• Title/Summary/Keyword: Convergence GIS

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A Study on the Development of Smart Water Grid Service (스마트 워터 그리드 서비스 Framework 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong Hoon;Oh, Hyunje;Jung, Jinhong;Kim, Weonjae;Yoon, Young H.
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.6143-6150
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    • 2012
  • The current society, namely information society is now moving to a specific topic which is SMART. In this sense, recently a variety of social areas including communications and SOC domains are moving fast to this topic. In Korea, The electric power area has been doing a pioneering job relatively successfully and the water supply area is just now taking the first step. The purpose of this research is to develop a technical Framework for Smart Water Grid Service. Related researches has been studied and the 4 constituting technical element areas were defined first. For each of the four areas, a framework modeling was fulfilled and as a result, a TRM(Technical Road Map) was suggested for each of the area. Finally, an Enterprise TRM covering all of the 4 areas was described. Furthermore, the currently suggested Framework model was compared to a related model and it was found that the integration of the models is desirable to wholly cover from Macro to Micro level applications and services. It is expected that the current approach contribute, more or less, to the smart implementation in the areas of water management.

Variation of Landslide Risk with Parameters (매개변수에 따른 산사태 위험도의 변화)

  • Lee, Jundae;Kwon, Youngcheul;Bae, Wooseok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2018
  • In this study we performed risk evaluation based on parameters using the SINMAP, GIS-based extended program in order to predict ground disaster that is frequent recently. As for the risk evaluation, in order to understand the effects of parameters, we defined that the ranges of internal friction angles and T/R values as important variables had three and four patterns, respectively. The results of the interpretation were compared with those of the existing landslide in order to identify landslide flow and to evaluate the applicability of the parameters. The analysis of the geomorphologic saturated zone showed that the boundary saturated zone and the saturated zone were almost consistent with the site of avalanche of earth and rocks and the area of underground water convergence was correlated to the area where collapse started, indicating that the geomorphologic saturated zone may serve as an index for estimating possibility of landslide when used with slope distribution, colluvial soil, and structures inducing landslide in combination. When the lower limit of the internal friction angle increased more, the upper threshold decreased by 50 to 70% and the influence on the stability index was higher, but the influence was declined within the range of lower wetness index. The analysis of changes based on wetness index range showed that all the groups have similar SI distribution, except for the one in which mean altitude values are applied, indicating that the results are susceptible more by the internal friction angle than by the wetness index.

Functional Requirements to Develop the Marine Navigation Supporting System for Northern Sea Route (북극해 안전운항 지원시스템 구축을 위한 기능적 요구조건 도출)

  • Hong, Sung Chul;Kim, Sun Hwa;Yang, Chan Su
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2014
  • International attention on the Northern Sea Route has been increased as the decreased sea-ice extents in Northern Sea raise the possibility to develop new sea routes and natural resources. However, to protect ships' safety and pristine environments in polar waters, International Maritime Organization(IMO) has been developing the Polar Code to regulate polar shipping. The marine navigation supporting system is essential for ships traveling long distance in the Northern Sea as they are affected by ocean weather and sea-ice. Therefore, to cope with the IMO Polar Code, this research proposes the functional requirements to develop the marine navigation supporting system for the Northern Sea Route. The functional requirements derived from the IMO Polar code consist of arctic voyage risk map, arctic voyage planning and MSI(Marine Safety Information) methods, based on which the navigation supporting system is able to provide dynamic and safe-economical sea route service using the sea-ice observation and prediction technologies. Also, a requirement of the system application is derived to apply the marine navigation supporting system for authorizing ships operating in the Northern Sea. To reflect the proposed system in the Polar Code, continual international exchange and policy proposals are necessary along with the development of sea-ice observation and prediction technologies.

