• 제목/요약/키워드: Creep rupture behavior

검색결과 54건 처리시간 0.026초

STS304강의 단시간 크리프 파단특성 평가 (Characteristics of Short-Term Creep Rupture in STS304 Steels)

  • 김선진;공유식
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the short-term creep rupture time and the creep rupture properties at three different elevated temperatures in STS304 stainless steel. Uniaxial constant stress creep rupture tests were performed on the steel to observe the creep rupture behaviors at the elevated temperatures of 600, 650 and 700, according to the testing matrix. It is very important to predict creep life in practical creep design problems. As one of the series of studies on the statistical modelling of probabilistic creep rupture time and the development of creep life prediction techniques, the relationship between applied stress and creep rupture behaviors, such as creep strain rate and rupture time, were investigated. In addition, the Monkman-Grant relationship was observed between the steady-state creep rate and the creep rupture time. The creep rupture surfaces observed by SEM showed up dimple phenomenon at all conditions.

Modified 𝜃 projection model-based constant-stress creep curve for alloy 690 steam generator tube material

  • Moon, Seongin;Kim, Jong-Min;Kwon, Joon-Yeop;Lee, Bong-Sang;Choi, Kwon-Jae;Kim, Min-Chul;Han, Sangbae
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.917-925
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    • 2022
  • Steam generator (SG) tubes in a nuclear power plant can undergo rapid changes in pressure and temperature during an accident; thus, an accurate model to predict short-term creep damage is essential. The theta (𝜃) projection method has been widely used for modeling creep-strain behavior under constant stress. However, many creep test data are obtained under constant load, so creep rupture behavior under a constant load cannot be accurately simulated due to the different stress conditions. This paper proposes a novel methodology to obtain the creep curve under constant stress using a modified 𝜃 projection method that considers the increase in true stress during creep deformation in a constant-load creep test. The methodology is validated using finite element analysis, and the limitations of the methodology are also discussed. The paper also proposes a creep-strain model for alloy 690 as an SG material and a novel creep hardening rule we call the damage-fraction hardening rule. The creep hardening rule is applied to evaluate the creep rupture behavior of SG tubes. The results of this study show its great potential to evaluate the rupture behavior of an SG tube governed by creep deformation.

이방과압밀점토의 비배수크리프파괴 (V%drained Creep Rupture of an Anisotropically Overconsolidated Clay)

  • 강병희;오선호
    • 한국지반공학회지:지반
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 1996
  • 이방압밀이 과압밀점토의 비배수크리프파괴거동에 미치는 영향을 연구하기 위하여 등방 및 이방과압일시킨 점토시료에 대해서 비배수상태에서 크리프시험을 수행하였다. 연구결과 비배수 크리프파괴거동은 점토시료의 응력이력 즉 과압밀비와 압밀응력비$(\sigma_{3c}/\sigma_{le})$의 크기에 의해서 영향을 크게 받는다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 즉 점토의 크리프강도는 과압밀비와 압밀응력비가 클수록 증가하므로 정지토압계수가 1.0보다 작은 점토지반의 크리프파괴 가능성을 등방압밀크리프피 괴시험에 의해서 판단하는 것은 위험하다. 그리고 점토의 크리프강도는 과압밀비와 압밀응력비의 크기에 관계없이 Finn과 Shead(1973)의 제안식에 의한 상한항복강도로서 구할 수 있었다.

