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Determinants of Demand for Long-Term Care (장기요양서비스 수요의 결정요인)

  • Chung, Wankyo
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.139-167
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    • 2009
  • A new public insurance for long-term care was introduced in July 2008 to provide for the rising demand for long-term care as the population is aging rapidly. The demand for long-term care is expected to rise further because more and more elderly are living alone or in households with only other elderly, such as his/her spouse, without informal care of their adult children. Even when the elderly are living together with their adult children, daughters and daughters in law, once the main informal care-givers, are not available because they choose to become economically active and work more over time. Experiences of countries such as Japan and Germany with similar public long-term care insurance scheme highlight the importance of detailed analysis on the demand for long-term care for the financial stability of the insurance scheme. Countries which had underestimated the demand for long-term care at the time of adopting the scheme went through financial instability of insurance schemes. This study analyzes the determinants of the demand for long-term care using data from the second demonstration project (April 2006~April 2007) of the long-term care insurance scheme for the elderly in Korea. Taking full advantage of detailed data on the long-term care, this paper analyzes the eligibility for the long-term care insurance scheme and its use. According to study results, even when common diseases among the elderly such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, dementia, hypertension, etc. are controlled together with other individual and socioeconomic factors, limitations the elderly are faced with in their twelve activities of daily living significantly affect the eligibility for the Korean Long-term Care Insurance Scheme. This means that limitations in daily living activities are more critical than common diseases among the elderly are to the eligibility for the Korean Long-term Care Insurance Scheme. Bathing and toileting problems have been found to be the most important factor affecting the eligibility for the insurance scheme, followed by eating, dressing and moving around inside the house. Moreover, the choices of whether to use long-term care and which to use between home care and institutional care are found to be significantly influenced by health status and various socioeconomic factors of the elderly. In particular, those with more limitations in daily living activities and the female elderly are more likely to use long-term care and institutional care rather than home care. As for home care users, those living alone or with adult children and those with monthly household income of more than 500,000 won are more likely to use home care. Most importantly, even when the monthly household income of the elderly is controlled, the elderly recipients of the National Basic Living Security, who are not charged for long-term care, are more likely to choose home care. This implies that price as well as income is a critical factor for the decision to use long-term care. Further study on the duration of long-term care use will surely enhance the long-term care policy, when panel data is available for simultaneous analysis of the likelihood of long-term care use and its use duration.

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Development of the Regulatory Impact Analysis Framework for the Convergence Industry: Case Study on Regulatory Issues by Emerging Industry (융합산업 규제영향분석 프레임워크 개발: 신산업 분야별 규제이슈 사례 연구)

