• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

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  • Choi, Hyeok-Sun
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.148-154
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of low concentration of oxygen on reduction of perchlorate, especially low perchlorate influent concentrations in a biofilm reactor, as well as the effect of flow pattern in a biofilm reactor. Dissolved oxygen averaging 1 mg/L did not inhibit reduction of influent perchlorate from 23 to $426\;{\mu}g/L$ in the biofilm reactors when sufficient acetate was added, probably due to limitation of oxygen diffusion into the biofilm. Influent perchlorate ranging from 23 to $426\;{\mu}g/L$ was reduced to below detection level ($4\;{\mu}g/L$) in the presence of 1 mg/L dissolved oxygen (DO). Chloride was produced in a ratio of $0.37gCl^-/g{ClO_4}^-$ and $0.35gCl^-/g{ClO_4}^-$ in plug flow and recirculation biofilm reactor which is similar to stoichiometric amount ($0.36gCl^-/g{ClO_4}^-$) indicating complete perchlorate reduction at $426\;{\mu}g/L$ of ${ClO_4}^-$ feeding. At $23\;{\mu}g/L$L influent perchlorate, total biomass solids were 3.18 g and 2.81 g in the plug flow and recirculation biofilm reactors. The most probable number(MPN) analysis for perchlorate-reducing bacteria showed $10^4$ to $10^5\;cells/cm^2$ in both biofilm reactors throughout the experiments. The effluent perchlorate concentrations were not significantly different in the two different flow regimes, plug flow and recirculation biofilm reactors.

Dissolved Oxygen Budget in Floating Net Cage of Fish Farm at the Coastal Area -In case of yellow tail farm in Konli-Do- (해산 어류 양식장 가두리의 DO수지 -곤리도 방어 양식장의 경우-)

  • KIM Yong Sool
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.30-34
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    • 1988
  • In roastal fish farms the farmers, especialy engaging in dealing with the floating cage culture, going to know about relationships between holding capacity and water quality in cage. Some of water quality managers and specialists studing physiological ecology understand that the key of water quality management concerned fish farming is budget of dissolved oxygen. This paper deals with oxygen budget in floating cage of the yellow tail farms at southern coastal area in Korea. The sampling station is located at Konli-Do fish farm near Chungmu, and the data is collected for 24 hours from 3:00 p.m. 8th September 1987. In result, the needed oxygen coming after the consumption by the rearing fish had been supplied with the tide current exchange, the sum of oxygen produced by phytoplankton photosynthesis and diffused from atmosphere are no more that $43\%$ for the needs of sea water consumption included respiration of planktons and decomposition of organic matters. The optimum holding capacity of cage is possible to compute with the calculation of minimum diurnal water exchange rate $[Qin{\cdot}V^{-1}\;(C-\bar{c})]$ through net mesh of cage.

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Effects of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on the Physiology of the Manila clam, Teillarca granosa (Linnaeus) (꼬막, Tegillarca granosa (Linnaeus)의 용존산소 변화에 따른 생리적 반응)

  • Shin Yun Kyung;Moon Tae Seok;Wi Chong Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.485-489
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    • 2002
  • To investigate the effects of the dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) of Tetillarca granosa (Linnaeus), We measured $LC_{50}$, survival, oxygen consumption rate, filtration rates and blood composition under $10{\cdot}{\pm}0.5^{\circ}C$ and $25{\cdot}0.5^{\circ}C$ as a function of DO. The 16 days-$LC_{50}$ of DO for T. granosa was 1.31 mg DO/L in large individual and 0.95 mg DO/L in small individual. At 25$^{\circ}C$, the $LC_{50}$ of DO in large and small individual was 1.13 and 1.M mg DO/L, respectively. With decreasing DO, oxygen consumption rate, and filtration rates of T. granosa decreased. Blood composition of T. granosa was analysed hemoglobin, glucose, total protein, total cholesterol, GOT and GPT, Hg was increased with decreasing DO, but glucose was decreased below 1.2 mg DO/L. Total protein, total cholesterol, GOT and GPT were investigated irregular and decreasing aspect.

