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Personalized insurance product based on similarity (유사도를 활용한 맞춤형 보험 추천 시스템)

  • Kim, Joon-Sung;Cho, A-Ra;Oh, Hayong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.1599-1607
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    • 2022
  • The data mainly used for the model are as follows: the personal information, the information of insurance product, etc. With the data, we suggest three types of models: content-based filtering model, collaborative filtering model and classification models-based model. The content-based filtering model finds the cosine of the angle between the users and items, and recommends items based on the cosine similarity; however, before finding the cosine similarity, we divide into several groups by their features. Segmentation is executed by K-means clustering algorithm and manually operated algorithm. The collaborative filtering model uses interactions that users have with items. The classification models-based model uses decision tree and random forest classifier to recommend items. According to the results of the research, the contents-based filtering model provides the best result. Since the model recommends the item based on the demographic and user features, it indicates that demographic and user features are keys to offer more appropriate items.

Multi-source information integration framework using self-supervised learning-based language model (자기 지도 학습 기반의 언어 모델을 활용한 다출처 정보 통합 프레임워크)

  • Kim, Hanmin;Lee, Jeongbin;Park, Gyudong;Sohn, Mye
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2021
  • Based on Artificial Intelligence technology, AI-enabled warfare is expected to become the main issue in the future warfare. Natural language processing technology is a core technology of AI technology, and it can significantly contribute to reducing the information burden of underrstanidng reports, information objects and intelligences written in natural language by commanders and staff. In this paper, we propose a Language model-based Multi-source Information Integration (LAMII) framework to reduce the information overload of commanders and support rapid decision-making. The proposed LAMII framework consists of the key steps of representation learning based on language models in self-supervsied way and document integration using autoencoders. In the first step, representation learning that can identify the similar relationship between two heterogeneous sentences is performed using the self-supervised learning technique. In the second step, using the learned model, documents that implies similar contents or topics from multiple sources are found and integrated. At this time, the autoencoder is used to measure the information redundancy of the sentences in order to remove the duplicate sentences. In order to prove the superiority of this paper, we conducted comparison experiments using the language models and the benchmark sets used to evaluate their performance. As a result of the experiment, it was demonstrated that the proposed LAMII framework can effectively predict the similar relationship between heterogeneous sentence compared to other language models.

Acceleration of Viewport Extraction for Multi-Object Tracking Results in 360-degree Video (360도 영상에서 다중 객체 추적 결과에 대한 뷰포트 추출 가속화)

  • Heesu Park;Seok Ho Baek;Seokwon Lee;Myeong-jin Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.306-313
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    • 2023
  • Realistic and graphics-based virtual reality content is based on 360-degree videos, and viewport extraction through the viewer's intention or automatic recommendation function is essential. This paper designs a viewport extraction system based on multiple object tracking in 360-degree videos and proposes a parallel computing structure necessary for multiple viewport extraction. The viewport extraction process in 360-degree videos is parallelized by composing pixel-wise threads, through 3D spherical surface coordinate transformation from ERP coordinates and 2D coordinate transformation of 3D spherical surface coordinates within the viewport. The proposed structure evaluated the computation time for up to 30 viewport extraction processes in aerial 360-degree video sequences and confirmed up to 5240 times acceleration compared to the CPU-based computation time proportional to the number of viewports. When using high-speed I/O or memory buffers that can reduce ERP frame I/O time, viewport extraction time can be further accelerated by 7.82 times. The proposed parallelized viewport extraction structure can be applied to simultaneous multi-access services for 360-degree videos or virtual reality contents and video summarization services for individual users.

A Study on Method of Framework Data Update and Computing Land Change Ratio using UFID (UFID를 이용한 기본지리정보 갱신 및 지형변화율 산출 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Ju Han;Kim, Byung Guk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1D
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2006
  • During the first and second NGIS projects by the Korean government, The first one (1995~2000) was limited on constructing geographic information and the second (2001~2005) was focused on circulation and practical use of geoinformation from the result of the first project. In the latter half of 2nd NGIS project, However, the geographic information from the NGIS projects have not been renewed even though there were significant geographical changes. The accurate renewal of geoinformation is a matter of great importance to the next generation industry (e.g. LBS, Ubiquitous, Telematics). In this respect, it is time to update the geographic information in the latter half of the second NGIS project. Therefore, It is not only important to build an accurate geoinformation but also rapid and correct renewal of the geoinformation. NGII (National Geographic Information Institute) has been studying for improvement of digital map that was constructed by the result of the 1st NGIS project. Through the construction of clean digital map, NGII constructed Framework Data to three kinds of formats (NGI, NDA, NRL). Framework Data was contained to other database, and provided the reference system of location or contents for combining geoinformation. Framework Data is consist of Data Set, Data Model and UFID (Unique Feature Identifier). It will be achieved as national infrastructure data. This paper attempts to explore a method of the update to practical framework data with realtime geoinformation on feature's creation, modification and destruction managed by 'Feature management agency' using UFID's process. Furthermore, it suggests a method which can provide important data in order to plan the Framework update with the land change ratio.

