• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ecological model

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A relationship between food environment and food insecurity in households with immigrant women residing in the Seoul metropolitan area (수도권 거주 결혼이주여성 가구의 식품환경과 식품불안정성 간의 관련성)

  • Sung-Min Yook;Ji-Yun Hwang
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.264-276
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Food environmental factors related to food insecurity affect household food intake in several socio-ecological aspects. This study explores the relationship between food environment factors and food insecurity in households with married immigrant women. Methods: From November 2018 to February 2020, a survey was conducted enrolling 249 married immigrant women residing in the metropolitan areas of South Korea. In the final analysis, 229 subjects were divided into 2 groups classified as food security (n = 154) and food insecurity (n = 75), as assessed by the score of food security. Three aspects of food environments were measured: built·natural, political·economic, and socio-cultural Results: Food environments were significantly different between food security and food insecurity groups, as follows: the number of foods market and their distance from the home and food status for the last week at home in the built·natural domain; monthly cost of food purchase and experience for food assistance in the political·economic domain; total score of social support, parenting, and cooking skills in the socio-cultural domain. A stepwise multivariate linear regression model showed a negative association between the food insecurity score with social support from family and food inventory status in the last week. After adjusting for confounders, a positive association was obtained between the experience of a food support program. The final regression model explains about 30% of the relationship obtained in the three food environment domains and food insecurity (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Not only economic factors, which are common determinants of household food insecurity, but socio-cultural factors such as social support also affect household food insecurity. Therefore, plans for implementing a food assistance program to improve food insecurity for households with immigrant women should consider financial support as well as other comprehensive aspects, including socio-cultural domain such as social support from family and community.

Classification of Carbon-Based Global Marine Eco-Provinces Using Remote Sensing Data and K-Means Clustering (K-Means Clustering 기법과 원격탐사 자료를 활용한 탄소기반 글로벌 해양 생태구역 분류)

  • Young Jun Kim;Dukwon Bae;Jungho Im ;Sihun Jung;Minki Choo;Daehyeon Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_3
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    • pp.1043-1060
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    • 2023
  • An acceleration of climate change in recent years has led to increased attention towards 'blue carbon' which refers to the carbon captured by the ocean. However, our comprehension of marine ecosystems is still incomplete. This study classified and analyzed global marine eco-provinces using k-means clustering considering carbon cycling. We utilized five input variables during the past 20 years (2001-2020): Carbon-based Productivity Model (CbPM) Net Primary Production (NPP), particulate inorganic and organic carbon (PIC and POC), sea surface salinity (SSS), and sea surface temperature (SST). A total of nine eco-provinces were classified through an optimization process, and the spatial distribution and environmental characteristics of each province were analyzed. Among them, five provinces showed characteristics of open oceans, while four provinces reflected characteristics of coastal and high-latitude regions. Furthermore, a qualitative comparison was conducted with previous studies regarding marine ecological zones to provide a detailed analysis of the features of nine eco-provinces considering carbon cycling. Finally, we examined the changes in nine eco-provinces for four periods in the past (2001-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2015, and 2016-2020). Rapid changes in coastal ecosystems were observed, and especially, significant decreases in the eco-provinces having higher productivity by large freshwater inflow were identified. Our findings can serve as valuable reference material for marine ecosystem classification and coastal management, with consideration of carbon cycling and ongoing climate changes. The findings can also be employed in the development of guidelines for the systematic management of vulnerable coastal regions to climate change.

