• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Machine and Equipment

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The Optimum Selection and Drawing Output Program Development of Shell & Tube Type Oil Cooler (원통다관 형 오일냉각기의 최적선정 및 도면 출력 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Y.B.;Ko, J.M.;Kim, T.S.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05b
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    • pp.2609-2614
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    • 2007
  • Shell & Tube type Oil Cooler is widely used for hydraulic presses, die casting machines, generation equipments, machine tools and construction heavy machinery. Temperature of oil in the hydraulic system changes viscosity and thickness of oil film. They have a bad effect to performance and lubrication of hydraulic machinery, so it is important to know exactly the heat exchanging efficiency of oil cooler for controlling oil temperature. But most Korean manufacturers do not have test equipment for oil cooler, so they cannot carry out the efficiency test of oil cooler and it is impossible to verify its performance. This paper includes information of construction of necessary utilities for oil cooler test and design and manufacture of test equipment. One can select the optimum product by obtaining performance data through tests of various kinds of oil coolers. And also the paper developed a program which can be easily used for design of 2D and 3D drawings of oil cooler.

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Analysis on the Falling Risk of Building Electric Shutter and Reduction Measures (건축물 전동셔터 추락 리스크 분석 및 저감 방안)

  • Jung, Young-Min;Bang, Hong-Soon;Kim, Ok-Kyue
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.295-296
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    • 2021
  • With the recent diversification and complication of buildings, the functions of building are also developing. As much as the development of buildings, the machine or equipment used for them is also developing. Thus, all sorts of domestic/foreign industrial facilities and fire stations in the whole nation are using the electric shutter that could meet the insulation just like the exterior wall of general buildings, for bringing-in/storage and crime prevention/fire prevention. Currently, various types of electric shutters are used. Such wrong operation and poor management are causing many panel-falling accidents. This study researched the reduction of electric shutter panel-falling risk by reviewing the domestic/foreign laws and standards, and researching the new safety equipment. First, the causes for falling and accident types were drawn by analyzing the cases of electric shutter accidents. After that, a checklist as the measures for reducing the falling of electric shutter in building was suggested by analyzing the items for the inspection of electric shutter.

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Effects of foam core density and face-sheet thickness on the mechanical properties of aluminum foam sandwich

  • Yan, Chang;Song, Xuding
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1145-1156
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    • 2016
  • To study the effects of foam core density and face-sheet thickness on the mechanical properties and failure modes of aluminum foam sandwich (AFS) beam, especially when the aluminum foam core is made in aluminum alloy and the face sheet thickness is less than 1.5 mm, three-point bending tests were investigated experimentally by using WDW-50E electronic universal tensile testing machine. Load-displacement curves were recorded to understand the mechanical response and photographs were taken to capture the deformation process of the composite structures. Results demonstrated that when foam core was combined with face-sheet thickness of 0.8 mm, its carrying capacity improved with the increase of core density. But when the thickness of face-sheet increased from 0.8 mm to 1.2 mm, result was opposite. For AFS with the same core density, their carrying capacity increased with the face-sheet thickness, but failure modes of thin face-sheet AFS were completely different from the thick face-sheet AFS. There were three failure modes in the present research: yield damage of both core and bottom face-sheet (Failure mode I), yield damage of foam core (Failure mode II), debonding between the adhesive interface (Failure mode III).

A Study on Fault Classification of Machining Center using Acceleration Data Based on 1D CNN Algorithm (1D CNN 알고리즘 기반의 가속도 데이터를 이용한 머시닝 센터의 고장 분류 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Wook;Jang, Jin-Seok;Yang, Min-Seok;Kang, Ji-Heon;Kim, Kun-Woo;Cho, Young-Jae;Lee, Jae-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2019
  • The structure of the machinery industry due to the 4th industrial revolution is changing from precision and durability to intelligent and smart machinery through sensing and interconnection(IoT). There is a growing need for research on prognostics and health management(PHM) that can prevent abnormalities in processing machines and accurately predict and diagnose conditions. PHM is a technology that monitors the condition of a mechanical system, diagnoses signs of failure, and predicts the remaining life of the object. In this study, the vibration generated during machining is measured and a classification algorithm for normal and fault signals is developed. Arbitrary fault signal is collected by changing the conditions of un stable supply cutting oil and fixing jig. The signal processing is performed to apply the measured signal to the learning model. The sampling rate is changed for high speed operation and performed machine learning using raw signal without FFT. The fault classification algorithm for 1D convolution neural network composed of 2 convolution layers is developed.

Surface Texturing in Hydraulic Machine Components for Friction Reduction (Surface Texturing에 의한 유압부품의 마찰저감)

  • Park, Tae Jo;Kim, Min Gyu
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2016
  • In hydraulic machinery, the hydraulic fluid acts primarily as working fluid and secondarily as a lubricant. Hence, the viscous friction force acting on the sliding components should be reduced to improve the mechanical efficiency. It is now well known that the surface texturing is a useful method for friction reduction. In this study, using a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, FLUENT, the lubrication characteristics of a surface textured slider bearing under high boundary pressure difference is studied. The streamlines, velocity profiles, pressure distributions, load capacity, friction force and leakage flowrate are highly affected by the film thickness ratio and the textured region. Partial texturing at the inlet region of the inclined slider bearing can reduce both friction force and leakage flowrate than in the untextured case. The present results can be used to improve the lubrication characteristics of hydraulic machinery.

