• 제목/요약/키워드: Elementary School Teacher

검색결과 1,603건 처리시간 0.022초

국내 수학 교사교육 연구의 동향 분석: 2000년 이후 게재된 한국수학교육학회의 학술지 논문을 중심으로 (Domestic research trends of mathematics teacher education: Focused on the journals published since 2000 by the Korean Society of Mathematics Education)

  • 선우진;방정숙
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈A:수학교육
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    • 제58권1호
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    • pp.121-138
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the trends of domestic research on mathematics teacher education in terms of the period, topics, methods, subjects, and mathematics content strands. For this purpose, a total of 220 research articles dealing with mathematics teacher education were analyzed, which have been published since 2000 by the Korean Society of Mathematics Education in the three journals: (a) The Mathematical Education; (b) Education of Primary School Mathematics; and (c) Communications of Mathematical Education. Regarding the period when the research was conducted, the number of articles on mathematics teacher education has been rapidly increased since the late 2000s. Regarding the topics, research on teacher orientation has been the most frequent topic and the studies dealing with professional development for teachers, teaching practices, or teacher knowledge tend to be popular. Regarding methods, survey and case study have been most frequently employed in studying mathematics teacher education. Regarding subjects, the main participants were in-service teachers, pre-service teachers, elementary school teachers, and secondary school teachers, respectively, who were in charge of a regular class. Finally, regarding mathematics content strands, previous studies on mathematics teacher education were not specific to mathematics content strands. Given these results, this paper closes with important implications for future research directions on mathematics teacher education in Korea.

Preservice Elementary-school Teachers' Perceptions about the Nature of Science

  • Jinhee Kim;Youngsun Kwak
    • 한국지구과학회지
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.392-403
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the perceptions of elementary school preservice teachers in their 4th year at K-Education University, an elementary school teacher-training institution, on the nature of science (NOS). To examine the differences in elementary school preservice teachers' perceptions of NOS according to their high school career aptitude, we conducted in-depth interviews with two students each in the humanities and social sciences (HS) and natural sciences (NS) based on the subjects that they had taken while attending high school. For this purpose, we used the Views of Nature of Science Form C (VNOS-C) and Views about Scientific Inquiry (VASI) questionnaires, which were reconfigured. The main research results were that the elementary school preservice teachers showed a positivistic perspective on the NOS, validity of scientific knowledge, difference between theory and law, and social and cultural embeddedness of science. However, they had a latest perspective on the tentativeness of scientific knowledge, observation and inference, and the role of imagination and creativity. In particular, there were clear differences in perception between HS and NS teachers in the areas of tentativeness of scientific knowledge and understanding of observation and inference. Based on these research results, educational implications for improving the science education competencies of preservice elementary school teachers were proposed.

과학 탐구 수업에서 초등학생들이 바라는 과학 교사의 모습에 대한 요인 분석 (Factor Analysis of Image of Science Teacher Desired by Elementary School Students in Scientific Inquiry-Based Instruction)

  • 채유정;박재용
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.366-389
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    • 2021
  • 이 연구에서는 과학 탐구 수업에서 초등학생들이 바라는 과학 교사의 모습을 구성하는 요인들을 추출한 후, 이들 요인 사이의 구조적 연관성을 분석하였다. 과학 탐구 수업에서 초등학생들이 바라는 과학교사의 모습을 구성하는 요인들을 확인하기 위하여 탐색적 요인 분석(EFA)을 실시하였고, 그 결과를 바탕으로 확인적 요인 분석(CFA)을 실시하였다. 또한, 확인적 요인 분석을 통해 산출된 요인 구조를 토대로 과학 탐구 수업에서 초등학생들이 바라는 과학 교사의 모습을 종합적으로 살펴보았다. EFA 결과, 과학 탐구 수업에서 초등학생들이 바라는 과학 교사의 모습을 이루는 요인으로 5개 요인(교수 전략, 평가 전략, 사전 지도, 학생 이해, 학습 발달)을 추출하였다. CFA 결과, 교수 전략과 학습 발달, 교수 전략과 학생 이해 사이에 상관관계가 비교적 높게 나타났다. 추출된 요인 구조를 바탕으로 과학 탐구 수업에서 과학 교사의 모습에 대한 학생들의 인식을 종합적으로 살펴본 결과, 초등학생들은 과학 교사가 학생들에 대한 이해를 반영하여 학습 발달을 지원하고, 효과적인 수업 전략과 적절한 평가 방법을 활용하는 것을 중요하게 인식하고 있었다.

