• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emotion-Structure

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The Importance and function of Cyber Psychology (사이버 심리의 중요성과 역할)

  • Choi Moon-Hee
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2005
  • Cyberspace is on its way to experience dynamic change, hereby encompassing technical and social diversities and multiplicities. The internet, with a history of no more than 10 years, has drastically changed the way, meaning and conduct of our lives, the structure and function of society and communication. Even in psychology, in which the purpose is to scientifically look into the human mind and explore its behavior, the in-depth inquiry into the human behavior and psychological features of the cyberspace have become an increasingly important issue. Research suggests that psychological features and concepts brought about during the process of communication in cyberspace have been influenced by the digital mode following the analogue one, and by the online mode following the off line one. It also suggests that, with new issues peculiar to information society, cultural structures should be re-conceptualized, reconstructed and reevaluated in various fields. This approach to the changing role, meaning and style within society should be rearranged and referred to as cyber psychology.

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An efficient Decision-Making using the extended Fuzzy AHP Method(EFAM) (확장된 Fuzzy AHP를 이용한 효율적인 의사결정)

  • Ryu, Kyung-Hyun;Pi, Su-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.828-833
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    • 2009
  • WWW which is an applicable massive set of document on the Web is a thesaurus of various information for users. However, Search engines spend a lot of time to retrieve necessary information and to filter out unnecessary information for user. In this paper, we propose the EFAM(the Extended Fuzzy AHP Method) model to manage the Web resource efficiently, and to make a decision in the problem of specific domain definitely. The EFAM model is concerned with the emotion analysis based on the domain corpus information, and it composed with systematic common concept grids by the knowledge of multiple experts. Therefore, The proposed the EFAM model can extract the documents by considering on the emotion criteria in the semantic context that is extracted concept from the corpus of specific domain and confirms that our model provides more efficient decision-making through an experiment than the conventional methods such as AHP and Fuzzy AHP which describe as a hierarchical structure elements about decision-making based on the alternatives, evaluation criteria, subjective attribute weight and fuzzy relation between concept and object.

Directional effects of close-up shot in Development of Narrative - Focusing on Animation - (내러티브 전개에서의 클로즈업 쇼트의 연출 효과 - 애니메이션을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Tae-Gu
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2014
  • Even if shots in frames may be variable in both movies and animations, close-up reveals the significance of the subject in the focus. Because directors and animators take the place the actor as character in animation while performance of actor plays an important role in the close-up in the movies, it is significant to understand the close-up in the animation. In the present study we investigate the dramatic effect of close-up in the animation narrative in animations for theaters. Among the various dramatic effects of the close-up, the natural flow of the narrative and the induction of immersing in emotion are focused. Descriptive close-up is analyzed as a dramatic effect of inducing the natural flow of the narrative. Psychological close-up is analyzed as the induction of immersing emotion by effective delivery of internal mental state of a character. By analyzing symbolic close-up as the induction of immersing in the play by producing a dramatic effect, we expect that the close-up contribute to the advance of animation narrative structure.

The Change of 'Attention Resources' and 'Space-Memory' by Lighting focusing on 'Selective Attention (선택적 주의 관점에서 본 조명에 의한 주의 자원과 공간 기억의 변화)

  • Seo, Ji-Eun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the change and to compare to the difference of 'selective elements' and 'space-memory' focusing on the theory, 'selective attention' through the survey results. In this study, In this study, the lighting is considered a important factor in the change of 'selective elements'. this survey is to find the selective elements of participants and to measure the spatial sensitivity of respondents through 'self- test'. The analysis in this study is conducted by descriptive statistics, t-test and one way ANOVA by SPSS program 22. The results of this study are as following; Firstly, 'attention-element' could be classified with 4 types, 'shape', 'material', 'contrast' and 'combination'. 'shape' could divide into 'structure' and' furniture and object'. In case of 'material', it could section with 'pattern' and 'color'. Secondly, through the results of study, 'attention-element' is different each space during the day in detail. But we could know that 'shape' is the important element of the 'attention-elements' during the day through comparison of this result. That means users consider this as a important factor when they evaluate the space. Therefore, it is effective way designers to consider 'shape' as the first element when they want to conduct the special sensitivity of users in the space through planning. On the other hand, what selective elements of users are different by the lighting situation should be acknowledged by designers. And they should think the kinds of selective elements are more various when lighting turns on than turns off.. Thirdly, through the results such as the meaningful difference of space-memory of users according to the change of 'attention-elements', designers should judge about which kind of feeling of users to the space do you want lead in the design process. For the effective feedback between spaces and users to induce the same emotion of users, designers need to consider the unified design and the individual design both. Also, we will regard the differences in the users' emotion to the space according to the lighting situation when we design the space.

