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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Driving Part

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Electrical Characteristics of Disk-type Piezotransformer with Electrode Ratio of Driving and Generating Part (디스크형 압전변압기의 전극비에 따른 전기적 특성)

  • Lee, J.P.;Chae, H.I.;Jeong, S.H.;Kang, H.S.;Lee, C.H.;Shin, H.T.;Hong, J.W.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07c
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    • pp.1490-1492
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    • 2003
  • A new type of piezoelectric transformer using radial vibration of disk, poled with the same direction is proposed. The piezoelectric ceramics was composed to PZT-PMN-PSN. The surface ratio of driving electrode and generating electrode of the piezoelectric transformer ranges from 1.4:1 to 3:1. As a experimental result, both resonance frequency and step-up voltage ratio increased with increasing load resistance. The step-up voltage ratio was reached more than 60 times under no load resistance. The maximum efficiency of 97.7% at load resistance of 2kΩ was obtained.

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Force Commutated Circuit for Driving The Load Commutated Current Source Inverter (부하전류식(負荷轉流式) 전류형(電流型) 인버터를 구동(驅動)하기 위한 강제전류회로(强制轉流回路))

  • Chung, Y.T.;Lee, S.Y.;Soh, Y.C.;Lee, J.W.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1993.07b
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    • pp.731-735
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    • 1993
  • When induction motor is driven with a load commutated inverter, the output part of the inverter must be capacitive. But, in order to be a good load commutation at the low speed range, very large capacitor or force commutated circuit must be used regarding the capacity of motor. This paper proposed the force commutated circuit for driving the motor in case of the installation of capacitor which can be capable of load commutation at the rating speed. The force commutated circuit is operated by the LC resonant circuit, auxiliary source and SCR, and also composed of the commutation circuit which control the interval of the inverse voltage across the inverter.

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A Study of the Reaction Time on Older Driver (고령운전자 인지반응시간에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Dae Hee;Park, Jin Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2019
  • The aging of society is not only Korea's challenge but also a global issue. This leads to an increase in the number of elderly drivers who are much more prone to major traffic accidents. Therefore, we need a system to test aged drivers' driving abilities. As part of efforts to establish such a system, researchers of KoROAD. have conducted a study on the correlation between aging and driving abilities by analyzing old drivers' reaction time. The study shows that there was a sharp increase in reaction time for drivers aged 65 and over. The current reaction time of 2.5 secs for the 85 percent of eligible drivers needs to be revised upward in aging societies. From now on, we need to come up with the traffic safety measures that can deal with the issue of drivers of old age.

Development of Unmanned Driving Technologies for Speed Sprayer in Orchard Environment (과수원 환경에서의 방제기 무인주행 기술 개발)

  • Li, Song;Kang, Dongyeop;Lee, Hae-min;An, Su-yong;Kwon, Wookyong;Chung, Yunsu
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.269-279
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents the design and implementation of embedded systems and autonomous path generation for autonomous speed sprayer. Autonomous Orchard Systems can be divided into embedded controller and path generation module. Embedded controller receives analog sensor data, on/off switch data and control linear actuator, break, clutch and steering module. In path generation part, we get 3D cloud point using Velodyne VLP16 LIDAR sensor and process the point cloud to generate maps, do localization, generate driving path. Then, it finally generates velocity and rotation angle in real time, and sends the data to embedded controller. Embedded controller controls steering wheel based on the received data. The developed autonomous speed sprayer is verified in test-bed with apple tree-shaped artworks.

Bi-directional Actuator using a permanent magnet and solenoid

  • Kim, K.H.;Kim, D.M.;Lee, S.Q.;D.G. Gweon
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.98.1-98
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    • 2001
  • An actuator using a permanent magnet and solenoid is proposed and designed in this paper. Its design concept is composed of a driving force generation, a guide mechanism, and a symmetric structure. At first, Driving Force generation uses a concept that is a change efflux by using a permanent magnet and solenoid. A permanent flux is generated by a permanent magnet. Changeable flux is created by a variable current flowing through coil such the solenoid. The direction of this flux is changed due to current flowing through coils. The combination of permanent and changeable fluxes make various flux densities between yokes of moving part and fixed yokes. And then, the flux densities create forces(F), which are used to drive this actuator, in lower and upper gap. In this actuator ...

