• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth-volume

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Fabrication and Characteristics of 150ℓ Class Hydrogen Tank Using Hydrogen Storage Alloy (수소저항합금을 이용한 150ℓ급 수소저장용기의 제작과 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Kll-Ku;Gang, Sei-Sun;Kwon, Ho-Young;Lee, Rhim-Youl
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2002
  • The hydrogen storage vessel having a good heat conductivity along with a simple structure and a low cost for these alloys was designed and manufactured, and then its characteristic properties were studied in this study. The various parts in hydrogen storage vessel consisted of copper pipes and stainless steel of 250 mesh reached the setting temperature after 4~5 minutes, which indicated that storage vessel had a good heat conductivity that was required in application. And also the storage vessel had a good property of hydrogen transport considering that the reaction time between hydrogen and rare-earth metal alloys in storage vessel was found to be within 10 min at $18^{\circ}C$ under 10 atmospheric pressure. It showed that the average capacity of discharged hydrogen volume was found to be $120{\ell}$ for $MmNi_{4.5}Mn_{0.5}$ under discharging conditions of $40^{\circ}C{\sim}80^{\circ}C$ at a constant flow rate of $5{\ell}$/min. It was found that the optimum discharging temperature for obtaining an appropriate pressure of 3atm was determined to be $60^{\circ}C$ for $MmNi_{4.5}Mn_{0.5}$ hydrogen storage alloy.

DEEP: KMTNet DEep Ecliptic Patrol

  • Moon, Hong-Kyu;Choi, Young-Jun;Kim, Myung-Jin;Ishiguro, Masateru;Thuillot, William
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.122.2-122.2
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    • 2011
  • For more than a decade, NEA (Near-Earth Asteroid) survey teams equipped with 1 meter-class telescopes discovered thousands of NEAs in the northern sky. As of August 2011, some 8,200 NEAs have been cataloged, yet only five percent of them has been investigated for their physical and chemical properties. In order to improve current situation, we propose a deep ecliptic survey utilizing KMTNet, for detection and characterization of NEAs in the southern sky. Thanks to the wide-field capability (four square degrees) of the telescopes, we will be able to considerably expand the search volume carrying out precision photometry down to 21.5th magnitude. We plan to focus our survey on opposition and two "sweet spots" in the ecliptic belt. Since SDSS colors characterize mineralogical properties of NEAs, g', r', i', z' filters will be employed. Based on the round-the-clock observation, we will study their rotational properties; for multiple systems, mass, density and other physical parameters can be obtained. We plan to maintain a dedicated database of the physical and mineralogical properties of NEAs. With this archive, it is expected that our understanding on the population will see a drastic change. We also plan to participate in the GAIA Follow-Up Network for ground based observation of the Solar System Objects (GAIA-FUN-SSO). The follow- up astrometry will be performed upon alerts issued by the GAIA-FUN-SSO Central Node in France.

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Tectonic Link Between NE China, Yellow Sea and Korean Peninsula, Revealed by Interpreting CHAMP-GRACE Satellite Gravity Data and Sea-surface Measured Gravity Data (CHAMP-GRACE 인공위성 데이터와 해상 측정 중력 데이터에 나타난 황해안 지역의 남중국과 북중국판의 대륙 충돌대 위치)

  • Choi, Sung-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 2005
  • For the understanding the locus of the Quinling-Dabie-Sulu continental collision’s boundary and the underground structure of the sedimentray basin in the Yellow Sea, three dimensional density modelling is carrid out by using gravity dataset (Free Air Anomaly), which is measured by Tamhae 2, GIGAM in a period 2000-2002. The measured gravity anomaly in the investigations area is mainly responsed by depth distribution of the sedimentary basin. After comparing the sea-measured gravity data to CHAMP-GRACE satellite gravity data, I suggested that the high density model bodies extend mainly from the southern part of China to the middle-western part of the Korean Peninsula, which might be emplaced along the continental collision’s boundary. The total volume of very low density bodies modified by modelling might be about 20 000 km3.

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Evaluation of Vs profile of Rock-fill Zone using Seismic Surface wave Method (표면파 탐사 기법을 이용한 락필댐 사력재의 전단파 속도 획득)

  • Kim, Jong-Tae;Park, Heon-Joon;Kim, Gyeong-Seob;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2008
  • It is very important to measure reliable properties of each zones in dam for seismic design. But, rock-fill zone which have 80% of total volume and support maintenance mainly during earthquake has little property by field test and seismic design was performed using assumed value. So, it is required that reliable properties have to be evaluated by in-situ test. In this study, surface wave method, which is nondestructive such as SASW and HWAW, was applied to dam to evaluate rock-fill zone of dam. In 2 dams, Vs profiles were evaluated reliably and possibility of suggestion of D/B was verified.

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Three-Dimensional GSIS for Determination of Optimal Route (3차원 GSIS를 이용한 최적노선 선정)

  • Kang, In-Joon;Choi, Hyun;Park, Hun-Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.1 s.24
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2003
  • The highway is greatly changed by the constant economic growth for a long times the traffic situation such as the large volumes and the performance vehicles, the performance enlargement of vehicles, the high speedization, etc., due to growth economic. A study of an optimal route selection model is researched over late 1980s by development of computer and GSIS, and consisted including research about the optimal route that uses digital terrain model in domestic such as the earth volume calculations, the mass curve output and the automation system construction. Lately, the study of the driving simulation of the highway and the virtual reality using VGIS(Virtual Geographic Information System) is researched. This study shows when the alternative highway selection considered surrounding facilities, development plan and according to estimate amount of traffic and the additional possibility of view analysis and environment effect analysis element will study through 3D simulation method.