A Study on the Characteristics of AI Fashion based on Emotions -Focus on the User Experience- (감성을 기반으로 하는 AI 패션 특성 연구 -사용자 중심(UX) 관점으로-)

  • Kim, Minsun;Kim, Jinyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2022
  • Digital transformation has induced changes in human life patterns; consumption patterns are also changing to digitalization. Entering the era of industry 4.0 with the 4th industrial revolution, it is important to pay attention to a new paradigm in the fashion industry, the shift from developer-centered to user-centered in the era of the 3rd industrial revolution. The meaning of storing users' changing life and consumption patterns and analyzing stored big data are linked to consumer sentiment. It is more valuable to read emotions, then develop and distribute products based on them, rather than developer-centered processes that previously started in the fashion market. An AI(Artificial Intelligence) deep learning algorithm that analyzes user emotion big data from user experience(UX) to emotion and uses the analyzed data as a source has become possible. By combining AI technology, the fashion industry can develop various new products and technologies that meet the functional and emotional aspects required by consumers and expect a sustainable user experience structure. This study analyzes clear and useful user experience in the fashion industry to derive the characteristics of AI algorithms that combine emotions and technologies reflecting users' needs and proposes methods that can be used in the fashion industry. The purpose of the study is to utilize information analysis using big data and AI algorithms so that structures that can interact with users and developers can lead to a sustainable ecosystem. Ultimately, it is meaningful to identify the direction of the optimized fashion industry through user experienced emotional fashion technology algorithms.

Development of Sensibility Vocabulary Classification System for Sensibility Evaluation of Visitors According to Forest Environment

  • Lee, Jeong-Do;Joung, Dawou;Hong, Sung-Jun;Kim, Da-Young;Park, Bum-Jin
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2019
  • Generally human sensibility is expressed in a certain language. To discover the sensibility of visitors in relation to the forest environment, it is first necessary to determine their exact meanings. Furthermore, it is necessary to sort these terms according to their meanings based on an appropriate classification system. This study attempted to develop a classification system for forest sensibility vocabulary by extracting Korean words used by forest visitors to express their sensibilities in relation to the forest environment, and established the structure of the system to classify the accumulated vocabulary. For this purpose, we extracted forest sensibility words based on literature review of experiences reported in the past as well as interviews of forest visitors, and categorized the words by meanings using the Standard Korean Language Dictionary maintained by the National Institute of the Korean Language. Next, the classification system for these words was established with reference to the classification system for vocabulary in the Korean language examined in previous studies of Korean language and literature. As a result, 137 forest sensibility words were collected using a documentary survey, and we categorized these words into four types: emotion, sense, evaluation, and existence. Categorizing the collected forest sensibility words based on this Korean language classification system resulted in the extraction of 40 representative sensibility words. This experiment enabled us to determine from where our sensibilities that find expressions in the forest are derived, that is, from sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, along with various other aspects of how our human sensibilities are expressed such as whether the subject of a word is person-centered or object-centered. We believe that the results of this study can serve as foundational data about forest sensibility.

