• Title/Summary/Keyword: EMBRACE

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Forecasting non-traditional security threats in Korea :by Republic of Korea Army collective intelligence platform operating result (미래 한반도의 비전통적 안보위협 예측 :육군의 집단지성 플랫폼 운영 결과를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Sang Keun;Jung, Min-Sub;Moon, Sang Jun;Park, Sang-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.216-222
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    • 2021
  • COVID-19 pandemic brings attentions to the nonmilitary and transnational non-traditonal security threats, as the scales of such damage by these threats are beyond expectation. The Republic of Korea Army tries to forecast non-traditional security threat which may be occurred in Korean peninsula by using collective intelligence platform. In coming years, climate change, social changes and technology development caused by the 4th industrial revolution will diversify non-traditional security threat. Considering urbanization, internet distribution rate, and geopolitical location where atmosphere from continent and ocean meet, Korea would may face the most lethal ones compared to those of other countries may face. Therefore, to predict such threats in pangovernment scale using collective intelligence platforms which embrace civil, public, military, industry, academy and research center is the most important than anything.

A Research on Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) Based on New Classification Models : Focused on Currently Practiced Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) in Korean Medicine(韓醫學) (새로운 분류 모델에 기초한 침법(鍼法) 고찰 : 한의학(韓醫學)에서 사용되고 있는 침법(鍼法)을 중심으로)

  • Kye, Kangyoon;Kim, Byoungsoo
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.9-25
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    • 2021
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to analyze Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) that are currently practiced in Korean medicine(韓醫學) and to consider the directions in further research and development. Methods : Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were selected based on Acupuncture Medicine textbook of College of Korean Medicine and published researches. Then, selected Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were categorized by characteristics. Also, the selected Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were comprehensively classified according to new models, Heaven-Earth-Human(天地人) model and Dimensional model. The directions of further research and development in Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) were considered based on this. Results & Conclusions : In the categorization by characteristics, sufficient basic references were unavailable to consider the directions in further research and development. However, comprehensive classification using Heaven-Earth-Human(天地人) model and Dimensional model was able to be used as references for estimating the relative positions of each Method of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法) and also, establishing the directions in further research and development. Regarding the results from comprehensive classification, the studies on Physiology of Four Seasons and Day and night(晝夜) are required. Besides, the acceptance of Western medical contents which include anatomical structures is unavoidable to achieve the development in Methods of Acupuncture Therapies(鍼法). In addition, it is necessary to propose researches founded on an integrated theory of Viscera and Bowels(藏府) and Meridian and Collateral(經絡) which enables to embrace the physiological function of human body. Upon this, the creation of a Four-dimensional Methods of Acupuncture Therapy(鍼法) is also required.

Lee Geun-sam and Ideology of North Korea's Performing Arts (이근삼과 북한공연예술의 이데올로기)

  • Shim, Wooil
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.42
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 2021
  • In the 1980's, Lee Geun-sam wrote critiques that analyzed North Korea's performing arts and ideology. In the critiques, he posits the following characteristics of North Korea's performing arts. First, the works are designed in such a way to befit the purpose of the authorities' policy. Second, the works embrace political ideology whose purpose concerns class struggle. During the critique process, Lee Geun-sam compares the "freedom" of the performing arts activities in South Korea and the "regulatory" aspect of North Korea's performing arts activities and reveals implicitly the superiority of South Korea's system. In addition, Lee Geun-sam criticizes the political ideology of North Korea's performing arts and objects to viewing the concept of ideology from a Marxist viewpoint. According to Lee Geun-sam, an ideology is explained as an idea system representing an artist's conscious/unconscious worldview. Also, he contends that arts should distance itself from political ideology.

An Exploratory Study on K-Fashion Acceptance Behavior among Vietnamese International Students in Korea (베트남 유학생의 K-패션 수용 행동 탐색)

  • Min Kyoung Jung;So Jung Yun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2023
  • This study explores aspects of Vietnamese students' acculturation and acceptance behavior of K-fashion, based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). In-depth interviews were conducted with 8 Vietnamese international students in Korea. The results of the study firstly indicate that K-fashion acceptance behavior of Vietnamese students reflected eight values of K-fashion, two motives of behavior, and two types of K-fashion acceptance behavior. Vietnamese students generally displayed a favorable attitude toward K-fashion. They all switched to K-fashion styles and actively showed their styles through SNS. Second, there was a difference in K-fashion behavior depending on whether the motivation for acculturation was of an active or inactive nature. The distinction between these two groups was determined by applying behavioral reasoning theory (BRT). Students whose motivation for learning Korean was an interest in Korean culture were characterized by active behavior in adapting to Korean culture, while those whose motivation for learning Korean was for strategic reasons, such as finding a good job, exhibited inactive K-fashion acceptance. This study has academic significance in that it enhances the understanding of Vietnamese consumers through the K-fashion acceptance behavior of Vietnamese students in Korea. Vietnamese students who actively embrace K-fashion play an important role in spreading K-fashion, so it could be beneficial to establish a strategy for promoting K-fashion in collaboration with them.

