• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Economics

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A Study on the Relationship among Job Attitude, Personality and Demographic Characteristics based on the Types of Dual Commitment (이중몰입유형별 직무태도와 성격 및 인구통계학적 특성의 융복합적 관계성 연구)

  • Kang, Young-Seok;Jeon, Sang-Gil;Lee, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2016
  • This study attempted to verify the relationship among Job Attitude, Personality and Demographic Characteristics according to Dual Commitment Type. The groups were named 'very high dual commitment group(both highly committed to the organization and union)', 'normal dual commitment group(average level of commitment to both of them)', 'resisting dual commitment group(no commitment to both of them)', 'organization commitment group(only committed to organization)', 'union commitment group(only committed to union)'. This research was analyzed by 388 Hyundai and Kia motor company members and 'very high dual commitment group' and 'organizational commitment group' showed the highest Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement. Through group segmentations considering sub-concepts could contribute to design a strategy to increase the company's competitiveness in aspects of the direction to the HR policy.

Method for Selecting a Big Data Package (빅데이터 패키지 선정 방법)

  • Byun, Dae-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2013
  • Big data analysis needs a new tool for decision making in view of data volume, speed, and variety. Many global IT enterprises are announcing a variety of Big data products with easy to use, best functionality, and modeling capability. Big data packages are defined as a solution represented by analytic tools, infrastructures, platforms including hardware and software. They can acquire, store, analyze, and visualize Big data. There are many types of products with various and complex functionalities. Because of inherent characteristics of Big data, selecting a best Big data package requires expertise and an appropriate decision making method, comparing the selection problem of other software packages. The objective of this paper is to suggest a decision making method for selecting a Big data package. We compare their characteristics and functionalities through literature reviews and suggest selection criteria. In order to evaluate the feasibility of adopting packages, we develop two Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) models where the goal node of a model consists of costs and benefits and the other consists of selection criteria. We show a numerical example how the best package is evaluated by combining the two models.

Social Engineering Evaluation of Electronic Financial Fraud: Analysis of Actual Victims through FGI (전자금융사기의 사회공학적 진화: FGI를 통한 실제 피해자 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Pil;Ryu, Jae Kwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2018
  • Recently, much attention in electronic financial fraud has been dramatically increased. In particular, the electronic financial fraud has been transforming to social engineering. Despite the growing interest in electronic financial fraud, few guidelines exist how to effectively avoid the serious damage from electronic financial fraud. Moreover, it is rarely investigated cases of victims from financial fraud. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate why financial fraud crime victims occurs. To enhance mundane realism, we conducted Focus Group Interview(FGI) with actual victims from financial fraud crime. Drawing analysis of FGI with actual victims, we found that there are certain damage patterns. Further, we found that the reason why financial fraud crime victims occurs is optimistic biases of humans rooted in behavioral economics. Therefore, this study provides the valuable guidelines and directions to prevent electronic financial fraud based on risk and crisis management perspective. Ultimately, this study is able to help the establishment and implementation of a comprehensive electronic financial fraud prevention policy.

A Study on the FSK Synchronization and MODEM Techniques for Mobile Communication Part I :Design of Quadrature Detector for FSK Demodulation. (이동통신을 위한 FSK동기 및 변복조기술에 관한 연구 I부. FSK 복조를 위한 Quadrature Detector 설계)

  • Kim, Gi-Yun;Choe, Hyeong-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents a simulation model of the Quadrature detector to demodulate FSK signal, which is widely used in wireless paging system for its simple hardware implementation and economics of It fabrication. Quadrature detecter has nonlinear phase characteristic for changes linear changes of input signal frequency. So until now Quadrature detector system analysis remained a difficult problem and performance analysis has not been carried out adequately On these backgrounds, this paper presents the FSK signal demodulation process using Quadrature detector and optimal performance derived from digital simulation technique. First, PSN(Phase Shift Network) which is composed of analog RLC tank circuit is transformed into its equivalent digital transfer function using First-order-hold theorem. Though the demodulated outputs of the Quadrature detector for 4FSK are 4-level signals, only 2 comparators are used and it is shown that optimal performance can be obtained by choosing operation parameter Q value and threshold level decision which are proposed herein.

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Distribution Remote Management System Design and Program Development Based on ADWHM(Advanced Digital Watt-Hour Meter) (차세대 디지털 적산전력계에 기반한 배전원격관리시스템 설계 및 프로그램 개발)

  • Ha Bok-Nam;Ko Yun-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a DRMS(Distribution Remote Management System) which can enhance highly the economics of automatic metering system and the power quality supplied to the electric customer improving the efficiency of the meter reading, voltage management and load management work by realizing the remote meter reading, the remote voltage management and the remote load management based on the ADWHM(Advanced Digital Watt Hour Meter). The DRMS is designed so that the voltage management and load management work in remote site can be processed by collecting the voltage pattern and current pattern as well as watt hour data from all ADWHMs one time every month regularly or from special ADWHMS several time irregularly, A new on-line voltage and load management strategy based on the ADWHM is designed by analyzing the existing voltage management and load management process. Also, DRMS is designed so that watt-hour data, voltage pattern data, load pattern data and power factor data can be collected selectively according to the selection of user to assist effectively the methodology. Remote management program and database of the DRMS are implemented based on Visual C++, MFC and database library of MS. Also, DRMS is designed so as to communicate with the ADWHM using RS232C-TCP/IP converter and ADSL. The effectiveness of the remote metering function is proven by collecting and analyzing the data after ADWHMs installed in any site. The developed strategy and program also is verified through the simulation of voltage management and load management.

