past 1 year, the visit rate to health subcenters was 43.7%, while 26.9% visited the (county) health center :59.6% had been to private clinics : and 41.5% went to the Soonchunhyang - Eumsung hospital : thus showing a relatively high rate of accessibility. 3. The utilization rate of family planning services was 76.5%, with tubectomy being the most prominent method at 52.3%, while the informants were health workers in 54.2% of the acceptors. Of the 8.4% who discontinued the use of contraceptive methods, only 26% did so due to want for pregnancy, natural infertility (meno - pause), or other reasons, while the remaining 74% stopped usage on account of side effects, failure in the methods themselves, and inconvenience of use, thus pointing to a situation where the proper choice of family planning methods have not yet been made. It can be noted that there is a strong motivation for early birth stopping as 35.3% practice family planning even with only one child, of which 38.3% have had sterilization operations. According to results of a multiple regression analysis, among the variables affecting contraception usage the most significant variable was the number of sons. 4. 34.8% experienced induced abortions. It was shown as a result of multiple regression analysis that the number of children and attitudes toward induced abortions extensively affected their frequency of abortions conducted. 5. In the regard to the relation between family planning and induced abortions, 33.7% of the women used both, while 52.0% of them used only the former(family planning), with only 1.4 % utilizing solely the latter(abortion), and 12.9% totally abstaining from fertility regulation : again, the discriminant analysis indicated that the choice of family planning and/or induced abortion was determined by the number of children and attitudes toward induced abortion. In view of the above mentioned results, the following are some comments and suggestions concerning problems related to the current family planning policies, in Korea : 1. It is difficult to expect a further quantitative expansion in family planning program operations, as there has been an excessive supply of target-oriented sterilization operations on women. From a maternal and child health care point of view, it will be desirable to have a diversification of service points in the future where family planning methods may be properly chosen, so that choices of methods which suit the mothers' characteristics and tastes may be made by the individuals themselves by strengthening their quality of family planning information services. 2. Along with the strengthening of the qualitative improvement of family planning services policies must be implemented to effectively promote the moral (ethical) deterrents to induced abortions and to preference for sons. From a maternal care standpoint, the social permissive norm toward induced abortion must be modified, and the bias towards son must be analyzed as the women with more daughters have a lower rate of family planning acceptance. Such changes in attitudes, however, can not be hoped to be accomplished with ad hoc policies, but will only be possible when an enhancement of the women's status(within the society) is brought about in a long - term perspective.

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A Study on the Web Novel Writer's Identity as a Media Content Producer: An In-Depth Interview and Self-description (미디어 콘텐츠 생산자로서 웹소설 작가의 정체성 연구: 심층 인터뷰와 자기기술지를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.658-675
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    • 2022
  • With the advent of the OTT platform, the world has become an era in which the same media content is shared and reacted in real time by being grouped into one culture. This study attempts a producer study of web novel writers, who are producers of the web novel market that is expanding into webtoons, dramas, and movies with IP (intellectual property rights) of the original story at a time when Korean K-content such as "Squid Game" and "Weird Lawyer Woo Young-woo" leads the global market. In this study, web novel writers were viewed as producers of commercial media content, not just 'Novelist', and their identities and characteristics of the labor process were examined. Web novel writers began writing web novels as a side job or two jobs, and cited the fact that they can make profits alone without barriers to entry and without incurring capital or facility costs. Although there is no barrier to entry, most writers experience severe failure in their first work, which is attributed to the misunderstanding that the word "writer" is someone who writes what they want in any genre. Web novels are different, so writers go through the process of realizing that in order to succeed by writing web novels, they must be thoroughly in the audience's shoes and write them according to the trends and codes they want. Web novel writers expressed their identity as "story sellers," "story producers," "people who can produce IP alone," and "people who satisfy fantasies that cannot be achieved in reality," and in common, there was a strong sense of being a person who provides stories and makes profits or sales. Regarding the burden of writing a huge amount of web novels, the writer with a high income expressed a generous position that "the income is higher than the effort," but ordinary writers complained of difficulties in the hard work, saying, "It seems like I am working hard on writing that I have to write constantly.