Study on the Output Current for Electrochemical Low-energy Neutrino Detector with Regards to Oxygen Concentration

  • Suda, Shoya;Ishibashi, Kenji;Riyana, Eka Sapta;Aida, Yani Nur;Nakamura, Shohei;Imahayashi, Yoichi
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.373-377
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    • 2016
  • Background: Experiments with small electrochemical apparatus were previously carried out for detecting low-energy neutrinos under irradiation of reactor neutrinos and under natural neutrino environment. The experimental result indicated that the output current of reactor-neutrino irradiated detector was appreciably larger than that of natural environmental one. Usual interaction cross-sections of neutrinos are quite small, so that they do not explain the experimental result at all. Materials and Methods: To understand the experimental data, we propose that some biological products may generate AV-type scalar field B0, leading to a large interaction cross-section. The output current generation is ascribed to an electrochemical process that may be assisted by weak interaction phenomena. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the detector solution were measured in this study, for the purpose of understanding the mechanism of the detector output current generation. Results and Discussion: It was found that the time evolution of experimental output current was mostly reproduced in simulation calculation on the basis of the measured dissolved oxygen concentration. Conclusion: We mostly explained the variation of experimental data by using the electrochemical half-cell analysis model based on the DO concentration that is consistent to the experiment.

Candida magnoliae에 의한 erythritol 생산을 위한 유가식 공정의 개발

  • Park, Chang-Yeol;Seo, Jin-Ho;Yu, Yeon-U
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.53-56
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    • 2000
  • Two-stage fed-batch culture was peformed to improve the volumetric productivity of erythritol. In the growth phase dissolved oxygen was maintained to 20% and the feed medium was automatically supplied to the fermenter by pH-stat mode. The cell yield was 0.76 g-cell/g-glucose. In two-stage fed-batch culture, 41% of total erythritol conversion yield with 187 g/L of erythritol concentration and 2.79 g/L-h of maximum erythritol Productivity were obtained when 400 g/L of glucose was directly added in the form of non-sterile powder at production phase. The erythritol productivity increased in parallel with cell mass. The metabolic shift in the biosynthetic pathway of erythritol was caused by dissolved oxygen concentration. The production of gluconic acid was observed when the dissolved oxygen in the medium was maintained over 40% during the production phase, whereas the dissolved oxygen concentration lower than 40% caused the production of citric acid. But the butyric acid was produced independently with dissolved oxygen concentration in the medium. The production of organic acids such as gluconic acid, citric acid, and butyric acid was decreased by addition of mineral salts.

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Changes in Respiratory Metabolism and Blood Chemistry of Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Exposed to Hypoxia (저산소에 노출된 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus)의 호흡대사와 혈액의 화학적 변화)

  • Han, Ji-Do;Kim, Heung-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2016
  • This experiment investigated changes in metabolic rate (MO2), critical oxygen saturation (Scrit), and blood chemistry of olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus exposed to progressive hypoxia and returned to normoxic water at 20°C. The normoxic standard metabolic rate (SMR) and routine metabolic rate (RMR) were 69.5-83.9 and 70.2-156.4 mg O2 kg-1h-1, respectively based on fish weight. Scrit was 31.0% dissolved oxygen (DO) at 20°C. After returning the fish to 70% DO following exposure to hypoxia (20% DO), MO2 increased two-fold compared to the normoxic SMR and then decreased into the range of the RMR with time. Blood PO2 and plasma lactate decreased significantly after exposure to hypoxia (20% DO) and then increased as ambient oxygen saturation decreased. Cortisol levels increased as ambient oxygen saturation decreased, but the levels decreased rapidly in the range of the normoxic control when the fish were returned to ambient water with 70% DO. Plasma glucose levels increased when the fish were returned to normoxic water after exposure to a progressively more hypoxic condition.

