This paper argues that John Leguizamo disguises ethical intention with humor in his one-person show, Freak. The argument proceeds in three stages. First, on the basis of Slavoj ${\check{Z}}i{\check{z}}ek^{\prime}s$ theory that fantasies teach us how to desire discussed in The Sublime Object of Ideology, I analyze how and why Leguizamo exaggerates and thus de-constructs the ideological fantasies about Latin Americans in Freak. Through this analysis the ridiculous exaggeration of the fantasies and their deconstruction emerges as the means to surface the trauma caused by the fantasies, internally and externally curing and reconciling the audience. Second, I apply ${\check{Z}}i{\check{z}}ek^{\prime}s$ theory of the quilting point introduced in Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture to reveal how "blots" in Freak form "black holes" in the audience's consciousness to smash their established view of the reality, inducing them to encounter with "the real." The investigation into Leguizamo's use of humor as the quilting point illuminates how he invites the audience to look awry beyond the popular fantasy at "the real" America. Third, on the ground of Emmanuel Levinas's theory that theaters are the space of ethics, namely "ethotopos" to emphasize responsible actions discussed in "Ethics as First Philosophy," I assert that Leguizamo disguises his ethical message with humor so as for the audience to recognize their responsibility for others in America and take action towards change.
Facilities used by senior citizens, infants, and disabled people have characteristics that make it difficult to escape on their own or require a lot of evacuation time. Therefore, to ensure safety in case of fire, clear measures for securing safety of facilities, fire response methods, and training are required in accordance with the regulations. In case of postnatal care center facilities, newborn babies and mothers reside 24 hours a day, and as they are located in high-rise and multi-use facilities, measures for fire safety are necessary, but the domestic manual lacks. Accordingly, a field survey for security of the manual revealed that the establishment of awareness and facilities on temporary waiting areas and smoke control, which are easy for evacuation and fire safety, was a problem.
This study explores the sneakerhead subculture through the lens of subcultural capital, primarily focusing on online community interactions. The analysis utilizes text mining techniques and netnographic research methods to examine textual data extracted from the online sneakerhead community and aims to elucidate manifestations of subcultural capital within the subculture. The findings underscore several key points: Firstly, shared experiences cultivated by the collective consciousness of subcultural capital foster solidarity among members. Secondly, ongoing validation of authenticity and comprehension of sneakers' cultural significance are member requirements. Subsequently, exhibiting greater levels of subcultural capital empowers members, resulting in hierarchical structures both within and beyond the community. Fourthly, resale-driven sneaker commercialization yields positive outcomes, including individual profit and cultural expansion, yet also brings negative consequences, such as market distortion and intra-community conflict. Lastly, the online community fills a pivotal role in dictating subcultural trends, effectively functioning as an institutional network. Given sneakers' enduring status as a fashion phenomenon, further examination of in this realm is warranted.