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Design of Driving Record System using Block Chain (블록체인을 이용한 주행 기록 시스템 설계)

  • Seo, Eui-Seong;Jang, Jong-wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.205-206
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    • 2018
  • Recently, interest in unmanned vehicles, autonomous vehicles and connected cars has increased, and autonomous driving capability is also increasing. Depending on the autonomous driving ability, the maximum number of steps is divided into 6 steps. The higher the step, the less the involvement of the person in the running, and the person does not need to be involved at the highest stage. Today's autonomous vehicles have been developed in stages 4 to 5, but solutions are not clearly defined in case of an accident, so only the test run is possible. Such an accident occurring during traveling is almost inevitable, and it is judged who has made a mistake in case of an accident, which increases the punishment for the accident. Although a black box is used to clarify such a part, it is easy to delete a photographed image, and it is difficult to solve an accident such as a hit-and-run. In this paper, we design a driving record system using black chain to solve such an accident.

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Raspberry-based multi-function RC car controller (라즈베리파이 기반 다기능 RC카 컨트롤러)

  • Lee, Myoung-Gyun;Lee, Yong-Soo;Kim, Jeong-Joon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2018
  • Now RC cars have become a culture where everyone who wants to feel precise control and rushing instinct regardless of sex, young or old can participate. In addition, RC cars have attracted a lot of people because they can feel the feeling of driving while driving a car in a small, lightweight body. In line with these trends, various development companies are focusing on functional aspects such as driving and speed improvement for each environment and their sophistication. Of course, driving performance alone can bring a tremendous ripple effect, but what you can do with a RC car is only part replacement and motor modification. Therefore, we will develop RC car based on raspberry pie, control by application, add various functions through sensor recognition, and develop RC car that can travel through video information that can be obtained using web cam. As a small RC car, we carry out research that can combine the functions that can be used as a robot that moves at various construction sites and accident sites where people can not enter, and which can attract users' interest.

Design of Driving Record System using Block Chain (블록체인을 이용한 주행 기록 시스템 설계)

  • Seo, Eui-seong;Jang, Jong-wook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.916-921
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    • 2018
  • Recently, interest in autonomous vehicle has increased, and autonomous driving capability is also increasing. Depending on the autonomous driving ability, the maximum number of steps is divided into 6 steps. The higher the step, the less the involvement of the person in the running, and the person does not need to be involved at the highest stage. Today's autonomous vehicles have been developed high level, but solutions are not clearly defined in case of an accident, so only the test run is possible. Such an accident occurring during traveling is almost inevitable, and it is judged who has made a mistake in case of an accident, which increases the punishment for the accident. Although a black box is used to clarify such a part, it is easy to delete a record, and it is difficult to solve an accident such as a hit-and-run. In this paper, i design a driving record system using black chain to solve accidents.

Performance Improvement of Traffic Signal Lights Recognition Based on Adaptive Morphological Analysis (적응적 형태학적 분석에 기초한 신호등 인식률 성능 개선)

  • Kim, Jae-Gon;Kim, Jin-soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.2129-2137
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    • 2015
  • Lots of research and development works have been actively focused on the self-driving vehicles, locally and globally. In order to implement the self-driving vehicles, lots of fundamental core technologies need to be successfully developed and, specially, it is noted that traffic lights detection and recognition system is an essential part of the computer vision technologies in the self-driving vehicles. Up to nowadays, most conventional algorithm for detecting and recognizing traffic lights are mainly based on the color signal analysis, but these approaches have limits on the performance improvements that can be achieved due to the color signal noises and environmental situations. In order to overcome the performance limits, this paper introduces the morphological analysis for the traffic lights recognition. That is, by considering the color component analysis and the shape analysis such as rectangles and circles simultaneously, the efficiency of the traffic lights recognitions can be greatly increased. Through several simulations, it is shown that the proposed method can highly improve the recognition rate as well as the mis-recognition rate.

Development of IPM(Intelligent Power Module) IGBT switch performance evaluation system for the driving of the A.C. motor (교류 전동기 구동을 위한 IPM(Intelligent Power Module) IGBT 스위치 성능 분석 방법 개발)

  • Choi, Jung-Keyng
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2022
  • This Paper is about the study that design performance and reliability measurement circuits of the IPM which is an intelligent switching switch module included at an inverter circuits for driving of A.C. Servo motors in home appliance. IPM is a core device of motor driver and it's switching characteristics should be retained uniformly during the driving of a servo system. All of it's specification, the collector emitter switch on voltage Vce(on) spec. is very important. As the IPM are core part of inverters and producing from several brands and versions, for optimal performances of application systems a method and measurement & evaluation system to measure Vce(on) value, collector emitter switch on voltage, of the IPM IGBT switches with various brands are required. Especially, the proposed method can measure and evaluate Vce(on) values of IPM with load at mounting state on the motor driving circuits and proposed measurement & evaluation system can be important instrument systems for IPM user companies.