• Title/Summary/Keyword: Design goals

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The Effects of Goal Incongruity between Franchisor and Franchisee on Regulatory Focus, Performance, and Opportunism of Franchisee (프랜차이즈 본부와 가맹점 간 목표불일치가 가맹점의 조절초점, 성과, 그리고 기회주의에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Byong-Kwan Steven;Oh, Sejo;Kim, Sang-Duck
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The ultimate goal of a franchise system comes from its win-win strategy. Agency theory uses goal incongruity to examine complex contracting problems between buyers and suppliers. Goal incongruity within a contractual relationship can be defined as the agent's desire not to cooperate. It is the degree to which the contractual terms do not satisfy the agent's goals. The greater the goal incongruity between the agent and the contract, the more likely it is that the agent will meet the terms of the contract. Thus, goal incongruity between buyers and suppliers has close relationships with both behavioral and financial performance. This study tries to examine these relationships in the franchise context using a model including related variables, such as regulatory foci, financial performance, and opportunism, to explain the reasons that not all franchisees perform their best. In particular, the study examines the effects of goal incongruity on regulatory focus, and the effects of regulatory focus on performance and opportunism. In short, the objective is to determine goal incongruity's effect on regulatory foci, and the effect of regulatory focus on performance and opportunism. Research design, data, and methodology - This study used data collected from the franchisee managers of 104 franchisors in South Korea. The franchisors include more than 10 franchisees, the majority of whom have been in business for more than five years. The study also surveyed 104 franchisees, matched with their franchisors for the sake of a dyadic approach. The study used regression analysis to test the hypotheses. Results - H1 and H2 predicted that goal incongruity would decrease promotion focus and increase prevention focus. Supporting H1, the result indicates goal incongruity had a positive effect on promotion focus. However, H2 was not supported. Goal incongruity had no significant effect on prevention focus (β = -.375, t = -4.331 and β = -.145, t = -1.950, respectively). H3 and H4 predicted that promotion focus would increase financial performance and decrease opportunism. Supporting these hypotheses, the results indicate that promotion focus had a positive effect on financial performance and a negative effect on opportunism (β = .771, t = 7.899 and β = -.765, t = -6.778, respectively). H5 and H6 predicted that prevention focus would decrease financial performance and increase opportunism. However, the results do not support these hypotheses. The results indicate that prevention focus had no effects on opportunism or financial performance (β = -.130, t = -1.070 and β = .090, t = .641, respectively). Overall, the evidence generally supported the hypotheses. Conclusion - Goal incongruity between a franchisor and a franchisee increases the franchisee's financial performance and opportunism, and the relationship is mediated by promotion focus. Interestingly, however, prevention focus has no mediating effect between goal incongruity and performance. Even though no significant relation exists between goal incongruity and prevention focus, the results have two implications. First, decreasing goal incongruity can improve financial performance and suppress franchisee opportunism. Second, the relationship between goal incongruity and performance affects promotion-focused franchisees.

A Study of China's Condition as the Logistics Hub of Northeast Asia and a Development Strategy (중국의 동북아 물류중심화 현황과 발전전략에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Moon-Kap
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Korea has a better geographical location than other nations in the Northeast Asian region. This means that Korea has an opportunity to become the center of international physical distribution in Northeast Asia. Korea should take advantage of this opportunity by exploring appropriate strategies to achieve this goal, assuming government willingness, with a view to capitalizing on the geographical advantage of the Korean peninsula and constructing a comprehensive physical distribution network system. If we prepare for this scenario, Korea could become the center of international physical distribution in Northeast Asia. Research design, data, and methodology - This study has the purpose of determining how shipping companies form partnerships with third-party logistics providers, and the relevant implications. The survey methods used were personal interview and a questionnaire distributed through e-mail, fax, mail, and telephone. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 285 were returned. Of the collected questionnaires, 10 were excluded because of insufficient content, leaving 275 to be used in the study as available valid samples. The data that was collected from these samples was analyzed using the data coating process and by employing a statistical package program. Results - Flexible policies, administration, and systems will be needed to create better business practices. In this dissertation, first and foremost, the results reveal that in order to become the center of Northeast Asian logistics, Korea must transition into a new paradigm based on the current economic and social systems that have stemmed from bureaucracy, inflexibility, chauvinism, and egalitarianism. Flexible policies, administration, and systems will be required to create better business practices. Domestic logistics corporations need to occupy a strategic logistics hub, create a logistics network, and activate value-added logistics business strategies by ensuring significant manpower and by building a logistics information system to strengthen their competitive edge, creating an improved system. Conclusions - In this dissertation, first and foremost, we point out that in order to become a center of North East Logistics, Korea should change to a new paradigm from the old one based on current economic and social systems that have stemmed from bureaucracy, inflexibility, chauvinism, and egalitarianism. More reasonable business laws, systems, and policies based on market-driven flexibility and transparency should be created. Moreover, social norms and rules should be reasonably established, to accomplish political and social security. Korea has to cultivate a culture of tolerance for foreign companies. This involves a change of paradigm for the development of the capital city and satellite cities. It will take a powerful task force or organization to plan and execute the vision that aims to meet these needs, accomplish the necessary goals, use the appropriate system effectively, and make Korea a key country in the field of Northeast Asian logistics.

