• Title/Summary/Keyword: Design goals

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  • Im, Yeon-Wook
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.649-659
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    • 2005
  • A window presentation style, either tiled window or single page design, determines the spatial arrangement of information in a modern computer-based instructional design. This study investigates the interaction between spatial ability and window presentation style in terms of student's achievement of cognitive knowledge through Web-based instruction. Seventy-one students from the Falk School in Pennsylvania were pre-tested to determine their level of spatial ability, then randomly divided into two treatment groups in order to study a Web-based instructional unit on flowering plants. The Web-based instructional package was organized with either tiled window presentation or single page presentation. A posttest measured participants'acquisition of the instructional content. Posttest and spatial ability test scores were analyzed using multi-variate linear regression for the full sample (n=71) and three sub-samples: (a) 4th and 5th grade students only, (b) female students only, and (c) 4th and 5th grade female students only. The goals of the data analysis included the examination of (i) the correlation between spatial ability and posttest scores; (ii) the correlation between window presentation style and posttest score; and (iii) the interaction between spatial ability (aptitude) and presentation style (treatment).The data from all four sample groups showed a significant relationship between spatial ability and achievement of cognitive knowledge at the 1% level of significance. The aptitude-treatment interaction between spatial ability and style of window presentation was not significant in the full sample, but was significant in the sub-samples either at the 10% or 5% level. In neither the full sample nor any sub-sample data did window presentation style have an impact on average posttest score. In all analyses, the higher the level of spatial ability, the higher the posttest score. The sub-samples revealed that students with low spatial ability performed better with the tiled window presentation, while those with high spatial ability did better with the single page presentation. Neither window presentation style was shown to better foster learning by children of all levels of spatial ability.

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Toward Developing An Enterprise Architecture Orientation Model: Mapping the Present and Future Enterprise Architecture from the Alignment and Integration Perspective (엔터프라이즈 아키텍처 지향 모델 개발: 연계와 통합 관점에서 본 엔터프라이즈 현재와 미래 아키텍처 사상)

  • Son, Jeong-Son;Juhn, Sung-Hyun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2010
  • Most enterprise information systems today are silo systems in that they are not properly aligned nor integrated with one another. Such silo systems result because enterprises lack an architectural perspective in the planning and development of the systems. This paper proposes an Enterprise Architecture Orientation Model as a framework for the analysis, planning and design of the architectural quality of enterprise information systems. The model decomposes enterprise architecture into two dimensions-alignment and integration, and specifies for each dimension the general development and evolution stages enterprises may traverse. The alignment dimension represents the vertical strategic alignment of the systems with the vision, mission, strategy and goals of the enterprise, and is analyzed in terms of the performance, capability, and strategy of the enterprise. The integration dimension, on the other hand, represents the horizontal and functional integration among the systems that span organizational functions and boundaries, and is analyzed in terms of such technological components as IT infrastructure, data, application, and business processes. The model combines the alignment and integration dimensions to form a two-dimensional conceptual space for mapping the architectural quality of the enterprise. It is proposed that an enterprise use the model to identify and understand its position now and in the future in the architectural quality of the enterprise information systems. It is also proposed that the model provides a tool for the planning and design of the transition from one stage to the next in the alignment and integration of the systems to reach an architectural maturity. At the end, the paper discusses how the model can be applied differently according to the strategic orientation of the enterprise. An example of the usage of the model is presented.

Developement of Scope for Military Rangefinder Using Schmidt Prism and Biprism Theory of Optometric Instrument (안광학기기에 사용되는 바이프리즘원리와 슈미트 프리즘을 이용한 군사 거리측정기용 스코프 개발)

  • Cha, Jung-Won;Lee, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The new-type rangefinder, which is using the biprism principle, is introduced to develop the range finder which can be easily carried by soldiers, and in order to realize those technologies specifically, we try to develop a scope for military rangefinder by doing optical design which can secure enough space to move the biprism. Methods: After setting up the verious initial condition to realize two kinds of goals, that are the securement of enough space to move the biprism and the easy-exchangeability of two kinds of biprisms, and then the optical system was optimized by using optical design program CodeV in order to minimize the finite ray aberrations. Results: We designed the biprism housing to makes it possible to swap the two kinds of biprisms. It was appeared that the Schmidt prism is suitable as erecting prism which can make sure the space to move the biprism. 16.5 mm was good for the face length of Schmidt prism. The optical system with a Schmidt prism and a biprism was designed, and the finite ray aberrations was minimized. Conclusions: We developed a 5X scope for an optical rangefinder using a biprism and a Schmidt prism with 16.5 mm face length. This scope is valid for the optical system which has the effective field angle of ${\pm}3.6^{\circ}$, and the finite ray aberrations are well controlled within the ${\pm}8.95^{\prime}$.