Hydraulic Impact Scope and Dissolved Oxygen Distribution by the Micro-bubble Aeration in an Artificial Lake (인공호소에서 마이크로 버블 포기에 의한 수리학적 영향반경과 용존산소 분포)

  • Choi, Sunhwa;Park, Hyungseok
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the hydraulic impact scope and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration distribution by the micro-bubble aeration in the Juksan Lake located in Asan city in Chungcheongnam-do province. A tracing experiment for hydraulic impact scope was used which constituted a 20% rhodamine solution. A 160 m-guideline was installed in the horizontal direction of the micro-bubble jet flow and the rhodamine concentration, water temperature, and DO concentration were measured at depths of 1 m, 2 m, and 3 m at intervals of 10 m. In the Juksan Lake, the effective range of jet flow discharged by the micro-bubble generator was about 40 m, and after then the jet plume moved up to 80 m to 120 m through the advection and diffusion processes of ambient water. DO concentration in the lake was maintained at 7.4-12.6 mg/L during tracking experiment. The DO of the lake sediments improved from 0.2 mg/L to 8.0 mg/L after applying micro-bubble aeration. In conclusion, the micro-bubble aeration can be an effective technology for the management and improvement of water quality in an agricultural reservoir.

A Method on the Temperature Compensation for the Oxygen Electrode for DO Sensor (DO 센서용 산소전극의 온도보상에 대한 일 방안)

  • Rhie, Dong-Hee;Choi, Bok-Gil
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.11a
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    • pp.376-378
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    • 1995
  • A method is presented for the design and fabrication of the temperature compensation circuits on the Clark electrodes for measuring the dissolved oxygen(DO) concentration. The discussion includes a method of the sensor interface circuits for the DO sensor. Typical polarograms for the DO probes under test using this sensor circuits are presented. High accuracy over 99 % of the I to V conversion using the proposed circuit is verified. Temperature dependence for the test DO probe is well compensated automatically using the thermistor($2k\Omega,\;25^{\circ}C$) in series with correction resistor in the feedback loop of the op-amp circuit in the temperature range of the 0-50$^{\circ}C$.

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Microcomputer-aided Fermentation System for High Density Fed-Batch Cultivation (마이크로컴퓨터를 이용한 고농도 유가배양시스템)

  • 이형준;이계호허윤행
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 1990
  • A microcomputer-aided fermentation system was constructed for high density fed-batch culture using dissolved oxygen(DO) as a substrate feeding indicator. DO signal was processed prior to aquisition to computer. Agitation speed and oxygen flow rate was changed stepwisely to maintain DO value at a constant level. Agitation speed was controlled by the output signal of D/A converter. Oxygen flow rate was controlled by a flow rate control valve connected to a stepping motor. Substrate was fed with a feeding pump operated by the abrupt increase of DO signal. Methylobacillus sp. SK1 was cultivated to test the system and 16.53g/l of cell density was obtained after 10 hr.

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Assessment of water quality in an artificial urban canal: A case study of Songdo City in South Korea

  • Ahn, Jungkyu;Na, Yeji;Park, Sung Won
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.582-590
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    • 2019
  • Currently, the waterfront facility was constructed in New Songdo City, South Korea. It has the various water leisure areas and especially an artificial urban canal with filtered seawater by re-circulating flow system. However, due to excessive amount of nutrients from seawater combined with complicated geometry, it is highly vulnerable to deterioration of water quality. In this study, flow characteristics and pollutant transport were analyzed with comprehensive numerical models, MIKE 3 FM and ECO-lab. Based on these numerical results, notable sampling points were selected for field measurements and comparison between modeling and measured results were conducted. In addition, the integrated water quality evaluation index, Water Quality Index was applied to analyze various water quality issues. We also set up scenarios to control the two kinds of water quality factors, dissolved oxygen (DO), and total phosphorus (TP). As a result, the effect of 20% reduction of TP was less than 10% and it was almost ineffective for a year but it was reduced by up to 40% in case of scenario which DO is increased by 20%. Therefore, it was recommended to control the DO concentration, usually by applying re-aeration facility, rather than TP in artificial urban canal with seawater.