• Title/Summary/Keyword: Elevations

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Distributions of Chromium, Copper, and Arsenic in Soils Adjacent to Stairs, a Deck, and a Sound Barrier Constructed with a Wood Preservative CCA-Treated Timbers (방부제 CCA로 처리된 목재를 사용한 계단, 데크 및 방음벽에 인접한 토양에서 크롬, 구리 및 비소의 분포)

  • Kim He-Kap;Kim Dong-Jin;Park Jeong-Gue;Shin Yong-Seung;Hwang In-Young;Kim Yoon-Kwan
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.54-64
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    • 2006
  • Chromated copper arsenate (CCA), a wood preservative, has been widely used to protect wood products from attacks by bacteria, fungi and insects. However, the use of CCA is currently forbidden or limited to some applications in many countries because the toxic elements (Cr, Cu, and As) of CCA are released into the environments during outdoor uses, which may cause adverse health effects on humans and ecological systems. This study was conducted to investigate the distributions of chromium, copper and arsenic in soils adjacent to two CCA-treated wood structures. In a 7 month old pond entry structure, ten surface soil samples (0-2.5 cm) were collected at lateral distances of 0, 0.5, and 1 m from the stairway, and nine surface soil samples were collected beneath the deck. Nine top soil samples were taken from a 2 year old sound barrier structure at lateral distances of 0, 1, and 2 m. Background surface soil samples were also collected from each structure. Samples were analyzed for some physicochemical properties such as pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, and soil texture. Following the extraction of the elements with a microwave digestion system, samples were analyzed for Cr, Cu, and As. The concentrations of the three elements in soils adjacent to the structures were significantly elevated compared to the background levels, indicating that the elements have been leached out of the structures. Released e1ements showed lateral concentration gradients within 1 m. The elevations of the three elements in soils underneath the deck did not seem different (background-corrected concentrations: Cr, 5.01 mg/kg; Cu, 5.50 mg/kg; As, 4.91 mg/kg), while the elements in soils near the sound barrier were elevated in the order of As>Cu>Cr with measured concentrations of 49.7, 44.7 and 52.5 mg/kg, respectively. Background As, Cu, and Cr concentrations near the sound barrier were 9.88, 30.8, and 46.5 mg/kg, respectively. These results showed that CCA constituents are released into the environment and it is suggested that risk assessment need to be conducted to investigate harmful effects of the released elements on humans and ecological systems.

The Characteristics and Genesis of Terrace Soils in Yeongnam Area -I. Macro-Morphological Features and Soil Profile Development Index of the Terrace Soils (영남지역(嶺南地域)에 분포(分布)된 단구지토양(段丘地土壤)의 특성(特性)과 생성연구(生成硏究) -제(第) 1 보(報) 단구지토양(段丘地土壤)의 형태적특성(形態的特性)과 토양단면발달도(土壤斷面發達度))

  • Jung, Y.T.;Um, K.T.;Ha, H.S.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 1985
  • To clarify the characteristics and genesis of clayey terrace soils in Yeongnam area, macro-morphological features and soil profile development indexes were investigated with the sequential soils in Yeongcheon (inland region) and in Yeongil (coastal region). The results are summarized as follows; 1. According to the physiogaphy and landuse, the terrace soils were discernible to well drained yellowish red (5 YR) profile of higher terrace (Bancheon series), moderately well drained reddish yellow (7.5 YR) profile of middle terraces (Upyeong and Hwadong series), and lower terraces (Deogpyeong and Geugrag series) which were moderately well to imperfectly drained by paddy-fication. 2. The roundness and sphericity of the gravels contained in the terrace deposits were ranged around 0.543-0.546 and 0.723-0.722, respectively. The rounded to well rounded gravels were resemble to typical alluvial origins. 3. The amount of clay minerals formed in the soil horizons per 100g of parent materials were 50.8-30.7g while the rates of the clay leached were 30.1-7.4%, and the higher terrace had the more leaching rates. 4. The index of profile development of the terrace soils ranged from 37.95 to 22.01 and the index were positively correlated with relative elevations of the soils. The rates of clay leaching were positively correlated with the ratios of clay in the illuvial horizons to elluvial horizons. 5. A similarity was observed among cumulative grain size curves of the terrace soils, but the patterns of recalculated silt free cumulative grain size curve of terrace deposits in Upyeong soils in Yeongil area were abruptly different from down layer that suggest the soil to have bisequum profile.