초등 예비 교사들의 일반 교수 효능감과 과학 교수 효능감 비교 (Comparison of General Teaching Efficacy and Science Teaching Efficacy of Preservice Elementary Teachers)

  • 임희준
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated whether there was a difference between general teaching efficacy and science teaching efficacy of preservice elementary teachers. And, the difference was also examined in the area of several variables of the preservice teachers, such as gender, the university majors, the high school majors, and grades. The results showed that a significant difference was not found between general teaching efficacy and science teaching efficacy. Teacher variables were found as the major factors to explain the difference. In case of male students who are majoring in science/math at university, and the students who majored in science/math at high school, science teaching efficacy was higher than general teaching efficacy. Whereas, in case of female students and nonscience majors at university and high school, science teaching efficacy was lower than their general teaching efficacy. Educational implications for preservice elementary teachers were discussed.

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제7차 초등학교 과학과 교사용 지도서의 활용 실태 분석 (An Analysis on the Utilization of Teacher s Guides for Science in Elementary School)

  • 한기애;노석구
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to examine to what extent the teacher's guides for science based on the 7th national curricula were utilized and what problems there were, in an effort to propose in which way they should be prepared and arranged to be of substantial use to teachers. For that purpose, the contents of the 7th teacher's guides for science were analyzed. Surveys and interviews were carried out to find out how many teachers used each of the areas included in them and what their needs were. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS WIN 9.0. The findings of this study were as follows: Many teachers utilize the teacher's guides in science more frequently than in other subjects, and they found them much more helpful to preparing for instructions. But many of them didn't utilize the standards of evaluation on science that were suggested in the teacher’s guides, and this is why the guides seem just to give theoretical explanation about how to assess, which was neither practical nor substantial. It's required to provide more concrete and detailed examples for each of the units. They felt a higher need for alternative experiments and substitute materials, especially in biology unit because of the different conditions of each school or each local community. In short, teacher's guides should include more diverse and ample materials in response to the teacher's needs, moreover teachers should reconstruct the teaching materials and then teach more creatively.

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초등학교 과학 수업에서 수업 컨설팅 모형의 적용 (The Application of the Instruction Consulting Model in Elementary Science Lesson)

  • 최선영;김지연
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to apply the instruction consulting model for elementary science lesson with novice teacher. In this study the PIE(Preparation, Implementation and Evaluation stage) instruction consulting model was used. This model was introduced and offered during the electromagnet unit for sixth graders. The results of this study were as follows. First, in the assessment of the teacher's satisfaction with the instruction consulting the client teacher was found to be very satisfied. Second, the inquiry and scientific achievement for the students of the client's class were to increase in the experimental group, which demonstrated a statistically significant difference. Given the above results, the instruction consulting applied with the PIE model for novice teachers, who desire to raise the success rate of the experiment for students in the electromagnet unit of the elementary science class, helped the teachers to teach the students.

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학생 중심 탐구수업을 지향하는 초등교사의 과학수업에 대한 자기인식과 실행 -초등학교 '온도와 열' 단원에 대한 RTOP 분석을 중심으로- (The Self-Perception and Science Teaching Implementation of Elementary School Teacher Aiming for Student-centered Inquiry Classes -Focusing on RTOP Analysis of the Elementary School 'Temperature and Heat' Unit-)

  • 신채연;김효준
    • 과학교육연구지
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.88-106
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구에서는 초등학교 경력교사를 대상으로 그가 인식하는 자신의 과학수업과 수업 관찰 도구인 RTOP을 활용해 평가한 과학수업을 비교하여 교사의 과학수업에 대한 인식과 학생 중심 탐구수업의 실행에는 어떤 차이가 있는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 연구 대상의 '온도와 열' 단원 수업 녹화 자료와 교사 면담 자료, 그리고 연구 참여자의 교실 수업 스타일 설문 결과를 수집하였다. 녹화된 수업은 RTOP을 이용하여 분석하였고, 교사의 교실 수업 스타일 설문 결과와 비교하였다. 연구 결과, 연구의 대상 교사는 탐구 지향/학생 중심 수업을 실천하고 있다고 인식하고 있었지만, RTOP 점수로 판단한 결과는 근소한 차이로 과도기적/학생 영향 수업인 것으로 밝혀졌다. H교사는 교육과정에 대한 높은 이해와 내용 지식을 바탕으로 수업을 계획, 실천하였으며 학생과 학생, 학생과 교사의 활발한 상호작용을 촉진하는 과학 교실문화를 조성하였다. 하지만 교수 설계 및 실행에서 여전히 교사 주도적인 측면이 강조되었으며, 프로젝트 주제와 내용이 학생들이 과학 탐구에 대한 전반적인 경험을 하기에는 부적합한 면이 있었다. 결국 탐구 지향/학생 중심 과학수업을 위한 교사의 인식과 실제 수업 실행 사이의 근소한 차이는 '교수 설계 및 실행'이 얼마나 학생 중심적인가, 어떻게 학생의 과학 탐구 과정 경험을 위한 '절차적 지식'이 뒷받침되는 수업을 계획하고 실행할 것인가와 관계있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 교사의 의도와 노력이 실제로 실행되고 있는가를 파악하는 일은 교사의 자기 평가만으로는 부족하며, 외부 관찰자에 의한 과학수업의 객관적 분석과 평가, 결과에 대한 논의가 함께 이루어질 필요가 있다는 점을 말해준다.

