• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cost & Benefit Analysis

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Reducing Soil Loss of Sloped Land using Lime-Organic Compost mixtures under Rainfall Simulation (인공강우 모사를 통한 석회/유기퇴비 혼합물의 경사지 토양유실 억제효과)

  • Koh, Il-Ha;Roh, Hoon;Hwang, Wonjae;Seo, Hyunggi;Ji, Won Hyun
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2018
  • In a previous study, the feasibility of four materials (bentonite, steelmaking slag, lime and organic compost) to induce soil aggregate formation was assessed and the mixtures of organic compost and lime were chosen as most effective amendments in terms of cost benefit. This work is a subsequent study to evaluate the effectiveness of those amendments in reducing soil loss in 15 sloped agricultural area by using rainfall simulation test. Three different soils were treated with two conditions of organic compost/lime mixtures (2% + 2%, 3% + 1%, w/w). In the amended soils, soil fertility was increased due to the increase of CEC, T-N, and T-P. During the rainfall simulation, suspended solid in run-off water from amended soil were reduced by 43% ~ 78%. When the content of organic compost was higher than that of lime, reduction of soil loss was also increased by 67% ~ 78%. Sediment discharge was also decreased by 72% ~ 96% in the amended soil. Similar to the suspended solid analysis, higher organic compost content led to more reduction of soil discharging, which implies organic compost is more effective than lime in reducing soil loss. The overall result suggests that the mixtures of organic compost and lime could be used as amendment materials to reduce soil loss in sloped farmland.

A Scoping Method to Implement Software Product Line for Inertial Navigation System (관성항법소프트웨어 SPL(Software Product Line) 구현을 위한 플랫폼 범위결정 기법)

  • Park, Samjoon;Noh, Sungkyu;Lee, Kwanwoo;Park, ByungSu;Nam, Seongho
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2021
  • Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) has been known as an efficient and effective software reuse methodology. One of the key activities of SPLE is scoping analysis, which determines the range of the features to be developed as reusable assets. Although several scoping methods has been reported, they are not sufficient to apply them to the defense domain. In this paper, we present a scoping method applicable to the defense domain, and present a case study for applying SPLE to inertial navigation weapon system. At first, the proposed method determines the range of candidate features to be applied for the platform. The range is then adjusted from the perspective of product benefit. The final range of features is decided through considering the total cost of a product line. We will demonstrate and evaluate the applicability of the proposed method by showing how we can decide the scope of features to be engineered for the navigation software product line.

Contingent Valuation Survey on Changes in Citizens' Perception on Atmospheric Pollution in Seoul, Korea (조건부 가치 설문조사를 통한 대기 오염에 대한 서울 시민의 인식 변화 조사)

  • Hong, Je-Woo;Hong, Jinkyu;Kim, Junghwan
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.213-218
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    • 2019
  • A valuation of air pollution is critical for relevant policy-making for the public and research direction. This study conducted a willingness-to-pay (WTP) survey using contingent valuation method (CVM) in Seoul Korea. In detail, this study puts an emphasis on its temporal changes referred on two surveys conducted in 2014 and 2019. In reference to the previous studies in 2002, our survey indicated that the public awareness of air pollution and interests on its sources and solutions increased noticeably. Our survey showed that WTP increased significantly from 2588 to 4827 and 8240 Korean Won month1 in 2002, 2014, and 2019, respectively. Moreover, the percentage of respondents to pay the WTP also increased from 48% to 68% and 79% in 2002, 2014, and 2019, respectively. Our analysis based on the number of Google search on particulate matters (PMs) strongly suggests that such the noticeable increases of the public attention to air pollution is well accorded with the moment of the announcement of a standard for ultra-fine particles and the start of PM prediction in late 2013. But the Google search rate grew about 16.7 times in 2009 compared to 2014, which is much larger than the growth rate of interest and WTP between 2014 and 2019. Our results shed light on policy decision for the right person in the right place on the right time in the era of air pollution.