  • Song, Hye-Lim;Seo, Bong-Goon;Cho, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.199-230
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    • 2021
  • Innovative new products and services are being launched through the convergence between heterogeneous industries, and social interest and investment in convergence industries such as AI, big data-based future cars, and robots are continuously increasing. However, in the process of commercialization of convergence new products and services, there are many cases where they do not conform to the existing regulatory and legal system, which causes many difficulties in companies launching their products and services into the market. In response to these industrial changes, the current government is promoting the improvement of existing regulatory mechanisms applied to the relevant industry along with the expansion of investment in new industries. This study, in these convergence industry trends, aimed to analysis the existing regulatory system that is an obstacle to market entry of innovative new products and services in order to preemptively predict regulatory issues that will arise in emerging industries. In addition, it was intended to establish a regulatory impact analysis system to evaluate adequacy and prepare improvement measures. The flow of this study is divided into three parts. In the first part, previous studies on regulatory impact analysis and evaluation systems are investigated. This was used as basic data for the development direction of the regulatory impact framework, indicators and items. In the second regulatory impact analysis framework development part, indicators and items are developed based on the previously investigated data, and these are applied to each stage of the framework. In the last part, a case study was presented to solve the regulatory issues faced by actual companies by applying the developed regulatory impact analysis framework. The case study included the autonomous/electric vehicle industry and the Internet of Things (IoT) industry, because it is one of the emerging industries that the Korean government is most interested in recently, and is judged to be most relevant to the realization of an intelligent information society. Specifically, the regulatory impact analysis framework proposed in this study consists of a total of five steps. The first step is to identify the industrial size of the target products and services, related policies, and regulatory issues. In the second stage, regulatory issues are discovered through review of regulatory improvement items for each stage of commercialization (planning, production, commercialization). In the next step, factors related to regulatory compliance costs are derived and costs incurred for existing regulatory compliance are calculated. In the fourth stage, an alternative is prepared by gathering opinions of the relevant industry and experts in the field, and the necessity, validity, and adequacy of the alternative are reviewed. Finally, in the final stage, the adopted alternatives are formulated so that they can be applied to the legislation, and the alternatives are reviewed by legal experts. The implications of this study are summarized as follows. From a theoretical point of view, it is meaningful in that it clearly presents a series of procedures for regulatory impact analysis as a framework. Although previous studies mainly discussed the importance and necessity of regulatory impact analysis, this study presented a systematic framework in consideration of the various factors required for regulatory impact analysis suggested by prior studies. From a practical point of view, this study has significance in that it was applied to actual regulatory issues based on the regulatory impact analysis framework proposed above. The results of this study show that proposals related to regulatory issues were submitted to government departments and finally the current law was revised, suggesting that the framework proposed in this study can be an effective way to resolve regulatory issues. It is expected that the regulatory impact analysis framework proposed in this study will be a meaningful guideline for technology policy researchers and policy makers in the future.

호스피스 전달체계 모형

  • Choe, Hwa-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.46-69
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    • 2001
  • Hospice Care is the best way to care for terminally ill patients and their family members. However most of them can not receive the appropriate hospice service because the Korean health delivery system is mainly be focussed on acutly ill patients. This study was carried out to clarify the situation of hospice in Korea and to develop a hospice care delivery system model which is appropriate in the Korean context. The theoretical framework of this study that hospice care delivery system is composed of hospice resources with personnel, facilities, etc., government and non-government hospice organization, hospice finances, hospice management and hospice delivery, was taken from the Health Delivery System of WHO(1984). Data was obtained through data analysis of litreature, interview, questionairs, visiting and Delphi Technique, from October 1998 to April 1999 involving 56 hospices, 1 hospice research center, 3 non-government hospice organizations, 20 experts who have had hospice experience for more than 3 years(mean is 9 years and 5 months) and officials or members of 3 non-government hospice organizations. There are 61 hospices in Korea. Even though hospice personnel have tried to study and to provide qualified hospice serices, there is nor any formal hospice linkage or network in Korea. This is the result of this survey made to clarify the situation of Korean hospice. Results of the study by Delphi Technique were as follows: 1.Hospice Resources: Key hospice personnel were found to be hospice coordinator, doctor, nurse, clergy, social worker, volunteers. Necessary qualifications for all personnel was that they conditions were resulted as have good health, receive hospice education and have communication skills. Education for hospice personnel is divided into (i)basic training and (ii)special education, e.g. palliative medicine course for hospice specialist or palliative care course in master degree for hospice nurse specialist. Hospice facilities could be developed by adding a living room, a space for family members, a prayer room, a church, an interview room, a kitchen, a dining room, a bath facility, a hall for music, art or work therapy, volunteers' room, garden, etc. to hospital facilities. 2.Hospice Organization: Whilst there are three non-government hospice organizations active at present, in the near future an hospice officer in the Health&Welfare Ministry plus a government Hospice body are necessary. However a non-government council to further integrate hospice development is also strongly recommended. 3.Hospice Finances: A New insurance standards, I.e. the charge for hospice care services, public information and tax reduction for donations were found suggested as methods to rise the hospice budget. 4.Hospice Management: Two divisions of hospice management/care were considered to be necessary in future. The role of the hospice officer in the Health & Welfare Ministry would be quality control of hospice teams and facilities involved/associated with hospice insurance standards. New non-government integrating councils role supporting the development of hospice care, not insurance covered. 5.Hospice delivery: Linkage&networking between hospice facilities and first, second, third level medical institutions are needed in order to provide varied and continous hospice care. Hospice Acts need to be established within the limits of medical law with regards to standards for professional staff members, educational programs, etc. The results of this study could be utilizes towards the development to two hospice care delivery system models, A and B. Model A is based on the hospital, especially the hospice unit, because in this setting is more easily available the new medical insurance for hospice care. Therefore a hospice team is organized in the hospital and may operate in the hospice unit and in the home hospice care service. After Model A is set up and operating, Model B will be the next stage, in which medical insurance cover will be extended to home hospice care service. This model(B) is also based on the hospital, but the focus of the hospital hospice unit will be moved to home hospice care which is connected by local physicians, national public health centers, community parties as like churches or volunteer groups. Model B will contribute to the care of terminally ill patients and their family members and also assist hospital administrators in cost-effectiveness.

