• 제목/요약/키워드: Environmental friendly control

검색결과 406건 처리시간 0.029초

환경 친화적 학용품 사용에 관한 초등학생의 인식 조사 및 환경교육 프로그램의 개발 (The Perceptions of Elementary School Children Regarding Environmentally Friendly School Supplies and the Development of Environmental Education Program)

  • 안삼영;김대희;김도희;김정렬;조계정
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2006
  • School is an excellent place for children to loam environment-conscious behavior and for teachers to bring up environmental education. School has a plenty of teaching materials such as school building, pond, school forest, waste and school supplies. Especially, the environmental education for and with school supplies can be very effective, as it is mostly the first products for children to learn the buying and consumption in their daily life. In this study we conducted a survey on the environmental attitude of two groups of 5th graders towards environmentally friendly school supplies. The experimental group received environmental education on school supplies and the control group did not. The survey results showed that almost 50% of the children did not consider the environmental impact, but rather the price, design and function when buying the school supplies. However, more than 70% of children were willing to use the recycled school products, implying that they are aware of environmental Issues and want to contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment. The children recognized paper/notebooks and paints/crayons as the major environmental problems. Writing appliances such as pens, pencils, highlighters and markers were also considered as environmental concerns, since most of them are made of plastics and they are not easily biodegradable nor refillable. We also exemplify a lesson-plan for environmental education program on school supplies and make suggestions to encourage the use of those eco-friendly school materials.

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Suppression of Clubroot Formation in Chinese Cabbage by the Chitin Compost and Broth

  • Jin Rong De;Han Tae-o;Kim Yong-oong;Kim Kil-ong
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제49권4호
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 2006
  • Chitin compost and broth were used to suppress club root. Individual cabbage seedlings were transplanted into pots(3500 ml) containing a mixture of 3% chitin compost and 50 ml of chitin broth (T1) or the same quantity control compost and control compost broth(T2). The media in each pot was then infected with Plasmodiophora brassicae. Samples were taken at 6, 7 and 8 weeks after transplanting. The population of chitinase producing bacteria in T1 was consistently larger than that observed in T2. Chitinase activity in the T1 rhizosphere was two-fold greater than that of T2 at each time point observed. Shoot dry weight, leaf number and leaf area in T1 were enhanced 20%, 10% and 12% relative to those seen in T2, respectively. The disease index and root mortality at 8 weeks after transplanting were reduced by 50% and 25% in T1 compared to T2, respectively. Results presented in this study are strongly indicative that chitin compost and broth suppress clubroot in Chinese cabbage.

산지습지의 친환경복원이 저서성 대형무척추동물 분포에 미치는 영향 (Effect of eco-friendly restoration on the community characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates in forested bog)

  • 정유경;이헌호;강원석;박기형;권세명
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the influence of eco-friendly restoration in forested bog on the structure of benthic macroinvertebrate community. The benthic macroinvertebrates collected from the surveyed sites were composed of 1,071 individuals, 60 species, 40 families, 13 orders, 6 classes and 5 phyla. At the control and Site 3(small dam), the number of species and individuals were larger than that of other sites, and EPT group ratio was same as well. Considered by index, the dominance index (DI) was found the highest at the biotope area. The diversity index (H') and richness index (RI) were the highest at the control and Site 3. In addition, the ecological score of benthic macroinvertebrate (ESB) showed the highest at site 3, while the lowest at biotope area. The stability and recovery of benthic macrointebrates showed different according to restoration types at forested bog. After restoration project, the benthic macroinvertebrates were observed to get recovery at Site 3, and to have the highest communities stability at control and Site 3. At biotope areas (Site 4, Site 5 and Site 6) communities stability were the lowest, but showed different community stability values according to the presence of water. It is confirmed that the eco-friendly restoration projects indeed provided the better environment for the inhabitation of benthic macroinvertebrate community. The change of community index depending on the restoration projects suggests that the eco-friendly restoration can provide a more suitable environment for benthic macroinvertebrate ecosystem that prefers the stream environment.

환경친화기업지정제도와 환경영향평가제도에서의 통합적 환경관리 요소에 대한 기초적 연구 (A Study on Integrated Approaching Factors of Environmentally-Friendly Companies Certification Scheme and Environmental Impact Assessment of Korea)

