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Timing and Risk Factors of Adoption for Legally-Free Foster Children after Having Parental Rights Terminated in the U. S. (미국 위탁아동의 친권상실선고 이후 입양 결정요인에 관한 생존분석)

  • Song, Min-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.301-327
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the timing and the risk factors associated with the adoption of legally-free foster children. The sample of the study was drawn from foster care files of Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System(AFCARS) in 32 states between October 1998 (FY 1999) and September 2002(FY 2002). The timing post-TPR to adoption was examined by plotting the Kaplan-Meier cumulative hazard function for adoption and by plotting the KM hazard functions stratified by child's race and child's age at TPR. Cox proportional-hazards regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for adoption of legally-free foster children after TPR. The hazard of adoption was very low immediately after TPR but increased steadily starting at 3 months and then declined after 20 months. The cumulative hazard functions for White non-Hispanic children and Black non-Hispanic children crossed over at 13 months after TPR. Racial minority status, older age, and disability were negatively associated with the hazard of adoption. Physical abuse, sexual abuse had the lower hazard for adoption compared by neglect. Caretaker's inability to cope had the slightly lower hazard for adoption whereas inadequate housing showed the slightly greater hazard for adoption. Characteristics of foster care services turned into be powerful predictors of adoption. Specifically, legally-free children placed in pre-adoptive homes, those who shared the same racial/ethnic background with their foster caretakers, and those who were placed in two-parent families have a greater likelihood of adoption. The findings highlight the importance of foster care service provisions after TPR to facilitate adoption of legally-free foster children. Furthermore, a more substantial resources and targeted support for foster children who experience physical abuse and sexual abuse in need of adoption should be provided for moving the foster children into permanency.

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Site Selection of Wildlife Passage for Leopard Cat in Urban Area using Space Syntax (공간구문론을 이용한 도시 내 삵 이동통로 적지선정)

  • Park, Jong-Jun;Woo, Dong-Geol;Oh, Dae-Hyun;Park, Chong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2012
  • Many wildlife habitats have been destroyed and fragmented during the rapid industrialization and urbanization process in Korea. It is essential to connect these fragmented habitats to reduce road-kill of many types of endangered urban wildlife. The site selection for wildlife passages must take into account the behavior of the wildlife species for safe crossing utilizing many artificial barriers in urban areas. This study attempted to identify potential wildlife passage sites for the endangered and protected leopard cats of Gangseo Ecological Park in Seoul, Korea. A space syntax analysis, an analytical technique to objectively evaluate the spatial configurations related to passage selection, found that the integration value represents the accessibility and connectivity of spaces. In this paper, this means that the bigger the integration value, the more frequently the leopard cat passes through. The leopard cats were captured and radio-tracked for 72 hours once a month from March to June of 2009. The ArcGIS and Animal Movement of Hawth Tools were used to analyze the home range and movement paths, and Axwoman 4.0 was used to analyze space syntax. The daily average movement distance was $2.099{\pm}1.08km$. During the survey period, the leopard cats crossed over an urban expressway more than 20 times, running the risk of road-kill. The range of global integration values was 0.458~1.834, while that of the local integration was 0.210~6.061. Five sites that met across the leopard cats' movement routes and roads were selected to measure the local and global integrate values. Among these sites, the higher the integration value, the higher the road-kill possibility. Thus, two of five sites with high global and local integration values were suggested as potential wildlife passage sites for the leopard cats. Now, three tunnel passages are under construction at the suggested sites for which local integration value was highest (LI=4.369). Further studies are scheduled to verify these potential sites as suitable wildlife passages.