Evaluation of Service Life of Silicate Impregnated Concrete (실리케이트 함침제를 사용한 콘크리트의 내구수명 평가)

  • Kim, Hyeok-Jung;Jang, Seung-Yup;Yoon, Yong-Sik;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.533-541
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    • 2018
  • Chloride attack, one of the major deterioration phenomena in RC(Reinforced Concrete) structure, causes corrosion of reinforcement, and this leads degradation of serviceability and structural problems. The application of silicate based impregnant to concrete surface are known for excellent constructability and cost-benefit for the maintenance of RC structure. In the work, the compressive strength and resistance of chloride diffusion for concrete were evaluated after improving property of concrete surface through two types of silicate based impregnant. Furthermore, based on the previous research and the result from the work, service life analysis was performed. After impregnating of silicate, strength and resistance of chloride diffusion were remarkably improved, and the service life increase to 159% for silicate A impregnation and 304% for silicate B impregnation, respectively.

A Study on Estimating Recycling Potential of Demolition Waste Generated in End-of-Life of Buildings by Structural Type Considering Economic Efficiency (경제적 효율성 측면에서 건축물 구조를 고려한 해체폐기물의 재활용가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Gi-Wook;Kim, Jin Ho;Moon, Hyeun Jun;Kim, Young-Chan;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2020
  • This study investigates the recycling potential of demolition waste (DW) according to building structure, while considering economic aspects. For that, this study surveyed 1,034 residential buildings to collect reliable information on demolition waste generation rates (DWGRs). This study suggested a method for operational cost calculation for each stage and carried out an inventory analysis. The economic value of recycled DW materials was also calculated. And then, the recycling potential(RP) was calculated by building structures and waste types. RP by building structure was low (27-40%), and RP was found in the order of masonry-block, wooden, RC and concrete-brick. By type of DWs, the RP of aggregates was considerably lower than 7%, and DWs such as wood, plastics, and metals showed more than 100% RP. Considering the results of this study, In order to improve the RP of buildings and DWs, the diversification of products that recycled waste like aggregates (i.e., mortar, concrete, bricks, blocks, tiles) and the development of high value-added products are considered to be the most urgent problems. Based on the above RP results, this study proposed a more advanced method for life cycle assessment of buildings and demolition waste.

Research to define facility type, project consideration and restriction when conceiving civil-military sharing facilities, by applying the Delphi technique (델파이기법을 활용한 민군간 공용 시설유형 및 고려요소 판단 연구)

  • Gong, Keum Rok;Kang, Han-Seung;Ahn, Jin-Ho;Park, Young Jun
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2018
  • When developing projects to build facilities to be shared by both military bases and surrounding communities, strategies are needed to achieve two objectives: 1) minimize missteps and opposition from local communities in the process of developing and implementing such projects, and 2) promote cost-benefit optimization and user-satisfaction. With aim of promoting co-operation and co-existence between military bases and adjust communities, this research proposes esthetical factors to be considered in conceiving civil-military sharing facilities. It seeks experts' opinions on the development of civil-military sharing facilities, and examines critical factors (economic feasibility, security, and satisfaction, etc.) for project development as well as building types suitable for shared-use between military bases and local residents. It then establishes a method to prioritize facility-type and narrow down design factors (considerations and restrictions) in project development by applying quantitative analysis. The methodological approach of the research employs the Delphi survey method to quantitatively analyze qualitative information drawn from experts' opinions. At the first round of the survey, facility types, items for consideration and restrictions are drawn, and then at the second round of the survey, criticality of each item is analyzed. Finally, it reaches a conclusion on suitability of facility types for civil-military sharing facilities, and selects project considerations and restrictions when developing this kind of project.

An Empirical Study on the Economic Value to Eulsukdo based on SB-DC CVM (단일양분형 가상가치평가법을 이용한 을숙도 가치추정)

  • Joo, Soo Hyeon;Lee, Sun Young;Kim, Young Pyo
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.3-23
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of the study is to estimate value of the Eulsukdo that is attracting lots of birds. Eulsukdo became one of the most famous eco-tourism destinations worldwide and environmental restoration work is progressing with enormous budget. The input of the budget by policy judgement basically can be justified when the benefit excesses the cost in social aspect. Eulsukdo has external effect as cultural tourism resource but it is difficult to estimate the value in market. The study is to estimate the value of Eulsukdo through the single-bounded dichotomous CVM(Contingent Valuation Methods). According to analysis results, the mean WTP(Willingness to Pay) and the truncated mean WTP are estimated at 5,240 and 3,374 won in the log-normal model, and 5,888 and 3,232 won in the log-logistic model respectively. The annual total benefits value based on the truncated mean WTP is estimated at 3,870 million won in the log-normal model and 4,040 million won in log-logistic model. The result of this study will provide useful guide to policy makers and developers who fully realize the value of public goods.