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An Empirical Approach to Analyze Creep Rupture Behavior of P91 Steel

  • Aslam, Muhammad Junaid;Gur, Cemil Hakan
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2021
  • P91 steel has been a highly researched material because of its applicability for high-temperature applications. Considerable efforts have been made to produce experimental creep data and develop models for creep life prediction. As creep tests are expensive and difficult to conduct, it is vital to develop authenticated empirical methods from experimental results that can be utilized for better understanding of creep behavior and can be incorporated into computational models for reliable prediction of creep life. In this research, a series of creep rupture tests are performed on the P91 specimens within a stress range of 155 MPa to 200 MPa and temperature range of 640 ℃ (913 K) to 675 ℃ (948 K). The microstructure, hardness, and fracture surfaces of the specimens are investigated. To analyze the results of the creep rupture tests at a macro level, a parameter called creep work density is derived. Then, the relationships between various creep parameters such as strain, strain rate, time to rupture, creep damage tolerance factor, and creep work density are investigated, and various empirical equations are obtained.

Alloy 690 전열관의 크리프 변형 및 파단 거동 (Creep Deformation and Rupture Behavior of Alloy 690 Tube)

  • 김우곤;김종민;김민철
    • 한국압력기기공학회 논문집
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2020
  • Creep rupture data for Alloy 690 steam generator tubes in a pressurized water reactor are essentially needed to demonstrate a severe accident scenario on thermally-induced tube failures caused by hot gases in a damaged reactor core. The rupture data were obtained using the tube specimens under different applied-stress levels at 650℃, 700℃, 750℃, 800℃, and 850℃. Important creep constants were proposed using various creep laws in terms of Norton power law, Monkman-Grant (M-G) relation, damage tolerance factor (λ), and Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z). In addition, a creep activation energy (Q) value for Alloy 690 tube was reasonably determined using experimental data. Creep behaviors such as creep strength, creep rates, rupture elongation showed the results of temperature dependence well. Modified M-G plot improved a correlation of the creep rate and rupture life. Damage tolerance factor for Alloy 690 tubes was found to be λ =2.20 in an average value. Creep activation energy for Alloy 690 tube was optimized for Q=350 (kJ/mol). A plot of Z parameter obeyed a good linearity, and the same creep mechanism was inferred to be operative in the present test conditions.

마찰용접된 니켈기 초내열합금 Alloy718의 고온 크리프 파단 특성 (High Temperature Creep Rupture Characteristics of Ni-Based Alloy718 Jointed by Friction Welding)

  • 권상우;공유식;김선진
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2008
  • The short-term high temperature creep rupture behavior of Ni-based Alloy718 steels jointed by friction welding wasinvestigated at the elevated temperatures of 550 to $700^{\circ}C$ under constant stress conditions. The creep rupture characteristics such as creep stress, rupture time, steady state creep rate, and initial strain were evaluated. Creep stress has a quantitative correlation between creep rupture time and steady state creep rate. The stress exponents (n, m) of the experimental data at 550, 600, 650 and $700^{\circ}C$ were derived as 26.1, -22.4, 22.5, -18.5, 17.4, -14.3 and 6.9, -8.1, respectively. The stress exponents decreased with increasing creep temperature. The creep life prediction was derived by the Larson-Miller parameter (LMP) method and the result equation obtained is as follows: T(logtr+20)=-0.00148${\sigma}^2$-3.089${\sigma}$+23232. Finally, the results were compared with those of the base metal for Alloy718.

니켈기 초내열합금 Alloy718의 고온 크리프 파단 특성 (High Temperature Creep Rupture Characteristics of Ni-Based Alloy718)

  • 권상우;공유식;김선진
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2008
  • The short-term high temperature creep rupture behavior of Ni-based Alloy718 steel was investigated at the elevated temperatures range of 550 to $700^{\circ}C$ under constant stress conditions. The creep rupture characteristics such as creep stress, rupture time, steady state creep rate, and initial strain were evaluated. Creep stress has a quantitative correlation between creep rupture tim and steady state creep rate. The stress exponents (n, m) of the experimental data at 550, 600, 650 and $700^{\circ}C$ were derived as 33.5, -24.9, 26.1, -21.2, 16.8, -12.8 and 10, -8.2, respectively. The stress exponent decreased with increasing creep temperature. The creep lift prediction was derived by the Larson-Miller parameter (LMP) method and the resultant equation was obtained as follows: T($logt_r$+20)=-0.00252 ${\sigma}^2$-1.377${\sigma}$+-22718.