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A Study at Investigating the Climate Change in East Asia with Changing Sea Surface Temperature

  • Park, Geun-Yeong;Lim, Yong-Jae
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2020
  • The unsustainable human activities like increased use of automobiles, heavy industrialization and the use of large volumes of fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides in the agricultural land cause climate change problems in one way or another. Under normal circumstances, the heat radiations from the sun will be reflected back. An excessive volume of GHGs in the atmosphere would prevent these radiations from reflecting back. East Asia is facing severe climate change issues in recent times. A lot of climate change problems such as hurricanes and floods have been reported from this region in the last couple of decades. The study aimed at investigating the climate change in East Asia with changing Sea Surface Temperature (SST). The study adopted a quantitative research method with a case study research design where a deliberate focus was made on the East Asia Region. Secondary data was gathered and analyzed to yield both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study concluded that the impact of East Asia Climate variability was significant mainly for some extreme events. Also, the study concluded that there was a significant link between the change of the East Asia climate variability and that of the sea surface temperature. Further, the study concluded that a linear relationship existed between the sea surface temperature and the climate of East Asia. Hence, a linear regression was a significant predictor of the East Asia Climate (EAC) based on changing sea surface temperature. The model revealed that 37.4% of the variations in the climate change index were explained by the changes in the sea surface temperature. The climate was expected to change with a value of 49.48 for a unit change in the sea surface temperature.

Three-dimensional MHD modeling of a CME propagating through a solar wind

  • An, Jun-Mo;Inoue, Satoshi;Magara, Tetsuya;Lee, Hwanhee;Kang, Jihye;Kim, Kap-Sung;Hayashi, Keiji;Tanaka, Takashi
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.70.2-70.2
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    • 2014
  • We developed a three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation code to reproduce the structure of a solar wind and the propagation of a coronal mass ejection (CME) through it. This code is constructed by a finite volume method based on a total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme using an unstructured grid system (Tanaka 1994). The grid system can avoid the singularity arising in the spherical coordinate system. In this study, we made an improvement of the code focused on the propagation of a CME through a solar wind, which extends a previous work done by Nakamizo et al. (2009). We first reconstructed a solar wind in a steady state from physical values obtained at 50 solar radii away from the Sun via an MHD tomography applied to interplanetary scintillation (IPS) data (Hayashi et al. 2003). We selected CR2057 and inserted a spheromak-type CME (Kataoka et al. 2009) into a reconstructed solar wind. As a result, we found that our simulation well captures the velocity, temperature and density profiles of an observed solar wind. Furthermore, we successfully reproduce the general characteristics of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) obtained by the Helios 1/2 spacecraft (R. J. FORSYTH et al. 2006).

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Analysis of Environment Emission Characteristics Each Construction Type for Road Field (국도건설공사 도로분야의 공종별 환경부하량 특성분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Ryong;Lee, Dong-Eun;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2017
  • Recently Korea has presented carbon emission reduce goal of 37% compare to BAU until 2030 according to Paris Agreement in order to correspond to climate change. For this, researchers need to study positively on construction industry that emit $CO_2$ of $3^{rd}$ volume of 28 industry classification. This study calculated environmental load by LCA using the road part except tunnel and bridge among national road cases completed already. After selecting representative type of large construction type based on environmental emission, earth works, drainage works and paving works took up 84%. And this study analyzed the environmental emission feature of each detail construction type after selecting representative type each detail construction type. Utilization of each construction type emission attribute to environmental load during national road construction, will be helpful in making decision of eco-friendly national road construction based on environmental emission.

Application of Geophysical Prospecting to Site Assessment of Waste Landfill (매립지 오염평가를 위한 물리탐사의 적용사례)

  • Lee, Cheol-Hyo;Park, Sam-Gyu
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.09a
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    • pp.104-121
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    • 2001
  • Recently, the pollution of soil and groundwater becomes a serious social problem, and geophysical exploration methods have been introduced as a remedial investigation method of subsurface. Digital technologies such as personal computer have revolutionized our ability to acquire large volume of data in a short term, and to produce more reliable results for subsurface image. Also, color graphics easily visualizes the survey results in a more understandable manner, and it is widely used for not only characterizing the contaminated subsurface but also monitoring contaminant and remedial process. In this paper, electrical resistivity and electromagnetic (EM) surveys were carried out in order to understand characteristics of waste landfills, and the applicability of geophysical prospecting to site assessment of waste landfill was also tested. According to the result, electrical resistivity and electromagnetic (EM) surveys were effective in estimating distribution of the leachate plume.

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Role of the Cheongryangsan Conglomerate and the Osipbong Basalt in Classifying Stratigraphy of the Hayang Group, Yeongyang Subbasin (영양소분지 하양층군의 층서분류에 있어서 청량산역암과 오십봉현무암의 역할)

  • Hwang, Sang-Koo;Woo, Byung-Gul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.181-194
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    • 2009
  • The Cheongryangsan Formation was reported to stratigraphically overlie the Gasongdong Formation and underlie the Dogyedong Formation in the northern part of the Yeongyang subbasin, and be divided into the lower Cheongryangsan Member and the Osipbong Member. But the members have more widely called as the Cheongryangsan Conglomerate and the Osipbong Basalt, because the latter have initially meant that thin basalt flows several times intercalate sedimentary rocks in the northern part but later must consider that they have a very dominant volume in the eastern one. Both formations are based on classifying the stratigraphy and play a role of an excellent key bed for stratigraphic correlation between local spaces in the subbasin dominant absolutely for reddish beds. Both formations play a role of excellent key bed in the northern and northwestern areas of the subbasin; the Osipbong Basalt, the midwestern, eastern and southern ones; the Cheongryangsan Conglomerate, the southeastern one.