The Effects of Environment-Friendly Diets on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Fecal Excretion, Nitrogen Excretion and Emission Gases in Manure for Growing Pigs (환경친화적인 사료의 급여가 육성돈의 성장 능력, 영양소 소화율, 분 배설량, 분뇨내 질소배설량 및 악취 가스에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, J.S.;Cho, J.H.;Chen, Y.G.;Kim, H.J.;Wang, Q.;Hyun, Y.;Ko, T.G.;Park, C.S.;Kim, I.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.491-500
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    • 2007
  • Two experiments were used to determine the effects of environment-friendly diets on growth performance, fecal excretion, nitrogen excretion and emission gases in manure for growing pigs. In experiment 1, ninety six crossed pigs(Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc) were allocated into four treatments. Treatments were AME(adequate ME diet, 3,265 kcal/kg), LME(lower ME diet, 3,100 kcal/kg), LME 0.05(lower ME diet+α- galactosidase & β-mannanase 0.05%) and LME 0.10(lower ME diet+α-galactosidase & β-mannanase 0.10%). Pigs fed AME diet had lower ADFI(Average Daily Feed Intake) than pigs fed other diets(p<0.05). DM(Dry Matter) digestibility in pigs fed AME and LME 0.10 diets had greater than pigs fed LME diet(p<0.05). Energy digestibility is higher in pigs fed AME and LME 0.10 diets than other treatments(p<0.05). In experiment 2, twenty four crossbred pigs(33.71 kg average BW) were used in a 14-d metabolism experiment. The pigs were housed in individual cages equipped with plastic bed flooring. Treatments were CP(Crude protein) 18% without Bacillus sp., CP 18% diet+Bacillus sp. 0.05%, CP 14% without Bacillus sp. and CP 14% diet+Bacillus sp. 0.05%. Nitrogen intake was higher for CP 18% diets than CP 14% diets(p<0.05). DM, N(Nitrogen) and energy digestibility were affected by probiotics(p<0.05). With the high CP in diets, Energy and N digestibility, urine N percent, urine N excretion and total N excretion were increased significantly compared to low CP in diets(p<0.05). Among the treatments, DM and N digestibilities, feces N excretion, N absorption were decreased significantly(p<0.05), however, feces excretion, feces N, urine N percent, urine N excretion and total N excretion were increased significantly(p<0.05) when pigs fed without probiotics diets compare to pigs fed with probiotics diets. DM and N digestibility, feces excretion, feces N excretion, urine N percent, urine N excretion, total N excretion, N absorption and N adsorption ratio were CP×probiotic interactions in p<0.05. Ammonia(p<0.01) and H2S(p<0.05) in manure were lower in CP 14% diets than CP 18% diets. Also, ammonia and H2S in manure were CP×probiotic interactions in p<0.05. In conclusion, low energy and reduction of CP dietary added enzyme and probiotics improved nutrient digestibility and reduced odors emission in manure for growing pigs.

Characteristics of Tillering as Affected by Temperature Variation in Dasanbyeo, a Indica/Japonica High Yielding Rice Cultivar (온도 수준에 따른 다수성 벼 품종 ″다산벼″의 분얼 특성)

  • 김덕수;양원하;신진철;류점호
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2001
  • In Korean high yielding varieties developed by crosses between indica and japonica rice, the most limiting factor for yield may be attributed to the less number of the tillers in the unit area. The goals of this study is to find out the effect of the temperature factors as well as cultural practices on the development and increase of tillers of Dasanbyeo, the high yielding indica crossed japonica cultivar. The effect of temperature was examined under controlled phytotron condition with 6 levels of temperature, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24 and 26$^{\circ}C$, respectively, For the experiment, the leading japonica variety in Korea, Hwaseongbyeo, was used for the check cultivar for the comparison with Dasanbyeo. The high temperature also accelerated the initiation and termination of tiller development. The cultivar difference in the speed of tiller development was observed, for example, more rapid development of tiller in Dasanbyeo than in Hwaseongbyeo was observed at the high temperature range of 24-26$^{\circ}C$, while the vice versa phenomena was observed at lower temperature range of 17-22$^{\circ}C$. The first secondary tiller of Dasanbyeo was observed on the 16, 17, 23, 27 and 38 days after transplanting (DAT) at 26$^{\circ}C$, 24$^{\circ}C$, 22$^{\circ}C$, 19$^{\circ}C$, and 17$^{\circ}C$, respectively. Those of Hwaseongbyeo was 19-22, and 26 DAT at 19-26$^{\circ}C$ and 17$^{\circ}C$, respectively. The last effective tiller of Dasanbyeo was observed on 27-33 DAT for the primary tiller, 20-41 DAT for the secondary tiller. Those of Hwaseongbyeo were 23-40 DAT for primary tiller, and 24-40 DAT for the secondary tiller, and 24-40 DAT for the secondary tiller.