초등 정보과학영재교육 활성화를 위한 교사의 전문성에 관한 연구 (A study on the Teacher's Professionality for the Elementary Gifted Children of Information Science)

  • 김광찬;이애정;이재호
    • 정보교육학회논문지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.281-298
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    • 2005
  • 초등정보과학 영재교육의 활성화를 위해서는 뛰어난 영재의 선발, 적합한 교육과정 개발 등 다양한 노력이 필요하겠지만 "교육의 질은 교사의 질을 넘지 못한다."는 말이 있듯이 초등정보과학 영재교육의 실제를 담당하는 영재교사의 뛰어난 직무수행능력 역시 초등정보과학 영재교육을 성공으로 이끌기 위해서는 반드시 필요하다. 이런 교사 변인의 중요성을 생각해 볼 때 초등정보과학 영재교육을 담당하는 교사에게 요구되는 전문성이 무엇인지에 대한 규명이 필요하고 더불어 이러한 전문성을 함양시킬 수 있는 방안에 대한 연구도 반드시 필요하다.

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초등학교 교사의 학교도서관 이용 경험과 역할 인식이 협력 독서교육 의도에 미치는 영향 (A Study on the Effects of Teachers' School Library Use and Their Perceptions of the Library's Roles on Cooperative Reading Education Intention in Elementary Schools)

  • 윤설리;김기영
    • 정보관리학회지
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.163-187
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 초등학교 교사의 사서교사와의 협력 독서교육 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하고, 협력 독서교육을 위해 학교도서관과 사서교사가 해야 할 방안을 모색하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 경기도지역 초등학교 9개 학교, 교사 176명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 수집한 자료의 데이터 코딩과 데이터 선별 과정을 거쳐 통계적으로 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 학교도서관의 도서관 역할, 이벤트 역할 인식은 초등학교 교사가 협력 독서교육에서 효과를 기대하며, 사서교사(사서)가 전문성이 있다고 인식했다. 하지만 초등학교 교사의 학교도서관의 교육적 역할 인식은 협력 독서교육의 기대효과와 필요성을 낮게 인식했으며 사서교사(사서)의 전문성도 낮게 인식했다. 본 연구는 협력 독서교육 방안과 그 안에서 사서교사의 전문성을 어디에 두어야 할지를 제안하였다는 점에서 의의를 가진다.

국민학교에서의 주거학교육에 관한 연구 (A Study on Housing Education in elementary School)

  • 윤정숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of the present study was to set up the basic outline to define and to develop "housing education" in the field of home economics education. The main focus included in the present study was to suggest the basic data on the current status of housing education in Korea by examining the content of the textbooks and the secondary data o teacher's educational background. The methods used in the study were the contentanalysis of the elementary school curriculum and the secondary data analysis of the data on teachers and their education. The results of this study ere on follows, 1. The elementary school curriculum defined as the related fields of housing education were classified into 4 domains: housing planning, housing maintenance, housing environment, housing decoration. 2. The subject areas related to housing education was found to be moral education, social education, physical education, art, practical education. The total hours studying on housing education were the average of 1.1 hours per week. 3. Among the above 4 domains, the total hours used for housing decoration amounted to the highest rate through all the subject areas. 4. According to the secondary dta analysis, 49.5% of the teacher were the national teacher's college graduates, but there are no courses on housing education as such in the curriculum of the national teacher's college. it was concluded that more consideration should be given to the teacher training courses.

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