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Study on Soil Survey Results of Rapid Change in Landuse (토지이용 변화지역의 토양재조사 결과 분석)

  • Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Chan-Won;Song, Kwan-Cheol;Chun, Hyen-Chung;Hong, Suk-Young;Moon, Yong-Hee;Noh, Dae-Cheol;Jung, So-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.475-483
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    • 2012
  • Recently, agricultural lands decrease sharply, which was caused by urbanization, land consolidation, road construction, and innovation city construction, etc. In particular, Goyang, Chenan and Wonju city were had severe land use change. Therefore, we analyzed changes of land use, soil properties, and soil information in order to provide the basic soil information and soil management practice in these cities. The results are summarized as follows. The area of crop cultivated land in Korea (2011) was reduced to 17.3ha compared to ones from the previous year (2009). The paddy field decreased by 24.2 ha but, upland field increased by 7.0 ha. The reasons for the reduction of the paddy field were converting paddy field to upland (20.7 ha) > public facilities (3.2) ${\geq}$ building (3.2) > idle land (1.3) > and others (0.9). Other reasons for reduction in the upland field were switching upland to paddy field, (20.7 ha) > land developed (4.5) > and restoration (0.3) respectively. The main reason of converting paddy field to upland was changing from rice to more profitable upland or greenhouse crops. The cropland area (paddy fields, upland, orchard) of Goyang, Cheonan, and Wonju city were reduced to 1,466 ha, 9,708 ha and 6,980 ha respectively. The ratio of cropland area in each city was reduced by 45~25% dramatically compared to upland soil survey project in Korea (1995~1999). These data were compared with MiFAFF statistics data to use for land use cover map of Ministry of environment. But they were differences significantly. Therefore, intensive investigation should be advised throughout the utilization plan. The paddy fields located in small valley in Wonju city were changed into upland or orchard. The drainage classes of soil have been deteriorated because the flows of water were intercepted by road construction and other disturbance to water flows. In particular, paddy fields have been changed to not only upland, orchard, greenhouse cultivation but also to fallow and soil dressing on paddy in Wonju city. The soil suitability classes of paddy field in Wonju innovation city were the 3rd grade for 70.8% of the area and the 4th grade for 29.2%. The soil suitability classes of upland was the 4th grade for 88.7% of the area. Fortunately, good soil suitability classes were not belong to innovation city in Wonju. So, the good farm land should be conserved and revise the related law.

