• Title/Summary/Keyword: Electrical Energy

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Wind Estimation Power Control using Wind Turbine Power and Rotor speed (풍력터빈의 출력과 회전속도를 이용한 풍속예측 출력제어)

  • Ko, Seung-Youn;Kim, Ho-Chan;Huh, Jong-Chul;Kang, Min-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2016
  • A wind turbine is controlled for the purpose of obtaining the maximum power below its rated wind speed. Among the methods of obtaining the maximum power, TSR (Tip Speed Ratio) optimal control and P&O (Perturbation and Observation) control are widely used. The P&O control algorithm using the turbine power and rotational speed is simple, but its slow response is a weak point. Whereas TSR control's response is fast, it requires the precise wind speed. A method of measuring or estimating the wind speed is used to obtain a precise value. However, estimation methods are mostly used, because it is difficult to avoid the blade interference when measuring the wind speed near the blades. Neural networks and various numerical methods have been applied for estimating the wind speed, because it involves an inverse problem. However, estimating the wind speed is still a difficult problem, even with these methods. In this paper, a new method is introduced to estimate the wind speed in the wind-power graph by using the turbine power and rotational speed. Matlab/Simulink is used to confirm that the proposed method can estimate the wind speed properly to obtain the maximum power.

The Electrochemical Characteristics and Secondary Doping Effects of Poly[Sodium 4-Styrenesulfonate] Doped Polyaniline (폴리아닐린의 이차도핑과 전기화학적 특성)

  • Park, Jong-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hun;Kim, Ji-Yun;Joe, Yung-Il
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.729-734
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    • 2002
  • In this study, the polyaniline films of emeraldine base(EB) and lucoemeraldine base(LEB) form chemically doping with poly(sodium-4 styrenesulfonate, PSS) were prepared by casting the mixed solution of chloroform and m-cresol on ITO(indium tin oxide) electrode. By analyzing UV-vis spectra of the mixed solutions, the effects of the secondary doping by m-cresol were obtained. And the conductivity of polyaniline film was increased with increasing m-cresol content. The results suggest that the improvement of conductivity obtained by secondary doping results primarily from interaction of polyaniline and m-cresol. As the results of analyzing cyclic voltammograms, it was known that the redox peak currents of polyaniline electrode prepared from LEB were larger and more reversible than those of polyaniline electrodes prepared from EB. The charge transfer resistances($R_{ct}$) of polyaniline electrodes were reduced with increasing m-cresol content, and LEB/PSS electrodes were smaller than EB/PSS electrodes. This result agrees to the analysis of the redox peak current of cyclic voltammograms. The solution resistance and the capacity of electrical double layer almost unchanged in all prepared polyaniline electrodes. It was confirmed that solution resistance was independent of frequency factor in AC impedance spectra. Also the polyaniline film doping with PSS was revealed pseudo n-type characteristics of conducting polymer.

A Study On the Electrical Characteristic of WO3 and NiO-WO3 Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Evaporation (Thermal Evaporation법에 의해 제조된 WO3 박막과 NiO-WO3박막의 전기적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Na Eun-young;Na Dong-myong;Park Jin-seong
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 2005
  • [ $WO_3$ ] and $NiO-WO_3$ thin films were deposited on a Si (100) substrate by using high vacuum thermal evaporation. The effects of various film thicknesses on the surface morphology $WO_3$ and $NiO-WO_3$ thin films were investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) were employed to characterize the deposited films. The results suggest that as $WO_3$ thin films became thick, their grain grew up to a $0.6{\mu}m$. On the other hand, NiO-doping to $WO_3$ thin films inhibited the grain growth five times less than undoped $WO_3$ thin films. This results show that NiO doping inhibited the grain growing of $WO_3$ thin films. Also, the variation of NOx sensitivity $(R_{NOx}/R_{air})$ to the thickness of $WO_3$ and $NiO-WO_3$ thin films were measured according to the thickness change of thin films and the working temperature of sensor in 5ppm NOx gas. As a result, $NiO-WO_3$ thin films showed more excellent properties than $WO_3$ thin films for NOx sensitivity.