ESG Strategy Analysis of Korea Fashion Companies (국내 패션기업의 ESG 전략 분석)

  • Shin-Hyun Cho;Hye-Jung Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to find implications for the introduction and practice of ESG by domestic fashion companies by examining the core ESG topics and strategies of Samsung C&T Fashion Division, Kolon FnC, F&F holdings, and Fila. ESG management analysis examined the importance of the criticality evaluation process, critical issues, and implementation strategies for each key topic based on the company's 2021 ESG sustainable management report, and analyzed the relationship with UN SDGs and the GRI. The analysis results are as follows: As for KCGS' ESG rating, Samsung C&T's fashion division, Kolon FnC, and Fila Holdings were rated A, while F&F Holdings was rated B+. The major issues derived from ESG's criticality assessment are environmental issues related to Samsung C&T's fashion division. Kolon FnC was found to have focused on the social sector and F&F Holdings focused on governance structure. After examining the correlation between the ESG core strategies of the investigated fashion companies and the 17 SDGs, the common areas were identified as quality employment, sustainable production and consumption, and climate changes and response. Correlation with the GRI Standards 2021 Index, (GRI 1, GRI 11, and GRI 12 created in 2021) was not reflected. In the future, it will be necessary to have a transparent governance structure that meets global standards, sets measurable goals, and continuously manages them. Other companies should also recognize ESG management processes that embrace various stakeholders and strengthens win-win cooperation to manage risks, and establish mid- to long-term response strategies.

Displacement of Modernism: Edna St. Vincent Millay's Rewriting Carpe Diem Tradition (모더니즘의 일탈 -에드나 세인트 빈센 밀레이의 카르페 디엠 전통 다시 쓰기)

  • Park, Jooyoung
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.797-821
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    • 2010
  • This paper aims to explore how Millay's love sonnets rewrite the carpe diem tradition in the complicated ways. This paper redirects critical attention away from Millay's individual experience and inner self toward the scene of literary history, suggesting that there may be more historical consciousness in Millay's sentimental and feminine "gesture." Rewriting the carpe diem tradition, Millay's sonnets reveal an awareness of the dependence of the carpe diem poems' discursive logic on the woman's coyness, its inability to accomplish its triumph over woman or time (death) without her posited reluctance. Contrary to Andrew Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress," the speakers of Millay's sonnets could never be accused of the sexual coyness; they are outspoken in their defiance of both death and lovers whose possessiveness resembles death's embrace. Moreover, as Stacy Carson Hubbard points out, by converting female sexual experience from its status as a onetime closural event to repeatable one, hence an opportunity for the general and emotional irritability productive of narrative, Millay seizes for the woman the power of "dilation" in both its sexual and its verbal forms. Furthermore, this paper argues that the woman's sex no longer invites analogies to things secret and sealed, preserved or ruined in Millay's sonnets. The woman's promiscuity implies a rejection of monumentalizing love, as well as a refusal of the fixing inherent in the carpe diem's fearful invocation of the movement of time. Throughout the love sonnets, the speaker's sexualized body produces nothing but ephemera. For Millay, this body spends its powers in hopes of having them, and the force of this spending is a perpetual and willful forgetting, which makes possible the repetition of love's story. Ultimately, Milly disturbs our critical categories by rendering permeable boundaries between modern literature and dead form of classic literature, the female speaker and male speaker.

Kiosk Use Among Seniors: An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Technostress and Subjective Norms on Awareness of Shadow Work (고령층의 키오스크 사용에서의 기술스트레스와 주관적 규범이 그림자노동 지각에 미치는 영향: 실증 분석)

  • Ji, Do-Sung;Koh, Joon
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.62-88
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    • 2023
  • While the introduction of kiosk has become an essential element, enjoying the effect of labor cost reduction, it has not been able to embrace the senior population due to the digital divide. This study investigated which factors have relationships with conflict over use for kiosk from the viewpoint of shadow work that appears during self-service kiosk use. An analysis of 159 seniors through survey revealed that both technostress and subjective norms had significant relationships with conflict over use for kiosk, and that the perception of shadow work had a partial mediating effect on these relationships. Further, user experience showed a moderating effect on the relationship between technostress and perception of shadow work. These results suggest theoretical and practical implications related to digital shadow work, providing the relevant policy regarding digital inclusion for seniors.