An Ethnography of Child-Rearing Experiences of Korean Mothers Living on Koje Island (우리나라 어머니의 자녀 양육의 의미 - 거제지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Soo-Yeon
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.518-535
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    • 2001
  • Nursing practices should be based on the understanding of human beings. In order to understand human beings, it is important to study the lifestyles and thoughts of people in their natural environment. In this sense, the cultural aspects of a society need to be studied for a culture-bound nursing service. Child care, which is an important element of nursing, is also strongly influenced by the culture of a society. Therefore, a cultural study is necessary to understand the child-rearing practices of any society. The major purpose of this dissertation is to provide basic foundations for developing a culture-based theory for nursing intervention through studying traditional cultural elements of child care in Korean society. The study examined child-rearing practices in a small village on Koje Island in the southern part of Korea. It utilized ethnographic methodologies including participatory observations and in-depth interviews. The study participants were 9 Korean mothers living on Koje Island. The average age was 52. The data were collected between July in 1998 and December in 1999. The average number of interviews per person was 7-8, and the duration of each interview was approximately 2 hours. The data were analyzed using the Spradley Analytical Method. The following 9 major child-rearing aspects of mothers on Koje Island were discovered as a result of the study: 1. Firstly, mothers on Koje Island were mostly concerned about the "Old Birth Goddess' Curse", especially during their child's early years. This concern was evidenced by their careful behavior when their child was very young and by their praying to the Old Birth Goddess not to be jealous of their babies. 2. Secondly, they wished their children to live a different and better life than themselves. It was represented by their strong motivation toward their children's education as well as their expectation for their children's success. In traditional Korean culture, Korean people think that the rise and fall of the household depend on their offsprings. Therefore, Korean mothers wish their children attain to a higher level of social status through education. 3. Third, mothers are concerned about their children's righteousness. Mothers on Koje island expect their children to live with discretion, justice, strength, respect, harmony, and to do their best in life. 4. Next was an 'anticipation of their children's happy marriage'. The attributes of this category were an 'anxiety about their children's married life', and 'an expectation of a good spouse for their children'. Because Korean people believe that only a son can continue the bloodline of a family, especially Korean mothers have a great concern of the possibility of their daughters not having a son after marriage. Also they have different expectations toward their daughter-in-laws than son-in-laws. 5. Korean mothers also derived their satisfaction from their son. It was characterized by 'excessive affection toward their son', 'dependency on their son', and 'being afraid of their married daughter having a girl like themselves'. Korean society has been a patriarchy. Therefore, a son is beloved as someone who will take care of his old parents, be in charge of ancestral rites, and provide a daughter-in-law who can conceive a son. 6. The sixth category concerned 'the differences in their expectations for their children'. The attributes in this category were 'different expectations depending on their children's gender', 'different expectations depending on their children's ability', and a 'great sympathy toward children with low abilities'. Korean mothers expect their son to become better than their daughter. 7. The seventh category was related to their 'roles in child-caring practices'. Traditionally a child was raised in an extended family system in Korea So it was not the sole duty of a mother to bring up the child. Korean mothers used to receive much help rasing children from their in-laws, and family members. On the other hand, many children grew up by themselves, because their mothers were very busy taking care of housework. Furthermore, many children also grew up in poverty. 8. Mothers also had issues related to 'conflicts in child rearing'. They were characterized by 'lack of understanding', 'rudeness of children', and 'giving vent to one's anger'. 9. Finally, mothers regretted not doing their best in child-rearing practices. It was characterized by a 'bitter feeling of repentance', 'feeling irritated', and 'feeling of unsatisfaction'.