A Study of the Effects of Health Contracting on Compliance with Health Behaviors in Clients with Hypertension (자가간호증진을 위한 건강계약이 고혈압자의 건강행위 이행에 미치는 영향)

  • 이향련
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.204-217
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    • 1987
  • It is generally accepted that the delivery of health care is undergoing many changes specially those related to acute, contagious disease care and to the increase of chronic illnesses which can not be cured but are controlable. The health care practitioner can not be soley responsible for the control of their clients' care. Because the clients will play a vital role in controlling their illnesses, long term participation by both the health care provider and the client is necessary. Since most individuals with hypertension do not experience signs or symptoms, the disease is difficult to detect and even when diagnosed, clients do not comply well with their hypertension regimens. The noncompliant client is at increased risk for compliants involving the heart, brain, kidney and other organs. In an effort to explore methods of increasing patient participation in and adherence to treatment programs for hypertension, the researcher used health contracting to promote self care. The research questions are; 1) Will the health contracting increase compliance in health behavior and reduce the blood pressure\ulcorner 2) If clients comply with their regimens will this reduce their blood pressure\ulcorner The research design utilized in this study was a quasi-experimental design. A purposive sample, was abtained from two churches in the 1. area, consisting of 64 clients with hypertension. The data was collected from the middle of January to the 1st of September 1985. Randomization was only of the two church groups into experimental and control groups. Compliance with health behavior related to the hypertensive regimen, blood pressure and body weight were measured, compared and analyzed. In the experimental group measurements were made 6 times; one month before the education program after education program when health contracting was done and 4 more times once a month for 4 months. In the control group measurements were made 3 times; one month before the education program after the education program, and once 4 months later. There was no health contracting. The data were analyzed by t-test, Pearson correlation and ANOVA according to purpose of the study. The result of this study may be summarized as follows: The result related to the hypothesis on the effect of health contracting are as follows: H$_1$; “The hypothesis that the experimental group, with a health contractual agreement will demonstrate increased compliance levels for health behavior than the control group” was supported(t=-5.29, df=62, p=.000). H$_2$; “The hypothesis that the experimental group, with a health contractual agreement, will demonstrate a greater reduction in blood pressure than the control group” was supported (for systolic blood pressure t=2.72, df=62, p=.009, for diastolic blood pressure t=1.95, df=62, p=.050). H$_3$; The hypothesis that the greater the compliance of the client with health behavior the lower the client's blood pressure will be was partially supported (for systolic pressure r=-.2981, p=.008, for diastolic pressure r=-.1720, p=.087). From the examination of the results of this study it can be concluded that the interaction between the nurse and the client, contracting to define goals and reinforcing compliant behavior, leads to improved compliance with health care behaviors and thus to an increase in the effectiveness of nursing care. Further consideration need to be given to the inclusion of the concept of health contracting in primary nursing and to further research in this area.

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PreSPI: Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Service System (PreSPI: 단백질 상호작용 예측 서비스 시스템)

  • Han Dong-Soo;Kim Hong-Soog;Jang Woo-Hyuk;Lee Sung-Doke
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.503-513
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    • 2005
  • With the recognition of the importance of computational approach for protein-protein interaction prediction, many techniques have been developed to computationally predict protein-protein interactions. However, few techniques are actually implemented and announced in service form for general users to readily access and use the techniques. In this paper, we design and implement a protein interaction prediction service system based on the domain combination based protein-protein interaction prediction technique, which is known to show superior accuracy to other conventional computational protein-protein interaction prediction methods. In the prediction accuracy test of the method, high sensitivity($77\%$) and specificity($95\%$) are achieved for test protein pairs containing common domains with teaming sets of proteins in a Yeast. The stability of the method is also manifested through the testing over DIP CORE, HMS-PCI, and TAP data. Performance, openness and flexibility are the major design goals and they are achieved by adopting parallel execution techniques, web Services standards, and layered architecture respectively. In this paper, several representative user interfaces of the system are also introduced with comprehensive usage guides.

Identifying Key Competencies Required for STEM Occupations (과학, 기술, 공학, 수학(STEM) 직종에 요구되는 핵심 역량 분석)

  • Jang, Hyewon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.781-792
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    • 2018
  • In modern society, as technology develops and industry diversifies, students can choose from a variety of career paths. Since science, technology, engineering, and mathematics require a longer education and experience than other fields, it is important to design science education policies based on the competencies required for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations. This study explores the definition of science and technology manpower and STEM occupations and identifies core competencies of STEM occupations using standard job information operated and maintained by the US Department of Labor ($O^*NET$). We specially analyzed ratings of the importance of skills (35 ratings), knowledge (33 ratings), and work activities (41 ratings) conducting descriptive analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). As a result, core competencies of STEM occupations consist of STEM problem-solving competency, Management competency, Technical competency, Social service competency, Teaching competency, Design competency, Bio-chemistry competency, and Public service competency, which accounts for 70% of the total variance. This study can be a reference for setting the curriculum and educational goals in secondary and college education by showing the diversity of science and technology occupations and the competencies required for STEM occupations.