Effects of the Group Coaching Program for the Promotion of Growth Orientation for University Students on Growth Orientation, Life Satisfaction, Perceived Stress, Positive Psychological Capital and Interpersonal Relationships: Based on the Model of the Social-Cognitive Approach to Motivation (대학생 성장지향성 증진 그룹코칭 프로그램이 성장지향성, 삶의 만족도, 지각된 스트레스, 긍정심리자본 및 대인관계에 미치는 효과: 사회인지동기모형을 기반으로)

  • Kyung, Ilsoo;Tak, Jinkook
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.231-263
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of growth orientation, life satisfaction, perceived stress, positive psychological capital and interpersonal relationships in the group coaching program for the promotion of growth orientation for university students based on the model of the social-cognitive approach to motivation. The program consisted of eight topics: growth orientation, growth mindset and brain plasticity, self-directed goal setting, talent which is a product of ongoing effort, failure attitude and perspective change, positive emotion, thinking and behavior, value of growth orientation and self-coaching, respectively. The program comprised a total of eight sessions, 120 minutes each, and the final program was completed through a preliminary experiment with three university students. In order to verify the effectiveness of the program, 48 university students were divided into 16 in the experimental group, 16 in the comparative group, and 16 in the control group. The experimental group participated in the group coaching program to enhance the growth orientation based on the model of the social-cognitive approach to motivation developed in this study, the comparative group participated in a learning goal orientation improvement program based on an incremental implicit theory, and the control group did not carry out any program. Three groups were tested in pre, post, follow-up1(after 1 month) and follow-up2(after 3 months) in order to growth orientation, life satisfaction, perceived stress, positive psychological capital and interpersonal relationships. We performed analysis to confirm the homogeneity to the data of the three groups and to verify the interaction effects between times and groups. As a result, it was confirmed that the group coaching program to promote growth orientation, life satisfaction, perceived stress, positive psychological capital and interpersonal relationships had statistically significant effect and was more effective than the comparative program due to the larger effective size. Also, we confirmed that the coaching effect was sustained after the program was finished and more effectively maintained than the comparative program. Based on the results of this study, this study has academic implications because it verify the effectiveness of the group coaching for the promotion of the growth orientation by scient ic method.

A Qualitative Study for the Psychological Characteristics Affecting Never married Choice (비혼 선택에 영향을 미치는 심리적 특성 탐색을 위한 질적 연구)

  • Jeongha Lee;Jeongyoon Park;Nana Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.183-214
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the psychological characteristics of affecting never married men and women through analyzing the content of in-depth interviews about the idea of marriage and the reason for never married choice. For achieving this purpose, the in-depth interview was conducted with 9 men and women aged mid-20s to late 30s who said to choose never married life for a long time, and then the content of interview was analyzed using consensual qualitative research. As a result of analyzing the content of in-depth interview, it was derived into 2 areas, 10 sub-areas, and 25 categories. The results of the study were as follows. Firstly, it was found that research participants negatively recognized the marriage and had unrealistic expectation rather than no expectation for marriage. Secondly, most of the research participants felt negative feelings about their parents' patriarchal role, and they did not want to live like their parents. They also reported that they did not see their marriage separated from their parents. Thirdly, most of the research participants felt difficulty in forming relationships with intimate person, and it became more difficult to have expectations about spouses and marriage due to repeated relationship conflict patterns. Fourthly, the research participants showed psychological aspect of experiential avoidance and seeking for individuality in terms of never married choice. Most of the research participants predicted the failure of married life, and reported that they were trying to prevent uncomfortable feelings and sufferings by choosing never married life. Also they reported that individuality considered more important than connection with others(togetherness) and individual value considered more important than collective value. Participants in this study showed negative evaluation or had negative influences on the marriage life of parents and acquaintances. This is more likely to be a passive factor in never married choice, so future research should examine the characteristics of active factors in never married choice.