• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complex Phenomena

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A Study on the Androgynous Phenomena in Contemporary Fashion from the Feminist's Viewpoint (페미니즘적 시각에서 본 현대복식의 앤드로지너스 현상에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜연
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.43
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    • pp.203-224
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    • 1999
  • As androgny presented by feminism still appear in contemporary fashion since mid 1980's feminism as a social phenomenon can be considered to habe influenced fashion history. This paper surveys the sex images of androgynous look that appeared in contemporary fashion into bisexual image and neutral images based on the feminist aspects of changes in contemporary fashion. As stated above bisexual images and neutral images of androgynous look shown in clothing are an attempt to reach one single integrated complete being by overacoming 'femininity' or 'masculinity' and combining the element of the two sexes. Consequently androgynous look creates new attraction by harmoniously coordinating characteristics of the two sexes instead of totally differentiating between masculinity and femininity that are represented in the form of clothing that has conceptual visual characteristics. Following are the conclusions of the reseach of this paper. First 'androgynous' as a feminist sex concept reflects the spirit of the times. Since the sex roles are divided and diversified and the concept of femininity is changing the concept of androgyny requiring both masculine and feminine characteristics in an essential sex concept for sucessful conduct of roles in a complex modern society. Second the integrated human image of androgynous look has led to a new culture with fashion trends that has been ahead of times by curing the functions of fashion to differentiate between men and women. Third androgynous look at the turn-of-the-centuy will not cease to exist but be a lasting fashion phenomenon while the sex concept presented by feminism has become the core to destrov the dichotomous fashion style of the 20th century. Fourth androgynous look is expressed in various manners in contemporary fashion since it shown how human beings accipt the adaptation method desperately required by the contemporary times. Androgynous look can be viewd as the desire for ultimate freedom that can be acquired by destroying the dichotomous sex concept and as the will to become a subject of the world as integrated human being. As we look into fashion culture creation of fashion is not the result of an accidental cause or an individual's work but the reflection of the spirit of the times. In this sense androgynous look introduced by a new sex concept to contemporary fashion has reflected the spirit of the times and led the cultural atmosphere and moreover it is an important fashion style that can characterize the contemporary times while lasting in the future.

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Thermal Characteristics of Waste Organic Sludges Discharged from an Chemical Product Manufacturing Industry (화학제품제조업에서 배출되는 폐 유기성슬러지의 열적 특성)

  • Kim, Min-Choul;Lee, Gang-Woo;Lee, Man-Sig;Shon, Byung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1745-1753
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    • 2008
  • We analyzed the physical and chemical properties such as proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, heating values, thermogravimetric analysis, and combustion test for the organic sludge discharged from chemical and petrochemical product manufacturing industries in the industrial complex. The average combustible and ash content of organic sludges from chemical and petrochemical product manufacturing industries were 17.42%, 7.45%, and 18.25%, 4.22%, respectively. The C, H, O, N, and S compositions for chemical and petrochemical product manufacturing industries were 33.06, 4.34, 24.81, 5.18, and 0.72%. And those compositions for petrochemical product manufacturing industries were 36.58, 4.74, 26.79, 5.09, and 0.49%, respectively. From the TGA test, the minimum temperature for combustion of the sludge discharged from B company was $700^{\circ}C$ for direct use for energy and 2 sludges(F and N companies) were about $600^{\circ}C$. According to the basic combustion test, high concentration of CO was formed because oxidation and pyrolysis reaction take place in the batch type reactor at the same time. From this phenomena we could obtain the significant data for the overheating and breakage of furnace.