Performance and Stability Evaluation of Muscle Activation (EMG) Measurement Electrodes According to Layer Design (근활성도(EMG) 측정 전극 레이어 설계에 따른 성능 및 안정성 평가)

  • Bon-Hak Koo;Dong-Hee Lee;Joo-Yong Kim
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to develop electromyography (EMG) textile electrodes and assess their performance and signal stability by examining variations in layer count and fabric types. We fabricated the electrodes through layering and pressing techniques, focusing on configurations with different layer counts (Layer-0, Layer-1, and Layer-2). Our findings indicate that layer presence significantly influences muscle activation measurements, with enhanced performance correlated with increased layer numbers. Subsequently, we created electrodes from five distinct fabrics (neoprene, spandex cushion, 100% polyester, nylon spandex, and cotton canvas), each maintaining a Layer-2 structure. In performance tests, nylon spandex fabric, particularly heavier variants, outperformed others, while the spandex cushion electrodes showed superior stability in muscle activation signal acquisition. This research elucidates the connection between electrode performance and factors like layer number and electrode-skin contact area. It suggests a novel approach to electrode design, focusing on layer properties and targeted pressure application on specific sensor areas, rather than uniformly increasing sleeve pressure.

Deformation Image Expressed in the Modern Art to Wear (현대 예술의상에 표현된 데포르마숑 이미지)

  • Seo Seung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.7 s.98
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    • pp.38-50
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is first, to see through the aesthetic essence of the clothing as art, through theoretical consideration of cultural feature and body style in Postmodern Feminism. Also, this study will examine the aesthetic value in artistic meaning regarding a Deformational body image in visual an. Second, this study will analysis the formative character of Modern Art to wear which expressed unfixed body style, followed by the change of Postmodern Feminity, as a Deformation image. This character will be categorized by Expansion, Grotesque, Pleasure, and Virtuality. The following is the result of this study. Expansion expressed in modern Art to wear created intentional structure of the form, and intentionally presented refusal of body existence through disembodied. Grotesque expressed refusal and deviation of women's ideal body style, which is defined by mannish discourse, very grotesquely. Pleasure pleasantly presented free emotion through an intentional transformation like distortion or imbalance of the body By paradoxically reproducing women's virtual body as other unfixed female identity was expressed visually through virtuality to embody post-gender.

A Study on the Emotional Characteristic of Traditional Space through Borrowed Landscape (차경기법을 통한 전통공간에서의 감성특성 연구)

  • Oh, Young-Keun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 2013
  • This study employed the Semantic Differential(SD) technique for an empirical analysis of the borrowed landscape-the so-called interaction of landscape between space and nature-in traditional Korean space against the cultural backdrop of confucian ideology. Its findings are as follows: First, the study conducted a comparative analysis of the borrowed landscape between Sarangchae(Men's quarters) and Anchae(Women's quarters) and between Soteuldaemun(A lofty gate) and Sadangdaemun(A gate to an ancestral shrine), using the SD technique. Consequently, their marked distinction in the borrowed landscape were found to illustrate the influence of confucian ideology over spatial composition. Second, both the garden and the sky of Sarangchae appeared more open and dynamic, and soft, and comfortable, and warm compared to Anchae. Also, Soteuldaemun looked more open and dynamic than Sadangdaemun. In conclusion, traditional Korean space applies a monistic view of the world to nature and human beings, thereby embodying a philosophical and aesthetic space where humans enjoy their life in harmony with nature while playing with the landscape in a traditional space.

Hybrid Facial Representations for Emotion Recognition

  • Yun, Woo-Han;Kim, DoHyung;Park, Chankyu;Kim, Jaehong
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1021-1028
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    • 2013
  • Automatic facial expression recognition is a widely studied problem in computer vision and human-robot interaction. There has been a range of studies for representing facial descriptors for facial expression recognition. Some prominent descriptors were presented in the first facial expression recognition and analysis challenge (FERA2011). In that competition, the Local Gabor Binary Pattern Histogram Sequence descriptor showed the most powerful description capability. In this paper, we introduce hybrid facial representations for facial expression recognition, which have more powerful description capability with lower dimensionality. Our descriptors consist of a block-based descriptor and a pixel-based descriptor. The block-based descriptor represents the micro-orientation and micro-geometric structure information. The pixel-based descriptor represents texture information. We validate our descriptors on two public databases, and the results show that our descriptors perform well with a relatively low dimensionality.