• Title/Summary/Keyword: Decision factor

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Recent Advancement in the Stem Cell Biology (Stem Cell Biology, 최근의 진보)

  • Harn, Chang-Yawl
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 2006
  • Stem cells are the primordial, initial cells which usually divide asymmetrically giving rise to on the one hand self-renewals and on the other hand progenitor cells with potential for differentiation. Zygote (fertilized egg), with totipotency, deserves the top-ranking stem cell - he totipotent stem cell (TSC). Both the ICM (inner cell mass) taken from the 6 days-old human blastocyst and ESC (embryonic stem cell) derived from the in vitro cultured ICM have slightly less potency for differentiation than the zygote, and are termed pluripotent stem cells. Stem cells in the tissues and organs of fetus, infant, and adult have highly reduced potency and committed to produce only progenitor cells for particular tissues. These tissue-specific stem cells are called multipotent stem cells. These tissue-specific/committed multipotent stem cells, when placed in altered environment other than their original niche, can yield cells characteristic of the altered environment. These findings are certainly of potential interest from the clinical, therapeutic perspective. The controversial terminology 'somatic stem cell plasticity' coined by the stem cell community seems to have been proved true. Followings are some of the recent knowledges related to the stem cell. Just as the tissues of our body have their own multipotent stem cells, cancerous tumor has undifferentiated cells known as cancer stem cell (CSC). Each time CSC cleaves, it makes two daughter cells with different fate. One is endowed with immortality, the remarkable ability to divide indefinitely, while the other progeny cell divides occasionally but lives forever. In the cancer tumor, CSC is minority being as few as 3-5% of the tumor mass but it is the culprit behind the tumor-malignancy, metastasis, and recurrence of cancer. CSC is like a master print. As long as the original exists, copies can be made and the disease can persist. If the CSC is destroyed, cancer tumor can't grow. In the decades-long cancer therapy, efforts were focused on the reducing of the bulk of cancerous growth. How cancer therapy is changing to destroy the origin of tumor, the CSC. The next generation of treatments should be to recognize and target the root cause of cancerous growth, the CSC, rather than the reducing of the bulk of tumor, Now the strategy is to find a way to identify and isolate the stem cells. The surfaces of normal as well as the cancer stem cells are studded with proteins. In leukaemia stem cell, for example, protein CD 34 is identified. In the new treatment of cancer disease it is needed to look for protein unique to the CSC. Blocking the stem cell's source of nutrients might be another effective strategy. The mystery of sternness of stem cells has begun to be deciphered. ESC can replicate indefinitely and yet retains the potential to turn into any kind of differentiated cells. Polycomb group protein such as Suz 12 repress most of the regulatory genes which, activated, are turned to be developmental genes. These protein molecules keep the ESC in an undifferentiated state. Many of the regulator genes silenced by polycomb proteins are also occupied by such ESC transcription factors as Oct 4, Sox 2, and Nanog. Both polycomb and transcription factor proteins seem to cooperate to keep the ESC in an undifferentiated state, pluripotent, and self-renewable. A normal prion protein (PrP) is found throughout the body from blood to the brain. Prion diseases such as mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) are caused when a normal prion protein misfolds to give rise to PrP$^{SC}$ and assault brain tissue. Why has human body kept such a deadly and enigmatic protein? Although our body has preserved the prion protein, prion diseases are of rare occurrence. Deadly prion diseases have been intensively studied, but normal prion problems are not. Very few facts on the benefit of prion proteins have been known so far. It was found that PrP was hugely expressed on the stem cell surface of bone marrow and on the cells of neural progenitor, PrP seems to have some function in cell maturation and facilitate the division of stem cells and their self-renewal. PrP also might help guide the decision of neural progenitor cell to become a neuron.

Outcomes of Patients with COPD Requring Mechanical Ventilation (만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자의 기계호흡시 생존 예측 인자 분석)

  • Baik, Jae-Joong;Kim, Sang-Chul;Lee, Tae-Hoon;Chung, Yeon-Tae
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2000
  • Background : The decision to institute mechanical ventilation for patients with COPD is very difficult. The accurate information regarding weaning success and long-term survival will improve communication with patients and family and enhance informed consent. The aims of this study are to describe outcomes and identify variables associated with survival for patients experiencing mechanical ventilation with an acute respiratory failure of COPD. Methods : The 53 cases of mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit in the National Medical Center from 1989 to 1998 were included. Data were collected retrospectively from medical records. Weaning success rate and 3 month and 1 year survival rates were estimated. Factors associated with weaning success and survival were determined. Results : Weaning sucess was 55%. For success group with 29 cases, 3 months survival rate was 61% and 1 year survival rate 37%. APACHE II scores in weaning success group were significantly lower than those in the failure group. Factors such as age, sex, comorbid-illnes. previous steroid use, causes of respiratory failure, RVH or arrhythmia on EKG, serum albumin level, arterial blood pH, $PaO_2$, $PaCO_2$, $FEV_1$ duration of mechanical ventilation and steroid use during mechanical ventilation were not associated with weaning success. Only age and serum albumin level were associated with 3 month and 1 year survival. No COPD patients of age more than 75 years and serum albumin level less than 3g/dl had survived at 1 year after weaning success. Conclusion : While weaning success from mechanical ventilation can be predicted by APACHE II score in COPD patients, long-term outcomes of survivors may be influenced by nutritional status and age.

