• 제목/요약/키워드: Digital Image Correlation(DIC)

검색결과 101건 처리시간 0.029초

디지털 이미지 코릴레이션 기법으로 평가한 평면변형률 시험의 단부 구속 효과 (Restrained Effect of End Plate on Plane Strain Test Evaluated by Digital Image Correlation Method)

  • 장의룡;추윤식;이원택;정충기
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제24권7호
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2008
  • 평면변형률 시험기는 실제 지반의 파괴 거동을 보다 근사하게 모사할 수 있다는 장점 때문에 평면변형률 조건을 구현하려는 목적 외에도 흙의 국부적인 변형을 포함하는 전체적인 파괴거동을 관찰하기 위한 목적으로 활용되고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 평면변형률 시험은 시험기 제작과 시험 수행의 어려움 때문에 바닥판이 고정된 단부 구속하에서 수행되는 경우가 일반적이다. 최대 주응력 면의 단부 구속은 주응력 면에 추가적인 전단응력을 유발시켜 의도된 전단 거동을 저해하므로, 시험 결과가 실제 현장에서 발생하는 전단 거동과 다를 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 바닥판 구속을 제어할 수 있는 평면변형률 시험기를 이용하여 단부 구속 여부에 따른 두 가지 시험을 주문진 표준사에 대하여 수행하였다. 시료의 국부적인 변형을 포함하는 전체적인 거동을 측정하기 위해 외부 LVDT와 함께 디지털 이미지 코릴레이션 기법(DIC)을 적용하였다. 평면변형률 시험기의 투명한 측면판을 통하여 서로 다른 시간에 촬영된 두 개의 디지털 이미지를 본 기법으로 해석하여 응력-변형률 거동과 하중 증가에 따라 나타나는 시료 내부 모든 위치에서의 국부적 변형 거동을 파악하였다. 이로써 단부 구속 여부에 따라 발생하는 평면변형률 조건하에서 사질토의 파괴면 형성과 발달과정 그리고 변형 메커니즘을 규명하였다.

반도체 산업의 정밀리드프레임에 대한 프레스 및 금형 변형 예측 (Press and Die Deformation for a Precise Semiconductor Lead Frame)

  • 홍석무;윤여환;엄성욱;황지훈;이동욱
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.206-210
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    • 2014
  • The metal lead frame, a semiconductor component, has product tolerances in micro units as compared to products made with a larger size mold. Therefore, small deflections of the mold and of the press as well as the press molding process itself have a strong influence on accuracy of the product. Hence, it is necessary for the process design to consider the structural response of the mold and the press during deformation. In the current study, the mold deflection and pressure on the punch is examined using the finite element modeling (FEM) program ABAQUS. The results from the simulation were verified with the dynamic deformation measurement equipment using digital image correlation (DIC).

온도감응형 인광물질을 이용한 온도장 및 열변형 동시 계측 기법 개발 (Development of a multi-sensing technique for temperature and strain field of high-temperature using thermographic phosphors)

  • 임유진;염은섭
    • 한국가시화정보학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2021
  • Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) operates at high temperatures in range of 600-800℃. Since layers of SOFC are composed of different substances, different thermal expansion in SOFC can result in defects under high temperature conditions. For understanding relation between temperature field and the thermal deformation in SOFC, temperature and strain field were simultaneously estimated using thermographic phosphors by optical measurement. Temperature fields were obtained by the life-time method, and the temperature differences of one specimen was checked with thermocouple. The thermal deformation was estimated by digital image correlation (DIC) method with extracted phosphorescence images. To investigate the deformation accuracy of DIC measurement, thermographic phosphors were coated with and without grid pattern on aluminum surface. Simultaneous measurement of temperature fields and thermal deformation were carried out for YSZ. This study will be helpful to multi-sensing of temperature field and thermal deformation on SOFC cells.

마이크로 및 나노 박막의 잔류응력을 측정하기위한 새로운 방법 (A New Method for Measuring Residual Stress in Micro and Nano Films)

  • 강기주
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.438-444
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    • 2003
  • A new method to measure residual stress in micron and nano scale films is described. In the theory it is based on Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics. And in the techniques it depends on the combined capability of the focused ion beam (FIB) imaging system and of high-resolution digital image correlation (DIC) software. The method can be used for any film material (whether amorphous or crystalline) without thinning the substrate. In the method, a region of the film surface is highlighted and scanning electron images of that region taken before and after a long slot, depth a, is introduced using the FIB. The DIC software evaluates the displacement of the surface normal to the slot due to the stress relaxation by using features on the film surface. To minimize the influence of signal noise and rigid body movement, not a few, but all of the measure displacements are used for determining the real residual stress. The accuracy of the method has been assessed by performing measurements on a nano film of diamond like carbon (DLC) on glass substrate and on micro film of aluminum oxide thermally grown on Fecrally substrate. It is shown that the new method determines the residual stress ${\sigma}_R=-1.73$ GPa for DLC and ${\sigma}_R=-5.45$ GPa for the aluminum oxide, which agree quite well with ones measured independently.

