• Title/Summary/Keyword: DesignBuilder

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Component Software Architecture for Embedded Controller (내장형 제어기를 위한 컴포넌트 소프트웨어 아키텍처)

  • 송오석;김동영;전윤호;이윤수;홍선호;신성훈;최종호
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.8-8
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    • 2000
  • PICARD (Port-Interface Component Architecture for Real-time system Design) is a software architecture and environment, which is aimed to reduce development time and cost of real-time, control system. With PICARD, a control engineer can construct a control system software by assembling pre-built software components us ing interact ive graphical development environment. PICARD consists of PVM(Picard Virtual Machine) , a component library, and PICE(PIcard Configuration Editor). PVM is a real-time engine of the PICARD system which runs control tasks on a real-time operating system. The component library is composed of components which are called task blocks. PICE is a visual editor which can configure control tasks by creating data-flow diagrams of task blocks or Ladder diagrams for sequential logics. For the communication between PVM on a target system and PICE on a host computer, a simple protocol and tools for stub generation was dove]oped because RPC or CORBA is difficult to be applied for the embedded system. New features such as a byte-code based run time system and a simple and easy MMI builder are also introduced.

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Defects of Planting in Landscape Plants in Apartment Complex (아파트단지 조경수목의 식재하자에 관한 연구)

  • 임원현;김용수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this thesis was to provide the basic data for landscape architecture of apartment constructions and to minimize the users´ and builder´ loss in terms of finance and landscape due to defects in planting. After a review of literature related to defects of planting work, the researcher investigated the defects in planting of landscape plants on the basis of data from the drawing and defect-repair construction of 50 civil apartment complexes in Daegu and Kyongbook are from 1994 to 1998. The defect-ratio was analysed in terms of the species, shapes, and sizes of trees. It provides matters for consideration in terms of the design of the landscape planting on the apartment unit. It also provided the future directions for landscape architecture in apartment constructions with regard to the selection of the planting trees, etc., given statistics on defect occurrence. The causes of defect of the landscape planting trees were not studied accurately in this study due to the board range of researched area, the differences of the planting ground environment, the management ability, and the parameters of judging planting defects. It is recommended that those areas should be researched in the future.

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XML Schema and Stylesheet Builder using in Tree on Web Server (웹 서버 상에서 XML트리를 이용한 XML 스키마와 스타일시트 생성)

  • Park Young-Soo;Jang Duk-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2005
  • At the present day, increasing the web service requirements, along with making XML program easy to create and manage, XML program which progress the research of related technologies enables developer the number of benefits. In order to create XML Documents which include structure that compose documents as well as data, it must have defined about DTD or XML schema that display structure of data. In this study, herewith suggest the design and implementation of method that can be automatically created XML Schema and XML Stylesheet using the web-based XML Tree.

The Reduction of Energy Consumption by the Exterior Horizontal Shading Device during Design for the Retrofit of Public Buildings (공공청사 리트로핏 설계 시 외부 수평 차양 장치에 따른 에너지 소비량 절감 방안)

  • Auh, Jin Sun;Jang, Ji-Hoon;Leigh, Seung-Bok;Kim, Byungseon Sean
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Recently, significant heat loss through the window takes place in buildings. Nevertheless, there exists little literature concerning the exterior horizontal shading devices and the design criteria are not clearly settled yet. Applying the exterior horizontal shading devices is more efficient as compared to the interior shading devices in that solar radiation can be directly blocked before passing through the window or the envelope. The purpose of this study is to reduce the internal load by designing the exterior horizontal shading devices and verify the degree of reduction in energy consumption. Method: This study aims to reduce energy consumption in cooling and heating through proposing proper length and shape of the exterior horizontal shading devices in public buildings. In the process, actual energy data and the Design Builder simulation program are utilized. In addition, economic aspect is considered to figure out the optimal length of the exterior horizontal shading devices that maximizes efficiency. Result: As a result, the proper length and shape of the exterior horizontal shading devices are provided as follows: 1) Energy consumption in cooling and heating is minimized when the exterior horizontal shading devices are designed as 0.5m*2. 2) Electricity bill is the lowest when the exterior horizontal shading devices are designed as 3.3m*2. The gap between maximum and minimum electricity bill is about 7.8~14%.

