• Title/Summary/Keyword: Designer

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"Servicescape" Differentiation in a Hair Salon (헤어살롱 서비스스케이프 차별화 성공사례)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Park, Chul-Ju
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to find out the effect of changes in the differentiated "servicescape" on the business performance in the hair salon industry using a case study. For this, we selected hair salon M located in Suwon. The shop is innovatively different from existing shops in terms of spatial layout and functionality. We conducted in-depth research, beginning with the launch of the shop concept through investment and ongoing stable sales. Research design, data, and methodology - The M hair salon is a start up shop providing a differentiated servicescape (physical environment where the service takes place) located in Suwon, Yeongtong-gu. We conducted research to investigate how spatial layout and functionality of the servicescape impact customers' perceived quality. The interview period and case analysis was May 2014 through March 2015, covering 11 months. To conduct the case analysis, we analyzed the spatial layout and functionality of existing shops and interviewed customers and experts about the difference between hair salon M and existing shops. Results - Our results found clues to the positive effect of spatial layout and functionality among servicescape factors on perceived service quality at the salon. The shop showed a fast payback of the principal investment, growth potential in contrast to competitors near the salon, and 45 percent returning customers. The problem with the spatial layout at existing shops was that customers were aware of the way other people were looking at them, since viewing angles overlapped, therefore there was a limitation to the relationship intensity with an exclusive hair designer. In contrast, the layout of the stands at the M salon kept the number of dressing stands limited to maximize the customer's emotional response. Additionally, because of the new layout of dressing stands hiding other customer voices and appearance in the salon, customers perceived their service space as independent. Therefore, they did not have to focus on their personal emotional response, which was one of the advantages of the new layout. Conclusions - This study conducted case study analysis by offering a new perspective focusing on spatial layout, previously not considered as an independent variable of quality evaluations and customer satisfaction in existing literature on hair salon management. Therefore, this study contributes to the field by offering an opportunity to discover the causal relationships between the overlooked physical environment and a customer's perceived quality. However, a process objectifying the results of the study through empirical analysis and hypotheses is needed to overcome the limitations of the case study approach and generalize the results. Moreover, it would be beneficial to conduct further empirical study of the relationship between the spatial layout provided in the case and a customer's emotional response and change in mood. In addition, an analysis is needed regarding how customers feel about the factors using the Kano Model. These suggestions would be considered in further study.

Vibration Characteristics of the Fruit and Vegetables during Transportation (I) - Vibration Charateristics of the Pear by Experimental Analysis - (유통중 청과물의 진동 특성 연구 (I) - 실험적 해석에 의한 배의 진동특성 -)

  • Kim, Man-Soo;Jung, Hyun-Mo;Kim, Ghi-Seok;Park, Chung-Gil
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2003
  • Fruit and vegetables are subjected to complex dynamic stresses in the transportation environment. During a long journey from the production area to markets, there is always some degree of vibration present. Vibration inputs are transmitted from the vehicle through the packaging to the fruit. Inside, these cause sustained bouncing of fruits against each other and container wall. These steady state vibration input may cause serious fruit injury, and this damage is particularly severe whenever the fruit inside the package is free to bounce, and is vibrated at its resonance frequency. The determination of the resonance frequencies of the fruit and vegetables may help the packaging designer to determine the proper packaging system providing adequate protection for the fruit, and to understand the complex interaction between the components of fruit when they relate to expected transportation vibration inputs. Instrumentation and technologies are described for determining the vibration response characteristics of the fruits with frequency range 3 to 150 Hz. The computer program for controlling the vibration exciter and the function generator and for measuring the vibration response characteristics of the fruits was developed. The resonance frequency of the pear ranged from 64.5 to 72.2 Hz and the amplitude at resonance was between 1.78 and 2.21 G-rms. The resonance frequency and amplitude at resonance decreased with the increase of the sample mass, and they were slightly affected by mechanical properties such as bioyield deformation and rupture deformation. Regression analysis was performed among the relatively high correlated parameters from the results of correlation coefficient analysis.