A Study on the Retailer's Global Expansion Strategy and Supply Chain Management : Focus on the Metro Group (소매업체의 글로벌 확장전략과 공급사슬관리에 관한 연구: 메트로 그룹을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dong-Yun;Moon, Mi-Jin;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - The structure of retailing has changed as retailers develop markets in response to business environment changes. This study aims to analyze the general situation of retailers in order to predict future global strategy using case studies of overseas expansion strategy and the Metro Group's global strategy. Research design, data, and methodology - The backgrounds to the new retail business model and retailer classification are analyzed as theoretical data. In addition, the key success point of the Metro Group's "cash and carry" strategy is analyzed as is the Metro Group's global CFAR (collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment) strategy. Finally, the plan for cooperation and precise forecasting under the Metro Group's supply chain management are analyzed from the promotion environment viewpoint. Related materials analyzed included the 2012 annual report, the Metro Group's web page, and a video interview with the executive in charge of global strategy and the new market development department. Some data were revised to avoid disrupting essential aspects of the case studies. Results - The important finding was that the Metro Group could be a world-class retail company with its successful global expansion strategy. The Metro Group's global strategy's primary goal is to have a leading business position in Eastern and Western Europe. The "cash and carry" strategy is highest priority in its overseas expansion strategy. Moreover, the Metro Group has standardized product planning capacity, which could be applied in various countries with different structural and cultural backgrounds. This is the main reason that the Metro Group could rapidly become successful in the Eastern Europe and Asian markets through its structural overseas expansion strategies. In addition, the Metro Group emphasizes the importance of supply chain management. Conclusions - First, retailers should create additional value through utilizing the domestic market, market power, and economies of scale to launch a global strategy to maximize benefits from diversification. Second, the political, economic, and cultural background of the target country needs to be understood to successfully implement the overseas expansion strategy. Third, the main factor of successful cooperation with a local partner is how quickly the company gains total understanding of the business resources and core competence of its partner. All organizations should focus on the achievement of goals in order to successfully operate the partnership. Fourth, retailers should improve their business, financial and organizational structure. Moreover, the work processes and company culture should also be improved to respond strongly in the competitive global market. Fifth, the essential point of a successful retail business is the control capacity of its branding and format. The retailer could avoid forecasting errors through supply chain management by perfectly distributing the actual amount of its inventory. In addition, the risks along the supply chain are effectively shared between the supply chain partners. Finally, the central tendency of the market is to gain in strength with this taking place across all parts of the business.

The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on the Customer Orientation and Customer Relationship Management Performance of Hotel Employees (호텔기업 종업원의 감성지능이 고객지향성과 CRM성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Ta-Sik;Nam, Taek-Young
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2012
  • Purpose - This study aimed to (a) investigate the effects of emotional intelligence on customer orientation, (b) examine the impact of customer orientation on customer relationship management (CRM) performance (including CRM-related variables such as 'relationship commitment,' 'image of corporation,' and 'customer loyalty'), and (c) identify the conceptual framework of emotional intelligence. Research design, data, and methodology - The data were collected using a questionnaire given to a sample of employees of luxury hotels in the metropolitan area. To test the hypotheses, AMOS were conducted for the 271 respondents of the sample using the SPSS Win 17.0 software. The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) has been on the radar of many leaders and managers over the past few decades. Emotional intelligence is generally accepted to be a combination of emotional and interpersonal competencies that influence behavior, thoughts, and interactions with others. Emotional intelligence consists of four factors: understanding the self's emotion, understanding other people's emotions, emotion utilization, and emotion control. Understanding the self's emotion means to understand of my own emotions. Understanding other people's emotions is to understand of the emotions of the people around me and to know how my friends feel based on their behavior. The concept of emotion utilization means to set goals for myself and then try to achieve them, encouraging myself to do my best. The concept of emotion control means I can control my temper, handle difficult situations rationally, and calm down quickly when I am very angry. Results - As a result of the analysis, three factors (understanding the self's emotion, understanding of other people's emotions, and emotion utilization) were shown to have a significant effect on customer orientation. Emotion control had an insignificant effect on customer orientation. Only emotion control makes it difficult to solve customers' problems because it is a passive behavior. In order to solve the customers' problems, hotel employees have to show a positive attitude. Second, customer orientation had a significant effect on customer relationship management performance (customer relationship commitment, corporate image, and customer loyalty). In other words, customer orientation increases commitment to customer relationships. For example, employees who have a customer-orientated perspective provide good service to their customers, while employees who don't have a customer-orientated perspective can't satisfy their customers. Customer orientation can also generate a good image among customers, because they evaluate the image of a hotel through the behavior of hotel employees. So it is very important for employees to show excellent customer orientation. Conclusions - It is very important for hotel CEOs to manage their employees' emotional intelligence. In order to increase their employees' emotional intelligence abilities, CEOs have to manage the overall corporate culture and reward programs to achieve what they want. This is because the system can lead to a customer-orientated mind-set and CRM performance among employees. As a result, the hotel CEO has to pay attention to the emotional intelligence of employees to achieve strong CRM performance. The sentence as originally written was a bit unclear. If this edit does not retain your intended meaning please consider: "Only emotion control does not have a significant impact on customer orientation, and therefore on the ability of an employee to solve customer problems, because it is a passive behavior." Please use the version of the sentence that best captures your original meaning.