부산·경남지역 만 3-5세의 미취학 아동을 대상으로 NQ-P (균형, 절제, 환경)를 이용한 식행동 평가 및 식행동에 영향을 줄 수 있는 요인을 파악한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 부산과 경남지역에 거주하는 214명의 미취학 아동의 부모를 대상으로 미취학 아동의 식품 섭취 빈도를 살펴본 결과, 균형 영역에서 성별에 따른 채소류 섭취 (p < 0.01), 비만도에 따른 육류와 생선류 섭취 (p < 0.05)에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 환경 영역에 해당하는 문항별 성별, 연령, 지역, 비만도에 따른 유의한 차이는 없었으나, 절제 영역에서 가공육 섭취빈도에서 성별에 따른 섭취빈도에 유의한 차이가 있었다 (p < 0.05). 부산·경남지역의 미취학 아동의 NQ-P 점수는 영양지수 평균 점수는 58.28점으로, 하위 3개 요인 중 균형요인은 60.08점, 절제요인은 47.64점, 환경요인이 67.83점으로 등급별 기준에 의해 총점과 영역별 점수 모두 '중하' 등급이었다. NQ-P 점수는 절제영역에서 남아 44.54점, 여아 50.79점으로 여아가 유의적으로 높았다 (p < 0.01). 외식횟수에 의해서도 점수의 차이가 있었는데, 외식횟수가 높은 경우에 NQ-P 총점 (p < 0.05), 절제 (p < 0.001), 환경 (p < 0.05) 요인의 점수가 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 부모의 건강관심도가 높은 그룹에서 NQ-P 총점, 환경요인 점수가 유의하게 높았고 (p < 0.01), NQ-P 총점에 따라서도 균형, 절제, 환경 영역에서 점수차이가 유의한 것으로 나타났다 (p < 0.001). 이상의 결과를 통해 부산·경남지역의 미취학 아동의 식습관은 '중하'에 속하여 지속적으로 식습관 개선을 위한 교육 및 모니터링이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 미취학 아동의 식행동이 성별, 외식횟수, 부모의 건강관심도에 따라 차이가 있는 것으로 나타나, 영향요인을 고려하여 보호자 및 미취학 아동 대상 영양교육 프로그램을 개발하는 것이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
가장 진보된 항공기술의 발전에도 불구하고 항공기사고는 지속적으로 발생하고 있는 반면 승객수송 항공교통량은 향후 15년간 갑절로 증폭할 것으로 예상되고 있다. 항공기사고 발생 후에 안전조치로 수행되는 항공기사고조사만으로는 항공안전을 확보할 수 없기 때문에, 선제적이고 예측적인 사고예방대책의 필요성에 대한 공감대가 형성되었다. 이러한 명목으로 항공안전관리시스템(SMS)이 2008년부터 도입되어 2011년부터 본격적으로 수행되고 있다. SMS는 선제적이고 예측적인 항공기사고 예방대책으로서, 항공안전과 관련된 기술적 요소, 인적요소를 넘어 조직적 요소에 접근함으로써 근원적인 위험요인을 차단할 수 있는 메커니즘이다. 방법론적으로는 항공기운항에 필요한 모든 현장에서 잠재되어 있는 위험요소를 수집하여 데이터베이스를 구축하고, 위험을 분석하여, 위험을 관리함으로써, 위험을 수용가능하거나 그 이하로 유지하는 방법이다. 따라서 SMS의 부적절한 이행은 항공기사고 예방의 미흡함을 나타내며 항공기사고와 직결된다. SMS에 있어 자신의 실수를 포함하여 업무상 발생하는 위험요소의 보고가 필수적이고, 가장 중요한 요소로 간주된다. 이를 위하여 자발적 보고에 대한 공정문화의 정책 하에, 정보제공자의 익명성, 비처벌 및 비문책 보장이 기본적인 것으로 되어있으나, 조직에 대한 신뢰의 부족으로 보고는 미미한 수준으로 정체되어 있는 상황이다. 최고관리자가 고위관리자와 더불어 자신의 조직에 대한 안전과 수익의 균형을 유지할 수 있는 안전의식을 갖고, 공정문화가 주축이 된 안전문화의 주도적 역할이 필요하다. 이에 대한 법적 제도적 근거는 국토교통부 훈령인 "항공안전관리시스템 인 및 운영지침"에 최고관리자가 및 고위관리자가 받아야할 교육이 명시되어있으나, 법적 구속력이 없는 상태이다. 따라서 법적 구속력이 있는 고시인 "국가항공안전프로그램"의 항공안전관리시스템 승인신청서의 구비서류에, 최고관리자 및 고위관리자의 SMS 교육이수증명서가 추가되어야 할 필요가 있다. 또한 항공기사고조사에 SMS항목이 누락되어 있어 안전문화와 관련된 조직적 요소 및 위험관리 부분에 대한 조사가 수행되지 않고 있다. 이는 근원적인 원인에 대한 규명이 불가능하여 향후 사고예방에 장애요소로 작용된다. ICAO가 발행한 항공기사고조사매뉴얼에는 SMS조사가 포함되어 있지만, 국제민간항공조약 부속서 13의 최종보고서 양식에는 포함되어있지 않다. 또한 전 세계적으로 항공기사고조사의 실질적 표본이 되고 미국교통안전위원회가 SMS조사에 미온적인 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이러한 이유들로 부속서 13에 의거 조사를 수행하고 있는 조사기구들은 SMS조사를 조사항목에 포함시키지 않고 있는 상황이며, 항공기사고 조사관들은 SMS 조사방법이나 기법에 노출되어 있지 않다. 이러한 맥락에서 부속서 13의 최종보고서 양식 중 조직 및 관리정보 목에 SMS조사를 포함시킬 필요가 있다. 국내적으로는 항공 철도사고조사위원회의 운영규정 중 최종보고서양식에 동일하게 SMS항목을 추가되어야 한다. 이러한 법적 제도적 개선방법이 보완되면 SMS의 이행이 효율적으로 이행되어 향후 항공안전증진에 기여하리라고 기대한다.
