• Title/Summary/Keyword: Erosion Model

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Prediction of River Bed Change due to Yongdam Dam Discharge (용담댐 방류에 따른 하상변동 예측)

  • Kim, Young-Bok;Jung, Seung-Kwon;Shim, Soon-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.6 no.1 s.20
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the downstream influences due to the dam discharge by using 2-dimensional model, SMS(Surface water Modeling System). RMA-2 and SED-2D in SMS were applied to Yongdam multipurpose dam watershed located in Gum river basin. Through the simulation, erosion and deposit quantitative analysis of sinuous channels and scour pattern analysis of bridges have been done. A differences erosion depths between deposit are simulated as $-102.4 mm{\sim}54.2 mm$ at No.176(1.4 km) and $-104.1 mm{\sim}28.9 mm$ at No.146(7.4 km), sinuous channel. The river bed at Kamdong bridge in straight channal is simulated as uniform erosion. However, the river bed at Dumdul bridge in sinuous channal has been shown as different erosion depths at each sides. Consequently, the parts that could not be simulated on the existing 1-dimensional model, can be improved results by using a 2-dimensional model, about weakness points for hydraulic modeling such as extreme bend, tributary confluence.

The evaluation of Soil Erosion Risk of Urban Area based on Geospatial Information (공간정보를 활용한 도심지 토사유실 위험도 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2015
  • Recently, soil erosion have been thickening from heavy rainfall according to climate change. These soil erosion is main reason to cause landslide, the water quality, agricultural counterproductivity and so on. Therefore, it is important to find out the main source area to cause soil erosion using geospatial data including DEM, soil map and land cover those are very sensitive to soil erosion modeling. This study evaluated soil erosion using RUSLE model. Hyoja 4-Dong and Pyonghwa 2-Dong among Wansan-Gu showed high as 10,869 ton/yr and 10,477 ton/yr respectively and Ua 2-Dong of Deokjin-Gu showed high as 17,603 ton/yr in soil erosion. And Hyoja 1-Dong and Pyonghwa 1-Dong among Wansan-Gu showed high as $1,485.7ton/km^2$ and $1,297.0ton/km^2$ respectively and Inhu 3-Dong of Deokjin-Gu showed high as $2,557.7ton/km^2$ in unit soil erosion that was applied to the evaluation of soil erosion potential. It is anticipated that achievement of this study can apply to forecast and prepare the risk of soil erosion and debris flow in urban area.

Cavitation Test at High Reynolds Number Using a Partial Propeller Blade Model (부분 프로펠러 날개 모형을 이용한 높은 레이놀즈 수에서의 공동시험)

  • Choi, Gil-Hwan;Chang, Bong-Jun;Cho, Dae-Seung
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2009
  • As the scale factor of model propellers utilized in cavitation test is about 40, it is difficult to find out practical countermeasures against the small area erosions on the blade tip region throughout model erosion tests. In this study, a partial propeller blade model was used for the observation of cavitation pattern for the eroded propeller. A partial propeller blade model was manufactured from 0.7R to tip with expanded profile and with adjustable device of angle of attack. Reynold's number of a partial propeller blade model is 7 times larger than that of a model propeller. Also, anti-singing edge and application of countermeasures to partial propeller blade model which produced in large scale can be more practical than a model propeller. For the observation of cavitation at high Reynold's number, high speed cavitation tunnel was used. To find out the most severe erosive blade position during a revolution, cavitation observation tests were carried out at 5 blade angle positions.

The Review of Optimum Level of SDR in Empirical Soil Erosion Model (경험적 토사유실모형에서 SDR의 적정성 검토)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Park, Jin-Hyeog;Lee, Eul-Rae;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Chae, Hyo-Sok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.774-778
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    • 2010
  • Upland erosion pollutes surface waters and often causes serious problems when deposition occurs. This study builds a sediment rating curve using the measured sediment yield and the simulated soil erosion by a GIS-embedded empirical model. The coefficient of determination ($R^2$) between the simulated soil erosion and the measurement sediment yields with rainfall amount are 0.427 for Donghyang and 0.667 for Cheonchen, but the values with rainfall intensity are 0.873 and 0.927 respectively. The data are divided into two groups: one for calibration during 2002-2005 (48 months) and the other for estimation during 2006-2008 (36 months). The first data group (2002-2005) was used to derive the SDR with an aid of soil erosion calculated by the USLE and the measured sediment yield. The mean SDR with rainfall amount is 6.273 and 3.353, respectively, while 4.799 and 2.874 for rainfall intensity. But the standard deviation (STD) with rainfall intensity is 0.930 and 0.407, which is much less than that with rainfall amount (3.746 and 2.090) for both sites. The results show the derived SDR provides reasonable accuracy and rainfall intensity gives better performance in calculating soil erosion than rainfall amount.