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The Effect of Salesperson Control System on Customer-oriented Selling Behaviors and Sales Performance in Pharmaceutical Distribution Channel (제약유통채널에서 영업사원에 대한 통제시스템이 고객지향적 판매와 영업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Yeon-Sung;Hong, Geum-Pyo;Yi, Ho-Taek
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Recently, domestic pharmaceutical market is growing steadily, but top-tier companies are concentrating on sales growth. In this market, SMEs, which account for more than 80% of the entire market, suffer from the problem of lower margins and increasing inventory costs. According to the government's policy changes related to pharmaceuticals, it is pointed out that the management of existing customers and the control of salespeople are important issues for pharmaceutical companies. This study investigates the effect of the control system on the salesperson in domestic pharmaceutical distribution channel on customer-oriented selling behaviors and sales performance. Research design, data, and methodology - To verify the proposed research model and test hypotheses, the authors selected 244 MR(medical representatives)'s responses which have currently relationship with doctors or pharmacists. This study carefully investigated the reliability, content validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the proposed model. Results - The authors find out the following results: capacity control, activity control, and self control have positive effects on customer-oriented selling behaviors and customer-oriented selling behaviors have a positive effect on sales performance. In addition, we present alternative model to check the direct effect between the control systems and the sales performance, but control system factors except self control have no direct influence. Conclusions - First of all, competency control and activity control increases the customer-oriented selling behavior of the salesperson. This means that the salesperson's sales skill, negotiation skill, customer access skill, presentation ability, monitoring, direction and evaluation are important and it is also important to control activities to check the number of visits to customers, report preparation, and customer service etiquette. Second, the fact that self-control of salesperson affects the customer-oriented selling behavior suggests that self-control is not controlled by external factors but rather establishes short/long-term goals. Therefore, it is important for sales organization to create an environment in which members can induce persistent incentives for self-control. Finally, output control did not affect customer-oriented sales behavior, which is less likely to form confidence or motivation to MRs when output control is perceived as a means of monitoring, supervising, or controlling rather than providing information to salespeople.

Innovative Geostationary Communication and Remote Sensing Mutli-purpose Satellite Program in Korea-COMS Program

  • Baek, Myung-Jin;Park, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2007
  • COMS satellite is a multipurpose satellite in the geostationary orbit, which accommodates multiple payloads of the Ka band Satellite Communication Payload, Meteorological Imager, and Geostationary Ocean Color Imager into a single spacecraft platform. In this paper, Korea's first innovative geostationary Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) program is introduced which is fully funded by Korean Government. The satellite platform is based on the Astrium EUROSTAR 3000 communication satellite, but creatively combined with MARS Express satellite platform to accommodate three different payloads efficiently for COMS. The goals of the Ka band satellite communication mission are to in-orbit verify the performances of advanced communication technologies and to experiment wide-band multi-media communication service. The Meteorological Imager mission is to continuously extract meteorological products with high resolution and multi-spectral imager, to detect special weather such as storm, flood, yellow sand, and to extract data on long-term change of sea surface temperature and cloud. The Geostationary Ocean Color Imager mission aims at monitoring of marine environments around Korean peninsula, production of fishery information (Chlorophyll, etc.), and monitoring of long-term/short-term change of marine ecosystem. The system design difficulties are in the different kinds of payload mission requirements of communication and remote sensing purposes and how to combine them into one to meet the overall satellite requirements. In this paper, Ka band communication payload system is more highlighted.

