• Title/Summary/Keyword: Data Processing Time

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Changes of Biologically Functional Compounds and Quality Properties of Aster scaber( Chamchwi) by Blanching Conditions (데침조건에 따른 참취의 생리활성성분 및 품질특성 변화)

  • Choi, Nam-Soon;Oh, Sang-Suk;Lee, Jong-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.745-752
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    • 2001
  • Wild edible plants are consumed as raw or processed. Analytical data for raw biologically functional compounds were relatively well established. The changes on functional compounds during processing are, however, not well studied. This study was carried out to investigate the change of the quality of wild edible plants, Chamchwi, blanched at various conditions. Samples were blanched at the salt concentration of 0%, 1% or 2% for 1, 3, and 5 minutes each. The biologically active compounds, vitamin C, βcaroteneβcarotene, chlorophyll, flavonoids, polyphenols and minerals were analyzed. The concentration of vitamin C in Chamchwi did not show any significant change under various blanching conditions. Beta-carotene in Chamchwi was not significantly affected by blanching time. Higher salt concentration of blanching water, however, resulted in the increased concentration of βcaroteneβcarotene in the blanched Chamchwi. Higher salt concentration of blanching water also reduced the loss of total flavonoids and total polyphenols from the blanched Chamchwi. The change of colors in the blanching water seemed to be corresponding to those of total flavonoids and total polyphenols concentrations in the blanching water.

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An Algorithm for Segmenting the License Plate Region of a Vehicle Using a Color Model (차량번호판 색상모델에 의한 번호판 영역분할 알고리즘)

  • Jun Young-Min;Cha Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.43 no.2 s.308
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2006
  • The license plate recognition (LPR) unit consists of the following core components: plate region segmentation, individual character extraction, and character recognition. Out of the above three components, accuracy in the performance of plate region segmentation determines the overall recognition rate of the LPR unit. This paper proposes an algorithm for segmenting the license plate region on the front or rear of a vehicle in a fast and accurate manner. In the case of the proposed algorithm images are captured on the spot where unmanned monitoring of illegal parking and stowage is performed with a variety of roadway environments taken into account. As a means of enhancing the segmentation performance of the on-the-spot-captured images of license plate regions, the proposed algorithm uses a mathematical model for license plate colors to convert color images into digital data. In addition, this algorithm uses Gaussian smoothing and double threshold to eliminate image noises, one-pass boundary tracing to do region labeling, and MBR to determine license plate region candidates and extract individual characters from the determined license plate region candidates, thereby segmenting the license plate region on the front or rear of a vehicle through a verification process. This study contributed to addressing the inability of conventional techniques to segment the license plate region on the front or rear of a vehicle where the frame of the license plate is damaged, through processing images in a real-time manner, thereby allowing for the practical application of the proposed algorithm.

A Design of 4×4 Block Parallel Interpolation Motion Compensation Architecture for 4K UHD H.264/AVC Decoder (4K UHD급 H.264/AVC 복호화기를 위한 4×4 블록 병렬 보간 움직임보상기 아키텍처 설계)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ho;Kong, Jin-Hyeung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.102-111
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we proposed a 4×44×4 block parallel architecture of interpolation for high-performance H.264/AVC Motion Compensation in 4K UHD(3840×21603840×2160) video real time processing. To improve throughput, we design 4×44×4 block parallel interpolation. For supplying the 9×99×9 reference data for interpolation, we design 2D cache buffer which consists of the 9×99×9 memory arrays. We minimize redundant storage of the reference pixel by applying the Search Area Stripe Reuse scheme(SASR), and implement high-speed plane interpolator with 3-stage pipeline(Horizontal Vertical 1/2 interpolation, Diagonal 1/2 interpolation, 1/4 interpolation). The proposed architecture was simulated in 0.13um standard cell library. The maximum operation frequency is 150MHz. The gate count is 161Kgates. The proposed H.264/AVC Motion Compensation can support 4K UHD at 72 frames per second by running at 150MHz.