The Effect of Restaurant Owners' Perceived Benefits and Sacrifices on the Continuous Use Intention of Food Delivery App Services: Focusing on the Value-Based Adoption Model (외식업 점주의 배달앱 서비스 이용에 대한 지각된 혜택 및 희생이 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향: 가치기반수용모델을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Young Seok;Song, Jae Min;Yang, Sung Byung
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.215-241
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    • 2021
  • Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of perceived value on the intention of continuous use of food delivery app services form the perspective of restaurant owners. We adopt the value-based acceptance model (VAM) in order to derive influential factors (i.e., perceived benefits and perceived sacrifices) that affect perceived value, which in turn leads to the continuous use of food delivery app services. In addition, the moderating role of restaurant type in the relationship between perceived benefits/sacrifices and perceived value. Design/methodology/approach An online survey was conducted on restaurant owners who are using domestic food delivery app services. Samples were collected using the quota sampling method in accordance with the current market share of food delivery app services. A total of 235 participants (restaurant owners) were identified as a valid sample and used for the final analysis. Findings Research findings of the study are as follows. First, sales increase and operational effort decrease among perceived benefits had a significant positive impact on perceived value. Second, perceived cost among perceived sacrifices had a significant negative impact on perceived value. Third, perceived value had a significant positive effect on the intention of continuous use. Finally, the moderating role of restaurant type was found only in the effect of operational effort decrease on perceived value.

Legal Issues Regarding the Civil Injunction Against the Drone Flight (토지 상공에서의 드론의 비행자유에 대한 제한과 법률적 쟁점)

  • Shin, Hong-Kyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.75-111
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    • 2020
  • The civilian drone world has evolved in recent years from one dominated by hobbyists to growing involvement by companies seeking to profit from unmanned flight in everything from infrastructure inspections to drone deliveries that are already subject to regulations. Drone flight under the property right relation with the land owner would be deemed legal on the condition that expeditious and innocent passage of drone flight over the land be assured. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) enshrines the concept of innocent passage through a coastal state's territorial sea. Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal state. A vessel in innocent passage may traverse the coastal state's territorial sea continuously and expeditiously, not stopping or anchoring except in force majeure situations. However, the disturbances caused by drone flight may be removed, which is defined as infringement against the constitutional interest of personal rights. For example, aggressive infringement against privacy and personal freedom may be committed by drone more easily than ever before, and than other means. The cost-benefit analysis, however, has been recognjzed as effective criteria regarding the removal of disturbances or injunction decision. Applying that analysis, the civil action against such infringement may not find suitable basis for making a good case. Because the removal of such infringement through civil actions may result in only the deletion of journal article. The injunction of drone flight before taking the information would not be obtainable through civil action, Therefore, more detailed and meticulous regulation and criteria in public law domain may be preferable than civil action, at present time. It may be suitable for legal stability and drone industry to set up the detailed public regulations restricting the free flight of drone capable of acquiring visual information amounting to the infrigement against the right of personal information security.

Efficiency Evaluation of Mobile Emission Reduction Countermeasures Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach (자료포락분석(DEA) 기법을 활용한 도로이동오염원 저감대책의 효율성 분석)

  • Park, Kwan Hwee;Lee, Kyu Jin;Choi, Keechoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2014
  • This study evaluated the relative efficiency of mobile emission reduction countermeasures through a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach and determined the priority of countermeasures based on the efficiency. Ten countermeasures currently applied for reducing greenhouse gases and air pollution materials were selected to make a scenario for evaluation. The reduction volumes of four air pollution materials(CO, HC, NOX, PM) and three greenhouse gases(CO2, CH4, N2O) for the year 2027, which is the last target year, were calculated by utilizing both a travel demand forecasting model and variable composite emission factors with respect to future travel patterns. To estimate the relative effectiveness of reduction countermeasures, this study performed a super-efficiency analysis among the Data Envelopment Analysis models. It was found that expanding the participation in self car-free day program was the most superior reduction measurement with 1.879 efficiency points, followed by expansion of exclusive bus lanes and promotion of CNG hybrid bus diffusion. The results of this study do not represent the absolute data for prioritizing reduction countermeasures for mobile greenhouse gases and air pollution materials. However, in terms of presenting the direction for establishing reduction countermeasures, this study may contribute to policy selection for mobile emission reduction measures and the establishment of systematic mid- and long-term reduction measures.