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Meteorological Element and Vegetative Structure for Sorbus commixta Hedl. Natural Populations at Ulleung Island (울릉도 마가목 천연집단의 기상인자 추정 및 식생구조)

  • 김세현;장용석;정헌관;최영철
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.158-165
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to reveal the role of meteorological elements on the habitat characteristics and vegetative structure for S. commixta natural populations at Ulleung Island. Potential Evapotranspiration(PET) by elevation of Ulleung Island was estimated using Thornthwaite's climatology estimating method. Also, Warm Index (WI), Coldness Index (CI) and vegetative composition by elevation were determined. The following results were obtained: The S. commixta trees wire mainly distributed from an elevation of 300 m to 900 m. The WI and CI were about 66.8∼95.0, -21.5∼-7.7, respectively. Water deficit by precipitation and Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) mainly occurred from March to October at all elevations. But wafer deficits diminished with increased elevation. The apparent species in S. commixta natural populations at Ulleung Island were: 10 tree layer species, 17 subtree layer species, and 25 species in the shrub layer. In the tree layer, S. commixta was dominant with the highest value of 46.85, then Fagus crenate 13.43, Acer mono and Tilia amurensis 12.41 and 12.03, respectively. In the subtree layer, A. mono was dominant with the highest value of 13.16, then F. crenata 12.68, Acer pseudo-sieboldianum and S. commixta 11.37 and 10.76, respectively. Dominant species and IV values in the shrub layer were Sasa borealis (22.09) and Rhododendron brachycarpum (10.51). The S. commixta natural forests were in a relatively stable rendition because of the even distribution of its various indexes: the species diversity index of Shannon, the evenness index and dominance were 0.6199∼1.1390, 0.6199∼0.8825 and 0.1852∼0.3801, respectively.

Seismic Response Evaluation of NPP Structures Considering Different Numerical Models and Frequency Contents of Earthquakes (다양한 수치해석 모델과 지진 주파수 성분을 고려한 원전구조물의 지진 응답 평가)

  • Thusa, Bidhek;Nguyen, Duy-Duan;Park, Hyosang;Lee, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the application of various numerical models and frequency contents of earthquakes on the performances of the reactor containment building (RCB) in a nuclear power plant (NPP) equipped with an advanced power reactor 1400. Two kinds of numerical models are developed to perform time-history analyses: a lumped-mass stick model (LMSM) and a full three-dimensional finite element model (3D FEM). The LMSM is constructed in SAP2000 using conventional beam elements with concentrated masses, whereas the 3D FEM is built in ANSYS using solid elements. Two groups of ground motions considering low- and high-frequency contents are applied in time-history analyses. The low-frequency motions are created by matching their response spectra with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1.60 design spectrum, whereas the high-frequency motions are artificially generated with a high-frequency range from 10Hz to 100Hz. Seismic responses are measured in terms of floor response spectra (FRS) at the various elevations of the RCB. The numerical results show that the FRS of the structure under low-frequency motions for two numerical models are highly matched. However, under high-frequency motions, the FRS obtained by the LMSM at a high natural frequency range are significantly different from those of the 3D FEM, and the largest difference is found at the lower elevation of the RCB. By assuming that the 3D FEM approximates responses of the structure accurately, it can be concluded that the LMSM produces a moderate discrepancy at the high-frequency range of the FRS of the RCB.

