• Title/Summary/Keyword: Deterministic models

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Stochastic Continuous Storage Function Model with Ensemble Kalman Filtering (I) : Model Development (앙상블 칼만필터를 연계한 추계학적 연속형 저류함수모형 (I) : - 모형 개발 -)

  • Bae, Deg-Hyo;Lee, Byong-Ju;Georgakakos, Konstantine P.
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.11
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    • pp.953-961
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study is to develop a stochastic continuous storage function model for enhancement of an event-oriented watershed and channel storage function models which have been used as an official flood forecast model in Korea. For this study, soil moisture accounting component is added to the original storage function model and each hydrologic component, such as surface flow, subsurface flow, groundwater flow and actual evaportranspiration, is simulated as a function of soil water content. And also, ensemble Kalman filtering technique is used for real-time assimilation of measured streamflow from various stream locations in the watershed. Therefore the enhanced model will be able to simulate hydrologic components for long-term period without additional estimation of model parameters and to give more accurate and reliable results than those from the existing deterministic model due to the assimilation of measured streamflow data.

Application of SDAHL-74 Watershed Model to a Long Term Runoff Analysis in the Mountainous Watershed (산지유역에 대한 USDAHL-74 유역수문모형의 장기유출 해석적용)

  • 권순국;고덕구
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 1987
  • Due to their wide range of application, deterministic comprehensive hydrologic models using digital computers have been developed in all countries of the world and researches are being undertaken for their appropriate applications. The aim of this study has been to demonstrate the practical implementation of a physically based distributed hydrologic model, the USDAHL-74 model and to investigate its ability to simulate the long term estimate of water balance quantities in a Korean mountainous watershed. Application of the model to Dochuk watershed indicates the following results. 1.Since the USDAHL-74 model includes all the major components of the hydrologic cycle in agricultural watersheds, thus is comprehnsive, the model seems to have a wide range of application from the fact that simulation results obtained are not only runoff volumes m various time units but their spatial variation as well as even soil moisture within the watershed. 2.An approximate calibration to determine the parameter values in the model using various data obtained from D0chuk shed shows that the simulation error of yearly runoff volume is only 0.6 % and a correlation coefficient between observed daily runoff volume and simulated one is 0.91 in all calibrated period.3.As a verification test of the model, runoff volumes are simulated using 1986 year data without changing the parameter values determined by 1985 year data. The tests show that the USDAHL-74 model is a flexible tool and that realistic production to simulate the long term estimate of runoff in Korean mountainous watershed could be obtained using only a short period of calibration.4. Despite of the encouraging results, there still remain minor problems concerning the practical application of the model to improve the result of simulations. Some of these are the small descrepancies between observed and simulated daily runoff volume appeared in the vicinity of peaks and the recession of1 the daily hydrographs and the model performance for the frozen ground and melting process in the model. 5. Alough the use of parameter with physical significance and the ability to improve calibrations on the basis of physical reasoning represents advantages in the simulation for ungaged watersheds, further researches are needed to use the USDAHL-74 mode to simulate runoff in ungaged watersheds.

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End-to-End Congestion Control of High-Speed Gigabit-Ethernet Networks based on Smith's Principle

  • Lee, Seung-Hyub;Cho, Kwang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 2000
  • Nowadays, the issue of congestion control in high-speed communication networks becomes critical in view of the bandwidth-delay products for efficient data flow. In particular, the fact that the congestion is often accompanied by the data flow from the high-speed link to low-speed link is important with respect to the stability of closed-loop congestion control. The Virtual-Connection Network (VCN) in Gigabit Ethernet networks is a packet-switching based network capable of implementing cell- based connection, link-by-link flow-controlled connection, and single- or multi-destination virtual connections. VCN described herein differ from the virtual channel in ATM literature in that VCN have link-by-link flow control and can be of multi-destination. VCNs support both connection-oriented and connectionless data link layer traffic. Therefore, the worst collision scenario in Ethernet CSMA/CD with virtual collision brings about end-to-end delay. Gigabit Ethernet networks based on CSMA/CD results in non-deterministic behavior because its media access rules are based on random probability. Hence, it is difficult to obtain any sound mathematical formulation for congestion control without employing random processes or fluid-flow models. In this paper, an analytical method for the design of a congestion control scheme is proposed based on Smith's principle to overcome instability accompanied with the increase of end-to-end delays as well as to avoid cell losses. To this end, mathematical analysis is provided such that the proposed control scheme guarantees the performance improvement with respect to bandwidth and latency for selected network links with different propagation delays. In addition, guaranteed bandwidth is to be implemented by allowing individual stations to burst several frames at a time without intervening round-trip idle time.

