• 제목/요약/키워드: Consolidation process

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경제적인 Si 잉곳 생산을 위한 poly-Si 미세분말의 성형과 용해주조기술 (Consolidation and casting technology of fine poly-Si powders for economical production of Si ingot)

  • 문병문;김봉환;신제식;이상목;박기성;김대석;김기영
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2007년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.261-264
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the consolidation and casting processes of fine Si powders, by-products of making high purity Poly-Si rods in the current method, were systematically investigated for use as economical solar-grade feedstock. Morphology, size, and contamination type of the poly-Si fine powders were inspected by combined analysis of SEM, particle size analyzer, and FT-IR. Poly-Si powder compacts were tried to fabricate by a consolidation process without a binding agent and then their density ratio and strength were evaluated. Finally, the electrical resistivity of the specimens prepared by an electromagnetic casting method was examined for purity assessment.

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다층 지반의 2차원 압밀 수치해석 II (2-D Consolidation Numerical Analysis of Multi_Layered Soils (II))

  • 류권일;김팔규;구기욱;남상규
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2000년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.665-672
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    • 2000
  • The problems of discontinuous layer interface are very important in the algorithm and programming for the analysis of multi-layered consolidation using a numerical analysis, finite difference method(F.D,M.). Better results can be obtained by the process for discontinuous layer interface, since it can help consolidation analysis to model the actual ground Explicit method is simple for analysis algorithm and convenient for use except for applying the operator Crank-Nicolson method represents implicit method, which have different analysis method according to weighting factor. This method uses different algorithm according to dimension. And, this paper uses alternative direction implicit method. The purpose of this paper provides an efficient computer algorithm based on numerical analysis using finite difference method which account for multi-layered soils with confined aquifer to determine the degree of consolidation and excess pore pressures relative to time and positions more realistically.

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수평배수재를 이용한 압밀개량효과에 대한 실험연구 (An Experimental Study on the Effect of Consolidation Improvement Using Horizontal Drains)

  • 김지용;김정기;장연수;김수삼
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2000년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2000
  • The horizontal drain method is one of the soil improvement methods in reclamation works using dredged soils. In this method, plastic drain boards are installed horizontally in the ground, and a seepage pressure or negative pressure is applied through one end of these drains. In this study, a basic consolidation test using horizontal drains was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of this method. The configuration of soil box which was used in this test is 100cm(B)${\times}$100cm(L)${\times}$85cm(H). The drain board was reduced to 25mm${\times}$5mm. The variations in settlement and volume of drain water during the consolidation process were measured, and the distribution of water content and the transpormation of horizontal drain were investigated.

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Meshfree consolidation analysis of saturated porous media with stabilized conforming nodal integration formulation

  • Wang, Dongdong;Xie, Pinkang;Lu, Hongsheng
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.107-125
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    • 2013
  • A strain smoothing meshfree formulation with stabilized conforming nodal integration is presented for modeling the consolidation process in saturated porous media. In the present method, nodal strain smoothing is consistently introduced into the meshfree approximation of strain and pore pressure gradient variables associated with the saturated porous media. Meanwhile, in order to achieve a consistent numerical implementation, a smoothing approximation of the meshfree shape function within a nodal representative domain is also proposed in the stiffness construction. The resulting discrete system of equations is all expressed in smoothed nodal measures that are very efficient for numerical evaluation. Subsequently the space-time fully discrete equations are further established by the generalized trapezoidal rule for time integration. The effectiveness of the proposed meshfree consolidation analysis method is systematically illustrated by several benchmark problems.

배수재가 설치된 연약지반의 2차압축을 고려한 축대칭 비선형 압밀해석 (Axisymmetric Nonlinear Consolidation Analysis for Drainage-installed Deposit Considering Secondary Compression)

  • 김윤태
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2005
  • 연약지반에서 압밀속도를 가속화시키고 설계 전단강도를 얻기 위하여 선행압밀공법과 병행된 연직배수공법이 널리 사용되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 배수계가 설치된 연약지반에서 압밀과정 동안에 간극비의 감소로 인한 압축성과 투수계수의 변화를 고려할 뿐만 아니라 1차압밀 동안에 유발되는 2차압밀(혹은 크리프)을 고려할 수 있는 축대칭 비선형 압밀이론이 개발되었다. 측대칭 비선형 압밀해석을 위한 수치해석 프로그램, AXICON은 가정 B를 바탕으로 유한차분법을 적용하여 개발되었다. 가정 A를 바탕으로 한 Hansbo의 해석적인 해와 AXICON 해석결과를 비교$\cdot$분석하였다. 또한 Ska-Edeby 시험성토 현장지반에서 관측된 침하량과 간극수압의 계측자료와 비교하였다. 해석결과에 의하면 가정 A는 현장침하량을 일반적으로 과소 평가하며, 가정 B가 논리적으로 타당하다. 또한 제안된 해석 프로그램을 사용하면 실제 현장의 거동을 잘 예측할 수 있다.

