• Title/Summary/Keyword: Core Courses

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Nursing Curriculum Development for the 21st Century - Need assessment and development of conceptual framework - (21세기를 향한 전문대학 간호교육과정 개발 - 요구사정, 개념틀 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kap-Soon;Lee, Young-Hee;Eun, Young;Koh, Myung-Sook;Bae, Young-Sook;Hong, Soon-Kyun;Lee, Sook-Hee;Kim, Jung-Sun;Kim, Eun-Hee;Lee, Soo-Yeoun;Suh, Soong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.2
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    • pp.56-74
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    • 1996
  • In order to prepare for the coming twenty-first century and to meet changing social demands and health needs, it is necessary to improve the curriculum through development of new conceptual frameworks. The purposes of this study were : 1) to assess the needs of the curriculum of the students, the faculty, the graduates, and the nursing supervisors and head murses ; 2) to develop the conceptual framework which includes philosophy and goals of nursing education based upon needs assessment ; 3) to develop level objectives ; 4) to identigy the contents of the curriculum ; 5) and to develop the faculty. The curriculum was assessed and developed from April, 1995 to March, 1996 through twenty four weekly meetings, two seminars, and two workshops. The process and results of this study are as follows : 1. A needs assessment of the present curriculum was done of the 194 students, 177 graduates, 14 faculty members, and 60 nursing administrators in 5 main areas (objectives, planning and organization, teaching-learning process and methods, evaluation, revision of curriculum). The results showed that there were many descrepancies between expectations and actual situations in all the groups and in all the areas. This implies that there was a necessity for total curriculum revision. 2. To develop the conceptual framework, 1) the core concepts were identified(man, health, environment, and nursing) on the basis of the existing educational philosophy and educational objectives of our school, elicited by group discussions using the nominal group method, one of the needs assessment methods, the philosophy and objectives were restated. 2) Six essential componednts were indentified for the conceptual framework from the restated philosophy and objectives ; nursing process, communication, professional roles, client, health, and nursing. The vertical theread consists of the client and health/nursing ; and the horizontal thread consists of nursing process, communication, and professional roles. 3. The contents of the curriculum were selected on the basis of the educational objectives and organized according to the conceptual framework. 4. The level objectives were then restated. It is expected that the objectives of our school will be accomphished through developing the courses, choosing and Implementing, more effective teaching-learning methods, and evaluating the efficacy of changes implemented. The most important factor will be to continually upgrade the faculty and their teaching skills.

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The Curriculum Effectiveness Analysis for Improvement of Self-management Leadership Competency (자기관리 리더십 역량 향상을 위한 교과과정 효과성 분석)

  • Shim, Tae Eun;Lee, Song Yi;Kim, Yu Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.513-523
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    • 2017
  • aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of improved self - management leadership competence through 'self - management leadership'. This study aims to contribute to the development of self - management competency curriculum of universities. The subjects of this study were students who took core competency classes at D university in Seoul. The study group consisted of 221 subjects in the experimental group,who took the contents and 204 participants in the control group,who did not take the contents. The experimental group showed higher improvement than the control group. The experimental group showed greater improvement. In addition, the goal management competence was the highest in terms of the improved competence recognized by students who took courses in self-management and leadership. An analysis of the perceptions about self-management leadership competence enhancement showed that among self-management, goal management, relationship formation, leadership, collaboration, an goal management competence was improved the most. In the self - management domain, the highest improvement was observed in the areas of personality, self - reflection, self - confidence. In the goal management area, the areas of time management, goal setting, and vision were the most improved. Communication, listening, interpersonal relationship, and coaching questions showed the most perceived improvement among the relationship formation. In terms of leadership competency, problem solving and influence were the most improved areas, For collaboration competency, it was found that competency was the most improved at team play.

Evaluating Various Nitrogen Sources for Divot Recovery on Creeping bentgrass (Creeping bentgrass의 생육과 디봇피해 회복을 위한 질소의 유형별 효과)

  • Lee, Sang-Kook
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2012
  • Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) is one of the most popular turfgrasses for high-quality playing surface such as putting green on golf courses and athletic fields. Continues damage such as divot injury on creeping bentgrass is major issue to maintain golf course properly. Although plentiful researches to maximize divot resistance have been reported, minimal research has focused on relation between nitrogen (N) sources and divot resistance. The study was conducted to determine the effect of N source for turfgrass divot recovery and overall tee performance. Eleven fertilizer treatments as N sources were applied to creeping bentgrass 'Penncross'. Before the first application, divot injuries were simulated by removing a core of soil and turfgrass from established plots and backfilling with native soil. Data collection included turfgrass color and quality. N release speed did not influenced divot recovery. Frequency of urea application had no effects on divot recovery. Urea with split application had no difference with no treatment for divot recovery. Polyon product especially polyon mini (41-0-0) had the best performance for divot recovery and for maintaining better turfgrass quality. Overall, small particle size of slow-release N form would influence creeping bentgrasss to recover divot damage.