실물옵션이론을 이용한 전파자원 회수 및 재배치 정책 모형화에 관한 연구

  • Jeon, Il-Hwan;Lee, Jeong-Dong;Jeong, Jong-Uk
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2005.02a
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    • pp.124-139
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    • 2005
  • In the early stage, the radio communication industry was widely accepted as a monopoly industry, so it has been controled and managed by government. But the advanced technology in Information and Technology industry has led constant increase of demand and dramatic change of communication market. Furthermore it is expected that frequency resource is to be short by market change due to wire-wireless integration. That is why the effort to utilize and manage limited frequency resource efficiently is being executed around the world. Not only newly developing and allocating the spectrum but also reallocating the existing spectrum important are, since transforming inefficiently used existing spectrum to new service can increase producer's surplus and social welfare. The economic approach to valuate the spectrum and spectrum usage right is necessary different from the traditional cost based approach, and through this approach I expect active transaction of spectrum. In this paper the real option methodology is used for valuation of spectrum, considering spectrum user's option right based on future revenue. In detail, the matter of withdrawing and reallocating the existing analog radio broadcasting spectrum is evaluated in this paper, The digitalization of a broadcasting service is widely spreaded around the world in terms of technology and service utility, and analog TV broadcasting has already been decided to be transformed to digital TV broadcasting. It was planned to convert analog radio broadcasting to DAB service before adopting DMB service, but nowadays this issue is not on the table anymore. However if the increasing demand of digital voice and broadcasting service is considered, this kind of research to valuate a spectrum is needed urgently. The result of this research shows that when the redeployment of spectrum is done, social welfare will increases. The point of the reallocation time and value are suggested by the monte carlo simulation through ROVM. In this paper, I use real option to valuate the spectrum and provide the point of the reallocation time and reasonable guideline, and moreover, the suitable information of this paper is expected to reduce risk and loss in policy practice.

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A Study on the Interactivity of Smart LMS in a University Class (대학 수업에서 스마트 LMS의 상호작용 효과)

  • Choi, Mi-Yang
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2019
  • This study investigates the interactivity of smart LMS. To this end, smart LMS was used for one semester in the English course for economics majors and the surveys about its interactivity were conducted. The findings show that smart LMS enhanced the interaction between instructors and students, between students and students, and between students and learning contents. Especially in the classroom, the activity bulletin made possible the instructor's immediate feedback about team-based activity outcomes. Also, outside the classroom, Wiki made it convenient for students to collaborate with each other. In addition, activity outcomes in the activity bulletin and course materials uploaded on smart LMS contributed to the interactivity. However, what is recommended to do to increase the interactivity are to prepare instructional strategies for students to get used to using smart LMS and smartphones as their learning tool, to test the target systems of smart LMS in advance, and to take proper actions to solve the problems of smartphone's data and battery.

A Study on the Effects of City Brand-Self Congruity on Attitudes toward City and Moderating Effect of City Brand Personality (도시브랜드-자아일치성이 도시태도에 미치는 영향과 도시브랜드개성의 조절적 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the actual self congruity and the ideal self congruity on positive attitudes toward city through fictitious city brand experiments. Additionally, the moderating role of city brand personality in relationship between brand-self congruity and positive attitudes are examined. This research conducted a survey after developing scenarios of two city brand personality. Frequency analysis to identify the characteristics of respondents, t-test to check the experimental manipulation, multiple regression analysis and chow test for hypothesis testing were performed through the SPSS Statistics 21 program. The self congruity of city brand had significant effects on attitudes toward city, but the moderating role of city brand personality was not significant. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings were discussed and self congruity is an important variable in brand-consumer relationship in city brand. Finally, limitations of this study and future research directions were discussed.

A Study on the Polarity of Apartment Price News Using Big Data Analysis Method (빅데이터 분석기법을 활용한 아파트 가격 관련 뉴스 기사의 극성 분석)

  • Cho, Sang-Yeon;Hong, Eun-Pyo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2019
  • This study confirms the polarity of news articles on apartment prices using Opinion Mining which has widely been used for a big data analysis. The analyses were carried out utilizing internet news articles posted on the Naver for two years: 2012 and 2018. We proposed a sentiment analysis model and modeled a topic-oriented sentiment dictionary construction methods. As a result of analyzing the proposed sentiment analysis model, it was confirmed that there was a difference according to the tendency of the media companies in selecting social issues at the time of rising apartment prices. At the same time, we were able to find more affirmative articles in the media companies which share similar sentiment with the government in charge. In this paper, we proposed a sentiment analysis model that can be used in real estate field and analyzed the polarity of unformatted data related to real estate. In order to integrate them into various fields in the future, it is necessary to build the sentiment dictionaries by themes, as well as to collect various unformatted data over extended periods.

The Effect of Fit in Background Music on Brand Memory for Luxury vs. Non-luxury Brand Advertising (럭셔리 vs. 비(非)셔리 브랜드의 광고에서 배경음악 내 적합도가 브랜드 기억에 미치는 영향)

  • Min, Dongwon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2018
  • Current research examined the effect of fit in the executional cue on brand memory for luxury and non-luxury brand advertising. In particular, this research looked at music to see how well individuals memorize information about brands where background music and sound logo fit or non-fit in the advertisement. As results, the influence of fit in music was higher in the luxury brand advertisement than that of non-luxury brand. The findings demonstrate fit leads more positive response not only in the relationship between the executional cue and the brand image or executional cues, as seen in the literature, but also in the executional cue. Moreover, the effect of fit in the executional cue is greater for the luxury (vs. non-luxury) brand. Based on the results, present research proposes the academic and practical implications.