Relationships between Geographical Conditions and Distribution Pattern of Plant Species on Uninhabited Islands in Korea (우리나라 無人島嶼의 地理的 還境과 植物의 分布 pattern 사이의 相關性 分析)

  • 정재민;홍경낙
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.341-348
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    • 2002
  • Correlations among the island area, distance to mainland, latitude, longitude, human impacts, diversity and composition of vascular plants were investigated by analyzing data on 261 islands(10.3% of total number of islands in Korea) selected from the annual reports for 'the natural evironment survey of the uninhabited islands in Korea' published by 'Ministry of Environment' during three years from 1999. The area of surveyed 261 islands ranged 1,100 to 961,000㎡(average of 75,000㎡), and the distance to mainland ranged 0.15 to 51.5km (average of 14.9km). Total number of plant species recorded in those islands was 1,109 species throughout 30 families, and mean mumber of plant species of each island was 98.7 species. Native species were 1,003 species (90.4%), and exotic species were 106 species(9.6%). The families with the largest number of species was the Compositae with 114 species, and followed in the order of Gramineae(90), Leguminosae(54), and Rosaceae(53). The result of multi-dimensional scaling analysis based on the plant species composition showed that 261 islands were distinctly divided into two groups, western sea group(131 islands) and southern sea group(130 islands). The islands of western sea group(average area of 93,000㎡) had greatly larger area than them of southern sea group(average area of 57,000㎡), but the average number of species (average species of 192) per island were less than in southern sea group (average species of 233). And, the partitioning into two groups was responsible for the species restricted to southern than to western sea group. Therefore, this results suggest that the distribution pattern and the composition of plant species could be also affected by the latitude of the island. When the species-area model was applied to total island and plant species, these results indicate that the island area was the most significant predictor of plant species diversity, and the distance to mainland and the human impacts were also shown to be significant predictors of plant species richness. But when applied to both groups of islands by the stepwise selection method, the result showed that islands of southern sea group were greatly affected by the factors such as human impacts, distance to mainland and longitude than western sea group. For the purpose of conservation of natural ecosystem on the uninhabited islands in Korea, we will also examine how the human impacts and the invasion of exotic plant species will disturb the native species diversity.

Biological Water Quality Assessments in Wastewater-impacted and Non-impacted Streams (폐수처리 시설의 영향에 따른 영산강 수계의 생물학적 수질 평가)

  • An, Kwang-Guk;Kim, Kang-Il;Kim, Ja-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2007
  • In 2003, we evaluated biological water quality at twelve sites of Youngsan River using community analysis, fish compositions, and the Index of Biological Integrity (IBI). Of the twelve, four sites were the controls, which have no point sources in the upstream and the remaining eight sites were the impacted sites, which are influenced by wastewater treatment plant (WTP) and agro-industrial complex. Model values of the IBI, based on 12 sites data, averaged 28 (n=12, range: $18{\sim}44$), indicating fair poor condition according to the criteria of US EP A (1993). In the mean time, mean IBI in the control sites (S3, S5, S6, S11) was 42 (n=4, range: $38{\sim}44$), indicating a good condition, whereas mean IBI in the impacted sites was 21, indicating a poor condition. Mean IBI value in the control, thus, was greater by 2 fold than that in the WTP sites. The spatial pattern of IBI values was similar to the patterns of species diversity index and species richness index, except for Site 11, which was 1st order stream. Similarity analysis indicated that three groups were divided at the similarity level of 80%. One group was the streams influenced by wastewater and the other two groups were the pristine streams as the control, indicating that the stream health conditions are directly influenced by presence or absence of the point sources. Also, Pearson's correlation analysis showed that IBI values had negative correlation (r=0.899, p<0.001) with relative abundance of tolerance species, and had positive relation (r=0.890, p<0.001) with sensitive species. Overall, outcomes suggest that the point sources of the WTP might impact the species composition and ecological health, resulting in degradation of biological water quality.

A Study on the Factors Affecting Health Promoting Lifestyles of Some Workers (일부 직업인의 건강증진생활양식에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구)

