• Title/Summary/Keyword: Diagnosis of Curriculum

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A Study on 『Bihuayijing·Vol 1』 -Focusing on Diagnosis and Pattern Differentiation- (『필화의경(筆花醫鏡)·권일(卷一)』에 대한 연구(硏究) - 진단 및 변증을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yeon-Tae;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : Classical texts such as 『Donguibogam』 and 『Yixuerumen』 have previously been used as primers to students of Korean Medicine. However, their massiveness in volume and comprehensiveness in contents make it unfit for students whose school curriculum lacked classical chinese. This paper suggests another introductory text that would be more practical in the current situation. Methods :Based on the translation of the main text and annotations, the clinical meanings of the contents were studied. Afterwards its practical application as a primer was considered. Results : The text focuses on the medically important issues in simple and accessible form, making it an important text for beginners to establish the foundation in medicine. Conclusions : Beginners will be able to establish a standard for basic medical knowledge through this text and also apply its contents to diseases that are relatively easy to treat.

The developing strategy for School Health Education (학교보건교육의 개발 전략)

  • 이규성
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 1990
  • The Purpose of this study was to define the School Health Education Concepts, to establish the learning objectives and contents for school health education, and to diagnose the phenomenal aspects related to current school health Education in Korea. The results of its diagnosis indicated that the Education Ministry had never had any open opportunities for the teachers to get health education licence, and. universities had never issued health education teacher′s licence to the perspective students in Korea. Under such condition, there was "Korean nursing teacher′s association" for school health education, which had lectures, for two to three years, in order to learn how to develop, teach and evaluate the school health program. Currently, School boards in cities recommended that all nursing teachers should teach school health education in classes for six hours in a week without any fixed health program. Also, There was only "Korean Society for Health Education" for the purpose of dealing with school health education, which had been publishing annual journal. This study demonstrated how to develop school health education curriculum, which composed of the methods for needs assessment and PRECEDE Model(Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation).

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Curriculum and Standardization of Preventive Medicine Education in Traditional Korean Medicine (한의과대학의 예방(사회)의학 관련 교과목의 교육과정 및 표준화방안)

  • Ko, Seong-Gyu;Shin, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2008
  • The rapid change of the health and medical environment and the globalization of medicine has driven doctors to converge and analyse of new and up-to-date medical information and decide to what to make decision for diagnosis and treatments in clinical practice. Medical environment goes with the changes with social environment such as rapid increase of aging population, changes of disease pattern, formation of new area of experts except doctors, government intervention for the medical system, medical insurance of the charges of medical treatment, a increased desire for human rights. These trends should be adopted rapidly to the education system for the students of medical school. The learning objectives of the preventive medicine was developed in 1995 and underwent necessary revision of the contents to create the first revision in 2006. However, the required educational contents of health promotion and disease prevention have been changed by the new trends of medical education such as PBL and integrated curriculum and the 2006 revision does not satisfy these needs. We formed a task force which surveyed all the Western and Traditional Korean medical colleges to describe the state of preventive medicine education in Korea, analyzed the changing education demand according to the change of health environment and quantitatively measured the validity and usefulness of each learning objective in the previous curriculum. With these results, for the good education for preventive medicine, each Traditional Korean medicine schools need more preventive medicine faculties and teaching assistants and opening of some required subjects such as Yangsaeng and Qigong. And future studies of the learning process and ongoing development of teaching materials according to the new learning objectives should be undertaken with persistence in order to ensure the progress of preventive medicine education.

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Analysis on the Improvement of Core Competencies in the Operation of Competency-Based Liberal Arts Curriculum - Focusing on the Case of A University (역량기반 교양교육과정 운영에 따른 핵심역량 향상 분석 - A대학 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Ju
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2021
  • This study is to analyze the performance of the reformed liberal arts curriculum based on the core competencies of A University and use it as basic data for evaluation and feedback. To this end, students who took courses opened in the second semester of 2020 were surveyed using the liberal arts curriculum competency diagnosis tool developed by A University. Depending on the purpose of the study, descriptive statistics and t-test were performed to analyze the results. As a result of the study, communication (t=-9.839, p<.01), learning (t=-4.707, p<.01), thinking (t=-9.992, p<.01), cooperation (t=-2.061, p<.01) was significantly improved, and sharing (t=-.550) was improved, but it was not significant. These results are meaningful in providing the basis for examining and judging the operation of subjects by competency.