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A Study on Prevention of Accident in Korean Security Industry (경호산업의 재해예방에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Han-Bong
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.2
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    • pp.259-289
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    • 1999
  • The Security Industry has dynamic working conditions. So this study intends to find the advisable direction for the reduction of accidents. To achieve the aim, the investigation of documents and the examinations of actual proofs have been done to figure the theoretical background and to see the basic knowledge of security industry. The questionnaire was composed of two question sheets to search real data and actual proofs, with making targets of pure security organization and personnel. The one consists of 9 questions to find the scale and extent of security organizations and the population and character of security personnel, and the other 25 questions in 3 major areas to analyze the causes, the frequency rates, the factors, and the condition of accidents. The period of survey was July 15th to October 15th in 1997 by mail/telephone/interview. The questionnaires were efficiently returned from 102 different organizations including the public security groups of Seoul Metropolitan Police Bureau and so on, with the information of 8,222 persons having worked for Korean Security Industry in 1996. So being based on the reality, some meaningful facts were found, and were compared with the national statistics of the Government. This study is made up of 5 chapters : in the 1st chapter the motivation, the object, the method, the direction and the limitation of the approach were presented ,in the 2nd chapter the theoretical background were inferred ; in the 3rd chapter the collected data of accidents in Korean Security Industry were analyzed and explained on the base of the questionnaires , in the 4th chapter the advisable facts connected with preventing accidents were mentioned ; in the last the conclusion were stated. With the replies of 102 different organizations including the information of 8,222 persons in 1996, the main facts found or analyzed through this study are as follows. Firstly, accident is an unpredictable and occasional event. It occurs to man and/or thing, but the frequency rate of accidents in Korean Government and other Institutes has been calculated and evaluated only in the point of the accident related with man. Secondly, the factors of accidents are firstly relevant to the way preventing accidents in Security Industry in Korea. However the frequency rate is academically calculated and evaluated by at once man(population) and hour(time). But the Government has done the rate only by man(population). This can be improper and inaccurate rates. Thirdly, the confused concept of security is used in Korean Government, academic society, corporation and so on. Therefore the detailed formation of the concept is needed for the development of Security Industry in Korea. Fourthly, security organizations can be classified into 'public security(public law enforcement)' and 'private security' according to its identification, and furthermore 'private security' can be divided into 'facilities-guard service', 'body-guard service', and 'patrol service' according to its major role. Fifthly, in the viewpoint of the number of both organization and population,'facilities-guard service' is centered in Korean 'private security'. According to the analyzed results of the questionnaires in this study, the frequency rate of accidents of Korean Security Industry is 0.43(%) totally in 1996 : 'facilities-guard service' 0.54(%), 'body-guard service' 0.12(%), and 'patrol service' 0.21(%) in 'private security', and 'public security' 0.20(%). With regard to the accident frequency rate of organization and population, 'facilities-guard service' is the highest. The accident frequency rate of population in 'facilities-guard service' organization ranges dispersively from 0.20(%) to 11.11(%). Sixthly, the accidented rate of workers having serviced for under one year is 57.6(%). This can mean that the main factor of accidents in Korean Security Industry is the lack of role-understanding and training/education. And another factor can be found on the time of accident occurrence. Many accidents have been occurred on the relaxed points like as just after lunch and morning rush-hour. Lastly, the major advisable facts related to preventing accidents are as follows : The workers who are over fifty years old in 'facilities-guard service' organization need to be educated for preventing accidents ; It is desirable that the training and education to prevent accidents should be practiced in the time of pre-service ; As the style of accidents and the age of the accidented are not same according to major service area('public security' and 'private security' : 'facilities-guard service', 'body-guard service', and 'patrol service'), the plans to prevent accidents must be different and various. However fracture and bruise are general accidents in Korean Security Industry ; Workers must care about traffic accident and violent fall ; It seems that the grouped working with other two persons will reduce accident occurrence possibility rather than individually single working.

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A Survey on the Consumer Attitude Toward Health Food in Korea (II) -Consumer Perception on Health Foods- (건강식품에 대한 소비자 인식 연구 (II) -건강식품에 관한 소비자 의식구조-)