Investigating the Resolutions and Hopes of Korean Society Through Gratitude and Awareness, Inspired by "Three Days To See" by Helen Keller

  • Wooyoung Kim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.88-103
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    • 2023
  • In a challenging era of despair and hope, Helen Keller's story and her work, especially the remarkable journey depicted in "Three Days to See" from her autobiography "The Story of My Life," serve as a deep source of inspiration and wisdom. Her incredible life story reveals the path we should follow and the hope we should embrace. Her story showcases an incredible ability to overcome adversity in the human spirit. It reinforces the idea that even in the darkest moments, one can find the light of hope and resilience. Her story is a testament to the indomitable human will. Furthermore, Helen Keller's narrative often reminds us of the importance of gratitude for gifts and opportunities that are often taken for granted. Her longing for the simplest things, like sight, teaches us to cherish the abilities and privileges we currently possess. When facing contemporary challenges and uncertainties, her story conveys a profound message of unwavering hope and steadfast faith. She encourages us to seize the present moment, value the gifts we have, and embark on the journey of life with patience and hope, even when the path appears difficult. In this paper, we explore the life of Helen Keller and her literary work, emphasizing the importance of patience and hope in the difficult times faced by Koreans today, and we aim to present our attitude towards contributing to the nation's development. We seek to provide methods for preparing for a better and more hopeful future. We assert that we must carry hope and determination for the future and strive for new optimism and hope in Korean society.


  • Pan Hao;Sangwon Han
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2011
  • Optimizing truck dispatching-intervals is imperative in ready mixed concrete (RMC) delivery process. Intervals shorter than optimal may induce queuing of idle trucks at a construction site, resulting in a long delivery cycle time. On the other hand, intervals longer than optimal can trigger work discontinuity due to a lack of available trucks where required. Therefore, the RMC delivery process should be systematically scheduled in order to minimize the occurrence of waiting trucks as well as guarantee work continuity. However, it is challenging to find optimal intervals, particularly in urban areas, due to variations in both traffic conditions and concrete placement rates at the site. Truck dispatching intervals are usually determined based on the concrete plant managers' intuitive judgments, without sufficient and reliable information regarding traffic and site conditions. Accordingly, the RMC delivery process often experiences inefficiency and/or work discontinuity. Automatic data collection (ADC) techniques (e.g., RFID or GPS) can be effective tools to assist plant managers in finding optimal dispatching intervals, thereby enhancing delivery performance. However, quantitative evidence of the extent of performance improvement has rarely been reported to data, and this is a central reason for a general reluctance within the industry to embrace these techniques, despite their potential benefits. To address this issue, this research reports on the development of a discrete event simulation model and its application to a large-scale building project in Abu Dhabi. The simulation results indicate that ADC techniques can reduce the truck idle time at site by 57% and also enhance the pouring continuity in the RMC delivery process.

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A Digital Forensic Framework Design for Joined Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Environment

  • Zayyanu Umar;Deborah U. Ebem;Francis S. Bakpo;Modesta Ezema
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2024
  • Cloud computing is now used by most companies, business centres and academic institutions to embrace new computer technology. Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) are limited to certain services, missing some of the assets requested by their customers, it means that different clouds need to interconnect to share resources and interoperate between them. The clouds may be interconnected in different characteristics and systems, and the network may be vulnerable to volatility or interference. While information technology and cloud computing are also advancing to accommodate the growing worldwide application, criminals use cyberspace to perform cybercrimes. Cloud services deployment is becoming highly prone to threats and intrusions. The unauthorised access or destruction of records yields significant catastrophic losses to organisations or agencies. Human intervention and Physical devices are not enough for protection and monitoring of cloud services; therefore, there is a need for more efficient design for cyber defence that is adaptable, flexible, robust and able to detect dangerous cybercrime such as a Denial of Service (DOS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) in heterogeneous cloud computing platforms and make essential real-time decisions for forensic investigation. This paper aims to develop a framework for digital forensic for the detection of cybercrime in a joined heterogeneous cloud setup. We developed a Digital Forensics model in this paper that can function in heterogeneous joint clouds. We used Unified Modeling Language (UML) specifically activity diagram in designing the proposed framework, then for deployment, we used an architectural modelling system in developing a framework. We developed an activity diagram that can accommodate the variability and complexities of the clouds when handling inter-cloud resources.