An Elementary Educational Contents Retrieval System Using Semantic Web (시맨틱웹을 활용한 초등학교 학습자료 검색시스템)

  • Lee, Hee-Kyoung;Jun, Woo-Chun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.13A no.6 s.103
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    • pp.545-554
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    • 2006
  • Although the current Web search engines provide tremendous information, it is hard to find right information among the huge information. Users need to spend extra time to filter out unnecessary information. In order to overcome the limit of current Web search engines, Semantic Web was developed to provide efficient search, integration, and reuse of information by structuring semantic information from Web resources. In this paper, an elementary education contents retrieval system using Semantic Web is proposed. The proposed system emphasizes history contents that have high relevancy among data. For construction of the proposed system, ontology is proposed first for elementary study contents and ontology for historical contents is proposed for easy access to those contents using semantic relation among them. Based on the ontology, the proposed system is designed and implemented. The proposed system has the following characteristics. First, the system provides various query formats in detail so that search results can be refined efficiently. Second, the system presents only semantically information connected with key words or including key words using study contents ontology. Finally, the proposed system can increase study effects by presenting various contents that are related with query by users.

A Comparative Study on Green Liquor Pre-Pulping Extraction of Mixed Hardwood Chips (혼합 하드우드 칩으로부터 녹액(Green Liqour)선-펄핑추출 공정에 관한 연구)

  • Um, Byung-Hwan
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.561-567
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    • 2013
  • Mixed hardwood chips were pre-pulping extracted with green liquor prior to kraft pulping in order to recover hemicelluloses for use as biofuels. This green liquor solution containing mainly sodium sulfide and sodium carbonate was applied at different alkali charges (expressed as Na2ONa2O) of 0, 1, 3, and 5% on dry wood weight. The extractions were performed at 160C160C for residence times ranging from about 1-2 h to determine the effect of extraction severity on composition of the pre-pulping extract. The severity of hemicellulose extraction time and green liquor charge controls the concentration of acetic acid and monosaccharide sugars available for downstream processing, the accumulation of degradation products such as organic acids and furans in the extract. As the alkali charge was increased, the amount of acetate side chains on the hemicelluloses and the dissolved lignin in the extract increased but the carbohydrate and sugars in the extract decreased appreciably. Hot water extraction (0% alkali addition) released the greatest amount of carbohydrates, up to 29.80 g/L measured as component sugars, but resulted in the greatest decrease in pulp yield. Meanwhile, pre-pulping extraction with 3% green liquor increased the pulp yield while greatly reducing the component sugars to 7.08 g/L. Fundamental data obtained in this study will allow selection of optimum hemicellulose extraction conditions for integrating the extraction operation into the Kraft pulping process.

Development of Personalized Recommendation System using RFM method and k-means Clustering (RFM기법과 k-means 기법을 이용한 개인화 추천시스템의 개발)

  • Cho, Young-Sung;Gu, Mi-Sug;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2012
  • Collaborative filtering which is used explicit method in a existing recommedation system, can not only reflect exact attributes of item but also still has the problem of sparsity and scalability, though it has been practically used to improve these defects. This paper proposes the personalized recommendation system using RFM method and k-means clustering in u-commerce which is required by real time accessablity and agility. In this paper, using a implicit method which is is not used complicated query processing of the request and the response for rating, it is necessary for us to keep the analysis of RFM method and k-means clustering to be able to reflect attributes of the item in order to find the items with high purchasablity. The proposed makes the task of clustering to apply the variable of featured vector for the customer's information and calculating of the preference by each item category based on purchase history data, is able to recommend the items with efficiency. To estimate the performance, the proposed system is compared with existing system. As a result, it can be improved and evaluated according to the criteria of logicality through the experiment with dataset, collected in a cosmetic internet shopping mall.

A Study on the Process of Semicurrent Records Management in the United States: A Focus on Records Transfer and Appraisal in the Federal Records Center (미국 준현용 기록관리 프로세스에 관한 연구: 연방레코드센터의 기록 이관과 평가를 중심으로)

  • Jo, Ae-Ran;Yang, Dong-Min;Youn, Eun-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.139-160
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    • 2020
  • Semicurrent records are documents that are stored and managed in a separate section because they are infrequently referred to in work. The semicurrent records management stage is when records from the processing department are collected for the first time, serving as a bridge between the current and noncurrent records. For systematic records management, records management at the semicurrent stage is vital. Although Korea has established numerous records centers, various problems remain in the records management environment. In response, this study examines the United States' semicurrent records management system and discusses the features that are different from that of Korea. For this purpose, the records management system of the United States was selected as the scope of research and is analyzed through its records schedule, transfer, and appraisal. The data for the research were obtained through the relevant records management law, guidelines compiled by related agencies, and written inquiries for the records management officer. Through these methods, this study was able to identify the relationship between the federal agency and the Federal Records Center, the introduction of new technology in the aspect of transfers, the privatization of records preservation, and the status of the Federal Records Center as a passive appraisal entity.