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Implementation of tractor implement ECU based on ISO11783 using IsoAgLib (IsoAgLib을 이용한 ISO11783 기반 트랙터 작업기 ECU 구현)

  • Roh, Seungku;Kim, Jayu;Tumenjargal, Enkhbaatar;Chong, Kitchong;Ham, Woonchul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.18-18
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    • 2017
  • ISO11783은 농업 산업분야 통신 프로토콜의 국제 표준으로, 농용트랙터 및 작업기 ECU 간의 통신 프로토콜을 표준화한다. 이 표준은 서로 다른 제조사의 제품 간에 호환성을 갖게 하며, 정밀 농업에 대한 핵심 기반을 제공한다. 현재 해외에서는 이미 ISO11783 기반의 AFS(Advanced Farming System)를 통한 정밀농업이 상용화되어 농가에 보급되고 있다. 이에 비해, 국내에서 이러한 표준을 따르는 농기계들은 미비한 실정이며, 향후 농업의 정밀 농업화를 통한 고부가가치 창출 및 선진국의 무역 장벽에 대비와 해외 수출 판로 개척을 위해 ISO11783 표준에 대한 R&D가 필요로 한다. 이에 IsoAgLib를 분석하고 임베디드 보드에 Porting하여 ISO11783 기반 작업기 ECU를 구현하였고, 이를 기반으로 ISO11783 기반 작업기 ECU의 구현 방법을 발표한다. IsoAgLib의 시스템 아키텍처는 계층화 되어 있어, 타겟에 의존적인 계층만 수정하여, IAR 환경에서 Cortex M3 보드에 포팅을 완료하였다. 작업기 ECU들은 자신만의 인터페이스 화면을 갖으며, 이를 Object pool이라 한다. 이것을 Virtual Terminal(VT)에 업로드 하여, VT가 해당 작업기 ECU의 사용자 인터페이스 기능을 제공하도록 한다. 이에 작업기 ECU 구현 1 단계로, 'VT-Designer'를 통하여 Object pool를 설계한다. 2 단계, 'vt2iso'를 통해서 Object pool을 IsoAgLib 상에서 사용할 수 있도록 변환한다. 3 단계, 포팅된 IsoAgLib project에 변환된 파일을 포함 시킨다. 4 단계, 작업기 ECU의 주기적인 작업 및 각 메시지 수신시 수행할 작업을 코딩한다. 5 단계, 빌드 및 타겟 보드에 업로딩 한 후, New Holland 사의 $Intelliview^{TM}$ iv display (VT)과 연결하여 동작을 확인한다. 확인 결과로 VT에 디자인한 Object pool이 표시 되며 soft key 입력 시 작업기 ECU에서 LED가 변한다. 결론적으로, 연구 결과를 바탕으로 ISO11783 기반의 작업기 ECU의 디자인 및 구현이 가능하며, 이를 통해 향후 국내의 ISO11783 기반의 작업기 ECU의 개발에 도움을 줄 수 있다.

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A Study on Lifestyle as a Basic Curriculum for Design Education (디자인교육을 위한 기초교과목으로서 라이프스타일 연구)

  • Mun, Keum-Hi
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2006
  • Modern design has to be satisfied to user in various social class. Therefore a study of lifestyle is vary important as a basic of design. The logical starting point to grasp the user's needs is begun by consumer analysis. There are many methods of consumer analysis, In them, the study of lifestyle is extremely much used for understanding consumer who is classified with groups. Basic education of design have to teach knowledge and ability which is to be a groundwork for designer. The study of lifestyle is not a purpose itself but one of theoretical knowledge which is requested for design. By induding practical techniques and theory, theory can be achieved through practical techniques and the meaning of theory itself could be recalled. The value of this study is in the suggestion which is the way of approach to research and to study for oneself, by introduce the study through conceptual approach for lifestyle into basic design educational program. For the study of lifestyle, let students have the theoretical knowledge which is concept of lifestyle, modern social form, consumer culture, the way of using lifestyle and theorizing lifestyle, etc, And after, let students make teams for the study of lifestyle for oneself. Every team creates the subject and studies lifestyle of each social dass by the practical way such as Inquiry, observation and interview etc. As a result they have to make a report after the form of paper and let them have a presentation in each team. Students can understand lifestyle through this process not only theoretical but also practical and can be earned an ability for apply to business.

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The Internal Deconstruction Trend Expressed in the Works of Jean Paul Gaultier (장 폴 골티에 작품에 나타난 내적 해체경향)