Impacts on Water Quality to an Artificial Lake Due to Sudden Disturbance of Sediments (급격한 저니토 교란이 인공 하구호 수질에 미치는 영향)

  • 서승원;김정훈
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to figure out water quality impacts due to sudden disturbances of sediments during dike construction in land reclamation for the northern part of the Siwhaho Lake where heavily deteriorated settlements from upstream loadings are outstanding. We exploit a 3-D water quality model CE-QUAL-ICM combined with a hydrodynamic model TIDE3D. Simulations are done accounting water-sediment interaction in a 4-$\sigma$ layers. Long-term simulation for 1-year shows that bottom layers around the disturbance location are only affected and marks very high concentration. Complete vertical mixing appears at least 5km apart to downward due to complex effects of geometry, bathymetry and river inflows. It should be addressed that existing condition of the Siwhaho Lake stands for high concentration of COD and TP in winter and spring due to relatively high incoming loadings, however the effect of sediment disturbances yields reverse phenomena, i.e., impacts of dike construction arise greatly in summer and fall. Refined grid system consisting of 150m${\times}$150m rectangular grid, which is doubled system compared to previous study (Suh et al.,2002), gives affordable results by reducing flux differences through a cell especially in front of gate.

A Study on the Multi-function in Package Design According to Changes in Consumer Trends - Focusing on the Used in Food Packing Material - (소비자 트랜드 변화에 따른 패키지디자인의 다기능 현상에 관한 연구 - 식품패키지 재료를 중심으로 -)

  • 김응화
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2004
  • Under the production system of a free market economy, the modern consumers'goods that feature current trends reveal diverse aspects of the whole society and culture. This phenomenon is progressing at such a rapid speed that theories can barely keep up to explain it dearly. It is believed that the reason for the lag in academic theories is the formation of pluralistic values in human lifestyles due to the development of science and information communication. The pluralism of values in contemporary society is being studied in many academic fields, and the design among these fields often sees such a phenomenon as one of the post-modernism concepts, where post-modernism suggests a diversification and dismantling of modernism. In other words, the current design is closely watching products that are totally different from existing products, from complex and conceptual outcomes in the field of design to products that reflect various trends. Thus, it is true that package design, which proactively reflects current trends, freely traverses among specific domains of various fields that have been determined tacitly. It is also believed that other fields are also reflecting the same developments. Such a phenomenon is strikingly revealed with so-called 'fancy products', while other products 'parody' package design. This study sees the phenomenon as dismantling the border between product design and package design. The examined package design reflects the broader characteristics of the times, based on current concepts and meanings, after reviewing design examples.

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Control Networks for Information Systems Development : Organizational and Agency Theory Perspectives (조직 이론과 대리 이론 관점에서 본 정보시스템 개발의 통제 네트워크에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sa-Neung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.71-90
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    • 2012
  • Although it has been studied for a long time in various disciplines, most of control theories remain being developed by analyzing relatively simple tasks. Even recent research on control of information systems development explains only a small part of control phenomena observed in the real world projects. This research focuses on identifying and analyzing the concepts and structures in order to make them useful for understanding and explaining control of information systems development comprehensively This investigation utilizes the complementary relationship between views on control from organizational and economic perspectives. A conceptual framework developed by integrating previous research on control allows us to analyze the development of information systems for control purposes. The results of discussion about control mechanisms and network can be used as guidelines for designing control systems in real projects. Analysis of control networks shows that control of development projects requires quite complex networks intertwining a variety of controllers and controlees. The results of this research are expected to contribute to correcting the unbalanced status of IS research which has emphasized too heavily on planning and implementation, and deepening and widening our understanding about controlling development projects. Practitioners can use the results as guidelines for designing control mechanisms and networks, and get alerted by them about the agency risks inherent in outsourced developments.

Competitive Adsorption of Multi-species of Heavy Metals onto Sandy Clay Loam and Clay Soils (사질식양토와 식토에서 중금속 이온의 다중 경쟁 흡착)