A Study on 3D Model Building of Drones-Based Urban Digital Twin (드론기반 도심지 디지털트윈 3차원 모형 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Seong-Ha;Choi, Kyu-Myeong;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2020
  • In this study, to build a spatial information infrastructure, which is a component of a smart city, a 3D digital twin model in the downtown area was built based on the latest spatial information acquisition technology, the drone. Several analysis models were implemented by utilizing. While the data processing time and quality of the three types of drone photogrammetry software are different, the accuracy of the construction model is ± 0.04 in the N direction and ± 0.03m in the E direction. In the m and Z directions, ± 0.02m was found to be less than 0.1m, which is defined as the allowable range of surveying performance and inspection performance for the boundary point in the area where the registration of the boundary point registration is executed. 1: 500 to 1 of the aerial survey work regulation: The standard deviation, which is the error limit of the photographic reference point of the 600 scale, appeared within 0.14 cm, and it was found that the error limit of the large scale specified in the cadastral and aerial survey was satisfied. In addition, in order to increase the usability of smart city realization using a drone-based 3D urban digital twin model, the model built in this study was used to implement Prospect right analysis, landscape analysis, Right of light analysis, patrol route analysis, and fire suppression simulation training. Compared to the existing aerial photographic survey method, it was judged that the accuracy of the naked eye reading point is more accurate (about 10cm) than the existing aerial photographic survey, and it is possible to reduce the construction cost compared to the existing aerial photographic survey at a construction area of about 30㎢ or less.

Analysis of Biological Activity by Time of Black Garlic Ripening in Seosan Yukjok Garlic and Elephant Garlic (서산육쪽·코끼리마늘의 흑마늘 숙성 시기별 생리활성 분석)

  • Cho, Yong-Koo;Ann, Seoung-Won;Jang, Myoung-Jun;Oh, Tae-Seok;Oh, Min-Gyo;Park, Youn-Jin;Kim, Chang-ho
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the quality characteristics of black garlic made from Seosan Yukjok Garlic and elephant garlic in Seosan, Chungnam province. Of the inorganic components, Mg content was the highest in all treatment groups, and the Ca content was high in each of the 15 day treatments. The content of K was high after 10 days aging in Yukjok garlic and after 15 days in the elephant garlic. The Fe, Na, K, and Mg content was high in Yukjok black garlic after 15 days, and Na, K, Ca, and Mg were high in the elephant black garlic aged for 15 days. The crude fat content was high in both Yukjok black garlic and elephant black garlic after 15 days. Vitamin C content was highest in both types of garlic after aging for 15 days. An analysis of four kinds of organic acids showed that citric acid was the only organic acid to appear in raw garlic of Yukjok garlic and elephant garlic. Black Yukjok garlic and elephant black garlic had a greater total amino acid content than the raw garlic of either type. However, among the tested amino acids, 13 kinds of amino acids were at their highest after five days of ripening in Yukjok black garlic, while 15 kinds of amino acids were abundant in elephant garlic after the same period. Eight kinds of amino acids were high after aging for 15 days. Through this study, it was confirmed that, in the process of making black garlic, changes in the main components of the garlic occur through different routes, and these changes vary depending on the garlic species. Therefore, this study provided basic data for the processing of Seosan's Yukjok black garlic and elephant black garlic.

A Prefetching and Memory Management Policy for Personal Solid State Drives (개인용 SSD를 위한 선반입 및 메모리 관리 정책)

  • Baek, Sung-Hoon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.19A no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2012
  • Traditional technologies that are used to improve the performance of hard disk drives show many negative cases if they are applied to solid state drives (SSD). Access time and block sequence in hard disk drives that consist of mechanical components are very important performance factors. Meanwhile, SSD provides superior random read performance that is not affected by block address sequence due to the characteristics of flash memory. Practically, it is recommended to disable prefetching if a SSD is installed in a personal computer. However, this paper presents a combinational method of a prefetching scheme and a memory management that consider the internal structure of SSD and the characteristics of NAND flash memory. It is important that SSD must concurrently operate multiple flash memory chips. The I/O unit size of NAND flash memory tends to increase and it exceeded the block size of operating systems. Hence, the proposed prefetching scheme performs in an operating unit of SSD. To complement a weak point of the prefetching scheme, the proposed memory management scheme adaptively evicts uselessly prefetched data to maximize the sum of cache hit rate and prefetch hit rate. We implemented the proposed schemes as a Linux kernel module and evaluated them using a commercial SSD. The schemes improved the I/O performance up to 26% in a given experiment.