A Study on the Use of Grid-based Spatial Information for Response to Typhoons (태풍대응을 위한 격자 기반 공간정보 활용방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Byungju;Lee, Junwoo;Kim, Dongeun;Kim, Jangwook
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: To reduce the damage caused by continuously occurring typhoons, we proposed a standardized grid so that it could be actively utilized in the prevention and preparation stage of typhoon response. We established grid-based convergence information on the typhoon risk area so that we showed the effectiveness of information used in disaster response. Method: To generate convergent information on typhoon hazard areas that can be useful in responding to typhoon situation, we used various types of data such as vector and raster to establish typhoon hazard area small grid-based information. A standardized grid model was applied for compatibility with already produced information and for compatibility of grid information generated by each local government. Result: By applying the grid system of National branch license plates, a grid of typhoon risk areas in Seoul was constructed that can be usefully used when responding to typhoon situations. The grid system of National branch license plates defines the grid size of a multi-dimensional hierarchical structure. And a grid of typhoon risk areas in Seoul was constructed using grids of 100m and 1,000m. Conclusion: Using real-time 5km resolution grid based weather information provided by Korea Meteorological Administration, in the future, it is possible to derive near-future typhoon hazard areas according to typhoon travel route prediction. In addition, the national branch number grid system can be expanded to global grid systems for global response to various disasters.

Interregional Variant Factor Analysis of Hypertension Treatment Rate in COVID-19 (코로나19에서 고혈압 치료율의 지역 간 변이요인 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.469-482
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze regional variation factors of hypertension treatment rate in COVID-19 based on the analysis results based on ecological methodology. To this end, data suitable for ecological analysis were collected from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's regional health statistics, local government COVID-19 confirmed cases, National Health Insurance Corporation, Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service's welfare statistics, and Korea Transport Institute's traffic access index. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were conducted using SPSS Statistics 23 for regional variation and related factors in hypertension treatment rate, and geographical weighted regression analysis was conducted using Arc GIS for regional variation factors. As a result of the study, the overall explanatory power of the calculated geo-weighted regression model was 27.6%, distributed from 23.1% to 33.4% by region. As factors affecting the treatment rate of hypertension, the higher the rate of basic living security medical benefits, diabetes treatment rate, and health institutions per 100,000 population, the higher the rate of hypertension treatment, the lower the number of COVID-19 confirmed patients, the lower the rate of physical activity, and the alcohol consumption. Percentage of alcohol consumption decreased due to COVID-19 pandemic. It was analyzed that the lower the ratio, the higher the treatment rate for hypertension. Based on these results, the analysis of regional variables in the treatment rate of hypertension in COVID-19 can be expected to be effective in managing the treatment rate of hypertension, and furthermore, it is expected to be used to establish community-centered health promotion policies.

Estimation of Employment Creation Center considering Spatial Autocorrelation: A Case of Changwon City (공간자기상관을 고려한 고용창출중심지 추정: 창원시 사례를 중심으로)

  • JEONG, Ha-Yeong;LEE, Tai-Hun;HWANG, In-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.77-100
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    • 2022
  • In the era of low growth, many provincial cities are experiencing population decline and aging. Population decline phenomena such as reduction of productive manpower, reduction of finances, deterioration of quality of life, and collapse of the community base are occurring in a chain and are being pushed to the brink of extinction of the cities. This study aims to propose a methodology to objectively estimate the employment creation centers and setting the basic unit of industrial-centered zoning by applying spatial statistical techniques and GIS for the application of the compact city plan as an efficient spatial management policy in a city with a declining population. In details, based on reviewing previous studies on compact city, 'employment complex index(ECI)' were defined considering the number of workers, the number of settlers, and the area of development land, the employment creation center was estimated by applying the 'Local Moran's I' and 'Getis-Ord's Hot-Spot Analysis'. As a case study, changes in the four years of 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019 were compared and analyzed for Changwon City. As a result, it was confirmed that the employment creation center is becoming compacted and polycentric, which is a significant result that reflects the actual situation well. This results provide the basic data for functional and institutional territorial governance for the regional revitalization platform, and provide meaningful information necessary for spatial policy decision-making, such as population reduction, regional gross domestic product, and public facility arrangement that can respond to energy savings, transportation plans, and medical and health plans.