An Empirical Analysis on the Persistent Usage Intention of Chinese Personal Cloud Service (개인용 클라우드 서비스에 대한 중국 사용자의 지속적 사용의도에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Yu, Hexin;Sura, Suaini;Ahn, Jong-chang
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2015
  • With the rapid development of information technology, the ways of usage have changed drastically. The ways and efficiency of traditional service application to data processing already could not satisfy the requirements of modern users. Nowadays, users have already understood the importance of data. Therefore, the processing and saving of big data have become the main research of the Internet service company. In China, with the rise and explosion of 115 Cloud leads to other technology companies have began to join the battle of cloud services market. Although currently Chinese cloud services are still mainly dominated by cloud storage service, the series of service contents based on cloud storage service have been affirmed by users, and users willing to try these new ways of services. Thus, how to let users to keep using cloud services has become a topic that worth for exploring and researching. The academia often uses the TAM model with statistical analysis to analyze and check the attitude of users in using the system. However, the basic TAM model obviously already could not satisfy the increasing scale of system. Therefore, the appropriate expansion and adjustment to the TAM model (i. e. TAM2 or TAM3) are very necessary. This study has used the status of Chinese internet users and the related researches in other areas in order to expand and improve the TAM model by adding the brand influence, hardware environment and external environments to fulfill the purpose of this study. Based on the research model, the questionnaires were developed and online survey was conducted targeting the cloud services users of four Chinese main cities. Data were obtained from 210 respondents were used for analysis to validate the research model. The analysis results show that the external factors which are service contents, and brand influence have a positive influence to perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, the external factor hardware environment only has a positive influence to the factor of perceived ease of use. Furthermore, the perceived security factor that is influenced by brand influence has a positive influence persistent intention to use. Persistent intention to use also was influenced by the perceived usefulness and persistent intention to use was influenced by the perceived ease of use. Finally, this research analyzed external variables' attributes using other perspective and tried to explain the attributes. It presents Chinese cloud service users are more interested in fundamental cloud services than extended services. In private cloud services, both of increased user size and cooperation among companies are important in the study. This study presents useful opinions for the purpose of strengthening attitude for private cloud service users can use this service persistently. Overall, it can be summarized by considering the all three external factors could make Chinese users keep using the personal could services. In addition, the results of this study can provide strong references to technology companies including cloud service provider, internet service provider, and smart phone service provider which are main clients are Chinese users.

Volume Rendering System of e-Science Electron Microscopy using Grid (Gird를 이용한 e-사이언스 전자현미경 볼륨 랜더링 시스템)

  • Jeong, Won-Gu;Jeong, Jong-Man;Lee, Ho;Choe, Sang-Su;Ahn, Young-heon;Hur, Man-Hoi;Kim, Jay;Kim, Eunsung;Jung, Im Y.;Yeom, Heon Y.;Cho, Kum Won;Kweon, Hee-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.560-564
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    • 2007
  • Korea Basic Science Institute(KBSI) has three general electron microscopes including High Voltage Electron Microscope(HVEM) which is the only one in Korea. Observed images through an electron microscope are what they are tilted by each step and saved, offering the more better circumstances for observers, a reconstruction to 3D could be a essential process. In this process, a warping method decreases distortions maximumly of avoided parts of a camera's focus. All these image treatment processes and 3D reconstruction processes are based on an accompaniment of a highly efficient computer, a number of Grid Node Personal computers share this process in a short time and dispose of it. Grid Node Personal computers' purpose is to make an owner can share different each other and various computing resources efficiently and also Grid Node Personal computers is applying to solve problems like a role scheduling needed for a constructing system, a resource management, a security, a capacity measurement, a condition monitoring and so on. Grid Node Personal computers accomplish roles of a highly efficient computer that general individuals felt hard to use, moreover, a image treatment using the warping method becomes a foundation for reconstructing to more closer shape with an real object of observation. Construction of the electron microscope volume 랜더링 system based on Grid Node Personal computer through the warping process can offer more convenient and speedy experiment circumstances to observers, and makes them meet with experiment outcome that is similar to real shapes and is easy to understand.