A Study of the Nonstoichiometry and Physical Properties of the Nd1-xBaxFeO3-y System ($Nd_{1-x}Ba_xFeO_{3-y}$계의 비화학량론과 물리적 성질에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Soon Ho;Yu, Gwang Hyeon;Kim, Seong Jin;Choe, Seung Cheol;Jang, Sun Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.38 no.8
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    • pp.547-551
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    • 1994
  • A series of samples in the $Nd_{1-x}Ba_xFeO_{3-y}$ system has been prepared by heating the reactants to$1200^{\circ}C$ under an ambient atmosphere, and the solid solutions were identified by X-ray power diffraction analysis. The crystal systems of samples with x = 0.00 and 0.25 were found to be orthorhombic whose local symmetry is similiar to the distorted octahedral with orthoferrite type one, whereas those with x = 0.50 and 0.75 to be the cubic system. Since Fe ions in the solid solutions are a mixed valence state between $Fe^{3+}\;and\;Fe^{4+}$ ions, the nonstoichiometric chemical formulas could be determined from the mole ratio of $Fe^{4+}$ ion and oxygen vacacies. According to the Mossbauer spectroscopic analysis, the presence of 5-coordinated $FeO_5$ was evidenced only in the barium compounds along with $FeO_6,\;and\;FeO_4$, but not in the strontium and calcium compounds. The samples with x = 0.25 and 0.50 show a spectrum of superparamagnetism, which might be due to the formation of a domain of the ferromagnetic interaction between the $Fe^{3+}\;and\;Fe^{4+}$ ions. The electrical conductivities of all samples are within semiconducting range. Since the $Fe^{4+}$ ion acts as an electron acceptor level during the electron transfer between the Fe through intermediate $O^{2-}$ ions, the activation energy of the compounds decreases with the increment of $Fe^{4+}$ content.

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Mechanism of Collector Adsorption on Monazite (Monazite 界面上의 捕集劑 吸着機能에 關한 硏究)

  • Hyung Sup Choi;Ki Up Whang
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 1963
  • The basic studies of adsorption characteristics of collector on monazite were made by electrophoretic measurement and by determination of the adsorption of some typical flotation collectors. By above measurements made on monazite, it is concluded that $H^+\;and\;OH^-$ are identified to act as potential determining ions and thus the electrical properties of monazite is controlled by the pH of the solution. Therefore, anionic collectors are adsorbed on positively charged surfaces and cationic collectors on negatively charged surfaces, which in turn controls the effective flotation condition with respective collectors for this mineral. These results have been correlated with its flotation behavior obtained by Hallimond tube test.

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Electrospraying of Micro/Nano Particles for Protein Drug Delivery (단백질 약물 전달을 위한 마이크로/나노 입자의 전기분무 제조법)

  • Yoo, Ji-Youn;Kim, Min-Young;Lee, Jong-Hwi
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2007
  • The control of the surface energy by electrohydrodynamic force provides electrospraying with various potential advantages such as simple particle size control, mono-dispersity, high recovery, and mild processing conditions. The advantages are quite helpful to improve the stability of protein drug and control its release. Herein, the nano-encapsulation of protein drugs using electrospraying was investigated. Albumin as a model protein was processed using uniaxial and co-axial electrospraying, and chitosan, polycaporlactone (PCL), and poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) were used as encapsulation materials. The major processing parameters such as the conductivity of spraying liquids, flow rate, the distance of electrical potential gradient, etc were measured to obtain the maximum efficiency. In the chitosan systems, mean particles size decreases as flow rate and the distance between nozzle and the collecting part decreases. In the uniaxial technique of the PCL systems, mean particles size decreases as flow rate decreases. In the coaxial technique of the PCL systems, it was found that the particles size gets larger under the application of the higher ratio of inner-to-outer liquid flow rates. The primary particles formed out of an electrospraying nozzle showed narrow particle size distribution, but once they arrived to the collecting part, aggregation behavior was observed obviously. Efficient nano-encapsulation of albumin with PCL, PEG, and chitosan was conveniently achieved using electrospraying at above 12 kV.

Annealing Effect on Magneto-transport Properties of Amorphous Ge1-xMnx Semiconductor Thin Films (비정질 Ge1-xMnx 박막의 자기수송특성에 미치는 열처리 효과)

  • Kim, Dong-Hwi;Lee, Byeong-Cheol;Lan Anh, Tran Thi;Ihm, Young-Eon;Kim, Do-Jin;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Yu, Sang-Soo;Baek, Kui-Jong;Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.121-125
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    • 2009
  • Amorphous $Ge_1$_$_xMn_x$ semiconductor thin films grown by low temperature vapor deposition were annealed at various temperatures from 400 to $700^{\circ}C$ for 3 minutes in high vaccum chamber. The electrical and magnetotransport properties of as-grown and annealed samples have been studied. X-ray diffraction patterns analysis revealed that the samples still maintain amorphous state after annealling at $500^{\circ}C$ for 3 minutes and they were crystallized when annealing temperature increase to $600^{\circ}C$. Temperature dependence of resistivity measurement implied that as-grown and annealed $Ge_1$_$_xMn_x$ films have semiconductor characteristics, the increase of resistivity with annealling temperature was obseved. The $700^{\circ}C$-annealed sample exhibited negative magnetoresistance (MR) at low temperatures and the MR ratio was ${\sim}$8.5% at 10 K. The asymmetry was present in all MR curves. The anomalous Hall Effect was also observed at 250 K.