A Survey on Students' Perception of Communication Skills in Class of Theories of Korean Medical Famous Physicians (각가의론 수업에서 학습한 의사소통기술에 대한 학생 인식 조사)

  • Jo, Hak-Jun;Jo, Na-Young;Park, Jeong-Su
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.13-31
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    • 2021
  • Objectives : The objectives of this study are to provide the education of communication skills in the class of theories of Korean medical famous physicians and to survey students' perception of the effect. Methods : The class of theories of Korean medical famous physicians was newly designed and was given to students. The results from the questionnaire survey with second year students at department of Korean medicine were applied to the evaluation of study issues. The scale used for this study was the modified version of 'Beyer-Fetzer's Essential Elements of Communication Skills Assessment Sheet', which was developed by researchers in line with the education of Korean medicine. Results : In six (except for 'opening a conversation') out of seven categories, post-test results were more improved than pretest results. In the category of communication skills (a total of 25 questions), post-test results were higher than pretest results in all items. Among them, 13 items were statistically significant. With regard to the question as to how important the class of communication skills is to raise their professionalism as Korean medicine doctor, post-test result was higher than pretest result. Regarding an appropriate education point of time, there were various points in the entire period of curriculum. The appropriateness of teaching-learning method was positively evaluated. In terms of the content helpful for learning, learner-oriented activities was preferred over teacher-oriented lecturing. Conclusions : The communication skills learned in the class of theories of Korean medical famous physicians were effective. Communications skills should be taught constantly in the entire curriculum in order to raise students' professionalism as Korean medicine doctor. In terms of education method, it is desirable to design a class based on students' various activities, rather than lecturing.

Education satisfaction and self-assessment of competency among new general dentists in Korea

  • Ji, Young-A;Kwon, Ho-Beom;Kim, Ryan JinYoung;Baek, Seungho
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.57 no.9
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    • pp.504-513
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    • 2019
  • Dental education is gradually transitioning to competency-based education system, which aims to help dentists achieve certain core competencies by means of various systems, such as curriculum accreditation. This study examined satisfaction with dental school education and the differences in the perceived importance and self-assessment of competencies among general dentists, in an attempt to propose a desirable direction for dental education. A questionnaire was administered to new general dentists who graduated from a dental school within the past 10 years. The results of the survey were analyzed using the Importance-Performance Analysis to understand differences in dentists' perceptions. Overall satisfaction with education was low in terms of the curriculum's relevance to actual practice and its capacity for cultivating required competencies. Furthermore, many of the respondents strongly perceived the need to improve dental education. Additional investigations into the satisfaction with education showed no difference. Among the seven key competency domains, dentists perceived Health Promotion to be important and also assessed themselves as having high competence. However, regarding the perceived importance of the remaining domains, self-assessment of competence was low for Professionalism, Communication & Interpersonal Skills, Knowledge Base, Information Handling & Critical Thinking, Clinical Information Gathering, Diagnosis & Treatment Planning, and Establishment & Maintenance of Oral Health. The results of this study suggest that a competency-based education model should be developed and incorporated into dental education to set performance standards and to promote systematic self-assessment in order to foster the development of competence in dental students.

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The common orthopedic problems in parent's concern (부모의 관심이 많은 소아 정형외과 질환)

  • Shin, Dong Eun;Yoon, Byung Ho;Chung, Ju Hwan
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2008
  • Roughly one third of medical problems in children are related to the musculoskeletal system. Most of these problems are common and can be precisely diagnosed. For these problems, nonoperative treatment or reassurance can be given by the pediatrician. Occasionally, a problem needs surgical treatment, but a precise diagnosis must be made. There is little agreement about what types of orthopedic problems a primary care pediatrician should understand in order to effectively care for children. Many pediatric residencies lack an organized teaching curriculum that effectively covers these topics or that includes a required pediatric orthopedic rotation. In this article the authors delineate pediatric orthopedic problems that require recognition and urgent surgical treatment and are relatively common, but have different treatment options (observation, conservative treatment, and surgery) depending on their natural history. Whenever possible, the diagnosis should be made before a decision to refer is made. An accurate diagnosis allows the pediatrician to discuss the natural history of the condition properly. Referral to the wrong specialty can needlessly generate expensive tests and further delay in treatment or generate inappropriate treatment. The parents can be reassured rather than waiting to hear the same information from another physician. In particular, orthopedic problems are known to generate pressure from the parents to seek specialty consultation for reassurance. It is important to communicate to the specialist that the reason for the referral is for parental reassurance rather than for further work-up or treatment. After a proper diagnosis, communication directly between the pediatrician and the appropriate specialist can often avoid an unnecessary referral, and avoid unnecessary tests. The authors reviewed our experience at our outpatient clinic over last 1 year and found that it is useful to classify conditions as common or uncommon, and whether they require surgical or nonsurgical treatment. Many conditions fall in between. The following is a discussion of some of these more important or common conditions.