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인장형 홉킨슨 바 장치를 이용한 알루미늄 단결정 및 멀티결정재의 동적 실험 (High-Strain Rate Tensile Behavior of Pure Aluminum Single and Multi-Crystalline Materials with a Tensile Split Hopkinson Bar)

  • 하상렬;장진희;윤효준;김기태
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구에서는 연성 금속재료의 판상형 인장 시편에 대한 동적 물성을 측정하기 위한 인장형 홉킨슨 바(TSHB, Tensile split Hopkinson bar)의 수정 방법에 대해 논의하고, 이를 이용하여 고순도 알루미늄 단결정 및 멀티결정재의 동적 물성을 측정하였다. 시편의 초기 미세조직 및 결정학적 방위는 전자후방 산란회절(EBSD, Electron backscattered diffraction) 분석을 통하여 측정하였으며, 동적 변형 후 파단 형상을 광학 현미경을 통하여 확인하였다. 고속인장 변형 중 시편 내부에 발생하는 변형 분포는 디지털 이미지 상관(DIC, Digital image correlation) 기법을 이용하여 측정하였다. 이를 통해 동적 변형 중 나타나는 알루미늄의 거시적인 소성 변형과 결정학적 방위 및 미세 조직과의 상관관계에 대해 논의하였다.

비선형 열팽창 특성을 고려한 이종 접합 복합재의 열변형 해석 (Analysis of Thermal Deformation of Co-bonded Dissimilar Composite considering Non-linear Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Composite Materials)

  • 김정범;김홍일;전호찬
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제42권10호
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    • pp.809-815
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    • 2014
  • 큰 온도 변화를 받는 이종 접합 복합재는 재료의 서로 다른 열팽창 특성으로 인해 열에 의한 형상 왜곡이 발생되기 쉽다. 성형 과정에서 이종 접합 복합재 구조물의 제작 공정 중의 형상 왜곡 현상을 고려하기 위해서 구성하는 각각의 복합재료들에 대한 열팽창 특성 분석이 우선적으로 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 Carbon/Epoxy와 Silica/Phenolic의 이종접합 복합재료 시편의 열변형 특성을 측정하기 위해 디지털 영상 상관 기법(DIC)을 활용하였다. 이종 접합 복합재 시편의 열변형에 대해 수치 해석을 수행하였고 이를 실험 결과와 비교하였다. 수치해석을 통한 예측 결과는 실험을 통하여 입증되었다.

Effects of water on rock fracture properties: Studies of mode I fracture toughness, crack propagation velocity, and consumed energy in calcite-cemented sandstone

  • Maruvanchery, Varun;Kim, Eunhye
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2019
  • Water-induced strength reduction is one of the most critical causes for rock deformation and failure. Understanding the effects of water on the strength, toughness and deformability of rocks are of a great importance in rock fracture mechanics and design of structures in rock. However, only a few studies have been conducted to understand the effects of water on fracture properties such as fracture toughness, crack propagation velocity, consumed energy, and microstructural damage. Thus, in this study, we focused on the understanding of how microscale damages induced by water saturation affect mesoscale mechanical and fracture properties compared with oven dried specimens along three notch orientations-divider, arrester, and short transverse. The mechanical properties of calcite-cemented sandstone were examined using standard uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and Brazilian tensile strength (BTS) tests. In addition, fracture properties such as fracture toughness, consumed energy and crack propagation velocity were examined with cracked chevron notched Brazilian disk (CCNBD) tests. Digital Image Correlation (DIC), a non-contact optical measurement technique, was used for both strain and crack propagation velocity measurements along the bedding plane orientations. Finally, environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) was employed to investigate the microstructural damages produced in calcite-cemented sandstone specimens before and after CCNBD tests. As results, both mechanical and fracture properties reduced significantly when specimens were saturated. The effects of water on fracture properties (fracture toughness and consumed energy) were predominant in divider specimens when compared with arrester and short transverse specimens. Whereas crack propagation velocity was faster in short transverse and slower in arrester, and intermediate in divider specimens. Based on ESEM data, water in the calcite-cemented sandstone induced microstructural damages (microcracks and voids) and increased the strength disparity between cement/matrix and rock forming mineral grains, which in turn reduced the crack propagation resistance of the rock, leading to lower both consumed energy and fracture toughness ($K_{IC}$).