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Overcoming sterility by Caffeine and Temperature in Oriental-Asiatic Interspecific Lily Hybrid (백합 Oriental-Asiatic 종간잡종의 임성 회복을 위한 카페인과 변온처리)

  • Park, Song Kyoung;Park, In Sook;Kim, Chang Kil;Jee, Sun Ok;Lim, Ki Byung
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2009
  • In order to recover fertility from sterile interspecific OA-1 $F_1$ hybrid (Oriental hybrid 'Mero Star' ${\times}$ Asiatic hybrid 'Connecticut King'), various concentrations (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5%) of caffeine were injected directly into flower buds and then confirmed the viability of OA-1 $F_1$ hybrid at the flowering time. After the caffeine treatment, fertilized $F_1$ hybrids were crossed as female with Asiatic hybrid 'Lanzarote' as male. Five plantlets were obtained from seven embryos of 16 pollinated flowers at 0.3% treatment of caffeine while 0.5% treatment of caffeine obtained one plant let and 0.1 % treatment of caffeine plantlet did not produce at all. Thus 0.3% of caffeine treatment was considered as optimum concentration to produce subsequent progenies and the OA-l $F_1$ hybrid treated with caffeine produced 51% of putative 2n gametes. Pollen germination of OA-2 ('Romero Star' ${\times}$ 'Lady Rosa') and OA-3 ('Expression' ${\times}$ 'Lady Rosa') was not differ between temperature treatment alone and in combination with caffeine and temperature treatment. In the reciprocal crosses of OA-1 and Asiatic hybrid 'Lanzarote' or Oriental hybrid 'Sorbonne', A ('Lanzarote') ${\times}$ OA-1 or OA-1 ${\times}$ A crosses showed better results than O ('Sorbonne') ${\times}$ OA-1 or OA-1 ${\times}$ a crosses in plant obtaining. All progenies obtained from A ${\times}$ OA-1 or OA-1 ${\times}$ A crosses were confirmed as triploids by GISH analysis.

An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Human/Posthuman Discourses Emerging From Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence Technology (4차 산업혁명 시대의 사이버네틱스와 휴먼·포스트휴먼에 관한 인문학적 지평 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Yoon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.836-848
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    • 2019
  • This paper aims at providing a critical view over the cybernetics theory especially of first generation on which the artificial intelligence heavily depends nowadays. There has been a commonly accepted thought that the conception of artificial intelligence could not has been possible without being influenced by N. Wiener's cybernetic feedback based information system. Despite the founder of contemporary cybernetics' ethical concerns in order to avoid an increasing entropy phenomena(social violence, economic misery, wars) produced through a negative dynamics of the western modernity regarded as the most advanced form of humanism. In this civilizationally changing atmosphere, the newly born cybernetic technology was thus firmly believed as an antidote to these vices deeply rooted in humanism itself. But cybernetics has been turned out to be a self-organizing, self-controlling mechanical system that entails the possibility of telegraphing human brain (which are transformed into patterns) through the uploading of human brain neurons digitalized by the artificial intelligence embedded into computing technology. On this background emerges posthuman (or posthumanism) movement of which concepts have been theorized mainly by its ardent apostles like N. K. Hayles, Neil Bedington, Laurent Alexandre, Donna J. Haraway. The converging of NBIC Technologies leading to the opening of a much more digitalizing society has served as a catalyst to promote the posthuman representations and different narratives especially in the contemporary visual arts as well as in the study of humanities including philosophy and fictional literature. Once Bruno Latour wrote "Modernity is often defined in terms of humanism, either as a way of saluting the birth of 'man' or as a way of announcing his death. But this habit is itself modern, because it remains asymmetrical. It overlooks the simultaneous birth of 'nonhumaniy' - things, or objects, or beasts, - and the equally strange beginning of a crossed-out God, relegated to the sidelines."4) These highly suggestive ideas enable us to better understand what kind of human beings would emerge following the dazzlingly accelerating advancement of artificial intelligence technology. We wonder whether or not this newly born humankind would become essentially Homo Artificialis as a neuronal man stripping off his biological apparatus. However due to this unprecedented situation humans should deal with enormous challenges involving ethical, metaphysical, existential implications on their life.