The Current Status and Educational Requirements for Genetics Curriculum at Nursing Institutions (간호교육에서의 유전학 교육과정 현황과 요구)

  • Hong, Hae-Sook;Byeon, Young-Soon;Na, Yeon-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze current educational requirements related to genetics curriculum(from June 2002 to September 2002) established at nursing institutions and to provide the basic data for the development of genetics science program at the undergraduate. Subjects of this study were comprised of twenty-three colleges of nursing in 4-year baccalaureate and thirty colleges in 3-year diploma programs. The results of this study were as follows : 1) 32 colleges offer courses related to genetics. 29 among 32 colleges have that integrated. Three schools have established completely independent courses of genetics. 21 colleges do not have any courses dealing with genetics. 2) The contents of courses related to genetics include: Congenital abnormalities, chromosomal aberrations, congenital metabolic disease, prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling, genes and chromosomes, immune genetics, blood type and genetics, rule of genetics, variation in gene expression, the map of the human gene, gene linkage genetics, interaction of genes, single inheritance in order and genetic biochemistry. 3) For course credit, 14colleges(48.3%) offered at most 1 credit per course. The grade of student who can take the course, 51.7% were in their second year while 37.9% were in their third year. The majors of nursing faculty who taught the course were nursing(51.7%) and basic nursing science(17.2%). 4) As far as the need of opening the courses related to genetics, 36 colleges(67.0%) have made a 'need', 12 schools(22.6%) state 'dose not need'. 711e reason for need were the following development of bio engineering, increase number of patients who are related to genetics, recognition of the need in clinical nursing. 7 schools(13.2%) agreed to offer independent course in genetics but 39 schools(73.6%) are in disagreement with that. When the school offers the course with other courses, 27 schools(50.0%) are opening basic nursing science and 14 schools(26.4%) are opening nursing as an integrated courses. If the name of course was either genetic nursing(34.0%) or genetics(28.3%), the credits for the course was one or 2 credits. 33 schools(62.3%) students were in the first or second years. 41 schools(84.9%), the majors of the faculty who had taught the course were either basic nursing science(35.8%), nursing(28.3%) or basic medicine(24.5%). The contents of the course should include in that order: Chromosome aberrations, prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling, congenital metabolic disease, congenital abnormalities, genes and chromosomes, the rules of genetics, immune genetics, interaction of genes, variation in gene expression, etc. The results and discussions of the study indicate that the entire curriculums need to be investigated with respect to contents of education, nursing curriculums and name of courses because of the increasing need of knowledge related to genetics in the clinical practice.

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Current Status of Clinical Dental Hygiene Education Based on Dental Hygiene Process of Care (치위생과정에 근거를 둔 임상치위생학의 교육 실태)

  • Han, Sun-Young;Kim, Nam-Hee;Yoo, Jae-Ha;Kim, Cheoul-Sin;Chung, Won-Gyun
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational status of dental hygiene process of care and to provide foundation for introducing curriculums focused on it. Questionnaire (14 questions) on educational status of clinical dental hygiene based on dental hygiene process of care was distributed in 50 dental hygiene schools with full classes. Research was performed with structured questionnaires on the basis of previous literatures, and interview and email survey was conducted. Collected data were analyzed with Frequency analysis, Descriptive statistics, and Chi-square test using SPSS 12.0, and the results were as follows. The average student to clinical dental hygiene faculty ratio of 22 to one regardless of year of curriculum. Sixty two point five percent of dental hygiene school reported having a curriculum about comprehensive dental hygiene process. Regarding the distribution of lecture and practical curriculums, they were less focused on dental hygiene diagnosis (68.8%), planning (65.6%) and evaluation (68.8%) than on assessment and implementation. Just over half (56.7%) reported having education of dental hygiene process of care during the course of curriculum. In conclusion, it is most desirable to provide integrated education based on dental hygiene process of care by reinforcing dental hygiene diagnosis, planning, and evaluation step.

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Analysis of Test Result at Secondary Science Using Cognitive Diagnosis theory (인지 진단 이론을 활용한 중학교 과학 시험 결과의 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Kim, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.812-823
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to search effective assessments methods by using the Fusion model of Cognitive diagnosis theory. Attributes are skills or cognitive processes that are required to perform correctly on a particular item. After test items were developed, item's attributes were decided and Q-matrix about item's attributes was made. After testing, the result was analyzed according to gender and achievement level. The results of the analysis showed that students mastered 'Interpreting data' best, and 'synthesizing' worst among the five attributes. Female students showed higher ability than male students in 'recalling.' Students of high achievement level mastered more scientific attributes than students of low achievement level. Conventional assessments only provided a single summary score but Cognitive diagnosis modeling provided useful information by estimating individual knowledge states by assessing whether an examinee has mastered specific attributes measured by the science test. The skill profiles can offer a skill level of strong, weak, or mixed for each student for each skill. Therefore, the skill profiles will provide useful diagnostic information in addition to single overall scores.