고 변형률 속도에서 폴리프로필렌 및 열가소성 올레핀 소재의 압축 거동에 대한 연구 (Study of the Compressive Behavior of Polypropylene-low Glass Fiber Compound and Thermoplastic Olefin under High Strain Rate)

  • 이세민;김덕중;한인수;김학성
    • Composites Research
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.38-41
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    • 2022
  • 고 변형률 속도에서 폴리프로필렌-유리 장섬유 복합재료(PP-LGF)와 열가소성 올레핀(TPO) 소재의 동적 압축 특성을 얻기 위해 홉킨슨바(Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB))를 이용하여 실험을 진행하였다. SHPB는 변형률 속도 100 s-1~10000 s-1 범위에서 재료의 동적 기계적 물성을 확인할 수 있는 장치이다. SHPB 시험은 입력봉과 전달봉에서 측정된 탄성파를 이용하여 시편의 응력, 변형률 및 변형률 속도를 얻을 수 있는 탄성파 전달 이론을 기반으로 한다. 또한 SHPB에서 얻은 변형률 데이터의 검증을 위해 시편을 초고속카메라로 촬영하여 DIC 기법을 통해 얻은 변형률 데이터와 비교 진행하였다.

플라스틱 소재의 고 변형률 인장특성 평가를 위한 홉킨스바(Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar) 측정 장비에 관한 연구 (Study on the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Apparatus for Measuring High-strain Rate Tensile Properties of Plastic Material)

  • 한인수;이세민;김규원;김학성
    • Composites Research
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.196-200
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    • 2022
  • Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB)은 일반적으로 금속 또는 복합 소재와 같은 고강성 재료의 높은 변형률 속도하에서의 기계적 물성을 평가하기 위해 사용되어왔다. 그러나, 시편이 연한 플라스틱 소재의 경우, 시편 고정 및 형상, 동적 응력 평형 도달, 약한 전달 신호 측정으로 어려운 부분이 있다. 본 연구에서는 연성 플라스틱 재질의 고속 인장 응력-변형률 거동을 측정하기 위하여 입력봉의 재질, 홀더 및 시편의 형상 변경 등 SHPB 장비를 개선 설계하였다. 결과적으로 SHPB에서 인장 응력과 변형에 대한 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 또한 SHPB에서 얻은 변형률 데이터의 검증을 위해 시편을 초고속카메라로 촬영하여 DIC 기법을 통해 얻은 변형률 데이터와 비교 진행하였다.

Multiple effects of nano-silica on the pseudo-strain-hardening behavior of fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

  • Hossein Karimpour;Moosa Mazloom
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.467-484
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    • 2023
  • Despite the significant features of fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (FRCCs), including better mechanical, fractural, and durability performance, their high content of cement has restricted their use in the construction industry. Although ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) is considered the main supplementary cementitious material, its slow pozzolanic reaction stands against its application. The addition of nano-sized mineral modifiers, including nano-silica (NS), is an alternative to address the drawbacks of using GGBFS. The main object of this empirical and numerical research is to examine the effect of NS on the strain-hardening behavior of cementitious composites; ten mixes were designed, and five levels of NS were considered. This study proposes a new method, using a four-point bending test to assess the use of nano-silica (NS) on the flexural behavior, first cracking strength, fracture energy, and micromechanical parameters including interfacial friction bond strength and maximum bridging stress. Digital image correlation (DIC) was used for monitoring the initiation and propagation of the cracks. In addition, to attain a deep comprehension of fiber/matrix interaction, scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis was used. It was discovered that using nano-silica (NS) in cementitious materials results in an enhancement in the matrix toughness, which prevents multiple cracking and, therefore, strain-hardening. In addition, adding NS enhanced the interfacial transition zone between matrix and fiber, leading to a higher interfacial friction bond strength, which helps multiple cracking in the composite due to the hydrophobic nature of polypropylene (PP) fibers. The findings of this research provide insight into finding the optimum percent of NS in which both ductility and high tensile strength of the composites would be satisfied. As a concluding remark, a new criterion is proposed, showing that the optimum value of nano-silica is 2%. The findings and proposed method of this study can facilitate the design and utilization of green cementitious composites in structures.