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Development of Interest Rates Forecasting System Using the SAS/ETS (SAS/ETS를 이용한 금리예측시스템의 구축)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hyeong;Chu, Min-Jeong;Cho, Sin-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.485-500
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    • 1999
  • The systematic forecast of interest rates with liberalization was on the rise to important problems in the money market. Liberalization and globalization of the money market produced a seriously change as a compatition among the money market. Profits of an organ of monetary circulation are, also, definitively influenced by a change of interest rates. Hence most of the organ of monetary circulation studied to a scientific and systematic analysis for deterministic factors which have an effect on interest rates and progress development of a forecasting model of interest rates. In this paper, we develope the forecasting system which has highly forecasting performance based on a number of time series models for interest rates and discuss practical use of this system.

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Prediction of Transfer Lengths in Pretensioned Concrete Members Using Neuro-Fuzzy System (뉴로-퍼지 시스템을 이용한 프리텐션 콘크리트 부재의 전달길이 예측)

  • Kim, Minsu;Han, Sun-Jin;Cho, Hae-Chang;Oh, Jae-Yuel;Kim, Kang Su
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.723-731
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    • 2016
  • In pretensioned concrete members, a certain bond length from the end of the member is required to secure the effective prestress in the strands, which is defined as the transfer length. However, due to the complex bond mechanism between strands and concrete, most transfer length models based on the deterministic approach have uncertainties and do not provide accurate estimations. Therefore, in this study, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), a Neuro-Fuzzy System, is introduced to reduce the uncertainties and to estimate the transfer length more accurately in pretensioned concrete member. A total of 253 transfer length test results have been collected from literatures to train ANFIS, and the trained ANFIS algorithm estimated the transfer length very accurately. In addition, a design equation was proposed to calculate the transfer length based on parametric studies and dimensional analyses. Consequently, the proposed equation provided accurate results on the transfer length which are comparable to the ANFIS analysis results.

A Goal Oriented Action Planning and Replanning method of Computer Generated Forces in Wargame (워게임에서 가상군의 목표지향행위계획 및 재 계획 방법)

  • Jung, Sung Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes a goal oriented action planning method that plans the behaviors of computer generated forces and a replanning method that replans new actions when the situations are changed in war game. This new method provides good expression because it is flexible and can do more realized description unlike the conventional finite state machines. As a result, proposed method has an advantage that it can describe the behaviors of computer generated forces as those of real soldier. However, since it is not deterministic it has some difficulties in analysing the decision processing of behaviors and making the computer generated forces do some specific actions. We employed combat plane models of air forces in order to verify the feasibility of our method. Finally, we could find that our method produced very similar behaviors to those of a real soldier. This paper describes our planning method, experimental results, and future works.

A New Process for the Requirements Based Aerospace System Design and Optimization (요구도 기반 항공우주 시스템 강건최적설계 기법 연구)

  • Park, Hyeong-Uk;Lee, Jae-Woo;Byun, Yung-Hwan;Chung, Joon;Behdinan, Karman
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.255-266
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    • 2009
  • In this study, a robust aerospace system design process for the aerospace system is developed by considering the uncertainties of user requirements, manufacturing errors, and operational environment variation. User requirements are analyzed and quantified by decision making models and system engineering methods to select alternative concepts which satisfies the various requirements. Robust design and optimization method is applied to derive the robust solution of the selected system. First, a variance of objective function is calculated, and a mean value and a variance of target value are determined by the deterministic design optimization results of the system. A robust optimum design formulation is then needed to derive the robust solution that minimizes the variance of the response and moves the mean values to the target value. It is applied to Very Light Jet (VLJ) aircraft to which much attention is paid recently in civil aerospace market.