According as the automation of clerical work(OA ; Office Automation) develops, the use of VDT(Visual or Video Display Terminal) is increasing suddenly. But, in proportion to the spread of office automation(OA tendency), the self-conciousness syptom attendant upon the work is appearing also (Kim, Jung Tae, Lee, Young Ook, 1990). The apparatuses of office enable the clerical workers to be convenient and perform mass businesses. But, they are increasing the opportunity to be exposed to VDT syndrom, techno stress, computer terminal disease, pain by muscle strain(RSI), bradycausia of noise nature, and electromagnetic waves, etc. which are referred to as the new type of occupational diseases to the workers. It is the real situation that the workers to use VDT is complaining of the physical inconvenience sense in the recent newspaper and literature, it is the point of time that the sydrome to come from VDT use and computer terminal disease, etc. must be classified into the occupational disease(Lee, Kwang Young 1990, Lee, Kyoo Hak 1990, Lee, Won Ho 1991, Lee, Si Young 1991, Lee, Joon 1991, Choi, Young Tae 1991, Heo, Seung Ho 1989). In addition, it is the real situation that the scientifitic study result about the scope that electromagnetic waves has influence on the human body has not been suggested yet, and criticism on the stable exposure permission standard about electromagnetic waves to be emitted from VDT and on the problem in the health about electromagnetic waves is continuing. (IEEE Spectrum, 1990). In addition according to the experience of nursery business of industry field, it is the real situation that the patients who consult complaining of physical and mental inconvenience sence, among the users of apparatus of office automation, are reaching 10% of the patients coming to doctor's room. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complain of multilaterally with the actual state examination about the use of the apparatuses of offices automaton. Thus, this study was tried as th basic data for the cosultation and education for the maintenance and furtherance of the health of workers as the nurse of industry field, by confirming the contents of self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of the apparatus for office outomation making the financial institution in which the spparatus for office automation in most frequently used as the subject, and by examining whether there is the difference according to the subject of study, the data were collected, by using the questionnaire method, making 200 workers who consented to the study participation as the subject, among the persons who have spent over 3 months since they used the apparatuses for office automation and didn't receive the treatment in hospital due to the clerical disease for recent 3 years. The period of data collection was from Oct. 9, 1991 to Oct. 12. As for the measurement instrument about the complaint if self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of apparatuses fo office automation, the question item on the complaint symptom of health problem attendant upon the treatment of VDT that Kim(1991) developed and on CMI health problem and the question items on the fatigue degree due to industry were used by previous examination to 25 persons. Collected data were analyzed with the statistical method such as percentage, arithmetic mean, Person correlation coeffient, Kai square verfication, t-test, ANOVA, etc. by using SPSS/PC+ program, and the result is as follows : 1. The self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complained of most frequetly appeared high in 'My eyes are tired'(99.4%), 'I feel fatigue and weariness'(99.4%), 'I feel that my head is heavy5(90.0%), 'eyesight fell'(88.8%), 'I have a stiff neck'(88.8%), 'I fell pain in the shoulder'(85.0%), 'I feel cold and painful in the eyes'(76.9%), 'I feel the dry sense of eyeball'(76.2%), 'My nerves are edgy, and I an fretful, (75.6%), 'I feel pain in the waist'(73.2%) and 'I fell pain in the back'(72.8%). It emerged that the subject use the apparatuses for office automation complained of self-consciousness symptoms related to visual symptoms and musculoskeletal symptoms. 2. As for the general feature of examination subjects, the result to see the distribution by classifying into sex, age, school career, use career of apparatuses for office automation, skillfulness degree of the use of apparatus for office automation, use hours of the apparatuses for office automation per 1 day, type of business of the apparatus for office automation, rest hours during the use of apparatus for office automation, satifaction degree of business of office automation, and work circumstance, etc. emerged as follows : As for the sex of subjects, the distribution showed that men were 58.8% and women were 41.3%, Age was average 26.9. As the distribution of school career, the distribution showed that4below the graduation of high school' was 58.8%, 'graduation from junior college-university' was 35.0%, and 'over graduate school' was 6.3%. In the question to ask the existence or non-existence of experience of health consultation in connection with the work of office automation, the response that I had the consultation exprience and I feel the necessity emergerd as 90.1% And, the case that the subject who didn't wear the glasses or lens before using the OA apparatus wear glasses or lens after using OA apparatus emerged as 28.3% of whole. As for the existence or non-existence of use career of OA apparatus, the case under 3 years was highest as 52. 