  • 홍준석;김규연;권오상
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2008
  • A worldwide trend of permitting system for industrial installation to achieve a high level of protection of the environment has been moved from single media to multimedia in approach. The Council of the European Community issued the Directive 96/61/EC, the IPPC Directive, concerning integrated pollution prevention and control in 1996. The IPPC Directive is one of the most ambitious legal measures that the European Union (EU) has initiated with a view to applying the prevention principle for industrial activities. The IPPC aims to achieve the integrated prevention and reduction of environmental pollution emitted by those industrial installations with a higher potential of emissions to the environment. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recommended on Environmental Performance Reviews of Korea in 2006 that IPPC permitting concept should be considered for large stationary sources at the national and regional levels. Any Korean law doesn't provide for integrated pollution control with a single process covering all pollution from economic activities. However, one exception might be the "environmentally-friendly companies" certification scheme, introduced in 1995, in which participants agree to meet targets beyond the legal emission limit values in exchange for government technical and financial support to operate environmental management systems. The other exception might be Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of projects, in 1977, which has been strengthened and reinforced to be more preventive through development of the prior environmental review system (PERS) in 1999. The aim of this work is to introduce the contents of IPPC Directive at the viewpoint of Korea policy and to survey the integrated approaching concept of Environmentally-Friendly Companies (EFC) Certification Scheme and EIA policy of Korea. The study will be helpful in the future to prepare the infrastructure of integrated permitting system and to enforce the integrated permit which the authorities of local government issues on industrial activities. It can be said that the data calculated through both EFC Certification Scheme and EIA will be discussed as worthful information to determine Korean BAT reference notes for integrated permitting process.

친환경농산물 선택기준이 구매의도에 미치는 영향 : 소비자 태도와 신뢰의 매개, 조절효과를 중심으로 (Effects of Selection Criteria for Eco-Friendly Agricultural Products on Purchase Intention)

  • 김미송;김동환;이기황;윤명길
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제11권12호
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This study investigated the effects of consumers' selection criteria for environment-friendly agricultural products on purchase intention and the effects of consumers' attitudes and the reliability of environment-friendly agricultural products on purchase intention by using the theory of planned behavior. Subjective norms of variables of behavioral intention, attitudes toward behavior and control of the behavior were used to create selection criteria, consumers' attitudes and reliability of environment-friendly agricultural products. The study investigated the effects of consumers' selection criteria, attitudes, and reliability of environment-friendly agricultural products on purchase intention constructing models and hypotheses of mediation and moderation between selection criteria for agricultural products and purchase intention by consumers' attitudes and reliability. Research design, data, and methodology - The findings were as follows: first, consumers' selection criteria for environment-friendly agricultural products had a significantly affirmative influence upon purchase intention. Health was the most important factor of selection criteria convenience was more important than quality and familiarity was next. Consumers' attitudes and trust had a significant influence on purchase intention. Second, testing showed that consumers' attitude and trust partially mediated selection criteria: sub-factors and purchase intention were important in selection criteria. Third, testing showed that consumers' attitude and trust had a significant moderation effect between selection criteria and purchase intention. In the test of the moderation effect between sub-factors of selection criteria and purchase intention, consumers' attitude had a significantly positive influence upon health, convenience, and familiarity, and had no significant influence upon quality and purchase intention. Consumers' trust had no significant influence upon health, convenience, and quality. Results - The study provided several theoretical implications: first, an empirical analysis was undertaken with selection criteria for environmental-friendly agricultural products, consumers' attitude, and trust to investigate subjective norms, attitude toward behavior and control of behavior based on the theory of planned behavior. Second, this study investigated both the mediation effect and moderation effect of consumers' subjective norms on attitudes toward behavior, the mediating effects of perceived behavior control and changes of behavioral intention depending upon size and direction of the variables. This study also provided several practical implications. Conclusions - First, consumption of environment-friendly agricultural products did not increase despite rapid increase of production therefore, promotion of consumption and distribution was needed considering the supply and demand of the products. Second, definite standards for selection criteria were suggested to build up consumers' attitude and trust. Consumers' attitude could be improved by factors including the brand of environment-friendly agricultural products, consistent quality, solving physiological problems caused by adverse effects of environmental problems, supplementary approaches, treatment of adverse effects by eating food, and the development and supply of products in accordance with changes of lifestyle. Finally, consumers' demand for sub-factors of selection criteria could be much higher than health, convenience, and quality of the products. Therefore, a process was needed that could continuously check consumers' needs for the products. Limitations were described at the end of the study.

흙놀이 활동이 유아의 자연친화적 태도와 감성에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Soil Play Activities on Children's Nature-Friendly Attitudes and Emotions)

  • 정수정;황해익
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.459-472
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated educational effects of soil play activities by analyzing the influence of soil play activities on children's nature-friendly attitudes and emotions. Fifty 5-year-old children enrolled in K-kindergarten in Y-city were randomly selected for the study. Assessment of nature-friendly attitudes and emotions was by 11 questions selected from Musser & Diamond's (1999) Pro-environmental Attitude Test (adapted by Lee, Hye Sun, 2006) and from Bar On and Parker's (2000/2001) Emotion Test, an Emotional Quotient Scale for Young Children. Results showed that children who participated in the Soil Play Activities program acquired more nature-friendly attitudes and emotions than the control group. In conclusion, soil play activities can improve nature-friendly attitudes and emotions of 5-year- old children.