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Factors Affecting the Weight Control Intention of the Female Adolescent by Body Size - In Daegu Area - (청년기 여성의 체형에 따른 체중조절 행동의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 - 대구지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Ho-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to provide information about the behavioral intentions to diet in adolescent females. To explain the behavior intention to diet, a conceptual framework based on the ' Social Support, Control and the Stress Process Model ' and the ' Theory of Reasoned Actio ' was used. The survey was carried out by self-questionnaires with 463 female high school and college students in Daegu. Analysis of data was done by using mean, correlation and multiple regression analysis with the SAS computer program. Subjects were divided into 3 groups-underweight, normal weight, and overweight-according to their current body size. The most powerful influencing factor related to perceived stress -that is dissatisfaction with body image- was the current figure, regardless of current body size. The fatter the current body size, the higher the score for the behavioral intention to diet. In attitude toward the behavior of dieting, the fatter the current figure, the higher the attitude score, and the belief of behavioral outcome was the main decision variable. For the score of the subjective norm, the overweight group was significantly higher than other groups. The influencing factors for the behavioral intention to diet were perceived stress and attitude toward dieting behavior, especially beliefs of behavioral outcome.

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The Effects of Self-Congruity and Functional Congruity on e-WOM: The Moderating Role of Self-Construal in Tourism (중국 관광객의 온라인 구전에 대한 자아일치성과 기능일치성의 효과: 자기해석의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Qin;Lee, Young-Chan
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2016
  • Purpose Self-congruity deals with the effect of symbolic value-expressive attributes on consumer decision and behavior, which is the theoretical foundation of the "non-utilitarian destination positioning". Functional congruity refers to utilitarian evaluation of a product or service by consumers. In addition, recent years, social network services, especially mobile social network services have created many opportunities for e-WOM communication that enables consumers to share personal consumption related information anywhere at any time. Moreover, self-construal is a hot and popular topic that has been discussed in the field of modem psychology as well as in marketing area. This study aims to examine the moderating effect of self-construal on the relationship between self-congruity, functional congruity and tourists' positive electronic word of mouth (e-WOM). Design/methodology/approach In order to verify the hypotheses, we developed a questionnaire with 32 survey items. We measured all the items on a five-point Likert-type scale. We used Sojump.com to collect questionnaire and gathered 218 responses from whom have visited Korea before. After a pilot test, we analyzed the main survey data by using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 18.0, and employed structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. We first estimated the measurement model for its overall fit, reliability and validity through a confirmatory factor analysis and used common method bias test to make sure that whether measures are affected by common-method variance. Then we tested the hypotheses through the structural model and used regression analysis to measure moderating effect of self-construal. Findings The results reveal that the effect of self-congruity on tourists' positive e-WOM is stronger for tourists with an independent self-construal compared with those with interdependent self-construal. Moreover, it shows that the effect of functional congruity on tourists' positive e-WOM becomes salient when tourists' self-construal is primed to be interdependent rather than independent. We expect that the results of this study can provide important implications for academic and practical perspective.

A Study on the Structural Relationship among Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Success Factors and Performances of Small Business Start-up Founders (소상공인 창업자의 특성, 창업성공요인 및 창업성과의 구조적 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Na, Sang-Gyun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.251-268
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    • 2016
  • The present study has the purpose of analyzing the relationship between entrepreneurial characteristics and success factors of small-scale start-up founders as well as the relationship between success factors and performances of start-up businesses. It is also aimed in this study to determine the structural effects of start-up founders' characteristic upon their performances and by thus, to provide those who prepare for and/or have been operating start-up business with suggestions for stable and successful start-up as well operation. The study resulted in the following outcomes: First, the analysis of the relationship between characteristics and success factors of start-up business found that the empirical characteristics of small-scale start-up business founders might influence every factor for their success including the financial conditions as well as management of shops, products and service. Their psychological characteristics, however, turned out to have influence upon the management of products and service only, but not upon the financial conditions and management of shops, a result implying that the higher desire and creativity small-scale start-up business founders have, the more probable the start-up businesses become successful. Second it was learned from the analysis of the relationship between success factors and performances of start-up businesses that such success factors of start-ups as financial conditions as well as management of shops, products and service could exercise impact upon their performances, signifying that the exact decision making of small-scale start-up founders might affect the performances of small-scale start-up businesses. Third, the analysis of the relationship between entrepreneurial characteristics and performances of start-up founders revealed that both empirical and psychological characteristics of start-up founders might have influence upon the performances of start-up businesses, leading to the conclusion that small-scale start-up founders could achieve higher performances in their start-up when they are highly aware of empirical and psychological characteristics for start-up as part of entrepreneurial characteristics.