  • Lee, Eun-Joo;Ro, Seung-Ok;Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.487-495
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    • 1996
  • The consumer perception on health and food habit, the experience of health food use and the discrimination between health food and drug of Korean consumer were surveyed by using a questionnaire containing 20 items in order to obtain the basic data for the assessment of the benefit and risk of health foods in Korea. A total of 1,000 people over 20 years of age living in Seoul and the vicinities were interviewed and asked to fill out the questionnaire during the period from the October 1995 to the February 1996. Among the 882 answers collected 23 was incomplete data, and 859 answers were used for the statistical analysis by using SAS program. The survey revealed a strong interest of the consumer on health food by showing that more than a half of the subjects (58.8%) had the experience of actual use of health food, and 68.2% believed the effectiveness. What the consumer expect most from health food was to have beneficial effect to maintain overall health condition (59.8%), and the most negative aspect of health food was the overstatement on the effectiveness by the producers (52.1%). The most important source of information for the purchase of health food was the suggestion of friends and relatives (30.6%). Among the health foods registered and regulated by the food law, royal jelly (22.7%), squalene (16.0%), refined fish oil (15.1%), lactic acid bacteria (10.6%) and aloe (8.8%) were relatively well aware. Although 84% of the subjects perceived that health food is different from drug or traditional medicine, the largest percentage of the subject selected ginseng as the most well known type of health food (22.7%) as well as the most well known drug (or traditional medicine) (41.7%). Ginseng was also chosen as the most frequently used health food (17.0%), and vitamin tablets the third (13.0%). The vague definition of health food and unambiguous discrimination of it from medicine by the consumers were problematic for the correct use and reasonable purchasing behavior. The clear definition and proper regulation on the manufacture and distribution of health food, more strict control of labelling and advertisement, and a wide consumer education on health food were recommended.

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The Superconducting Properties of a High-Temperature Superconducting GdBCO-Coated Conductor (고온초전도 GdBCO 박막선재의 초전도 특성)

  • Yang, Seok Han;Song, Kyu Jeong
    • New Physics: Sae Mulli
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    • v.68 no.12
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    • pp.1293-1301
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    • 2018
  • The basic magnetic properties of commercially available High-$T_c$ Superconductor (HTS) GdBCO-coated conductor (GdBCO-CCs) were investigated by using physical property measurement system-vibrating sample magnetometer (PPMS-VSM). From the zero-field-cooled (ZFC) m(T) curve, the $T_c$ was found to be ~93 K. After removing the background m(H) data, we obtained both the net m(H) data and the ${\Delta}m_{irr}$. The $H_{irr}(T)$ coincided very well with the power-law relation $H_{irr}=H_{irr}(0)(1-T/T_c)^n$ with $$n{\sim_=}1.19$$. The magnetic flux behavior was investigated by using the ${\delta}$ values in the relationship $J_c{\propto}{\Delta}m_{irr}{\propto}H^{-{\delta}}$. A ${\delta}{\approx}0$ region denoting an independent magnetic flux pinning effect, a ${\delta}{\approx}0.6{\sim}1.2$ region representing a collective flux pinning effect due to the interaction, and a ${\delta}{\gg}2$ region representing freely moving magnetic fluxes caused by the Lorentz force were observed. The boundary line between ${\delta}{\approx}0$ and ${\delta}{\approx}0.6{\sim}1.2$ is denoted by a $H_1$, and the one between ${\delta}{\approx}0.6{\sim}1.2$ and ${\delta}{\gg}2$ is denoted by a $H_2$. The ${\delta}(T)$ was obtained in the region of $H_1$ < H < $H_2$. As the temperature was decreased, the ${\delta}$ value gradually decreased.

A study on the distribution basis and aspect of teachers holding additional school health (양호겸직교사의 배치근거 및 분포양상)