Exploratory Study on Purchasing Fashion Products from Small Business Owners -Focusing on the Consumer Life Cycle and Purchasing Stage- (패션 소상공인 제품 구매에 대한 탐색적 연구 -소비자 생애주기와 구매단계를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Songmee;Jang, Seyoon;Lee, Yuri;Jin, Woojune;Kim, Ha Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.805-826
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    • 2022
  • This study explored the process by which consumers purchase products from small fashion business owners via online and mobile channels. In addition, group types were classified given that the purchasing process depends on the consumers' life cycle. The consumer focus group interview (FGI) was conducted on 18 participants that were divided into six groups by age, work, and children. Results revealed that first, consumer journey comprised four stages. Factors influencing need recognition were "attention to information of social media influencer," "attention to information of affiliated groups," and "repeated advertising of SME products/brands." For information searching, "exploring purchase reviews," "environment for mobile shopping information exploration," and "continuous product tracking" were important factors. Purchasing and shopping stages were affected by "price-free, improvised purchase decision" and "convenient mobile payment system and point benefits." After the purchase, "active sharing and repeated purchase when satisfied" and "blocking relationships when dissatisfied" occurred. Second, six consumer groups based on the fashion life cycle are the "Platform lover," "Influencer follower," "Trust builder," "Novelty seeker," "Convenience seeker," and "New designer supporter." Ultimately, small business owners can develop the process of planning and selling fashion products more efficiently.

A Visual Programming Environment for Medical Image Processing (의료영상처리를 위한 시각 프로그래밍 환경)

  • Sung, Chong-Won;Kim, Jin-Ho;Kim, Jee-In
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.2349-2360
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    • 2000
  • In medical image processing, if new technologies arc developed, they arc applied to real clinical cases. The results are to be analyzed by doctors to improve the new technologies. So, it is important for doctors to have a tool that helps the doctors in applying the new technologies to clinical cases and analyzing the clinical results. In this paper, we design and implement a visual programming environment where non-programming experts, such as medical doctors, can easily compose a medical image processing application program. A set of image processing functions are implemented and represented as icons. Thc user selects functions by clicking correslxmding icons. The users can easily find necessary' functions from the visualized library. A user selects a function from the visualized library and [Jut the function node into a canvas of Visual Programming Interface. The user connects nodes to compose a dataflow diagram. The connected dataflow diagram shows the now of the program. Hyperbolic Tree is helpful in visualizing a set of function icons in a single screen because it provides both the whole stmcture of the function Iihrary and the details of the focused functions at the same time. We also developed a CUI builder where the user interfaces of the medical image processing applications are composed. Therefore. non'programming experts such as physicians can apply new medical image processing algorithms to clinical cases without performing complex computer programming procedures.

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A Study on the Torsional Vibration Characteristics of Super Large Two Stroke Low Speed Engines with Tuning Damper

  • Barro Ronald D;Kim Sang-Hwan;Lee Don-Chool
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.776-785
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    • 2006
  • Ship builder's requirement for a higher power output rating has lead to the development of super large two stroke low speed diesel engines. Usually a large-sized bore ranging from 8-14 cylinders, this engine group is capable of delivering power output of more than 100,000 bhp at maximum continuous rating. Other positive aspects of this engine type include higher thermal efficiency, reliability, durability and mobility. This all playa vital role in meeting the propulsion requirement of vessels, specifically for large container ships, of which speed is a primary concern to become more competitive. Consequently, this also resulted in the modification of engine parameters and new component designs to meet the consequential higher mean effective pressure and higher maximum combustion pressure. Even though the fundamental excitation mechanism unchanged, torsional vibration stresses in the propulsion shafting are subsequently perceived to be higher. As such, one important viewpoint in the initial engine design is the resulting vibration characteristic expected to prevail on the propulsion shafting system(PSS). This paper investigated the torsional vibration characteristics of these super large engines. For the two node torsional vibration with a nodal point on the crankshaft, a tuning damper is necessary to reduce the torsional stresses on the crankshaft. Hence, the tuning torsional vibration damper design and compatibility to the shafting system was similarly reviewed and analyzed.