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  • Kim, Soo-Nam;Lee, Heung-Soo;Kim, Kyung-Hey;Kim, Dae-Eop;Park, Deug-Hee
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to provide framework for understanding children's dental utilization. In this paper Andersen-Newman's model is applied to the use of dental visits. This model consists of predisposing, enabling, and need components that describe a person's decision to use dental health services. One thousand, nine hundred seven children and their mothers were selected for the study. The children were fourth grade to sixth grade in elementary schools in Iksan city, Korea. Models are operationalized using stepwise multiple regression analysis and path analysis. The number of independent variables used in the analysis was 39 in total, ie 32 predisposing components, 6 enabling components, and 1 need component. Children's Dental utilization was measured based on the number of visits. The data collected by means of a questionnaire survey. In this study, the amount of variance by the model was 25 percent. Predisposing factors had the greatest effect on utilization. Number of restricted activity days caused by oral disease, having a regular dental care, and susceptibility on oral disease of children were found to have significant major effects on dental utilization of children. Mother's dental visits was most important factor affecting dental utilization of children.

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Comparison between Traditional IPA and Revised IPA; The Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve (전통적 IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)와 수정된 IPA의 비교연구; 순천만 습지를 대상으로)

  • Kim, Bo-Mi;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.40-50
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    • 2017
  • Compared to the traditional format, the revised IPA is an effective method for selecting a management strategy as compared to the traditional IPA. Comparison between the traditional IPA and revised IPA with a management strategy has been, however, limited. Therefore, the difference between the traditional IPA and revised IPA was compared to select an effective management strategy in the Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve. First of all, related papers were reviewed to select an appropriate revised IPA. It was found that Deng (2007)'s revised IPA was appropriate for quantifying service quality and a management strategy that affects the measurable satisfaction of visitors in the space. Second, the results of the traditional IPA were compared with the revised IPA in the Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve and the management strategy of the revised IPA and the changes of management factors were discussed. It was found that some management factors deviated from the order of the quadrant "low priority for managers", "Concentrate management here", "Keep up the good work" were moved to the order of the quadrants "Concentrate management here", "low priority for managers" and "Possible overkill" in the revised IPA grid. The complexity as a management factor resulted in higher demand management than the traditional IPA, which moved from "low priority for managers" to "Concentrate management here". Management factors resulted in lower demand management than the traditional IPA moved from "Concentrate management here" to "low priority for managers"; these consisted of shade trees, exhibition exteriors, programs, and a guided tour. Also, management factors moved from "Keep up the good work" to "Possible overkill" consisted of relaxation facilities, glow of the setting sun, a hedge, and an exhibition interior. Over all, the revised IPA responded properly to changes in the measurable satisfaction of visitors to the Suncheon Bay Wetland Reserve. Therefore, a revised IPA should be provided for accurate and reliable guidelines when decision makers establish management strategies.

Conflicts between the Conservation and Removal of the Modern Historic Landscapes - A Case of the Demolition Controversy of the Japanese General Government Building in Seoul - (근대 역사 경관의 보존과 철거 - 구 조선총독부 철거 논쟁을 사례로 -)