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Analysis of Emerging Geo-technologies and Markets Focusing on Digital Twin and Environmental Monitoring in Response to Digital and Green New Deal (디지털 트윈, 환경 모니터링 등 디지털·그린 뉴딜 정책 관련 지질자원 유망기술·시장 분석)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Lee, Jaewook;Bae, Junhee;Kim, Jung-Min
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.609-617
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    • 2020
  • After introducing the industry 4.0 policy, Korean government announced 'Digital New Deal' and 'Green New Deal' as 'Korean New Deal' in 2020. We analyzed Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)'s research projects related to that policy and conducted markets analysis focused on Digital Twin and environmental monitoring technologies. Regarding 'Data Dam' policy, we suggested the digital geo-contents with Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) and the public geo-data collection & sharing system. It is necessary to expand and support the smart mining and digital oil fields research for '5th generation mobile communication (5G) and artificial intelligence (AI) convergence into all industries' policy. Korean government is suggesting downtown 3D maps for 'Digital Twin' policy. KIGAM can provide 3D geological maps and Internet of Things (IoT) systems for social overhead capital (SOC) management. 'Green New Deal' proposed developing technologies for green industries including resource circulation, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), and electric & hydrogen vehicles. KIGAM has carried out related research projects and currently conducts research on domestic energy storage minerals. Oil and gas industries are presented as representative applications of digital twin. Many progress is made in mining automation and digital mapping and Digital Twin Earth (DTE) is a emerging research subject. The emerging research subjects are deeply related to data analysis, simulation, AI, and the IoT, therefore KIGAM should collaborate with sensors and computing software & system companies.

A Study on the Development Strategy of Smart Learning for Public Education (스마트러닝의 공교육 정착을 위한 성공전략 연구)

  • Kim, Taisiya;Cho, Ji Yeon;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2015
  • Recently the development of ICT has a big impact on education field, and diffusion of smart devices has brought new education paradigm. Since people has an opportunity to use various contents anytime and communicate in an interactive way, the method of learning has changing. In 2011, Korean government has established the smart education promotion plan to be a first mover in the paradigm shift from e-learning to smart learning. Especially, government aimed to improve the quality of learning materials and method in public schools, and also to decrease the high expenditure on private education. However, the achievement of smart education policy has not emerged yet, and the refinement of smart learning policy and strategy is essential at this moment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose the successful strategies for smart learning in public education. First, this study explores the status of public education and smart learning environment in Korea. Then, it derives the key success factors through SWOT(Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis, and suggests strategic priorities through AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Priority) method. The interview and survey were conducted with total 20 teachers, who works in public schools. As a results, focusing on weakness-threat(WT) strategy is the most prior goal for public education, to activate the smart learning. As sub-factors, promoting the education programs for teachers($W_2$), which is still a weakness, appeared as the most important factor to be improved. The second sub-factor with high priority was an efficient optimizing the capability of new learning method($S_4$), which is a strength of systematic public education environment. The third sub-factor with high priority was the extension of limited government support($T_4$), which could be a threat to other public schools with no financial support. In other words, the results implicate that government institution factors should be considered with high priority to make invisible achievement in smart learning. This study is significant as an initial approach with strategic perspective for public education. While the limitation of this study is that survey and interview were conducted with only teachers. Accordingly, the future study needs to be analyzed in effectiveness and feasibility, by considering perspectives from field experts and policy makers.