7%. As for the skillfulnness degree about the use of apparatus for office automation, most of them are skillful with the fact that 'common' was 44.4%, 'skill' was 42.5%, and 'unskillful' was 13.1% As for the use average hours of the apparatus for office automation per 1 day, the distribution showed that the case under 3-6 hours was 33.1%, the case under 6-9 hours was 28.1%, the case under 3 hours was 30.6%, and the case over 9 hours was 8.1% Main OA business and the use hours for 1 day showed in the order of keeping and retrieval, business of information transmission(162min), business of information transmission(79.3 min), business of document framing(55.5 min), and business of duplication and printing(25.4min). as for the rest during the use of apparatus for affice automation, that I take rest occasion demands the major portion, but that I take after completing the work emerged as 33.8%. Though the subiness gets to be convenient by the use of the apparatus for of office automation, respondents who showed the dissatisfaction about the present OA business emergd high as 78.1%. The work circumstances of each office was good with the fact that the temperature of office was 21.8, noise was average 42.7db, and the illumination was average 364.4 lx, in the light of ANSi/HFS 100 Standard. 3. Sight syptom, musculoskeletal symptom, skin and other symptoms showed the significant difference according to the extent of skillfulness of the apparatus for office automation. All the symptoms exept skin symptom showed the difference according to the use hours of the apparatus for office automation. All the question items exept the sytoms of digestive organs and the rest hours during the apparatus for office automation showed the signicant difference. The question item which showed the signicant difference from the satisfaction degree of present OA business showed the significant difference from all the question item classified into 6 groups. But, age and school career didn't significant difference from the complaint of any self-consciousness symptoms.
. In conclusion, the self-consciousness symptoms of the subjects to use OA apparatus appeared differently, according to sex distiction, skillfull degree of OA apparatus, use hours of OA apparatus, the rest hours during th use of OA apparatus, and the satiafaction degree of persent business. Therefore, it is necessary that the nurse in the inuctry field must recognize to receive the education about the human technological physical condition which is most proper for te use of OA apparatus and about the proper rest method until they get accustomed to the use of OA apparatus. In addition, the simple exercise relax the tention of muscle due to the repetitive simple movement, and the education for the protection of eyesight are necessary.
Kim Yo Han;Sung Kang Keyng;Lee Kwang Ro;Lee Sang Kwan;Cheong Sang Su;Kang Sei Young;Lee So Young
Seogakjihwang-tang (SJT) was widely used to treat patients suffering from cerebral infarction. But scientific investigation has been carried out very little. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of SJT on the production of various cytokines in the patients with cerebral infarction (CI). We investigated interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-1 in the sera of 27 patients with cerebral infarction under consciousness disorders and 10 normal controls using an originally devised sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We found that plasma levels of IL-4 were slightly elevated in patients with cerebral infarction, whereas plasma levels of IL-10 (P<0.001) and TGF-1 were reduced. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from the patient with CI were cultured for 24 h in the presence or absence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). The amount of IL-4, IL-10 and TGF-1, in culture supernatant, was significantly increased in the LPS or PHA treated cells compared to unstimulated cells (P<0.05), We also show that increased cytokines IL-4, and IL-10 level was significantly inhibited by SJT in a dose-dependent manner. Maximal inhibition rate of IL-4 and IL-10 production by SJT was 45.63.3% and 614.7% for LPS-stimulated cell and 27.31.2% and 83.62% for PHA-stimulated cells, respectively (P<0.05). On the other hand, SJT significantly increased the LPS or PHA-induced TGF-1 production (P<0.05). These data suggest that SJT has a regulatory effect on the cytokines production, which might explain its beneficial effect in the treatment of CI.