Affiliated with the Department of Beauty in Gyeongsang-do and Jeolla-do and trend analysis of department names (영호남 소재 대학 미용학과의 소속 계열 및 학과명에 대한 동향 분석)

  • Park, Jang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.311-316
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    • 2021
  • The college's beauty department, which has a globalized education system that breaks away from the uniform beauty concept, can dominate in the fierce competition with other schools, and the development and vitalization of the department is guaranteed. In addition, research on the department name is very necessary to establish internal and external PR strategies for affiliated departments and departments and to analyze the direction of realistic beauty education. Accordingly, as a result of analyzing the trends of the department and department name by classifying the universities in Yeonghonam into four regions, the departments belonging to each region of the beauty department showed the most belonging to the natural science and arts and sports departments. In addition, the names of beauty departments by region are Busan and Gyeongnam, Daegu and Gyeongbuk, Gwangju and Jeonnam, and Jeonbuk with 5 beauty departments (29.41%), 3 beauty design schools (13.04%), and 8 beauty and beauty departments. (50.00%), beauty design departments, 2 schools (33.33%). This study makes it possible to cultivate professional beauticians who cultivate an artistic and creative sense that meets the educational goals of beauty education, and it is expected that it will be provided as a very necessary basic data for the division of departments or change of department name according to detailed majors.

Using Requirements Engineering to support Non-Functional Requirements Elicitation for DAQ System

  • Kim, Kyung-Sik;Lee, Seok-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2021
  • In recent machine learning studies, in order to consider the quality and completeness of data, derivation of non-functional requirements for data has been proposed from the viewpoint of requirements engineering. In particular, requirements engineers have defined data requirements in machine learning. In this study, data requirements were derived at the data acquisition (DAQ) stage, where data is collected and stored before data preprocessing. Through this, it is possible to express the requirements of all data required in the existing DAQ system, the presence of tasks (functions) satisfying them, and the relationship between the requirements and functions. In addition, it is possible to elicit requirements and to define the relationship, so that a software design document can be produced, and a systematic approach and direction can be established in terms of software design and maintenance. This research using existing DAQ system cases, scenarios and use cases for requirements engineering approach are created, and data requirements for each case are extracted based on them, and the relationship between requirements, functions, and goals is illustrated through goal modeling. Through the research results, it was possible to extract the non-functional requirements of the system, especially the data requirements, from the DAQ system using requirements engineering.

Evaluating Teacher Policy of Park Geun-hye Government (박근혜정부의 교원정책 평가)

  • Shin, Hyun-Seok;Yonn, Ji Hee
    • (The)Korea Educational Review
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.101-133
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    • 2017
  • This Study aims to evaluate teacher policy in the Park Administration and to suggest tasks based on the results. To attain the aim, it describes overall teacher policy process in Park Administration and evaluates teacher policy based on the criteria which was driven from the CIPP model. The conclusions are summarized as follows. First, the environmental suitability of the situation assessment was met in general. The reason for this was that the teacher policy of the Park Geun-hye government was introduced reflecting changes in the environment and demands of policy stakeholders. The validity and feasibility of the policy objective of the input evaluation were not satisfied. There were deficiencies in the objectives of the policy measures. The objectives of the measures were not linked to the policy objectives. The budget necessary for policy enforcement were not secured. In future policy design, efforts should be made to examine whether the policy goals are valid, to secure resources necessary for policy implementation and to increase the feasibility of policies. The procedural rationality of the process evaluation and the suitability of the means were not met. Discussion with the interest group was omitted, it was not clear whether the implementation of the policy was linked to the policy goal. In the future, it will be necessary to focus on procedures such as communication and collaboration with stakeholders, to make immediate revisions in case of problems. The effectiveness and satisfaction of the output evaluation were low. Because the validity of the policy objectives, the suitability of the means, and procedural rationality were not satisfied. In the future, it will be necessary to systematically design policies and communicate with stakeholders in the execution process to prevent policy failures and actively.

A Design of Statistical Analysis Service Model to Analyze AR-based Educational Contents (AR기반 교육용 콘텐츠분석을 위한 통계분석서비스 모형 설계)

  • Yun, BongShik;Yoo, Sowol
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2020
  • As the online education market expands, educational contents with various presentation methods are being developed and released. In addition, it is imperative to develop content that reflects the usability and user environment of users who use this educational content. However, for qualitative growth of contents that will support quantitative expansion of markets, existing model analysis methods are urgently needed at a time when development direction of newly developed contents is secured. In this process of content development, a typical model for setting development goals is needed, as the rules of the prototype affect the entire development process and the final development outcome. It can also provide a positive benefit that screens the issue of performance dualization between processes due to the absence of communication between a single entity or between a number of entities. In the case of AR-based educational content which is effective to secure data necessary for development by securing samples of similar categories because there are not enough ready-made samples released. Therefore, a big data statistical analysis service is needed that can easily collect data and make decisions using big data. In this paper, we would like to design analysis services that enable the selection and detection of intuitive multidimensional factors and attributes, and propose big data-based statistical analysis services that can assist cooperative activities within an organization or among many companies.