Analysis of Chaos Characterization and Forecasting of Daily Streamflow (일 유량 자료의 카오스 특성 및 예측)

  • Wang, W.J.;Yoo, Y.H.;Lee, M.J.;Bae, Y.H.;Kim, H.S.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.236-243
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    • 2019
  • Hydrologic time series has been analyzed and forecasted by using classical linear models. However, there is growing evidence of nonlinear structure in natural phenomena and hydrologic time series associated with their patterns and fluctuations. Therefore, the classical linear techniques for time series analysis and forecasting may not be appropriate for nonlinear processes. Daily streamflow series at St. Johns river near Cocoa, Florida, USA showed an interesting result of a low dimensional, nonlinear dynamical system but daily inflow at Soyang reservoir, South Korea showed stochastic property. Based on the chaotic dynamical characteristic, DVS (deterministic versus stochastic) algorithm is used for short-term forecasting, as well as for exploring the properties of the system. In addition to the use of DVS algorithm, a neural network scheme for the forecasting of the daily streamflow series can be used and the two techniques are compared in this study. As a result, the daily streamflow which has chaotic property showed much more accurate result in short term forecasting than stochastic data.

Effects of preselection of genotyped animals on reliability and bias of genomic prediction in dairy cattle

  • Togashi, Kenji;Adachi, Kazunori;Kurogi, Kazuhito;Yasumori, Takanori;Tokunaka, Kouichi;Ogino, Atsushi;Miyazaki, Yoshiyuki;Watanabe, Toshio;Takahashi, Tsutomu;Moribe, Kimihiro
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2019
  • Objective: Models for genomic selection assume that the reference population is an unselected population. However, in practice, genotyped individuals, such as progeny-tested bulls, are highly selected, and the reference population is created after preselection. In dairy cattle, the intensity of selection is higher in males than in females, suggesting that cows can be added to the reference population with less bias and loss of accuracy. The objective is to develop formulas applied to any genomic prediction studies or practice with preselected animals as reference population. Methods: We developed formulas for calculating the reliability and bias of genomically enhanced breeding values (GEBV) in the reference population where individuals are preselected on estimated breeding values. Based on the formulas presented, deterministic simulation was conducted by varying heritability, preselection percentage, and the reference population size. Results: The number of bulls equal to a cow regarding the reliability of GEBV was expressed through a simple formula for the reference population consisting of preselected animals. The bull population was vastly superior to the cow population regarding the reliability of GEBV for low-heritability traits. However, the superiority of reliability from the bull reference population over the cow population decreased as heritability increased. Bias was greater for bulls than cows. Bias and reduction in reliability of GEBV due to preselection was alleviated by expanding reference population. Conclusion: Cows are easier in expanding reference population size compared with bulls and alleviate bias and reduction in reliability of GEBV of bulls which are highly preselected than cows by expanding the cow reference population.

Bus stop passenger waiting simulation considering transfer passengers: A case study at Cheongju Intercity Bus Terminal (환승객을 고려한 버스 정류장 승객 대기 시뮬레이션: 청주 시외 버스 터미널 정류장 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Jongsung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.217-228
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    • 2021
  • After the integrated fare system has been applied, public transportation and transfer traffic increased. As a result, transfer passengers must be considered in the operation of the bus. Although previous studies have limitations due to utilizing deterministic mathematical models, which fails to reflect the stochastic movements of passengers and buses, in this study, a more realistic bus stop micro-simulation model is proposed. Based on the proposed simulation model, we represent the relationship between bus arrival interval and passenger wait time as a regression model and empirically show the differences between the cases with and without transfer passengers. Also, we propose a method converting passenger waiting time to cost and find optimal bus arrival interval based on the converted cost. It is expected the proposed method enables bottom-up decision making reflecting practical situation.