마그네슘 합금의 크리이프 거동에 표면처리가 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Surface Treatment on Creep Behaviors of Mg Alloy)

  • 강대민;안정오;강민철
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.347-353
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    • 2009
  • The apparent activation energy, the applied stress exponent, and rupture life have been measured from creep experiments over the range of $200^{\circ}C$ to $220^{\circ}C$ and the applied stress range of 64MPa to 94MPa. The materials were used AZ31 magnesium alloys treated by plasma electrolytic oxidation of $20{\mu}m$ and $40{\mu}m$ at surface to investigate the its influence on creep behavior, and creep tests were carried out under constant applied stress and temperature. The experimental results showed that the dipper the thickness of surface treatment the higher the activation energy and stress exponent. And the higher temperature and applied stress, the lower stress exponent and activation energy, respectively. Also the dipper the thickness of surface treatment the longer creep rupture time.

고온상태에서의 크리이프 파단거동에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Creep-Fracture Behavior under High Temperature)

  • 강대민;구양;백남주
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1986
  • Modern technological progress demands the use of materials at high temperature and high pressure. One of the most critical factors in considering such applications-perhaps the most critical one-is creep behavior. In this study the activation energy for the creep rupture (Qf) and the stress dependence of rupture time (n') have been determined during creep of Al 7075 alloy eve, the temporature range of $200^{\circ}C to 500^{\circ}C$ and stress range of 0.64 kgf/$\textrm{mm}^2$ to 9.55 kgf/$\textrm{mm}^2$, respectively, in order to investigate the creep-rupture property. Constant load creep tests were carried out in the enperiment At around the temperature $210^{\circ}C~390^{\circ}C$ and the stress level 1.53~9.55(kgf/$\textrm{mm}^2$), the stress dependence of rupture time(n') had the value of 6.6~6.78 but at 50$0^{\circ}C$, the value of 1.3. Besides at around the temperature of $200^{\circ}C~500^{\circ}C$ and under the stress level of 0.89~8.51 (kgf/$\textrm{mm}^2$), the activation energy for the creepprupture (Qf) was nearly equal to that of the volume self diffusion of pure aluminum (34Kca1/mo1e)

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Al 7075 합금의 크리이프 파단수명에 관한 연구(II) (A Study on the Creep Fracture Life of Al 7075 Alloy(II))

  • 강대민
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 1994
  • High temperature tensiles tests, steady state creep tests, internal stress tests and creep rupture tests using Al 7075 alloy were performed over the temperature range of 9$0^{\circ}C$~50$0^{\circ}C$ and stress range of 0.64~17.2(kgf/$\textrm{mm}^2$) in order to investigate the creep behavior and predict creep rupture life From the apparent activation energy Qc and the applied stress exponent n measured, at the temperature range of 9$0^{\circ}C$~l2$0^{\circ}C$, the creep deformation seemed to be controlled by cross slip. On the other hand at the temperature of 20$0^{\circ}C$~23$0^{\circ}C$ the creep deformation seemed to be controlled by dislocation climb but at 47$0^{\circ}C$~50$0^{\circ}C$, by diffusion creep. And the rupture life(t$_{f}$) might be represented by anthermal process attributed to the difference of the applied stress dependence of Internal stress and the ratio of the Internal stress to the applied stress, the thermal activated process attributied to the temperature dependence of the internal stress. Also the ratio between stress dependence of primary creep rate and that of minimum creep rate was measured 0.46, the minimum creep rate is expected to be appromately obtained from master creep curve including the relationship primary creep rate and minumum creep rate. Finally the relationship new rupture parameter and logarithmic stress was represented with including the ratio between the dependence of primary creep rate and that of minimum creep rate, using the new rupture parameter the rupture life predition is exactly expected.d.

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