축대칭 비선형 압밀해석을 위한 지반정수값의 최적화기법 (Optimization Techniques for Soil Parameters used in Axisymmetric Nonlinear Consolidation Analysis)

  • 김윤태;이승래
    • 한국지반공학회지:지반
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 1996
  • 연약지반의 압밀침하속도를 증가시키고, 요구되는 전단강대를 얻기 위하여 연직배수재가 병행된 선행압밀하중공법이 널리 사용된다. 그러나 배수재가 설치된 연약지반의 압밀거동을 해석하기 위하여 아무리 정교한 수치해석기법을 사용하더라도 지반정수,수치모델링 및 계측시스템 등과 관련된 불확실성 때문에 실제 현장에서 관측되는 거동은 설계단계에서 예측된 거동과 종종 다르다. 본 연구에서는 simplex 방법 및 BFGS 방법의 역해석 기법을 축대칭 비선형 압밀해석 프로그램인 AXICON에 적용하였다. AXICON은 배수재가 설치된 연약지반의 압밀과정동안에 발생하는 압축성과 투수계수의 변화를 고려할 수 있는 유한차분해석 프로그램이다. 배수재가 설치된 연약지반의 압밀과정 초기 단계에서 계측된 거동을 바탕으로 본 프로그램에 적용된 역해석적 기법을 이용하여 압밀거동과 관련된 주요 설계변수를 최적화함으로써 장래의 압밀거동을 비교적 정확히 예측하는 것이 가능하다.

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확률론적 방법에 의한 인천송도지반 압밀침하량의 공간적 분포 평가 (Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of Consolidation Settlement of Songdo Marine Clay by Probabilistic Method)

  • 김동휘;최영민;이우진
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제26권9호
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2010
  • 압밀침하량과 속도에 영향을 미치는 압밀층 두께와 심도가 위치마다 상이하므로 압밀침하와 속도는 공간적 평가방법 이용하여 분석되어야 한다. 또한, 확률론적 방법을 이용하여 공간적인 압밀침하 및 속도 추정결과의 불확실성을 평가 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 압밀침하와 속도를 공간적으로 평가하기 위하여 크리깅기법으로 추정한 공간적인 지층분포를 이용하였다. 또한, 지반정수의 통계량과 확률분포형을 이용하여 압밀침하 및 속도의 불확실성을 평가하였다. 이 결과와 이용하여 압밀시간을 단축하기 위해 연직배수공법을 적용해야 하는 면적과 최종 설계지반표고를 맞추기 위해 추가성토를 수행해야 하는 면적을 분석하였으며, 이러한 분석결과는 지반정수들의 변동성에 큰 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 본 논문에서 제시한 분석절차와 방법은 지반공학적 설계의 의사결정과정에 사용될 수 있었다.

분말 ECAP 공정에 미치는 금형 모서리각 효과에 대한 유한요소해석 (Finite Element Analysis on the Effect of Die Corner Angle in Equal Channel Angular Pressing Process of Powders)

  • 윤승채;복천희;팜쾅;김형섭
    • 한국분말재료학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2007
  • Manufacturing bulk nanostructured materials with least grain growth from initial powders is challenging because of the bottle neck of bottom-up methods using the conventional powder metallurgy of compaction and sintering. In this study, bottom-up type powder metallurgy processing and top-down type SPD (Severe Plastic Deformation) approaches were combined in order to achieve both real density and grain refinement of metallic powders. ECAP (Equal Channel Angular Pressing), one of the most promising processes in SPD, was used for the powder consolidation method. For understanding the ECAP process, investigating the powder density as well as internal stress, strain distribution is crucial. We investigated the consolidation and plastic deformation of the metallic powders during ECAP using the finite element simulations. Almost independent behavior of powder densification in the entry channel and shear deformation in the main deformation zone was found by the finite element method. Effects of processing parameters on densification and density distributions were investigated.

자기펄스 가압 성형장치를 이용한 분말성형 (Consolidation of Powders by magnetic pulsed compaction)

  • 김준호;김효설;구자영;이정구;이창규;홍순직
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.390-393
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    • 2008
  • In this research, we introduce a new process for the consolidation of different types of powders such as metal and ceramic powders by using a magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC). The successful consolidation of many kinds of powers including nanopowder by MPC has been presented. A wide range of experimental studies were carried out for characterizing mechanical properties and microstructure of the MPCed materials. It was found that effective properties of high strength and full density maintaining nanoscal microstructure were achieved. finally, optimization of the compaction parameters and sintering conditions could lead to the good consolidation of powders (metal, ceramic, nano-powder) with higher density, and even further enhanced mechanical properties.

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Lexical Discovery and Consolidation Strategies of Proficient and Less Proficient EFL Vocational High School Learners

  • Chon, Yuah Vicky;Kim, You-Hee
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.27-56
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    • 2011
  • The analysis on the use of lexical discovery and consolidation strategies that have been researched within the area of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) have not sufficiently drawn the interest of EFL practitioners with regard to vocational high school learners. The results, however, are expected to have implications for the design of vocabulary tasks and instructional materials for EFL learners. The present study investigates EFL vocational high school learners' use of lexical discovery and consolidation strategies with questionnaires, where the use of the learners' lexical discovery strategies were further validated with the think-aloud methodology by asking samples of proficient and less proficient learners to report on their reading process while reading L2 texts that had not been exposed to the learners. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the two groups of learners in the employment of 11 of the strategies which were in the categories of determination, social, memory, and metacognitive strategies, but not for cognitive strategies. The pattern of strategies indicated that different lexical discovery and consolidation strategies were employed relatively more by one proficiency group than another. The study suggests some implications for how strategy-based instruction can be implemented in EFL classrooms.

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