  • Son, Eun-Shin;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, there has been a tendency to reuse 'landscapes of memory,' including industrial heritages, modern cultural heritages, and post-industrial parks, as public spaces in many cities. Among the various types of landscapes, 'modern historic landscapes', which were formed in the 19th and 20th centuries, are landscapes where the debate between conservation and removal is most frequent, according to the change of evaluation and recognition of modern history. This study examines conflicts between conservation and removal around modern historic landscapes and explores the value judgment criteria and the process of formation of those landscapes, as highlighted in the case of the demolition controversy of the old Japanese general government building in Seoul, which was dismantled in 1995. First, this study reviews newspaper articles, television news and debate programs from 1980-1999 and some articles related to the controversy of the Japanese general government building. Then it draws the following six factors as the main issues of the demolition controversy of the building: symbolic location, discoveries and responses of new historical facts, reaction and intervention of a related country, financial conditions, function and usage of the landscape, changes of urban, historical and architectural policies. Based on these issues, this study examines the conflicts between symbolic values that play an important role in the formation of modern historic landscapes and determines conservation or removal, and the utility of functional values that solve the problems and respond to criticisms that arise in the process of forming the modern historic landscape. Especially, it is noted that the most important factor that makes the decision is the symbolic values, although the determination of the conservation or removal of modern historic landscapes has changed according to changes in historical perceptions of modern history. Today, the modern historic landscape is an important site for urban design, and still has historical issues to be agreed upon and addressed. Thi study has contemporary significance from the point that it divides the many values of modern historic landscapes into symbolic values and functional values, evaluates these, and reviews the background social context.

An analysis of current condition of student's selection process in Hansung science highschool (한성과학고등학교 학생 선발과정의 현황 분석)

  • Dong, Hyo-Kwan;Jhun, Young-Seok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.65-94
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to acquire the information on the current situation of students' selection process in order to renovate the system of picking up the students. As a first step of the study, we examined the validity of the factors of the single-out system such as qualification and the process for the application and the standards and proceeding of the selection. Then we analysed the result of the entrance examination of Hansung Science Highschool in 2002. The analysis was on the correlation between the result of entrance examination and the achievement in the school and the decision of the course after graduation. To know on the achievement of the students, we investigated the records of regular tests and asked the teachers' opinion in math and science classes. As a result, we gained the following points: First, the present single-out system has a danger of excluding students who are much talented in science and math field because it is based on students' achievements in middle schools; Second, the new selection system should consider the character and attitude of the applicants in addition to their knowledge; Third, the continuous observation of the teacher in middle school should be an important factor of the picking up system; Fourth, more questions requiring divergent thinking ability and inquiry skill should be developed as selective examination question. Also examination questions should cover the various contents from mathematics to science, and do not affect pre-learning; Finally, the system of present letting all students stand in one line should be changed into that of letting students in various lines. We can consider using multi-step selection system.

Analysis of the Weight of SWOT Factors of Korean Venture Companies Based on the Industry 4.0 (4차 산업혁명 기반 한국 벤처기업의 SWOT요인에 대한 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Dongik;Lee, Sangsuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.115-133
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the concept and related technologies of the 4th industrial revolution that has been mixed so far and examines the socio-economic changes and influences resulting from it, and the cases of responding to the 4th industrial revolution in major countries. Based on this, by deriving SWOT factors and calculating the importance of each factor for Korean venture companies to prepare for the forth industrial revolution, it was intended to help the government and policymakers in suggesting directions for establishing related policies. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to suggest a direction for securing global competitiveness to Korean venture entrepreneurs and to help with basic and systematic analysis for further academic in-depth research. For this study, a total of 21 items derived through extensive literature research and data research to understand what are the necessary competency factors for internal and external environmental changes in order for Korean venture companies to have global competitiveness in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. After reviewing SWOT factors by three expert groups and confirming them through Delphi survey, the importance of each item was analyzed by using AHP, a systematic decision-making technique. As a result of the analysis, it was shown that Strength(48%), Opportunity(25%), Threat(16%), Weakness(11%) were considered important in order. In terms of sub-items, 'quick and flexible commercialization capability', 'platform/big data/non-face-to-face service activation', and 'ICT infrastructure and it's utilization' were shown to be of the comparatively high importance. On the other hand, in the lower three items, 'macro-economic stability and social infrastructure', 'difficulty in entering overseas markets due to global protectionism', and 'absolutely inferior in foreign investment' were found to have low priority. As a result of the correlation verification by item to see differences in opinions by industry, academia, and policy expert groups, there was no significant difference of opinion, as industry and academic experts showed a high correlation and industry experts and policy experts showed a moderate correlation. The correlation between the academic and policy experts was not statistically significant (p<0.01), so it was analyzed that there was a difference of opinion on importance. This was due to the fact that policy experts highly valued 'quick and flexible commercialization', which are strengths, and 'excellent educational system and high-quality manpower' and 'creation of new markets' which are opportunity items, while academic experts placed great importance on 'support part of government policy', which are strengths. The implication of this study is that in order for Korean venture companies to secure competitiveness in the field of the 4th industrial revolution, it is necessary to have a policy that preferentially supports the relevant items of strengths and opportunity factors. The difference in the details of strength factors and opportunity factors, which shows a high level of variability, suggests that it is necessary to actively review it and reflect it in the policy.