  • 최영옥
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.574-591
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    • 2001
  • This study reviews the concept and characteristics of the deconstruction philosophy in order to analyze the major aspects of the fashion world called the deconstruction fashion based on the deconstruction philosophy, and analyzes the works of Jean Paul Gaultier in terms of Derrida's deconstruction theory. The scope of this research is from 1980 to present, and this study fashion on the many kinds of literature on philosophy, aesthetics and literary criticism, and the domestic and international fashion journals and magazines. The deconstructionism is the philosophical theory which denies the traditionally recognized logocentric metaphysical theory and refuses the closed world and pursues the open world, opposing the dichotomic theory which is the deep-rooted tradition of the Western philosophy. The results of analyses centering on the internal deconstruction trend expressed in the works of Jean Paul Gaultier are as follows. 1 The past style combined with the present appears in the form of the entirely new trace, not the past emotion and meaning in Gaultier's works transcending the time and space. 2 Gaultier presents the unconventional intermeaning of meanings, producing various possibilities according to the wearing method of the wearer by layering several clothes. 3. Gaultier breaks from masculinity and femininity in the intertextuality of gender, and decomposes the fixed idea of men's or ladies'wear through the design sharing bisexual text. 4. In the intertextuality of T.P.O., Gaultier presents the problem of how to wear by mixing different items through obscuring the division of the nature of time, space, and purpose. Especially Gaultier can be called the first designer who, worthy of the father of the deconstructionism, has introduced in the fashion making inner wear like outer wear. 5. In the intertextuality of coordination, Gaultier presents a new perspective of coordination through free combination and contrast, raising a question about the man-made harmony criterion and deconstructing the clothes. On the other hand, Gaultier expresses the intertextuality of the material through the heterogeneous combination of the material. 6. The decomposition trend expressed in the many works of Gaultier reflects an open mind presenting a new perspective through the distortion of the form, exaggeration, and break from the existing construction method. 7. The decentering trend in the works of Gaultier is found to deconstruct the Western-dominated elements against the background of subcultural elements, the elements borrowed from the minority race, md the Oriental culture. 8. The discontinuity clothes of Gaultier present the disordered principle of design without the uniform rules, and express the unrestrained freedom without captivation by the preconceived idea through the disruption of the dress and its ornaments just like Gaultier.

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Patterns of Middle School Students' Value-Judgement and Decision-Making on Biotechnology-Related Socioscientific Issues (생명공학과 관련된 사회적 쟁점에 대한 중학생들의 가치판단 및 의사결정 과정에서 드러난 가치 적용 방식 유형)

  • Ju, In-Ae;Lee, Hyunju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2013
  • This study examined value-judgement and decision-making process of middle school students on three biotechnology related socioscientific issues (SSI) (i.e. designer baby, amniotic fluid test, and embryonic stem cell research). In particular, it focused on the level of consistency in their value application to the decisions. Twenty 8th grade students participated in the SSI program. The participants were asked to mark their positions on each issue before and after the debates. All classroom and sub-group debates were audio-recorded. The researcher conducted individual interviews with 10 students after the program. The results show three patterns emerging. First, five students applied their personal values in a consistent manner when making decisions on the three consecutive issues. Second, three students demonstrated incremental resoluteness in their value application as the sessions proceeded and had tendency to be oriented towards a specific value, more so towards the end of the program than the beginning. And third, four students gradually showed ambivalence in their decisions as they participate in the program. The results suggest that science teachers addressing SSI need to encourage students to be aware of their own values and to engage in internalized decision-making in light of those values. They also need to be aware of the possible challenges that students might feel in their decision-making process caused by the complexity of SSI.

Analysis of Delay Factors Based on Importance of Construction Subject-classified in Apartment Finishing Works (공동주택 마감공사 공사주체별 작업지연 요인 분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Yong-Man;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Kim, Jae-Junn
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2011
  • The ultimate goal of construction is to complete the given work in the most economical and safest way within the required construction period while meeting the quality standards specified in the design drawing. There are a few characteristics of finish work. First, executed in subdivided processes, finish work involves a very diverse and complex structure. Second, there are no criteria for each segmented process with regard to the appropriate time of input. Third, it is not very necessary to set priorities for lead and lag works. This study intends to provide information on the completion of a project in accordance with the required duration by setting priorities in the delay of each detailed process of finish work to minimize delay in finish work. In this study, finish work is divided into wet work and other types of finish work, and the importance of each process is classified based on the given details of each process. In addition, the study employs a survey to analyze delay factors of a designer, a constructor, and a supplier. Using the survey results, the study sets priorities in delay of final work to provide information on the completion of an apartment project within the planned construction period.

A Study on the Characteristics of Knitwear Fashion Design: With a focus on Missoni, Sonia Rykiel, Azzedine Alaia