Smart City Techniques for Urban Regeneration Research on the Application to Local Cities : A Case of Samho District, Yangsan-City (도시재생 활성화를 위한 스마트도시 기법 지방도시 적용에 관한 연구 -양산시 삼호지구를 중심으로-)

  • Seung-Jong HA;Tae-Kyung BAEK
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 2024
  • This study sought to introduce smart urban regeneration to solve the problem of aging and substandard housing in large cities that occurred during the rapid industrialization and urbanization of local cities in Korea. Accordingly, this study aims to activative the old downtown through the convergence of the existing urban regeneration project and smart city project and to improve the physical, social, and economic aspects. As a research method, the literature related to smart cities and urban regeneration was systematically reviewed, and the possibility of introducing smart city services in the Samho-dong district of Yangsan City was explored through domestic and foreign case analysis. As a result of the research, the necessity of smart urban regeneration was highlighted, and the conclusion was reached that it is important to improve the efficiency of urban regeneration projects by using information and communication technology and strengthen sustainability by urban regeneration. This study is expected to contribute to the activative the old downtown and the improvement of the quality of life of citizens, and it is necessary to strengthen the interaction between smart city and urban regeneration in the future, and the introduction of smart city services suitable for local characteristics is judged to play an important role in sustainable urban development through local community and citizen participation.

Research on Improvement of GPS Altitude Accuracy in NLOS Environment by Applying VDOP-Based Weighting (VDOP 기반 가중치 적용을 통한 NLOS 환경에서의 GPS 고도 정확도 향상 연구)

  • Kyoung-Hun Kim;Seongwoo Lee;Byungsun Hwang;Joonho Seon;Jinwook Kim;Jeongho Kim;Soo-Hyun Kim;Jin-Young Kim
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2024
  • In modern society, the global positioning system (GPS) has become a cornerstone of numerous technological applications including aviation, drones, and geographic information systems (GIS). However, the accuracy of GPS signals can be adversely affected in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments due to signal reflection and scattering caused by obstacles such as buildings and mountainous terrain. This paper proposes the enhanced-altitude adaptive Kalman filter (EAAKF), which adjusts the measurement noise covariance using vertical dilution of precision (VDOP) information to mitigate altitude errors in GPS measurements in NLOS environments. By adjusting the measurement noise covariance based on the measured VDOP values, the EAAKF adapts to dynamic conditions. A performance comparison through GPS altitude measurements indicates that the proposed EAAKF improves performance by approximately 63.5% compared to the traditional Kalman filter. The results show that the EAAKF model proposed in this paper improves the estimation precision over the conventional Kalman filter for altitude estimation using GPS signals.

CAS 500-1/2 Image Utilization Technology and System Development: Achievement and Contribution (국토위성정보 활용기술 및 운영시스템 개발: 성과 및 의의)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joo;Son, Jonghwan;Park, Hyeongjun;Seo, Junghoon;Lee, Yoojin;Ban, Seunghwan;Choi, Jae-Seung;Kim, Byung-Guk;Lee, Hyun jik;Lee, Kyu-sung;Kweon, Ki-Eok;Lee, Kye-Dong;Jung, Hyung-sup;Choung, Yun-Jae;Choi, Hyun;Koo, Daesung;Choi, Myungjin;Shin, Yunsoo;Choi, Jaewan;Eo, Yang-Dam;Jeong, Jong-chul;Han, Youkyung;Oh, Jaehong;Rhee, Sooahm;Chang, Eunmi;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.867-879
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    • 2020
  • As the era of space technology utilization is approaching, the launch of CAS (Compact Advanced Satellite) 500-1/2 satellites is scheduled during 2021 for acquisition of high-resolution images. Accordingly, the increase of image usability and processing efficiency has been emphasized as key design concepts of the CAS 500-1/2 ground station. In this regard, "CAS 500-1/2 Image Acquisition and Utilization Technology Development" project has been carried out to develop core technologies and processing systems for CAS 500-1/2 data collecting, processing, managing and distributing. In this paper, we introduce the results of the above project. We developed an operation system to generate precision images automatically with GCP (Ground Control Point) chip DB (Database) and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) DB over the entire Korean peninsula. We also developed the system to produce ortho-rectified images indexed to 1:5,000 map grids, and hence set a foundation for ARD (Analysis Ready Data)system. In addition, we linked various application software to the operation system and systematically produce mosaic images, DSM (Digital Surface Model)/DTM (Digital Terrain Model), spatial feature thematic map, and change detection thematic map. The major contribution of the developed system and technologies includes that precision images are to be automatically generated using GCP chip DB for the first time in Korea and the various utilization product technologies incorporated into the operation system of a satellite ground station. The developed operation system has been installed on Korea Land Observation Satellite Information Center of the NGII (National Geographic Information Institute). We expect the system to contribute greatly to the center's work and provide a standard for future ground station systems of earth observation satellites.