The Effects of Application of PBL(Problem-Based Learning) Class on Nursing Education (간호교육에서 PBL(Problem-Based Learning) 수업의 적용 효과)

  • Kang, Ji-Soon;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Joo-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1460-1471
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    • 2019
  • This study applied the PBL class to the 'Nursing Process and Critical Thinking' courses in the second semester of 2018, and is a primitive research that utilized a single-group, pretest-posttest experimental design in order to examine the effects of the class on Critical Thinking Disposition, Problem Solving Ability, and Professional Self-Concept. Self-report questionnaires were administered to 59 nursing college students in G province. The PBL class consisted of 8 weeks of traditional lectures and 4 weeks of PBL classes. The SPSS/WIN 23.0 program was used for data analysis. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze the general characteristics, and mean, standard deviation and paired t-test were used to analyze the difference between the two groups. As a result, the Critical thinking Disposition of nursing college students was significantly increased(t=4.39, p<.001) after PBL class(3.71±.36) than before PBL class(3.41±.40). The Problem Solving Ability was notably improved(t=3.97, p<.001) after PBL class(3.70±.59) than before PBL class(3.36±.38). The Professional Self-Concept was considerably increased(t=4.84, p<.001) after PBL class(3.22±.50) compared to before PBL class(2.92±.28). Therefore, applying Problem-Based Learning in nursing education to a greater extent is estimated to be effective in increasing the core competencies of nursing college students.

MIS Curriculum : The Current State of the Art and a Proposed Future Model (MIS 커리큘럼 현황 및 발전모델)

  • Lee, Kuk-Hie;Kim, Sung-Kun;Lee, Jo-Hn;Kim, Yong-Jae;Lee, Ho-Joon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2007
  • Recently, Korean universities have experienced steady decline in enrollments in MIS majors, which raises a serious concern to both academia and business leaders as well. With roles of MIS in corporate worlds are expanding and demands for newer breeds of MIS graduates ever growing, this trend, also observed in the US, poses a puzzling yet interesting research agenda. To come to grips with the problem and to suggest a robust curricula model for the future, this paper approaches the problem from various angles. The model first examines perceptions on MIS of Korean students; it then delineates existing curricula models to identify core MIS courses. The compilation is then juxtaposed by MIS course information from major US and Korean colleges, leading to categorizing major MIS subfields. The paper then tries to identify as-is and desired status of MIS curriculum, based on inquiry results from both academia and IS practitioners. Together with career tracks concretely described in this paper, the model would serve to fill the perception gaps in and to meet the future goals for MIS education in Korea.

A Survey of Elementary school teachers' perceptions of mathematics instruction (수학수업에 대한 초등교사의 인식 조사)

  • Kwon, Sungyong
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.253-266
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the study was to investigate the perceptions of Elementary school teachers on mathematics instruction. To do this, 7 test items were developed to obtain data on teacher's perception of mathematics instruction and 73 teachers who take mathematical lesson analysis lectures were selected and conducted a survey. Since the data obtained are all qualitative data, they were analyzed through coding and similar responses were grouped into the same category. As a result of the survey, several facts were found as follow; First, When teachers thought about 'mathematics', the first words that come to mind were 'calculation', 'difficult', and 'logic'. It is necessary for the teacher to have positive thoughts on mathematics and mathematics learning, and this needs to be stressed enough in teacher education and teacher retraining. Second, the reason why mathematics is an important subject is 'because it is related to the real life', followed by 'because it gives rise to logical thinking ability' and 'because it gives rise to mathematical thinking ability'. These ideas are related to the cultivating mind value and the practical value of mathematics. In order for students to understand the various values of mathematics, teachers must understand the various values of mathematics. Third, the responses for reasons why elementary school students hate mathematics and are hard are because teachers demand 'thinking', 'because they repeat simple calculations', 'children hate complicated things', 'bother', 'Because mathematics itself is difficult', 'the level of curriculum and textbooks is high', and 'the amount of time and activity is too much'. These problems are likely to be improved by the implementation of revised 2015 national curriculum that emphasize core competence and process-based evaluation including mathematical processes. Fourth, the most common reason for failing elementary school mathematics instruction was 'because the process was difficult' and 'because of the results-based evaluation'. In addition, 'Results-oriented evaluation,' 'iterative calculation,' 'infused education,' 'failure to consider the level difference,' 'lack of conceptual and principle-centered education' were mentioned as a failure factor. Most of these factors can be changed by improving and changing teachers' teaching practice. Fifth, the responses for what does a desirable mathematics instruction look like are 'classroom related to real life', 'easy and fun mathematics lessons', 'class emphasizing understanding of principle', etc. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply deal with the related contents in the training courses for the improvement of the teachers' teaching practice, and it is necessary to support not only the one-time training but also the continuous professional development of teachers.