  • Lee Eun-Kyoung;An Byung-Sang;Yu Taek-Su;Kim Seoung-Cheon;Jeung Jea-Yeal;Park Young-Shin;Jahng Doo-Sub;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2000
  • The current industrial health service is shifting to health improvement business with 1st primary prevention-focused service from secondary and tertiary prevention-focused business, and Oriental medicine can provide such primary prevention-focused service due to the characteristics of its science. In particular, the advanced concept of health improvement can match the science of health care of Oriental medicine. Notably, what is most important in health improvement is our lifestyle, This does not underestimate the socio-environmental factors, which have lessened their importance due to modernism. The approach of Oriental medicine weighs more individuals' lifestyle and health care through self-cultivation. This matches the new model of advanced health business. Oriental medicine is less systemized than Western medicine, but it can provide ample contents that enhance health. If we conceive health-improvement program based on the advantages provided by these two medical systems, this will influence workers to the benefit of their health. Also, health Program needs to define factors that determine individual lives, and to provide information and technologies essential to our lives. The Oriental medicine approach puts more stress on a subject's capabilities than it does on the effect his surrounding environment can have. This needs to be supported theoretically by not only defining the relations between an individual's health state and his lifestyle, but also identifying the degree to which an individual in the industrial work place practices health improvement lifestyle . This is the first step toward initiating health-improvement business . In order to do this, this researcher conducted a survey by taking random samplings from workers, and can draw the following conclusions from it. 1 The sampled group is categorized into', by sender, female 6.6%, and male 93.4%, with males dominant; by marriage status , unmarried 43.9% and married 55.6%, with both similar percentage, and, by age, below 30, 48.4%, between 30 and 39, 27.4%, between 40 and 49, 18.2%, and over 50, 6.0%. The group further is categorized into; by education, middle school or under 1.7%, high school 30.5%, and junior college or higher 65.8% with high school and higher dominant: and by income, below 1.7 million won 24.2%, below 2.4 million won 14.8%, and above 2.4 million 6.3% Still, the group by job is categorized into collegians with 23.9%, office worker with 10.3%, and professionals with 65.8% , and this group does not include workers engaged in production that are needed for this research, but mostly office workers . 2. The subjects selected for this survey show their degree of practicing health-improvement lifestyle at an average of 2.63, health management pattern at 2.64, and health-related awareness at 2.62 The sub-divisions of health-improvement lifestyle show social emotion (2.87), food (2.66). favorite food (2.59), and leisure activities (2.52), in this order for higher points. It further shows health awareness (2.47) and safety awareness (2.40), lower points than those in health management pattern . 3. In the area of using leisure time for health-improvement, males, older people, married, and people with higher income earn higher marks. And, in the area of food management, the older and married earn higher marks . In the area of favorite food management, females, lower-income bracket, and lower-educated show higher degree of practice , while in the area of social emotion management, the older. married, and higher-income bracket show higher marks. In addition, in the area of health awareness, the older, married, and people with higher-income show higher degree of practice. 4. To look at correlation by overall and divisional health-improvement practice degree , this researcher has analyzed the data using Person's correlation coefficient. The lifestyle shows significant correlation with its six sub-divisions, and use of leisure time, food, and health awareness all show significant correlation with their sub-divisions. And. the social emotion and safety awareness show significant correlation with all sub-divisions except favorite food management.

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New Tool to Simulate Microbial Contamination of on-Farm Produce: Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation (재배단계 농산물의 안전성 모의실험을 위한 개체기반 프로그램 개발)

  • Han, Sanghyun;Lee, Ki-Hoon;Yang, Seong-Gyu;Kim, Hwang-Yong;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Ryu, Jae-Gee
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to develop an agent-based computing platform enabling simulation of on-farm produce contamination by enteric foodborne pathogens, which is herein called PPMCS (Preharvest Produce Microbial Contamination Simulator). Also, fecal contamination of preharvest produce was simulated using PPMCS. Although Agent-based Modeling and Simulation, the tool applied in this study, is rather popular in where socio-economical human behaviors or ecological fate of animals in their niche are to be predicted, the incidence of on-farm produce contamination which are thought to be sporadic has never been simulated using this tool. The agents in PPMCS including crop, animal as a source of fecal contamination, and fly as a vector spreading the fecal contamination are given their intrinsic behaviors that are set to be executed at certain probability. Once all these agents are on-set following the intrinsic behavioral rules, consequences as the sum of all the behaviors in the system can be monitored real-time. When fecal contamination of preharvest produce was simulated in PPMCS as numbers of animals, flies, and initially contaminated plants change, the number of animals intruding cropping area affected most on the number of contaminated plants at harvest. For further application, the behaviors and variables of the agents are adjustable depending on user's own scenario of interest. This feature allows PPMCS to be utilized in where different simulating conditions are tested.