Physiological studies on the sudden wilting of JAPONICA/INDICA crossed rice varieties in Korea -II. Artificial induction of sudden wilting in Korea and the effect of nutrio-physiological status (일(日)·인원연교잡(印遠緣交雜) 수도품종(水稻品種)의 급성위조증상(急性萎凋症狀) 발생(發生)에 관(關)한 영양생리학적(營養生理學的) 연구(硏究) -II. 한국(韓國)에서 급성위조증(急性萎凋症)의 인위적(人爲的) 재현(再現)과 영양생리(營養生理)의 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Yoo-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 1989
  • The results of the investigation on the effects of plant nutrio-physiological status and reemergence of sudden wilting in rice on the occurrence of sudden wilting were summarized as follows: 1. The occurrence of sudden wilting, degree of damage and occurring time in the investigated variety showed to concur with the results of the previous experiment. 2. Nitrogen and Potassium contents in leaves related an occurrence of sudden wilting at heading stage have a very high negative co-relation (the value is -0.9224 at Yushin and -0.8243 at Milyang 23). 3. Regarding the relation between occurrence of sudden wilting and root activity capacity at the late growth stage, the root activity capacity at productive growth stage showed higher than at reproductive growth stage, which is the same in the two varieties but Milyang 23 is higher than Yushin. It is confirmed that root activity capacity in the two varieties has become very low at reproductive growth stage. 4. The toot activity capacity in the field with potassium showed a small occurrence of sudden wilting and the root activity capacity in the field with no potassium showed a very high co-relation value (the value is 0.8947 at Yushin and 0.7301 at Milyang 23). 5. Regarding the relation between the occurrence of sudden wilting and water evaporation quantity, water evaporation quantity after the heading date has a more direct relation to sudden wilting than that which occurrs prior to the heading date. Water evaporation quantity is higher in the field with no potassium, low leaves and Yushin, than in the field with potassium high leaves and Milyang 23. 6. The starch content in culm of Yushin and Milyang 23 at ripening stage showed high value in proportion to potassium quantity, and the starch content is lower as internode is lower. However, in fourth internode, the starch content is greatly increased in the field with potassium contrasted to the field with no potassium.

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Studies on the Varietal Features for the Silk Yielding Ability, Bombyx mori L. (가잠의 견사물질 생성능력에 있어서 품종간의 특이성에 관한 연구)

  • 이용우
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.26-45
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    • 1980
  • Silk protein is synthesized in the silkgland of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. It is evident that silk productivity is one of the high heritable characters from the genetical aspects. It is also changed with the environmental circumstances. With this regard, this paper dealt with the varietal patterns of silkgland development and the factors concerning to the silk productivity of silkgland of silkworm by the synthesis of nucleic acids, profiles of amino acids and histological basis, using the eight parent silkworm varieties and their F$_1$ hybrids. 1. The weight of silkgland per larva increased proportionally in the F$_1$ hybrids which were crossed between longer silk yielding varieties. The silk content to the weight of the silkgland was higher in the longer silk yielding varieties than that in the shorter silk yielding varieties. 2. It was observed that the morphological changes of nuclei took place in the posterior silkgland cells with the larval development of the 5th instar. In varietal aspect, Jam 107 and Jam 108, longer silk yielding varieties, showed more branches in nuclei than the $N_2$ and $C_{60}$ which were shorter yielding ones. 3. It was observed that there was a high correlation between RNA content per unit weight of silkgland on the 6th day stage of 5th instar and silk productivity both in the parents and their F$_1$ hybrids. 4. RNA and DNA synthesis brought about thirty percent increase in the posterior silkgland of the longer silk yielding varieties during the 2nd day to the 4th day stages of the 5th instar, when compared with those in the posterior silkgland of the shorter silk yielding varieties. 5. RNA/DNA ratio in the posterior silkgland on the 2nd day and 4th day stages of the 5th instar was more increased in the longer silk yielding varieties than the shorter silk yielding varieties. 6. It was shown that DNA content for the longer silk yielding varieties came to be 374$\mu\textrm{g}$ per larva in the posterior division of silkgland on the 4th day stage of 5th instar, whereas it was 199$\mu\textrm{g}$ per larva for the shorter silk yielding varieties. 7 There was 34.8% Alanine, 22.8% Glycine, 9.1% Serine and 7.3% Tyrosine in the posterior division of silkgland as major amino acids. It is noticed that there was a little differences between the amino acids composition of posterior silkgland and silk fibroin. 8. There was some differences in the amino acids composition of posterior silkgland between pure lines and their hybrids. Glycine, Serine and acidic amino acids, essential to silk formation, seemed to be increased in the F$_1$ hybrids, whereas other amino acids such as Valine, Iso-leucine, Leucine, Lysine. Phenylalanine, Histidine and Arginine were reduced. 9. The content of Glycine, Alanine and Serine in the posterior division of silkgland was elevated in the longer silk yielding varieties than the others. Consequently. these three amino acids in the posterior silkgland seemed to be related to the silk yielding ability in the longer silk yielding varieties.s.