Performance of Collaboration Activities upon SME's Idiosyncrasy (중소기업 특성에 따른 외부 협업 활동이 혁신성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hye Sun;Oh, Junseok;Lee, Jaeki;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2013
  • Recently, SME's Collaboration activities have become one of a vital factor for sustaining competitive edge. This is because of the rapidly changing and competitive market environment, and also to leverage performance by overcoming obstacles of having limited internal resources. Discussing about the effects and relationships of the firm's collaboration activities and its outputs are not new. However, as ICT and various technologies have been diffused into the traditional industries, boundaries and practice capabilities within the industries are becoming ambiguous. Thus contents of the products/services and their development methods are also go and come over the industries. Although many researchers suggested the relations of SME's collaboration activities and innovation performances, most of the previous literatures are focusing on broad perspectives of firm's environmental factors rather than considering various SME's idiosyncrasy factors such as their major product and customer types at once. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze how SME(Small Medium Enterprise)'s external collaboration activities by their idiosyncrasy act as an input to types of innovation performance. In order to analyze collaboration effects in detail, we defined factors that can represent the SME's business environment - Perceived importance of using external resources, Perceived importance of external partnership, Collaboration and Collaboration levels of Major Product types, Customer types and lastly the Firm Sizes. We have also specifically divided the performance of innovation types as product innovation and process innovation based on existing research. In this study, the empirical analysis is based on Probit Regression Model to observe the correlations with the impact of each SME's business environment and their activities. For the empirical data, 497 samples were collected which, this sample data was extracted from the 'Korean Open Innovation Survey' performed by ETRI(Korean Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute) in 2010. As a result, empirical test results indicated that the impact of collaboration varies depend on the innovation types (Product and Process Innovation). The Impact of the collaboration level for the product innovation tend to be more effective when SMEs are developing for a final product, targeting on for individual customers (B2C). But on the other hand, the analysis result of the Process innovation tend to be higher than the product innovation, when SMEs are developing raw materials for their partners or to other firms targeting on for manufacturing industries(B2B). Also perceived importance of using external resources has effected to both product and process innovation performance. But Perceived importance of external partnership was statistically insignificant. Interesting finding was that the service product has negative effects on for the process innovation performance. And Relationship between size of the firms and their external collaboration activities with their performance of the innovations indicated that the bigger firms(over 100 of employees) tend to have better for both product and process innovations. Finally, implications of the results can be suggested as performance of innovation can be varied depends on firm's unique business idiosyncrasy as well as levels of external collaboration activities. The Implication of this research can be considered for firms in selecting an appropriate strategy as well as for policy makers.

An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Human/Posthuman Discourses Emerging From Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence Technology (4차 산업혁명 시대의 사이버네틱스와 휴먼·포스트휴먼에 관한 인문학적 지평 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Yoon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.836-848
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    • 2019
  • This paper aims at providing a critical view over the cybernetics theory especially of first generation on which the artificial intelligence heavily depends nowadays. There has been a commonly accepted thought that the conception of artificial intelligence could not has been possible without being influenced by N. Wiener's cybernetic feedback based information system. Despite the founder of contemporary cybernetics' ethical concerns in order to avoid an increasing entropy phenomena(social violence, economic misery, wars) produced through a negative dynamics of the western modernity regarded as the most advanced form of humanism. In this civilizationally changing atmosphere, the newly born cybernetic technology was thus firmly believed as an antidote to these vices deeply rooted in humanism itself. But cybernetics has been turned out to be a self-organizing, self-controlling mechanical system that entails the possibility of telegraphing human brain (which are transformed into patterns) through the uploading of human brain neurons digitalized by the artificial intelligence embedded into computing technology. On this background emerges posthuman (or posthumanism) movement of which concepts have been theorized mainly by its ardent apostles like N. K. Hayles, Neil Bedington, Laurent Alexandre, Donna J. Haraway. The converging of NBIC Technologies leading to the opening of a much more digitalizing society has served as a catalyst to promote the posthuman representations and different narratives especially in the contemporary visual arts as well as in the study of humanities including philosophy and fictional literature. Once Bruno Latour wrote "Modernity is often defined in terms of humanism, either as a way of saluting the birth of 'man' or as a way of announcing his death. But this habit is itself modern, because it remains asymmetrical. It overlooks the simultaneous birth of 'nonhumaniy' - things, or objects, or beasts, - and the equally strange beginning of a crossed-out God, relegated to the sidelines."4) These highly suggestive ideas enable us to better understand what kind of human beings would emerge following the dazzlingly accelerating advancement of artificial intelligence technology. We wonder whether or not this newly born humankind would become essentially Homo Artificialis as a neuronal man stripping off his biological apparatus. However due to this unprecedented situation humans should deal with enormous challenges involving ethical, metaphysical, existential implications on their life.