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Pre Service Chemistry Teachers' Understanding of Science Practices During Open-inquiry Chemistry Laboratory Activities (탐구화학실험 수행에서 나타나는 예비화학교사의 탐구특성 및 변화 분석)

  • Shim, Heontae;Ryu, Suna
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.52-63
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to observe and analyze how pre-service secondary chemistry teachers conduct open-ended, free style, exploratory chemistry experiments. The study examined common difficulties and tendencies that teachers showed in the chemistry labs. The study also investigated how these teachers deal with their difficulties and obstacles, such as unexpected results and device errors. Next, the study explored how students' epistemic goals and considerations have been shaped and changed as they interacted with one another and participated in their experiments over time. The study suggests that it could be more effective to gradually decrease guided-features of the experiment by providing appropriate scaffolding, than to start with completely open-ended inquiry labs. The study also suggests that the establishment of epistemic agency among group members influences the way they conduct experiments. Consequently, it is necessary to consider how instructional design for open-ended inquiry labs may provide students with scaffolds to encourage their active participation and to build responsibility in group discussions.

A Study on Group-specific External Feature Concerns and Beauty Care Behaviors Depending on Narcissistic Propensity (자기애 성향에 따른 집단별 외모관심도 및 미용행동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, You-Sung;Park, Ok-Lyun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.808-817
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to verify potential differences in group- specific external feature concerns and beauty care behaviors of Korean women in their 20's~40's depending on their narcissistic propensity. This study is to take psychological approaches to narcissistic propensity of our contemporary society, so that it can get better understanding about consumers and provide marketing data on beauty-related industry. To meet the above goals, total 400 sheets of questionnaire were distributed to subjects from March 30 to April 8, 2009. Out of 376 sheets of questionnaire collected, total 355 valid questionnaires except incomplete 21 ones were used for final data analysis. For data analysis, this study used SPSS 12.0 as statistic program to perform factor analysis, reliability test (Cronbac's ${\alpha}$ coefficient), cluster analysis, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan's multiple range test and multiple regression analysis. As a result, this study could come to the following findings: First, according to cluster analysis depending upon different factors such as self-directed narcissism, others-conscious narcissism and others-sensitive narcissism, it was found that our women in 20's to 40's could fall into 4 groups, i.e. complex narcissism group, mixed narcissism group, others-sensitive narcissism group and dispirited narcissism group. Second, according to analysis on potential differences in external feature concerns among four groups depending on their narcissistic propensity, it was found that there were significant differences in all relevant factors among groups. Third, according to analysis on differences in beauty care behaviors among four groups depending upon their narcissistic propensity, it was found that there were significant differences in all relevant factors among groups. Fourth, according to analysis on potential factors of external feature concerns that may influence beauty care behaviors of complex narcissism group, it was found that those factors had significant effects on fashion-orientedness, cosmetic surgery and personality pursuit of this group. And it was also found that there were significant differences in fashion-orientedness, cosmetic surgery, makeup and hair styling of mixed narcissism group, others-sensitive narcissism group and dispirited narcissism group respectively.

Relations of Key Competencies and Home Economics Curriculum in the Competency-Based Curriculum (역량중심 교육과정에서의 핵심역량 요소와 가정과 교육과정과의 연관성 연구)

  • Yang, Ji Sun;Yoo, Tae myung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed components of key competencies and its relations with Home Economics curriculum though literature analysis method. The literature total of 26 relating to key competencies is collected from two research institutes(KICE, KEDI) and two academic Journals(KSCS, KHEEA). The results show, first, every countries suggested different categories and components of key competencies according to classification of DeSeCo report(OECD, 2005). In subject matter, intellectual and learning capacities are emphasized; where as in inter-disciplinary or trans-disciplinary areas promoting character and competencies are focused. Second, ideal portraits of human being through home economics education is not closely related with those in a national curriculum. Third, achievement standards should be stated aligned with competencies, goals and curriculum contents, standards. Finally, there is a need to develop a curriculum design framework that teaching learning process incorporates knowledge, skills, and strategies relating other subject areas.

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Employment conditions and Career planning of ex-participants of the customized training program(CTP) in Technical High Schools for an specific Small and Medium Business (기업·공고연계 맞춤형 인력양성 프로그램 수료자의 근로여건과 경력설계 실태)

  • Lim, Se Yung;Choi, Hyun Sook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.44-71
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    • 2008
  • This paper was intended to investigate employment conditions and career planning of ex-participants of the customized training program(CTP) in Technical High Schools for the specific Small and Medium Business through questionnaires. Results of the research were: 1. The average ex-participant of CTP was employed in small size company with 50 employees, earned 1~1.2 Million Won monthly, worked about 50 hours per week. 2. They were earnestly considering and worried about their career. They had their career goals : Engineer in production and manufacturing, CEO of a company, Design engineer. 3. They were not able to invest enough time and energy in developing their capabilities and skills. 4. There were feelings of respondents, which the main barriers of their career achievement were : (1) their deficiency of personal competencies and endurance. (2) not time enough to learn (3) the fallacy of organizational support and atmosphere.