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The Structure of Trans-Culture and the 'Emperor of Civilization' ('횡단문화론'의 구조와 '문명천황론'의 문제)

  • Gong, JianZe;Jun, SungKon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.46
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    • pp.435-463
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    • 2017
  • This paper aims to identify the structural characteristics of Okawa Syumei(大川周明), Wakamiya Unosuke(若宮卯之助) and Okakura Tensin(岡倉天心). In fact, after Okawa Syumei studied the Principles of Wakamiya Unosuke and Okakura Tensin, he derived a conclusion and wrote a book named "yeolseongjeon". This book talks about the emperor dynasty. Based on this, the theory presented by Wakamiya Unosuke and Okakura Tensin described the characteristics of the East European culture. Okakura Tensin crossed the western part and discovered that western culture is only western culture and not a universal culture. Western culture has developed from its own experience. Wakamiya Unosuke translated a book by William Knox, The spirt of the orient. They have the same point of view, but they have a different culture and they must follow their own culture. Okakura Tensin insisted that culture is dynamic and it improves by adapting different cultures of different countries. Wakamiya appealed and he opposed Tensin's studies about culture. Wakamiya's definition of culture has not changed or is fixed from the past, which still exists in the modern times. Culture must be cultivated and it must be introduced to people who have forgotten their own culture. Despite such methodological differences, the commonality between Okakura and Wakamiya is that Western civilization is nothing more than a regional culture, as the West is not a universal civilization, but as a whole, it is a regional culture. Okawa Syumei learned the Okakura and Wakamiya's theory about culture and derived a conclusion. He stated that both opinions are correct as culture can be adapted as explained by Okakura. For example, Japanese people are now adapting and embracing the culture of Chinese people and Indian people. On the other hand, he also learned Wakamiya Unosuke's theory that culture does not change. Japanese have their own culture that was created in the past or it was developed by their ancestors; for example, the emperor dynasty. Okawa Syumei learned different cultures of different countries and Japanese people are adapting those cultures, and Wakamiya stated that the emperor dynasty must be instilled and it must be universal. Japanese emperors have different cultures, especially the Meiji emperor who is willing to accept different cultures of different countries. Finally, he claimed that the emperor dynasty created a new Japanese civilization and they are now embracing the new adapted culture.

A Study on Landscape of Cheongpunggye (청풍계(淸風溪) 경관에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyang;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2011
  • Cheongpunggye is located in a valley where Baekaksan, the main mountain of Seoul and Inwang Mountain corresponding to right-white tiger(石白虎) divination based on topography are crossed. The owner of Cheongpunggye is Seonwon Kim Sangyong and many people had visited there without pause because of beautiful landscape since the early times of Chosun. Seonwon Kim Sangyong had ever studied together with Yulgok Yi I and Woogye Seong Hon. He was one of the Western faction(Seo-in) which was the leading power of Injo Coup and died for his chastity during Second Manchu Invasion of Chosun. He is known as a model of fidelity which is a symbol for scholar's spirit in Chosun together with his younger brother Cheongeum Kim Sangheon. Jangdong region, the clan village of New Andong family was the birthplace of Yulgok School which was the fundamental of scholar spirit of Chosun. And Jangdong would be the source of Jin-Gyeong(Real Scenery) Culture which was bloomed by Baekak club composed of Gyeomjae Jeong Seon, Sacheon Lee Byeongyeon, and Gwanajae Cho Yeongseok. The contents of this study are as follows. First, this study explored the placeness of Seochon region through the historical background like the relation between Jangdong, the clan village of Andong Kim family and Andong Kim family, and achievements of Seonwon Kim Sangyong and circumstances of that times. Second, this study tried to know original landscape of Cheongpunggye by investigating location, topography, water system etc. based on analysis of literature, old map, and paintings describing Cheongpunggye. The study was progressed in this way. To infer the original landscape, about 50 landscape elements of Cheongpunggye shown in Punggyejibseunggi(楓溪集勝記), Cheongpunggye Cheop, Cheongpunggye(淸風溪), the work of Gyeomjae Jeong Sean were searched, and then the location and form of the elements was analyzed. Furthermore, by analyzing the meanings of the names for the landscape elements, the thoughts(Naturalism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) supporting the structure of Cheongpunggye could be inferred. It is thought that these findings can contribute to exploration of placeness of Cheongpunggye. The study on original landscape of Cheongpunggye can be used as basic data when these works are executed-revival of Cheongpunggye, restoration of small streams in upper part of Cheonggyecheon, renewal of Seochon region.