  • Lee, Jeong Yim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.58-90
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    • 1989
  • This study was attempted to contribute to the development of school health by providing the basic data about the distribution basis and distribution aspect of teachers holding additional school health that are in charge of school health business in parimary schools, middle schools and high schools without any nurse-teacher. This study analyzed literatures about the history, related laws, organization and professional manpower of school health. The emphasis was set on the distribution basis of theachers holding additional school health. The results of this study are as following: 1. The school health of the world dates to the late 18th century in Europe where was free supplying with food for poor children. The school health of Korea orginated from smallpox vaccination which was executed with appearance of modern schools in the late 19th century. 2. The related laws of school health began as a part of Education Law with was constituted in 1949. By the School Health Law constituted in 1967 and the enforcement ordinance of School Health made firm the legal basis of school health. 3. The administrative organs of school health are the Ministry of Education in center and each Board of Education in cities and provinces. For the first time in 1979, the department of school health was established in the organization of the Ministry of Education. And at about the same time of establishment of the department of school health, health section was established in the department of social physical-training in locality. 4. In the manpower of school health which was presented in the related statute of school health, there are the ward chief of education, the superintendent of educational affair, of cities and districts, the mayors, the governors of provinces, the school managers, the principals, the school doctors, the school pharmacists, and the nurse-teachers, including teachers holding additional school health as the practical manpower of school health. 5. In order to get some information on distribution aspect of teachers additional school health, this study made up a questionnaire from August 3 to August 11, 1988. The subjects of this study were 212 leachers who took part in the yearly training for teachers holding additional school health from Kyunggi province, Chungbuk province and Jeonbuk province. The results of the questionnaire are as following: 1. The distribution percentages of teachers holding additional school health according to each Board of Education wich schools are subject to, are as following:70.1% (Kyunggi), 76.5% (Chungbuk), and 81.4% (Jeonbuk). There was a significant difference. The distribution percentages of teachers holding additional school health according to the school levels of 3 provinces are as following: 74.1% (Primary schools), 77.8% (Middle schools), 76.7% (High schools). There were little significant differences. 2. The distribution according to the general characteristics of the subject schools: There were 64.2 percent of primary schools and 35.8 percent of middle schools among 212 schools. 91. 5 percent of schools were located in districts. Public schools formed 55.7% and then national schools were higher in percentage than private schools. 58.5 percent of schools had 1-9 classes, 64.6 percent of schools had 101-500 students, and 90 percents of schools had 1-20 teachers. In considering student sex, the coed school showed the high distribution percentage (Primary schools : 100%, Middle schools: 81.6%). 3. The distribution according to the characteristics of teachers holding additional school health: 93.3 percent of teachers were female, and more than 60 percent of teachers were 20-29 years old. As the age got higher, the percentage became lower. There were little significant differences by marital status. In considering their educational status, 86.8 percent of teachers in primary schools were from teacher's colleges, and 64.5 percent of teachers in middle schools were from education colleges. In considering teaching career, 46.7 percent of teachers had teaching career of less than 2 years. 73.6 percent of teachers had held additional school health for less than one year. More than 80 percent of teachers had participated in the training one time or twice. More than 70 percent of teachers had 1-2 additional jobs except for the school health business. The motivation to hold additional school health is most caused by mandatory order, which accounts for more than 80.0 percent. In considering interesting degree concerning school health, lukewarm answer is the highest of 62.7 percent, followed by affirmative answer of 23.6 percent. In considering their contentment degree respecting additional school health job, "discontent or very discontent"is the highest of 47.6 percent. As a descontent reason of additional school health job, overwork is the highest factor of 37.9 percent. Among addiitional school health job, the most difficult affair is nursing service to be 34.0 percent, followed by health education of 31.6 percent. It testify the need of professional. The source of knowledge about school health has been acquired from masscommunication or private health experience, which account for as much as 56.1 percent. It shows seriousness of lack of professionalism. With regard to neccessity of school health experts, 95.8 percent represents absolute need. With above consideration of study results, I propose as follows : 1. I propose that the authorities concerned unify and improve statute respecting current school health which has not been steadfastly supporting school health business by ambiguity of expression and dualization. 2. I propose that the authorities concerned give the school manager, school staffs and parents of students educational chance with which they can acknowledge the importance of school health and in which they can participate as well as set up alternative policy plan to be albe to vitalize school health committee. 3. I propose that administrative organization practicable to taking totally charge of school health business is established within the Ministry of Education. 4. I propose that the authorities concerned back up and cooperate in an attempt by make school health better and desirable toward development by way of appointing qualitied health teachers on the basis of legally regular teacher staffs.