Effects and Improvement of Carbon Reduction by Greenspace Establishment in Riparian Zones (수변구역 조성녹지의 탄소저감 효과 및 증진방안)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Park, Hye-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2015
  • This study quantified storage and annual uptake of carbon for riparian greenspaces established in watersheds of four major rivers in South Korea and explored desirable strategies to improve carbon reduction effects of riparian greenspaces. Greenspace structure and planting technique in the 40 study sites sampled were represented by single-layered planting of small trees in low density, with stem diameter at breast height of $6.9{\pm}0.2cm$ and planting density of $10.4{\pm}0.8trees/100m^2$ on average. Storage and annual uptake of carbon per unit area by planted trees averaged $8.2{\pm}0.5t/ha$ and $1.7{\pm}0.1t/ha/yr$, respectively, increasing as planting density got higher. Mean organic matter and carbon storage in soils were $1.4{\pm}0.1%$ and $26.4{\pm}1.5t/ha$, respectively. Planted trees and soils per ha stored the amount of carbon emitted from gasoline consumption of about 61 kL, and the trees per ha annually offset carbon emissions from gasoline use of about 3 kL. These carbon reduction effects are associated with tree growth over five years to fewer than 10 years after planting, and predicted to become much greater as the planted trees grow. This study simulated changes in annual carbon uptake by tree growth over future 30 years for typical planting models selected as different from the planting technique in the study sites. The simulation revealed that cumulative annual carbon uptake for a multilayered and grouped ecological planting model with both larger tree size and higher planting density was approximately 1.9 times greater 10 years after planting and 1.5 times greater 30 years after than that in the study sites. Strategies to improve carbon reduction effects of riparian greenspaces suggest multilayered and grouped planting mixed with relatively large trees, middle/high density planting of native species mixed with fast-growing trees, and securing the soil environment favorable for normal growth of planting tree species. The research findings are expected to be useful as practical guidelines to improve the role of a carbon uptake source, in addition to water quality conservation and wildlife inhabitation, in implementing riparian greenspace projects under the beginning stage.

A Study on the Phonology of the Striped Rice Borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker), in Relation to the Introduction of New Agricultural Practices (경종법에 변천에 따르는 이화명나방 발생상의 변동에 관한 연구)

  • Song Yoo Han;Choi Seung Yoon;Hyun Jai Sun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.21 no.1 s.50
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 1982
  • This study was conducted to investigate the changes in moth occurrence of striped rice barer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker), in relation to climatic factors, rice varieties, and cultural practices. The light trap data from 41 forecasting stations for 14 years from 1966 to 1979 were analyzed by means of the changes in the time and amount of borer occurrence in connection with the introduction of new rice varieties, the accumulated effective day-degree and its variation for completing one generation, and the climatic factors affecting the moth occurrence. The total number of moths caught by light traps in both spring and summer generations were considerably decreased with the wide cultivation of new rice varieties. In fact, the spring moths were remarkably decreased since the new varieties were introduced in 1972. The occurrence ratio of summer moths against the preceeding spring moths was higher in the middle region and middle southern mountainous area than the other regions. Its high ratio of regions was annually expanded from the middle region to the southern region. The $50\%$ emergence dates of both generations were later in the southeastern region than in the middle region. The ecological characteristics were clearly shown between the northern and southern region of Chupungryeong in terms of the occurrence of summer moths, the ratio of occurrence of summer moths to the preceeding spring moths, and $50\%$ emergence dates of the summer moths during the years of $1977\~1979$. The ratio of the summer moth occurrence to the preceeding generation was negatively correlated with the average temperature in lune and July, respectively, and the average precipitation in late June. The ratio of spring moth occurrence over the preceeding generation was positively correlated with the average temperature in September, October, November, and March, respectively, whereas it was negatively correlated with the average precipitation in early September and March, and the average humidity in early May. The effective day-degree for one generation was in the range from 600 to 900 DD at upper threshold $30^{\circ}C$ and lower threshold $10^{\circ}C$.