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Design and Implementation of Communication Module for Distributed Intelligence Control Using LonWorks (LonWorks를 이용한 분산 지능 제어를 위한 통신 모듈의 설계 및 구현)

  • Choi Jae-Huyk;Lee Tae-Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.1654-1660
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we describes the design and implementation of LonWorks communication module for distributed intelligent control using LonWorks technology of Echelon. LonWorks communication module can be divided hardware and firmware. First, hardwares is divided into microcontroller attaching sensors and LonWorks components for working together control network and data network. Hardwares are consisted of neuron chip, microcontroller, transceiver, LONCard. Second, operating firmware is realized with neuron C using NodeBulider 3.0 development tool. Produced and implemented LonWorks communication module is pretested using LTM-10A, Gizmo 4 I/O board, parallel I/O Interface. For field test, microcontroller module part is tested by HyperTerminal, communication procedure in data network is certified by transmitting and receiving short message using LonMaker for Windows tool. Herewith, LON technology is based on network communication technique using LonWorks.

A Study on Meaning and Characteristics of Minimalism in Contemporary Architecture (현대건축에서의 미니멀리즘의 의미와 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이정욱
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.150-160
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    • 1997
  • The tendency of the Minimalism in the contemporary a architecture is based on Mies van der Rohe s saying ‘나SS IS m more" as the principle of the Minimal art and its formative c composition. It can be divided into technical Minimalism p prevailed in Northern Europe and the zone of German l language, and the regional one in Southern Europe and S Southern America. The former is interested in the experiences of the techniques and materials, and the latter in that of the s space and the place through the simple forms. The minialistic approach to the architecture is nat only m methodological one. It accepts the concept and the construction of architecture as 2 axes for making it keeps the tradition and c communication with the master builder, the materials, and i염 m means to compound. The expressive characteristics of works in M Minimalism are 1) as the formal issue, it is simple, self-referring. without any symbol or any allusion, and compounds the r repetitive forms as the comceptual aspec않 of architecture, 2) it h has the characteristies such as the approach directly to the m means by which architecture made, the critical interests to the m material attributes, and the capacity to the contemporary t technology as the issue of technique and materials, 3) regarding t the space and the place, it shows the good sense to the site in t the sphere intervention of architecture 1e Maininlalism architecture has i않 impotance in the point t that it seeks to the qualities immanent in architecture by s showing the marvelous status through discovering the i immanent properties of the site, program materials, and the s structure, and also it begins new way of interpreting a architecture with new viewpoint to the its essence as well as a architecture itself.self.

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An Analysis of Energy Reduction Effects in Housing According to Green Roof (옥상녹화에 따른 공동주택 에너지 저감효과 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Son, Hyeong-Min;Kwon, Hyuck-Sam;Kim, Jong-Gon;Lee, Bum-Sik
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.299-305
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to provide basic materials for expanding application of green roof afforestation by analyzing structures' energy consumption reduction effects according to green roof afforestation as a planning means to cope with climate change. As the subjects, recently completed apartment buildings and service facilities of apartment houses where green roof afforestation was applied were selected. green roof afforestation of Extensive Green Roof(soil depth: 20cm) and Semi-Intensive Green Roof(soil depth: 40cm) in construction types was applied and design builders were utilized in order to compare energy reduction amount according to the application of green roof afforestation. According to the analysis result, all the buildings had energy reduction effect when green roof afforestation was applied.