본 연구의 목적은 사회과학 전반에 걸쳐서 수행되고 있는 조세 분야의 대표적인 연구주제로서 조세순응, 납세의식, 성실납세(이하 "조세순응")에 관한 연구의 흐름을 정리함으로써 융합학문으로서 세무학의 지평을 확장하는 것이다. 이에 조세순응에 관한 국내 학술지 논문을 학제적 관점에서 종합적으로 분석하기 위하여 텍스트마이닝의 일환으로 토픽모델링 기법을 적용하였다. 데이터 수집-키워드 전처리-토픽모델 분석의 흐름으로 총 347편의 논문에 연구자가 등록한 조세순응 관련 키워드들로부터 잠재적인 연구주제를 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 분석 결과로 첫째, 키워드 분석에서는 세무조사, 조세회피, 성실신고확인제도 등의 키워드가 단순 빈도 기준으로 상위 5개 키워드에 포함되었고, 키워드의 상대적 중요도를 감안한 TF-IDF 값에서도 상위 5개 키워드에 포함되었다. 한편 탈세라는 키워드는 단순빈도에서 부각되지 않은 것에 비해 TF-IDF 값 기준으로 상위 키워드에 포함되었다. 둘째, 토픽모델링을 통해 잠재적인 8개의 연구주제를 도출하였다. 해당 주제는 (1) 조세공정성과 조세범칙행위의 억제, (2) 조세법의 이념과 조세정책의 타당성, (3) 실질과세원칙과 조세채권의 담보 (4) 납세협력비용과 세무행정 서비스, (5) 신고납세제도와 세무전문가, (6) 조세풍토와 전략적 조세행동, (7) 조세행동의 다면성과 차별적 순응의도, (8) 과세정보시스템과 효율적 세원관리와 같다. 본 연구는 학문 간의 경계를 넘어 조세순응이라는 주제어를 바라보는 다양한 관점을 포괄적으로 조망함으로써 학제간 소통의 기회를 마련하고 합리적인 조세제도를 구축하는데 실천적 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to examine the ethical values of physical therapy. This study was launched to establish a foundation for this field of study by gathering data about current topic of ethical values in the field of physical therapy. METHODS: This investigation was conducted with 900 students from seven different universities in the Republic of Korea (three, four-year colleges. The methodology of this research was directed at revamping and supplementing ethical codes in the Korean Physical Therapy Association and establishing a set of ethics-related questions as inspired by the studies conducted by Youk and Choi. Each question was assigned a different point-value according to the standards of measurement that we established. RESULTS: The scores of participants and their sibling status, it appears that whether participants had siblings did significantly impact their ethical outlook. The scores based on sibling one and two siblings, more than three siblings, no sibling were 29.42, 29.03, 28.25, and 28.19, respectively (p<.05). But in examining the average ethics scores with regards to reported past experiences with ethics education, we can see that past experience significantly impacted the results of the study on medical ethics perceptions. The scores corresponding to responses that one did or did not have prior experience were 29.40 versus 28.99. CONCLUSION: It is crucial to assure that physical therapy students receive well-founded information and proper ethical value. We suggest that create an ethics education program to enhance physical therapists and physical therapy students.
A purpose of this study is degree of recognition and consciousness investigation about a satisfaction duty before admission about a school subject of some academic dental hygiene students. From responses to individual written survey questionnaires answered by 608 students who are studying Dental Hygiene at colleges in Mokpo, Iksan, Gangneung. The following are the results regarding their satisfaction levels with their majors and their interest in working abroad: 1. Regarding the motivating factors to major in Dental Hygiene, most students(51.3%), particularly most freshmen(57.3%), have chosen this major because of more job opportunities than students with other majors. The most common source of information in choosing majors is the Internet(30.8%). 2. Most students do not want to change their majors even if they are provided with the chance to do so(65.5%). They are in general satisfied with their studies. The result shows that the Dental Hygiene majors are positive toward their major. 3. Most students will choose their jobs by their own choices(40.6%), and the most important factor in their choices is the opportunity of self-growth and development(33.1%). The survey results show that the Dental Hygiene students value their own decisions and self-realization. 4. Showed the difference that as a result of having seen a knowledge degree advance a school subject of major in Dental Hygiene by a school year and ash students, an admission motive, relevance of an information acquisition path, all noted. 5. And were able to see the difference that noted in an adviser, work selection bases in case of work selection whether or not there was a dissatisfaction reason about a major and a criminal record.
본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나
그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며,
이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.