  • Chun, Hei Jung;Park, Jae Min
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to better understand the development and characteristics of knitwear fashion design by examining the transformation process of the modern knits. The subjects of the study are Missoni, Sonia Rykiel, and Azzedine Alaia, designers who are world-renowned knit designers, and the expressive techniques in their designs will be evaluated. The study also intends to analyze the aesthetic value of each designer's style through their product's silhouette, colors, and knitting techniques. On the basis of the analysis, we hope to research the factors in the designing process that will allow knits, which were made for practical purposes, to be valued as a luxury fashion item, and with the results, show the potential for knits in expanding its domain in fashion to become a more luxurious, creative fashion item. The characteristic comparison of the designers is as follows: First, in the case of colors, Missoni shows its distinct identity through a balance of splashy colors as well as nature-inspired color composition and balance. And, only with color use, is also able to express perspective, form composition, and rhythm. Sonia Rykiel designs are composed of black backgrounds with strong primary colors that are contrasted with one-point or stripes to express a light, urban image. Alaia emphasizes femininity by the use of black and white colors, which show modernity, in combination with neutral skin-toned colors, such as beige and gray. So, in other words, Missoni and Sonia Rykiel mixed colors for visual interconnectivity, while Alaia expressed femininity through the use of an achromatic color. Second, in the case of knitting techniques, Missoni uses the jacquard technique to make complex patterns that show balance of colors and patterns such as zigzag, stripe, geometries, and titan check, which are geometric, abstract, and symmetric. Sonia Rykiel who uses stripes as her trademark, most often utilizes the intarsia technique, which is expressed through one-point. Alaia combines diverse techniques, such as the Skashi weaving, by using computerized knitting. Third, as for silhouettes, Missoni eliminated exaggerated details in order to emphasize the flashy colors and delicate patterns and weavings of its designs, and this resulted in simplistic and relaxed silhouettes. Sonia Rykiel took advantage of the elasticity that the knit offers to get a tight silhouette, and in turn, emphasized the female sensuality. Alaia used curvilinear cuts that emphasized the womanly curves and gained an image considered soft and feminine.

A Study on the Information Society of Baudrillards Theory and Designer's Thinking (보드리야르의 정보사회 이론과 디자이너의 사고에 대한 고찰)

  • 김태균
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2000
  • Due to the explosive growth of the internet, terminology like "information society" and "virtual space" is frequently used, but often in a confusing manner. Some Social theorists and many people are fascinated by "information" and "media" as key characteristics of the contemporary world and rely on the unproven opinion that "Knowledge is a source of value and information moves the world". In this regard, Boudllian defines contemporary culture as a culture of signs and insists that we are surrounded by signs and forms of meaning. There isn't anything behind the signs but signs only exsist, so we cannot escaped from its inauthenticity and consider it improper to insist on it. If people can understand that signs are just simulation of reality, that would be alright. But in fact anything cannot be alright.In this matter Boudllian's conclusion is that we produce images in bulk which are not worthy seeing. Today we reach the conclusion that most images are the letter(character) image itself which shows nothing special.Consequently, this kind of world is a postmodern-world that seems meaningless but has signs to experience and enjoy, many examples of which are shown in the media, such as the internet. We can get to the conclusion that the audience neither sees nor hears anything, but they just can experience many interesting things which characterize the present age. The purpose of this research is to help you to understand current design philosophy and the direction of media while considering both a positive social phenomenon about the new design paradigm of information and media, as well as critical thinking about it.

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Analysis of Formal Aesthetics of Fashion Designer's Works -Focused on Madeleine Vionnet & Christian Dior- (패션디자인 작품에 나타난 형태미 분석 -비요네와 디올의 작품을 중심으로-)

  • Yun, Ji-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.12 s.148
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    • pp.1582-1594
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to rediscover the value of form in fashion design by developing a new perspective of design appreciation. By examining and modifying the theories of Wolfflin and Belong, this paper tries to of for a new perspective for analyzing the characteristics of form in fashion designers' works. The three new perspective, Flat & Rounded, Closed & Opened and Part & Whole, can be used to analyze the formative aesthetic character of Vionnet's and Dior's works. Ten of Vionnet's and eleven of Dior's representative works selected and applied Delong's visual priority diagram to analyze their character. Vionnet and Dior, emphasized form and construction in their design and applied geometric shapes in their works. The main differences between Vionnet and Dior is that Vionnet's work transforms from geometric shapes in 2-dimentional space to drapery shapes in 3-dimensional space, Dior's work displays geometric shapes in 3-dimensional space. Vionnet created new formative art through the relationship between the clothes and human body. Vionnet's work has distinctively different qualities depending on whether the space is 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional showing transposition of form. In 2-dimensional space, Vionnet's works consist of triangles, rectangles and circles which are 'flat' and 'closed' in quality. These transform to solid forms by draping bias fabrics, which have a 'rounded' and 'open' quality. Dior tended to show artificial form rather than the natural lines of the body which is very different with Vionnet. Dior created clothes by using solid geometric form such as spheres, prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cubes in 3-dimensional space, which were visualized through constructive technique such as dart manipulation, boning, gathering, tucking, pleating, shirring and layering. Dior's works have their own form which does not relate with body shape. So his Works have a 'rounded' and 'closed' quality.