• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dynamic coefficient of stiffness

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Prediction of Dynamic Characteristics of Continuous Structures due to the Modification of Stiffness (강성 변경에 따른 연속체 구조물의 동특성 변화 예측)

  • Lee, Jung-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 1997
  • This paper derives the generalized stiffness to find dynamic characteristics and its derivatives of a continuous system. And a new sensitivity analysis method is presented by using the amount of change of generalized stiffness and vibrational mode caused by the variation of stiffness. In this paper, to get or detect appropriate results, cantilever beam and stepped beam and stepped beam are used. Deviations of sensitivity coefficient, natural frequency, and vibrational mode are calculated as result, and compared with the theoretical exact values.

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Analysis of Design Parameter of Structural Modification using Change of Dynamic Characteristics (동특성 변화로부터 구조물의 변경된 설계파라미터 해석)

  • Oh Jae-Eung;Lee Jung-Woo;Lee Jung-Youn
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.4 s.247
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2006
  • This paper predicts the modified mass and stiffness of structure using the sensitivity coefficients with the iterative method. The sensitivity coefficients are obtained by the change of the eigenvectors according to structural modification. The method is applied to an examples of a 3 degree of freedom system by modifying mass and stiffness. The predicted mass and stiffness are in good agreement with these from the structural reanalysis using the modified mass and stiffness.

Dynamic Characteristics and Responses of Tall Building Structures with Double Negative Stiffness Damped Outriggers

  • Sun, Feifei;Duan, Ningling;Wang, Meng;Yang, Jiaqi
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.229-242
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    • 2021
  • Dynamic characteristics of tall building structures with double negative stiffness damped outriggers (2NSDO) are parametrically studied using the theoretical formula. Compared with one negative stiffness damped outrigger (1NSDO), 2NSDO can achieve a similar maximal modal damping ratio with a smaller negative stiffness ratio. Besides, the 2NSDO can improve the maximum achievable damping ratio to about 30% with less consumption of an outrigger damping coefficient compared with the double conventional damped outriggers (2CDO). Besides, the responses of structures with 2NSDO under fluctuating wind load are investigated by time-history analysis. Numerical results show that the 2NSDO is effective in reducing structural acceleration under fluctuating wind load, being more efficient than 1NSDO.

A Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of Axial Vibration Damper for Two Stroke Low Speed Diesel Engine (저속 2행정 디젤엔진의 종진동 댐퍼 동특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이돈출;김정렬;김의간
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 1994
  • Since two oil shocks in 1970s, all of engine makers have persevered in their efforts to reduce specific fuel consumption and to increase engine power rate as much as possible in marine diesel engines. As a result, the maximum pressure in cylinders of these engines has been continuously increased. It causes direct axial vibration. The axial stiffness of crank shaft is low compared to old types of engine models by increasing the stroke/bore ratio and its major critical speed might occur within engine operation range. An axial damper, therefore, needs to be installed in order to reduce the axial vibration amplitude of the crankshaft. Usually the main critical speed of axial vibration for the propulsion shafting system with a 4-8 cylinder engine exists near the maximum continuous revolution(MCR). In this case, when the damping coefficient of the damper is increased within the allowance of the structural strength, its stiffness coefficient is also increased. Therefore, the main critical speed of axial vibration can be moved beyond the MCR. It has the same function as a conventional detuner. However, in the case of a 9-12 cylinder engine, the main critical speed of axial vibration for the propulsion shafting system exists below the MCR and thus the critical speed cannot be moved beyond the MCR by using an axial damper. In this case, the damping coefficient of an axial damper should be adjusted by considering the range of engine revolution, the location and vibration amplitude of the critical speed, the fore and aft vibration of the hull super structure. It needs to clarify the dynamic characteristics of the axial vibration damper to control the axial vibration appropriately. Therefore authors suggest the calculation method to analyse the dynamic characteristics of axial vibration damper. To confirm the calculation method proposed in this paper, it is applied to the propulsion shafting system of the actual ships and satisfactory results are obtained.