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Analysis of SWAT Simulated Errors with the Use of MOE Land Cover Data (환경부 토지피복도 사용여부에 따른 예측 SWAT 오류 평가)

  • Heo, Sung-Gu;Kim, Nam-Won;Yoo, Dong-Sun;Kim, Ki-Sung;Lim, Kyoung-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.194-198
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    • 2008
  • Significant soil erosion and water quality degradation issues are occurring at highland agricultural areas of Kangwon province because of agronomic and topographical specialities of the region. Thus spatial and temporal modeling techniques are often utilized to analyze soil erosion and sediment behaviors at watershed scale. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is one of the watershed scale models that have been widely used for these ends in Korea. In most cases, the SWAT users tend to use the readily available input dataset, such as the Ministry of Environment (MOE) land cover data ignoring temporal and spatial changes in land cover. Spatial and temporal resolutions of the MOE land cover data are not good enough to reflect field condition for accurate assesment of soil erosion and sediment behaviors. Especially accelerated soil erosion is occurring from agricultural fields, which is sometimes not possible to identify with low-resolution MOD land cover data. Thus new land cover data is prepared with cadastral map and high spatial resolution images of the Doam-dam watershed. The SWAT model was calibrated and validated with this land cover data. The EI values were 0.79 and 0.85 for streamflow calibration and validation, respectively. The EI were 0.79 and 0.86 for sediment calibration and validation, respectively. These EI values were greater than those with MOE land cover data. With newly prepared land cover dataset for the Doam-dam watershed, the SWAT model better predicts hydrologic and sediment behaviors. The number of HRUs with new land cover data increased by 70.2% compared with that with the MOE land cover, indicating better representation of small-sized agricultural field boundaries. The SWAT estimated annual average sediment yield with the MOE land cover data was 61.8 ton/ha/year for the Doam-dam watershed, while 36.2 ton/ha/year (70.7% difference) of annual sediment yield with new land cover data. Especially the most significant difference in estimated sediment yield was 548.0% for the subwatershed #2 (165.9 ton/ha/year with the MOE land cover data and 25.6 ton/ha/year with new land cover data developed in this study). The results obtained in this study implies that the use of MOE land cover data in SWAT sediment simulation for the Doam-dam watershed could results in 70.7% differences in overall sediment estimation and incorrect identification of sediment hot spot areas (such as subwatershed #2) for effective sediment management. Therefore it is recommended that one needs to carefully validate land cover for the study watershed for accurate hydrologic and sediment simulation with the SWAT model.

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Analysis of debris flow simulation parameters with entrainment effect: a case study in the Mt. Umyeon (연행작용을 고려한 우면산 토석류 모의 매개변수 특성분석)

  • Lee, Seungjun;An, Hyunuk;Kim, Minseok;Lim, Hyuntaek
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.9
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    • pp.637-646
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    • 2020
  • The shallow landslide-trigerred debris flow in hillslope catchments is the primary geological phenomenon that drives landscape changes and therefore imposes risks as a natural hazard. In particular, debris flows occurring in urban areas can result to substantial damages to properties and human injuries during the flow and sediment transport process. To alleviate the damages as a result of these debris flow, analytical models for flow and damage prediction are of significant importance. However, the analysis of debris flow model parameters is not yet sufficient, and the analysis of the entrainment, which has a significant influence on the flow process and the damage extent, is still incomplete. In this study, the effects of erosion and erosion process on the flow and the impact area due to the change in the soil parameters are analyzed using Deb2D model, a flow analysis model of debris developed in Korea. The research is conducted for the case of the Mt. Umyeon landslide in 2011. The resulting impacted area, total debris-flow volume, maximum velocity and inundated depth from the Erosion model are compared to the field survey data. Also, the effect of the entrainment changing parameters is analyzed through the erosion shape and depth. The debris flow simulation for the Raemian and Shindong apartment catchment with the consideration of entrainment effect and erosion has been successful. Each parameter sensitivity could be analyzed through sensitivity analysis for the two basins based on the change in parameters, which indicates the necessity of parameter estimation.

Molecular Level Understanding of Chemical Erosion on Graphite Surface using Molecular Dynamics Simulations (분자동역학을 이용한 그래파이트 표면에서의 화학적 삭마현상에 관한 분자 수준의 이해)

  • Murugesan, Ramki;Park, Gyoung Lark;Levitas, Valery I.;Yang, Heesung;Park, Jae Hyun;Ha, Dongsung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2015
  • We present a microscopic understanding of the chemical erosion due to combustion product on the nozzle throat using molecular dynamics simulations. The present erosion process consists of molecule-addition step and equilibrium step. First, either $CO_2$ or $H_2O$ are introduced into the system with high velocity to provoke the collision with graphite surface. Then, the equilibrium simulation is followed. The collision-included dissociation and its influence on the erosion is emphasized and the present molecular observations are compared with the macroscopic chemical reaction model.

A Study on the Estimation of Soil Erosion Quantity Using USLE in the Upper Region of ManKyoung River Basin (USLE를 활용한 만경강 상류지역에서의 토양침식량 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Hyug;Shim, Eun Jeung;Lee, Yeon Kil;Kim, Tae Woong
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.317-328
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    • 2012
  • The objects of this study are to perform appropriateness analysis of USLE(universal soil loss equation) model and to accumulate the data measured in field. The basin area of Bongdong station is $342.27km^2$. This study simulated sediment outflows in the basin and performed a comparative analysis of simulated outputs with actual measurement values. Also annual rainfall was used to calculate rainfall-runoff erosivity factor which can influence soil erosion. The calculation of annual average soil erosion was made by soil erosion maps. The maps with a resolution of ($30m{\times}30m$) were created by multiplication of factors(R, LS, K, C, P) from ArcView Map Calculator. In this paper, it was shown that soil erosion was not occur in the most of basin.