Disc Cutter Consumptions Prediction on Applying Shield TBM at the Han Riverbed Tunnel (한강하저터널의 쉴드TBM 적용시 디스크 커터 소모량 예측과 소모량)

  • Choi, Jung-Myung;Jung, Hyuk-Sang;Chun, Byung-Sik;Lee, Yong-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.562-570
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to estimate the number of disc cutter consumption and to predict amount of disc cutters when a shield TBM(Tunnel Boring Machine) of the Han Riverbed Tunnel was applied. In fact, it is almost impossible to change the machine after starting the excavation using the shield TBM method. Therefore, it is important to design an appropriate equipment in the shield method - an efficiency choice of the operation equipment plays a key role in the shield tunnel processing. For the above reason, the disc cutter consumption prediction is quite important so that the detailed analysis is required. A number of disc cutter consumption was predicted by the three methods, viz. KOMATSU, MITSUBISHI and NTNU. In addition, the predicted results were compared with field data. The prediction of disc cutter consumption showed that 237 for KOMATSU, 501 for MITSUBISHI, and 634 for NTNU, respectively. However, a total number of 1,263 disc cutter consumption were investigated during the tunnel construction. It was found that there was a huge difference between the predicted and real values of the disc cutter consumption. The more detailed investigation showed that the disc cutter was worn out bluntly in the northbound tunnel, meanwhile it was worn out sharply in the southbound tunnel. In particular, the disc cutter consumption in the southbound tunnel was increased rapidly because of rear abrasion for remaining mucks in the chamber.

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The Improvement of Tunnel Construction Cost Standards Considering the Site Conditions in Korea (현장실태를 고려한 국내 터널공사 공사비산정기준 개선)

  • Ahn, Bang-Ryul;Lee, Han-Soo;Oh, Jae-Hoon;Song, Tae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2020
  • Tunnel construction is an important part of Korean public construction projects. Although the development of various equipment and technologies has led to advances in tunnel construction methods that are implemented on sites, the cost standards related to such works do not yet reflect the realities of the construction sites. A literature review and site surveys were conducted to suggest reasonable cost standards for tunnel work that reflects the realities of the field. First, each item in the cost standards for tunnel work, as established in the Construction Standard Production Rates, were analyzed. The results were compared with the actual costs implemented on tunnel projects. The key items analyzed included those regarding the work cycle time, such as rock classification, profiling survey, drilling speed, and muck-disposal processing equipment combination, as well as the number of people put to tunneling work. Based on the site survey results, improved estimates regarding the cycle time per one tunnel drilling blast, drilling speed of the machine, muck disposal processing equipment combination, and the number of people put to tunneling work were suggested. This study suggests the cost standards that reflect the realities of tunneling sites. The results are expected to help ensure adequate costs for tunnel construction projects.

Noise Generation Characteristic for Tunnel Construction Equipments (건설장비에 의한 터널작업의 소음환경 실태)

  • Jang, Jae-Kil;Kim, Kab Bae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.841-849
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    • 2013
  • Workers engaged in construction works have been exposed to high levels of noise during their work in tunnels. Noise is one of the major health hazards for employees working in construction sites. The aim of this study is to evaluate the noise levels generating from tunneling equipments such as jumbo drills, backhoes, payloaders, shotcrete machines and service cars. Explosion and turbo fan noises were also monitored. A high precision sound level meter was introduced for measuring LAeq, LAFmax, LAFmin and LCpeak noises in 5 tunneling work sites that were located in Seoul, Kyunggi-do and Kangwon-do areas with NATM and shield methods. The highest noise was recorded by explosion(151.9 dB LCpeak) followed by jumbo drills of higher than 110 dB(A) LAeq. Backhoe normally generated 90~110 dB(A) LAeq while breaking work of rock showed additional around 5~15 dB(A). Noise exposure levels for payloader and shotcrete machine scored more than 90 dB(A) which might be a source of noise-induced hearing loss. Additional research in revealing noise levels from construction equipments operating in tunneling works may enhance the protection of workers who exposed to noise primarily at the sites.

Development of Hybrid Excavator for Regeneration of Boom Potential Energy (작업장치 위치에너지 회생을 위한 하이브리드 굴삭기 시스템 개발)

  • Yoon, J.I.;Ahn, K.K.;Truong, D.Q.;Kang, J.M.;Kim, J.H.
    • Transactions of The Korea Fluid Power Systems Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • Nowadays with the high fuel prices, the demands for energy saving and green emission of construction machinery have highly been increased without sacrifice of working performance, safety and reliability. The aim of this paper is to propose a new energy saving hybrid excavator system using an electro-hydraulic actuator driven by an electric motor/generator for the regeneration of potential energy. A 5 ton class excavator is analyzed, developed with the boom for the evaluation of the designed system. The hardware implementation is also presented in this paper. A control strategy for the hybrid excavator is proposed to operate the machine with a highest efficiency. The energy saving ability of the proposed excavator is clearly verified through simulation and experimental results in comparison with a conventional hydraulic excavator.

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Response Improvement in Hydraulic Cylinder Force Control System by Using a High Speed On-Off Electro-Magnetic Valve (고속 온.오프 전자밸브를 사용한 유압실린더 힘 제어계의 응답성 개선)

  • Lee I.Y.;Kwon J.H.;Park J.H.
    • Transactions of The Korea Fluid Power Systems Society
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2004
  • High speed on-off electro-magnetic valves have been used for pressure control or flow control in automotive or construction machine servomechanisms. These systems require quicker valve switching speed to improve control preciseness. The authors designed and manufactured an electric valve driver with quick response characteristics by using 3 power source type valve driver concept. In experiments by using a hydraulic system incorporating the new valve driver, the new driver shortened the switching lag time from 5 ms to 1.3 ms. And also the new driver showed excellent position tracking control performances.

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