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포식성 천적생물을 이용한 친환경 유해조류 제어기술 개발 (Eco-friendly Control of Harmful Algal Bloom Species Using Biological Predators)

  • 김석;이창수;보티타오;한상일;최윤이
    • 환경생물
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구에서는 동물플랑크톤인 Daphnia magna를 이용하여 유해조류인 Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena variabilis, Limnothrix planctonica에 대한 제어 가능성을 평가하였다. D. magna와 유해조류를 공생배양 시킨 경우, M. aeruginosa ($80.2{\pm}4.2%$), A. variabilis ($39.7{\pm}4.0%$) 그리고 L. planctonica ($25.9{\pm}10.9%$)의 순으로 조류 발생 억제효율을 보였다. 동물플랑크톤의 섭생에 의한 조류 제어 효과 이외에 D. magna의 대사/분비물질의 조류 제어 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. D. magna를 배양한 배지를 유해조류 제어에 이용했을 때, M. aeruginosa와 A. variabilis에 대하여 각각 $24.9{\pm}9.9%$$8.9{\pm}4.0%$의 성장 억제효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 하지만, L. planctonica에 대한 성장 억제효과는 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과를 통하여 동물플랑크톤인 D. magna를 활용한 친환경적 유해조류 제어기술 개발이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

LC-MS/MS를 이용한 멀구슬, 협죽도, 황련 유래 활성성분의 벼 중 잔류양상 연구 (Residue Patterns of Active Ingredients Derived from Melia Azedarach, Nerium Ndicum, and Coptis Chinensis in Rice Using LC-MS/MS)

  • 박준성;남효송;김용환;김도익;김선암
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.128-133
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    • 2015
  • BACKGROUND: Plant extracts have been used as environment friendly agricultural materials for organic farming in South Korea. However safety evaluation on the plant extracts was not properly tested. The aim of this study was to evaluate safety of the extracts from Melia azedarach, Nerium indicum and Coptis chinensis on cultivating rice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Pant extarcts 300-fold diluted were treated on rice, and residues of M. azedarach, N. indicum and C. chinensis were determined. The analytes from the rice samples were detected by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The method was validated, and good linearities ($r^2=0.995-0.998$), specificity, and recoveries were obtained. Limits of detection were 0.01 mg/kg for all of the target compounds. Recoveries were 79.3-118.3% at 0.1 mg/kg and 75.2-111.5% at 0.5 mg/kg. The residue levels were below 0.030 mg/kg for azadirachtin, 0.320 mg/kg for oleandrin and 1.460 mg/kg for berberine. CONCLUSION(S): The extracts of M. azedarach, N. indicum and C. chinensis contained azadirachtin, oleandrin and berberine as an active ingredient, respectively. The residue of three active ingredients dramatically decreased after treatment in all fruits, stems and roots of rice.

뉴라운드 대비 쌀 생산 기술 전략 (A Strategy on Rice Production of Korea under New round System in WTO)

  • 박광호
    • 현장농수산연구지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2002
  • This paper was studied on a strategy in rice production under New round system of WTO(World Trade Organization) in Korea. Under enactment of New round system in WTO rice will be opened at the world market and thus rice growers will compete with this marketing system. In this regard, rice industry in Korea would be "a theory of rice triangle" such as high quality, low cost, and environmental friendly system. High quality rice would be obtained through a cultivar, cultivation technology, and quality control(QC) to compete against oversea's dealer. Lower cost in rice production should be concentrated into rapid decrease in rural population and into introducing for young generation. Rice cultivation has been played major role in this peninsula in terms of a preservation of water resource, fresh air and prevention of soil erosion.

친환경 유기농자재를 이용한 배 주요병해 방제효과 (Control Effect of Environmental-friendly Organic Materials against Major Pear Diseases)

  • 윤덕훈;박혜준;남기웅
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2010
  • 배 친환경재배시스템을 개발하기 위하여 배 재배에 있어서 경제적 손실이 가장 큰 검은별무늬병과 붉은별무늬병의 포자비산 요인 및 친환경 유기농자재를 이용한 방제 가능성을 검토하고자 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 배점은별무늬병원균 및 배붉별무늬병원균에 있어서 포자의 최초 비산은 온도와 관련이 깊으며, 최대비산은 습도의 영향이 큰 것으로 판단된다. 미생물제재인 Trichoderma harzianum-YC459과 황제품(80%)을 대상으로 배검은별무늬병에 대한 방제효과를 검정한 결과 발병율이 무처리 75.3%에 비해 화학농약인 hexaconazole 이 11.7%, 미생물제재가 29.3%와 황제품이 43.3%로 방제효과가 인정되었다. 관행 배 재배농가에서 농가관행 방제구와 비교하여 미생물제 및 황제품의 단독 및 교호로 추가 살포한 경우, 배검은별무늬병의 발병율은 다소 낮았으나 처리간 통계적 유의차는 나타나지 않았다. 유기배 재배농가에서 배검은별무늬병은 농가 관행방제구 10.3% 대비 황제품 추가 처리구에서는 7.8%의 발병율은 보여 유의한 방제효과를 보였으며, 배붉은별무늬병은 미생물제와 황 제품을 교호로 추가 살포한 처리구에서 4.3%의 낮은 발병율을 보여 농가 관행방제구 7.1% 대비 유의한 방제효과를 보였다.