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Changes of Biomass, Net Primary Productivity and P/B Ratio during Abandoned Field Succession after Shifting Cultivation in Korea (화전 후 묵밭의 식생 천이에 따른 식물량, 순 일차 생산성 및 P/B 비의 변화)

  • Lee, Kyu-Song
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2006
  • Changes of the biomass, net primary productivity and P/B ratio during abandoned field succession after shifting cultivation were investigated in Pyoungchang, Gangwon-Do, Korea. Aboveground standing biomass of herb species showed the maximum value (3.8 ton/ha) in the 5 year old-field, and decreased thereafter. Litter dry weight was depicted as a parabola form showing the gradual increment during the first 50 years and slight decrease thereafter. Basal area tended to increase logarithmically during abandoned field succession. Tree density showed the gradual increment during the first 15 years and decreased thereafter by the self-thinning process. In the later successional stage (80 years old-field), the shoot density distribution of the tree species by DBH class showed the reverse J shaped curve and Quercus mongolica dominated. Total standing biomass increased slowly in the earlier successional stages and later successional stages, and increased rapidly during the mid-successional stages ($10{\sim}50$ years old-field). Total standing biomass in the 5, 10, 20, 50 and 80 years old-fields were estimated 5, 14, 75, 251 and 373 ton/ha, respectively. Annual net primary productivity were depicted as a parabola form showing the gradual increment during the first 35 years and declined thereafter. The increment rates of the annual net primary productivity in the earlier successional stages showed the higher value than mid-successional stages. The annual net primary productivities in the 5, 10, 20, 35, 50 and 80 years old-field were estimated 8.6, 9.3, 12.9, 15.1, 13.7 and 3.6 ton/ha/yr, respectively. The estimated P/B ratio tended to decrease exponentially during abandoned field succession. The estimated P/B ratio in the 5, 10, 20, 50 and 80 years old-field were 0.60, 0.39, 0.19, 0.06 and 0.01, respectively. These results were fairly in accordance with the bioenergetics model during the forest succession projected by Odum(1969).

Strategy and Basic Planning for Creating an Urban Agricultural Park -Focusing on Gosangol Village in Daegu City- (도시농업공원 조성을 위한 전략 및 기본계획 연구 - 대구광역시 고산골마을을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Il;Kwon, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2017
  • This study focused on a planned site located in Gosangol Village in Daegu Metropolitan City that aims to build an urban agricultural park combining urban agriculture and urban park for the sustainable realization of urban agriculture. Accordingly, this study has significance in two perspectives: firstly, suggesting development strategies to be considered when building an urban agricultural park as a theme park, and secondly, presenting guidelines for spatial programs and facilities to be introduced for actual applications. The results are as follows. Firstly, building an urban agricultural park fills a role as a local community space prompted by the demand-oriented evolution of urban parks, and agricultural behaviors to be incorporated in the theme. In this context, 'building an urban agricultural space focusing on sustainability', 'constructing green space systems focusing on agricultural landscape', and 'structuring leisure spaces for communications in the community' are presented as development strategies. Secondly, key functions that an urban agricultural park should have include production and trade of agricultural products on the production side, soil preservation, resource cycling and green space provision on the environmental side, leisure and experience, community vitalization, education, and social security on the social and cultural side, and entertainment functions, ecological functions, and protective functions as urban park functionality. Thirdly, key facilities needed when building an urban agricultural park include urban agricultural facilities other than park management facilities, landscape facilities, recreational facilities, sports facilities, educational facilities, and convenient facilities, and family gardens as the key facility of the urban agricultural park should be scaled in consideration of various purposes and behaviors of their use. This study has a limitation that the subject site was limited to a specific area but has significance in that it presented a planning model for the spatial structuring of park-type urban agriculture.