Design and Implementation of Interface System for Swarm USVs Simulation Based on Hybrid Mission Planning (하이브리드형 임무계획을 고려한 군집 무인수상정 시뮬레이션 시스템의 연동 인터페이스 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Hee-Mun;Joo, Hak-Jong;Seo, Kyung-Min;Choi, Young Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • Defense fields widely operate unmanned systems to lower vulnerability and enhance combat effectiveness. In the navy, swarm unmanned surface vehicles(USVs) form a cluster within communication range, share situational awareness information among the USVs, and cooperate with them to conduct military missions. This paper proposes an interface system, i.e., Interface Adapter System(IAS), to achieve inter-USV and intra-USV interoperability. We focus on the mission planning subsystem(MPS) for interoperability, which is the core subsystem of the USV to decide courses of action such as automatic path generation and weapon assignments. The central role of the proposed system is to exchange interface data between MPSs and other subsystems in real-time. To this end, we analyzed the operational requirements of the MPS and identified interface messages. Then we developed the IAS using the distributed real-time middleware. As experiments, we conducted several integration tests at swarm USVs simulation environment and measured delay time and loss ratio of interface messages. We expect that the proposed IAS successfully provides bridge roles between the mission planning system and other subsystems.

Earth Science Prospective Teachers' Perceptions on Equilibrium and Interaction Concepts in Earth's Radiative Equilibrium (지구의 복사 평형에서 평형과 상호 작용 개념에 대한 예비 지구과학 교사들의 인식)

  • Joo Hyeon Hong;Eun-Kyoung Seo
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2023
  • This study examines how prospective earth science teachers perceive the concept of "equilibrium" and "interaction between Earth's spheres" in understanding Earth's radiative equilibrium and tries to identify their misconceptions. For this purpose, a questionnaire was designed and put to them to look into their thought flow based on the items that appeared in the national level evaluation. As a result of analyzing their answers, even though all the prospective teachers correctly described the concept of radiative equilibrium, about 90% of them did not apply the concept of radiative equilibrium to the new environment of the Earth without atmosphere. They do not seem to be able to smoothly derive the concept of a new 'interaction' between the changed regions and a new 'equilibrium' that will be reached over a long period of time. In this respect, it is likely that the textbooks had some influence on the formation of their concepts. In particular, high school Earth Science textbooks describe the Earth's radiation equilibrium in a quantitative manner, focusing on the heat budget of the equilibrium state rather than the process of reaching radiation equilibrium. Such an approach of textbooks might be an obstacle to fostering students into creative convergence-type talents pursued in the 2015 revised curriculum. Meanwhile, in order to eliminate the misconceptions of students often found in the understanding of Earth's radiation equilibrium, this study suggests that the core concepts need to be dealt with more attention even in college courses for training prospective teachers.

A Study on the Implementation of a Community-based LIS Capstone Course: Developing the 21st Century Skills of Preservice Librarians through Human Library Projects (지역사회협력 기반 문헌정보학 캡스톤 교과목 개발과 운영에 관한 연구 - 휴먼라이브러리 프로젝트 수행을 통한 21세기 학습 기술 강화를 중심으로 -)

  • Jisue Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.379-408
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    • 2023
  • This case study reports on the redevelopment of a course, Local Culture Information Theory offered by the Department of Library and Information Science at C University, into a capstone design course using a project-based learning approach. In collaboration with a local community youth organization, the redesigned course provided an opportunity for LIS students to develop and implement a digital literacy program that enabled high school students to use a variety of digital multimedia technologies to complete a project of digital Human Library featuring video, audio, and digital are such as webtoons. Through semi-structured interviews with 5 students and 3 staff from partner organizations, this study reports on course development process, the establishment of local partnerships, project outcome, as well as suggestions for improvements. In addition, a qualitative analysis of the participating students' interview responses using the Framework for 21st Century Learning (P21) found they developed and improved 11 skills across three core areas: life and career skills including self-direction, project management, collaboration with diverse teams, flexibility, responsibility, leadership; learning and innovation skills including communication and collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking; and information, media, and technology skills through media creation. Lessons learned and recommendations from this case study may be useful for other LIS programs and faculty interested in implementing project-based learning or developing capstone design courses.

Perceptions of Information Technology Competencies among Gifted and Non-gifted High School Students (영재와 평재 고등학생의 IT 역량에 대한 인식)

  • Shin, Min;Ahn, Doehee
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.339-358
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    • 2015
  • This study was to examine perceptions of information technology(IT) competencies among gifted and non-gifted students(i.e., information science high school students and technical high school students). Of the 370 high school students surveyed from 3 high schools(i.e., gifted academy, information science high school, and technical high school) in three metropolitan cities, Korea, 351 students completed and returned the questionnaires yielding a total response rate of 94.86%. High school students recognized the IT professional competence as being most important when recruiting IT employees. And they considered that practice-oriented education was the most importantly needed to improve their IT skills. In addition, the most important sub-factors of IT core competencies among gifted academy students and information science high school students were basic software skills. Also Technical high school students responded that the main network and security capabilities were the most importantly needed to do so. Finally, the most appropriate training courses for enhancing IT competencies were recognized differently among gifted and non-gifted students. Gifted academy students responded that the 'algorithm' was the mostly needed for enhancing IT competencies, whereas information science high school students responded that 'data structures' and 'computer architecture' were mostly needed to do. For technical high school students, they responded that a 'programming language' course was the most needed to do so. Results are discussed in relations to IT corporate and school settings.