Analysis on the Spatial Characteristics Caused by the Cropland Increase Using Multitemporal Landsat Images in Lower Reach of Duman River, Northeast Korea (다시기 위성영상을 이용한 두만강 하류지역의 농경지 개간의 공간적 특성분석)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Han, Uk;Kim, Nam-Shin;Han, Ju-Youn;Shin, Keun-Ha;Kang, Chul-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.630-639
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to analysis the distribution and change of cropland and forest, the Onseong, Saebyeol, and Eundeok counties on the lower reach of Duman(Tumen) river, northeast Korea, using 1992 year Landsat TM data, 2000 year Landsat ETM data, and digital terrain elevation data(DTED). Land cover and land use of the study areas are classified into cropland, forest, village, and water body, using the supervised classification method including 1:50,000 DTED analysis, image band composition, and principal component analysis(PCA). Results of quantitative analysis present that each growth rate of cropland of Onseong and Eundeok are 22.8% and 14.7% corresponding to decreasing rates of forest, 8% and 13.6% during 8 years from 1992 to 2000. In Onseong, Saebyeol, and Eundeok, each values of mean elevations and slope gradients increased to 192m, 95m, and 91m from 157m, 85m, and 78m, and to 6.6$^{\circ}$, 3.0$^{\circ}$, and 4.4$^{\circ}$ from 5.2$^{\circ}$, 2.5$^{\circ}$, and 3.0$^{\circ}$. Especially, in case of newly developed cropland, the values of mean elevation and mean gradient have 225m, 122m, and 127m, and 9.4$^{\circ}$, 5.1$^{\circ}$, and 8.0$^{\circ}$, in above three regions. These new croplands were developing along to deeper valleys and toward lower hill and mountain slope up to knickpoint zone of gradient change. Deforested lands for cropland have formed irregular pattern of patch-type, and become sources for the sheet erosion, rilling and gulleying in mountain slope and sedimentation in local river channel. Though there were no field checking, analysis using landsat images and GIS mapping can help understand actual environmental problems relating to cropland development of mountain slope in North Korea.

High-Resolution of Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Sea-Level History in Delaware Bay, the East Coast of U.S.A. (미국동부 델라웨어만의 고정밀도 해수면 역사와 고환경 복원)

    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.320-331
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    • 1995
  • The closely spaced cores were analyzed to find detailed reconstruction of paleoenvironments and sealable changes along the Delaware Bay coast. Three areas, Kitts Hummock Beach mars, the St. Jones River marsh, and Bowers marsh near the St. Jones River's mouth, were chosen because these areas are compose of their own geomorphic characteristics and sea-level history. since significance of the stratigraphic correlations was to determine sedimentary fancies and paleoenvironments, multidisciplinary methods such as lithological description, grain-size analysis, organic/inorganic content, water content, mineral composition, botanical analysis, micropaleontological analysis, and /SUP 14/C datings were performed. Five major divisions of marsh environments were recognized in the stratigraphic sections: freshwater marsh, initialfreshwater marsh, slightly brackish marsh, brackish marsh, and salt marsh. Most of the lower part in the stratigraphic sections show freshwater marsh. On the top of this, either brackish marsh or tidal flat/tidal stream was recorded. The pro-Holocene sediments consist of sand, mud, and sandy mud, The pre-Holocene configuration played an important role for developing the Holocene Paleoenvironmental changes. The irregular configuration of the pre-Holocene sediments consist of sand, mud, and sandy mud. The pre-Holocene configuration played an important role for developing the Holocene Paleoenvironmental changes. The irregular configuration of the pre-Holocene surface within short distances permitted the concurrent development of variable environments such as freshwater marsh, brackish marsh or salt marsh at similar elevations. The freshwater marsh in this case was formed in the areas of isolation, so saline-water cannot encroach upon these areas. This complex development of paleoenvironments leads to a difficulty in stratigraphic correlation and interpretation of local relative sea-level changes. The deposition of subsurface sediments was affected by sediment supply, compaction, fluvial activity, biological competition, local tectonics and isostacy, climate and local relative sea-level changes. It was interpreted that the positions in the changes from freshwater environments to brackish environments or ice versa are the turning points of transgressions and regressions. Therefore, multiple transgressions and regressions were identified in the stratigraphic sections of the study area.

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Follow-up of Children with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection (B형 간염 바이러스 만성 감염 소아의 추적 관찰)