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A Study of School Health Nursing Activity Performed Teachers Holding Additonal school Health (양호겸직교사의 학교보건간호 업무활동에 관한 조사연구)

  • Jung, Chan Gyoo;Chung, Yeon Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.108-130
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for the development of school health nursing activities by surveying realities of school health nursing activities in schools lacking in a school nurse performed by teachers holding additional school health. The subjects for the study was selected from teachers holding additional school health who participated in the annual training course for teachers holding additional school health in 1988 organized by Province Education Council. 105 teachers holding additonal school health from Kyung-gi Province, 85 from Chung-buk province, 50 from Chun-buk Province, answered the questionaire. The results can be epitomized as follows. 1. General characteristics of Teachers Holding Additional School Health. The majority of the subjects are female (94.3%) and 64.1% of the subjects are in their twenties, 79.5% of them graduated from four-year teacher's college, 54.5% of them are unmarried, 74.5% has less than one-year experience as a teacher holding additional school health. 2. General characteristics of schools 92.4% of schools are national, of public schools, and 91.9% are located in country, elementary schools are 64%, junior high schools are 35.4%. The annual school nursing budget is unknow to 89.2% of them. The school nursing organization is non- existent to 85.6%. 82.4% of the school nursing clinics occupy their place solely, or jointly. 3. Status of School Health Nursing Activities In the questionaire, School Health Nursing Activities arc divided into Health Program planning and Evaluation (4 items), Clinic Management (4 items), Health Education (4 items), Management of School Environment 98 items), Operating of School Health Organization (1 item) and Health Care Service (25 items). The answers to each item measured by the Likert-type scale reveals that in the activities of techcrs holding additional school health the practice rate in Management of School Environment is 55%, 47% in Health Education, 45% in Health Program Planning and Evaluation, 32% in Health Care Service, 27% in Operating of School Health Organization, and 27% in Clinic Management. 4. The Relation between Influencing variables and School Health Nursing Activities. The results are as follows. (1) Health Program Planning and Evaluation: religion, marital status ($P<0.05^{**}$) (2) Clinic Management: age, school health organization ($P<0.05^{**}$) (3) Health Education: age ($P<0.01^*$), religion ($P<0.05^{**}$), business except for school nursing ($P<0.05^{**}$), form of operation ($P<0.05^{**}$), the number of clinic client a month ($P<0.05^{**}$). (4) Management of School Health Environment: age, marital status, business except for school nursing ($P<0.05^{**}$), presence of the annual school health nursing budget ($P<0.01^*$), school health organization ($P<0.05^{**}$). (5) Operating of School Health Organization: There is a statistical significance in Education, Interest in School Nursing ($P<0.05^{**}$). 5. The Regional Relationship of School Health Nursing Activity. There is a statistically significal difference in Health Education ($P<0.05^{**}$) and Health Care Service ($P<0.01^*$) of elementary school located in Kyung-gi, Chung-buk, Chun-buk Province. There is a statistically significant difference Health Program Planning and Evaluation of junior high Schools located in Kyung-gi, Chung-buk, Province ($P<0.05^{**}$). 6. The Correlation in School Health Nursing Activities. The analysis of the correlation in the 6 fields of school Health Nursng Activities shows that there is a statistically significant difference between Clinic Management and health Education, Clinic Management and Operating of School Health Organization, and between management of School Environment and operating of School Health Organization ($P<0.05^{**}$). The conclusions are as follows The 40.5 percent of schools should arrange nurse teachers by regulation 38, relative to the application of the Law of Education. But, in reality, teachers who have nothing to do with nursing, hold school health as an additional job. And it is very difficult to expect the qualititive health management of school faculty and students. In the 85.6 percent of schools, there is no organization for school health. And also, persons in charge of pracitcal affairs perform the school health activity without any knowledge about annual school health nursing budget. In the school health nursing activity of teacheres holding additional school health, operating of school, health organization and clinic management are the most difficult to get the cooperation from the persons relate to school and communities. There are a lot of problems in performing the school health nursing activity without any disposition of school health teachers, therefore, it is necessary to supplement school health teachers who had a professional training in order to make efficient the school health nursing management for children who are about to attend a school.

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