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Static Analysis of Axisymmetric Circular Plates under Lateral Loading Using Transfer of Stiffness Coefficient (강성계수의 전달을 이용한 횡방향 하중을 받는 축대칭 원판의 정적해석)

  • Choi, Myung-Soo;Yeo, Dong-Jun
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2014
  • A circular plate is one of the important structures in many industrial fields. In static analysis of a circular plate, we may obtain an exact solution by analytical method, but it is limited to a simple circular plate. Thus, many researchers and designers have used numerical methods such as the finite element method. The authors of this paper developed the finite element-transfer stiffness coefficient method (FE-TSCM) for static and dynamic analyses of various structures. FE-TSCM is the combination of the modeling technique of the finite element method (FEM) and the transfer technique of the transfer stiffness coefficient method (TSCM). FE-TSCM has the advantages of both FEM and FE-TSCM. In this paper, the authors formulate the computational algorithm for the static analysis of axisymmetric circular plates under lateral loading using FE-TSCM. The computational results for three computational models obtained by FE-TSCM are compared with those obtained by FEM in order to confirm the accuracy of FE-TSCM.

Experimental Study of the Dynamic Characteristics of Rubber Mounts for Agricultural Tractor Cabin

  • Choi, Kyujeong;Oh, Jooseon;Ahn, Davin;Park, Young-Jun;Park, Sung-Un;Kim, Heung-Sub
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To obtain the dynamic characteristics (spring stiffness and damping coefficient) of a rubber mount supporting a tractor cabin in order to develop a simulation model of an agricultural tractor. Methods: The KS M 6604 rubber mount test method was used to test the dynamic characteristics of the rubber mount. Of the methods proposed in the standard, the resonance method was used. To perform the test according to the standard, a base excitation test device was constructed and the accelerations were measured. Results: Displacement transmissibility was measured by varying the frequency from 3-30 Hz. The vibration transmissibility at resonance was confirmed, and the dynamic stiffness and damping coefficient of the rubber mount were obtained. The front rubber mount has a spring constant of 1247 N/mm and damping ratio of 3.27 Ns/mm, and the rear rubber mount has a spring constant of 702 N/mm and damping ratio of 1.92 Ns/mm. Conclusions: The parameters in the z-direction were obtained in this study. In future studies, we will develop a more complete tractor simulation model if the parameters for the x- and y-directions can be obtained.

A study on 1D modeling techniques for collision analysis of train coupling (열차의 1차원 연결 해석 모델링 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jun;Koo, Jeong-Seo
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.1203-1209
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    • 2006
  • One dimensional collision analysis is often used to simulate a train-to-train coupling or collision accident. But there are various numerical modeling techniques utilized for dynamic models of rolling stocks such as a lumped-spring-mass model or a bar-mass model. In rolling stock industries, a lumped-spring-mass model is mainly applied without consideration of bogie attachments separately. In this case, a dynamic stiffness coefficient is introduced to compensate the overestimated car mass effects due to the linkage stiffness of bogies and seats. In this paper, the effects of dynamic stiffness coefficients and wheel-rail friction coefficients were studied by simulating a bar-mass model with bogie attachments separately.

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Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Cylindrical Hydrostatic Bearing (진원형 정수압 베어링의 해석 및 실험적 고찰)

  • 문호지;한동철
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 1990
  • For increasing the performance of Machine tools, the improvement of the static and dynamic characteristics of spindle bearing is important. In this paper are the static characteristics, the pressure distribution, friction force and outlet flow rate, and the dynamic characteristics stiffness and damping coefficient, of a cylindrical hydrostatic journal bearing with multi oil pockets are analyzed.

An Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Tilting Pad Thrust Bearings (틸팅 패드 추력베어링의 동특성 해석)

  • 김종수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 1997
  • In this paper the linearzed stiffness and damping coefficients of tilting pad thrust bearing are calculated by the perturbation method. The coefficients are obtained for a wide range of pivot positions. The effects of exciting frequency and pad mass on stiffness and damping coefficients are investigated. Critical frequencies due to the tilting motions of the pad are presented and are shown to be strongly influenced by the pivot position and pad mass.

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