  • Hwang, Sung Hyun;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Kang, Jin-Han;Hur, Jae Kyun;Lee, Kyung Il;Oh, Jin Hee;Lee, Seung Hee;Kyun, Dae
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : The serial clinical findings, biochemical results, and serological hepatitis B virus(HBV) markers in Korean children with chronic HBV infection were analyzed to determine the relationships among these factors. Methods : Ninety children have been chosen from those who have visited to the Department of Pediatrics at St. Vincent's Hospital in The Catholic University of Korea from July 1st, 1995 to June 30th, 2000. The sample patients were followed up for over six months. HBV markers and liver function tests were all performed. Results : All children were asymptomatic at presentation. Eighty-three percent of the children had a history of chronic HBV infection in their families. Eighty-one percent were HBeAg positive, 16% were anti-HBe positive, while 3% were all HBeAg and anti-HBe negative. The prevalence of HBeAg among three age groups : 0~5; 6~10; and 11~15 year-old was 90%, 96% and 61% respectively. The prevalence of HBeAg in less than 10 year-old group was significantly higher than 11~15 year-old group(P=0.001). Serum ALT levels were within 40 IU/L in 64% children, 41~80 IU/L in 17%, 81~200 IU/L in 10%, and beyond 201 IU/L in 9%. The percentage of abnormality of ALT levels in HBeAg positive patients was significantly higher than that of HBeAg negative(P=0.036). Eleven of the 73 HBeAg positive children lost their HBeAg and seroconverted to anti-HBe. In these cases, all had transient elevations in ALT levels before HBeAg seroconversions. The annual rates of spontaneous seroconversion of HBeAg and HBsAg were 9.7% and 0.6%, respectively. Conclusion : Recognition of the dynamics of these changes in viral markers and biochemical findings is needed in the selection and evaluation of therapeutic regimens, establishment of treatment, and calling for controlled trials with adequate follow-up. The hepatitis B carrier state may be asymptomatic in children however, continued surveillance of carriers is important to determine the individual adverse prognostic factors of chronic HBV infections.

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A Study on the Lava Terraces with Different Elevation in Jeju (해발에 따른 제주도 용암류대지 지형의 세분화에 관한 연구)

  • Hyun, Byung-Keun;Jug, Yeon-Tae;Hyun, Geun-Soo;Moon, Kyung-Hwan;Song, Kwan-Cheol;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Zhang, Young-Seon;Park, Chan-Won;Hong, Suk-Young;Kim, Lee-Hyun;Choi, Eun-Young;Jang, Byeong-Chun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to obtain the basic information to increase the practical use of soil survey data through the subdividing of lava shapes with soil sequences due to different elevations in Jeju. The numbers of soil series of lava topography had occupied many of whole soil series in Jeju. When its topography subdivide, it give more detailed soil information. The obtained results are as follows; The lava topography to subdivide lava topography were studied with 38 soil series according to elevation in Jeju. Division of elevation are less than 50m, 50m to 200m, and 200m to 400m and more than 400m. Name the depending on elevation, less than 50m is called lower part of lava, 50m to 200m is called middle part of lava, and 200m to 400m and more than 400m are called upper part of lava. The characteristics of lava subdivide are as follows; soil family texture of lower part of lava is fine silty to clayey, drainage classes are various, average of available soil depth is 75.3cm, average of gravely contents are 11.6%, average of slopeness is 7.2%, limiting factor are various and soil order are various. soil family texture of middle part of lava is fine silty to coarse silty, drainage classes are well to very well, average of available soil depth is 65.9cm, average of gravely contents are 14.7%, average of slopeness is 11.3%, limiting factor are ashy and soil order are Andisols and Inceptisols. Soil family texture of upper part of lave is fine silty, drainage classes are well, average of available soil depth is 72.8cm, average of gravely contents are 16.0%, average of slopeness is 14.9%, limiting factor are ashy and skeletal, and order are Andisols.

Tectonic Movement in the Korean Peninsula (I): The Spatial Distribution of Tectonic Movement Identified by Terrain Analyses (한반도의 지반운동 ( I ): DEM 분석을 통한 지반운동의 공간적 분포 규명)

  • Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.3 s.120
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    • pp.368-387
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    • 2007
  • In order to explain geomorphological characteristics of the Korean Peninsula, it is necessary to understand the spatial distribution of tectonic movements and its causes. Even though geomorphological elements which might have been formed by tectonic movements(e.g. tilted overall landform, erosion surface, river terrace, marine terraces, etc.) have long been considered as main geomorphological research topics in Korea, the knowledge on the spatial distribution of tectonic movement is still limited. This research aims to identify the spatial distributions of tectonic movement via sequential analyses of Digital Elevation Model(DEM). This paper first developed a set of terrain analysis techniques derived from theoretical interrelationships between tectonic uplifts and landsurface denudation processes. The terrain analyses used in this research assume that elevations along major drainage basin divides might preserve original landsurfaces(psuedo-landsuface) that were formed by tectonic movement with relatively little influence by denudation processes. Psuedo-landsurfaces derived from a DEM show clear spatial distribution patterns with distinct directional alignments. Lines connecting psuedo-landsufaces in a certain direction are defined as psuedo-landsurface axes, which are again categorized into two groups: the first is uplift psuedo-landsurface axes that indicate the axis of landmass uplift; and the second is denudational psuedo-landsurface axes that cross step-shaped pusedo-landsurfaces formed via surface denudation. In total, 13 axes of pusedo-landsurface are identified in the Korean Peninsula, which show distinct direction, length, and relative uplift rate. Judging from the distribution of psudo-landsurfaces and their axes, it is concluded that the Korean Peninsula ran be divided into four tectonic regions, which are named as the Northern Tectonic Region, Center Tectonic Region, Southern Tectonic Region, and East Sea Tectonic Region, respectively. The Northern Tectonic Region had experienced a regional uplift centered at the Kaema plateau, and the rate of uplift gradually decreased toward southern, western and eastern directions. The Center Tectonic Region shows an arch-shaped uplift. Its uplift rate is the highest along the East Sea and the rate decreases towards the Yellow sea. The Southern Tectonic Region shows an asymmetric uplift centered a line connecting Dukyu and Jiri Mountains in the middle of the region. The eastern side of the Southern Regions shows higher uplift rate than that of the western side. The East Sea Tectonic Region includes south-eastern coastal area of the peninsula and Gilju-Myeongchun Jigudae, which shows relatively recent tectonic movements in Korea. Since this research visualizes the spatial heterogeneity of long-term tenonic movement in the Korean peninsula, this would provide valuable basic information on long-term and regional differences of geomorphological evolutionary processes and regional geomorphological differences of the Korean Peninsula.

The Diagnosis for Educational Behavioral Strategies of Community Health Nurse-Community Health Worker for Control of Hypertensive Urban Young Black Men in America (간호사-지역사회건강상담자팀의 미국 도시지역 젊은 흑인 남자 집단의 고혈압 관리를 위한 전략 활동의 교육-행위진단)

  • Park, Kyung-Min
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.80-99
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    • 1996
  • Young black men(YBM) have the most severs levels of high blood pressure(HBP) and, in all reports but one, the lowest of HBP control of any age /sex /race group. To increase entry into care, remaining in care, and BP control for young(18-49 years) Black men, It is needed to review socio-demographic, medical characteristics, and behaviors(importance of and difficulty with HBP control behaviors, or worry about mdication) for experimental intervention study(educational- behavior strategies) of hypertensive urban young black men. The 204 participants had an average age of 38.8+7.0 years and an average educational level of $11.0{\pm}2.4$ years; only 23.1% were employed full- or part-time while 26% were on disability ; and 6% were married. Only 35.3% had an MD for HBP care and 37.3% had some form of health insurance. The average BP of those men currently being in care on medication(35.3%) was $148.2/95.1{\pm}19.5/11.3$ compared to those men not taking HBP care $153.7/99.1{\pm}14.0/9.8(p<.05)$. The average creatinine level was 1.3(excluding 3 marked elevations of 15.9, 9.6, and 7.7) for the 163 men consenting to have their blood drawn. Self-reported co-morbidity induded heart disease 7.8%, diabetes 8.9%, high cholesterol 18.2%, CVA 3.4%, alcohol and drug related problems 27.9% and 22.5% respectively. The kidney disease of those men currently being in care & on medication was 9.7 compared to those men not taking HBP care 0.8(p<.05). The problems of with sex life, physicl activity and dearly thinking of those men currently being in care & on medication was higher compared to those men not taking HBP care(p<.05). Questions of 'during the past month, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks (bottles) of any alcoholic beverag?' and smoking of those men currently being in care & on medication was 18.1% and 72.2% compared to those men not taking HBP care 27.3 and 82.6%, respectively. HBP control behaviors was assessed with 1-5 point Likert subscales(5=extreme, 1-none at all), In general, th men reportd low levels of perceived psychological barrier to HBP care and control behaviors; importance of and difficulty with HBP control behaviors, or worry about mdication. For example, on a five point scale(1=none at all, 5=extreme), average ratings for perceived important and difficulty with BP care and behaviors were 2.8(SD=1.2) and 2.5(SD=1.1). Average ratings for perceived benefit with BP care and behaviors worry about medication of those men currently being in care on medication was 4.0(SD=0.9) and 2.2(SD=1.1) compared to those men not taking HBP care 3.6(SD=0.8), 2.8 (SD=1.6) respectively(p<.05). These data support the need for educational-behavioral strategies of community health nurse to improve high blood pressure control in this high risk group through perceived barriers to treatment, health care skills and use of resources, and social support.

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