Impact of Transplanting on Tree Growth and Compartmentalization of Pruning Wounds in Acer palmatum Thunb

  • Lee, Kyu Hwa;Lee, Kyung Joon;Gwak, Ki-Seob;Choi, In-Gyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.5
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    • pp.618-629
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study was to examine the impact of pruning (P treatment) and transplanting (T treatment) of Acer palmatum on cambial growth and compartmentalization of pruning wounds for one year after treatments. Changes of cambial electrical resistance (CER), sizes of pruning wounds, cambial growth of trunks and stems near the wounds, and total phenols at branch unions during the period were examined using a total of 49 trees. After harvesting, areas of discolored wood behind the wounds, relative proportions of extractives, holocellulose and lignin at branch unions were also determined. CER and the cambial growth of trunk at 30 cm above the ground (TGR) were inversely correlated, and differences of CER and TGR among three treatments were significant. TGRs of control, P treatment and P+T treatment after the treatments were 112.2%, 72.4% and 52.5% of the annual growth for the year before the treatments, respectively. The cambial growth rate of stem (SGR) at 1.5 cm above the branch bark ridge and the closure rate of pruning wound (WCR) for one year after treatments were positively correlated, and WCR of P treatment of 39.8% was significantly higher than that of P+T treatment of 31.8%. Wounds of P+T treatment formed greater discolored area per unit area of pruning wound (D/W Ratio) than those of P treatment significantly. Lower WCR and higher D/W Ratio of P+T treatment suggested less ability of compartmentalizing the wounds than P treatment. Total phenols at branch core of pruning wound for both treatments heightened a month after treatment, and then lowered. The contents at below core of the wound were higher than those at control ones continuously, while they became similar each other at above core. Relatively high phenol contents of the extractives at P+T treatment implied that trees with P+T treatment allocated more energy to compartmentalize their wounds. Holocellulose and lignin contents at the branch core of treated branch unions of both treatments were lower and higher, respectively, than at the same part of the union with living branch, as results of the tree reaction to protection from wounding and microbial invasion.

Microstructure analyses of aluminum nitride (AlN) using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) (투과전자현미경과 전자후방산란회절을 이용한 AlN의 미세구조 분석)

  • Joo, Young Jun;Park, Cheong Ho;Jeong, Joo Jin;Kang, Seung Min;Ryu, Gil Yeol;Kang, Sung;Kim, Cheol Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2015
  • Aluminum nitride (AlN) single crystals have attracted much attention for a next-generation semiconductor application because of wide bandgap (6.2 eV), high thermal conductivity ($285W/m{\cdot}K$), high electrical resistivity (${\geq}10^{14}{\Omega}{\cdot}cm$), and high mechanical strength. The bulk AlN single crystals or thin film templates have been mainly grown by PVT (sublimation) method, flux method, solution growth method, and hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) method. Since AlN suffers difficulty in commercialization due to the defects that occur during single crystal growth, crystalline quality improvement via defects analyses is necessary. Etch pit density (EPD) analysis showed that the growth misorientations and the defects in the AlN surface exist. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) analyses were employed to investigate the overall crystalline quality and various kinds of defects. TEM studies show that the morphology of the AlN is clearly influenced by stacking fault, dislocation, second phase, etc. In addition EBSD analysis also showed that the zinc blende polymorph of AlN exists as a growth defects resulting in dislocation initiator.

Design of a Low Power Digital Filter Using Variable Canonic Signed Digit Coefficients (가변 CSD 계수를 이용한 저전력 디지털 필터의 설계)

  • Kim, Yeong-U;Yu, Jae-Taek;Kim, Su-Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.455-463
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    • 2001
  • In this Paper, an approximate processing method is proposed and tested. The proposed method uses variable CSD (VCSD) coefficients which approximate filter stopband attenuation by controlling the precision of the CSD coefficient sets. A decimation filter for Audio Codec '97 specifications has been designed having processor architecture that consists of program/data memory, arithmetic unit, energy/level decision, and sinc filter blocks, and fabricated with 0.6${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ CMOS sea-of-gate technology. For the combined two halfband FIR filters in decimation filter, the number of addition operations were reduced to 63.5%, 35.7%, and 13.9%, compared to worst-case which is not an adaptive one. Experimental results show that the total power reduction rate of the filter is varying from 3.8 % to 9.0 % with respect to worst-case. The proposed approximate processing method using variable CSD coefficients is readily applicable to various kinds of filters and suitable, especially, for the speech and audio applications, like oversampling ADCs and DACs, filter banks, voice/audio codecs, etc.

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