  • Chung, Doug Y.;Noh, Hyun-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.238-246
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    • 2005
  • We conducted this investigation to observe competitive adsorption phenomena among the heavy metals onto the available sorption sites of soil particle surfaces in sandy clay loam and clay soil collected from Nonsan city, Chungnam and Yoosung, Daejeon in Korea, respectively. Polluted and contaminated soils can often contain more than one heavy metal species, resulting in competition for available sorption sites among heavy metals in soils due to complex competitive ion exchange and specific sorption mechanism. And the adsorption characteristics of the heavy metals were reported that the selectivity for the sorption sites was closely related with electropotential and electro negativity carried by the heavy metals. The heavy metals were treated as single, binary and ternary systems as bulk solution phase. Adsorption in multi-element system was different from single-element system as Cr, Pb and Cd. The adsorption isotherms showed the adsorption was increased with increasing equilibrium concentrations. For binary and ternary systems, the amount of adsorption at the same equilibrium concentration was influenced by the concentration of individual ionic species and valence carried by the respective heavy metal. Also we found that the adsorption isotherms of Cd and Pb selected in this experiment were closely related with electronegativity and ionic potential regardless number of heavy metals in solution, while the adsorption of Cr carried higher valance and lower electro negativity than Cd and Pb was higher than those of Cd and Pb, indicating that adsorption of Cr was influenced by ionic potential than by electronegativity. Therefore adsorption in multi-element system could be influenced by electronegativity and ionic potential and valance for the same valance metals and different valance, respectively. But it still needs further investigation with respect to ionic strength and activity in multi-element system to verify sorption characteristics and reaction processes of Cr, especially for ternary system in soils.

An Empirical Investigation into the Role of Core-Competency Orientation and IT Outsourcing Process Management Capability (핵심역량 지향성과 프로세스 관리역량이 IT 아웃소싱 성과에 미치는 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Jin;Nam, Ki-Chan;Song, Jae-Ki;Koo, Chul-Mo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the role of IT service providers has been enlarged from managing a single function or system to reconstructing entire information management processes in new ways to contribute to shareholder value across the enterprise. This movement toward extensive and complex outsourcing agreements has been driven by the assumption that outsourcing information technology functions is a reliable approach to maximizing resource productivity. Hiring external IT service providers to manage part or all of its information-related services helps a firm focus on its core business and provides better services to its clients, thus obtaining sustainable competitive advantage. This practice of focusing on the strategic aspect of outsourcing is referred to as strategic sourcing where the focus is capability sourcing, not procurement. Given the importance of the strategic outsourcing, however, to our knowledge, there is little empirical research on the relationship between the strategic outsourcing orientation and outsourcing performance. Moreover, there is little research on the factor that makes the strategic outsourcing effective. This study is designed to investigate the relationship between strategic IT outsourcing orientation and IT outsourcing performance and the process through which strategic IT outsourcing orientation influences outsourcing performance, Based on the framework of strategic orientation-performance and core competence based management, this study first identifies core competency orientation as a proper strategic orientation pertinent to IT outsourcing and IT outsourcing process management capability as the mediator to affect IT outsourcing performance. The proposed research model is then tested with a sample of 200 firms. The findings of this study may contribute to the literature in two ways. First, it draws on the strategic orientation - performance framework in developing its research model so that it can provide a new perspective to the well studied phenomena. This perspective allows practitioners and researchers to look at outsourcing from an angle that emphasizes the strategic decision making to outsource its IT functions. Second, by separating the concept of strategic orientation and outsourcing process management capability, this study provides practices with insight into how the strategic orientation can work effectively to achieve an expected result. In addition, the current study provides a basis for future studies that examine the factors affecting IT outsourcing performance with more controllable factors such as IT outsourcing process management capability rather than external hard-to-control factors including trust and relationship management. This study investigates the major factors that determine IT outsourcing success. Based on strategic orientation and core competency theories, we develop the proposed research model to investigate the relationship between core competency orientation and IT outsourcing performance and the mediating role of IT outsourcing process management capability on IT outsourcing performance. The model consists of two independent variables (core-competency-orientation and IT outsourcing process management capability), and two dependent variables (outsourced task complexity and IT outsourcing performance). Comprehensive data collection was conducted through an outsourcing association. The survey data were analyzed using a structural analysis method. IT outsourcing process management capability was found to mediate the effect of core competency orientation on both outsourced task complexity and IT outsourcing performance. Further analysis and findings are discussed.

Three-dimensional micro photomachining of polymer using DPSSL (Diode Pumped Solid State Laser) with 355 nm wavelength (355nm 파장의 DPSSL을 이용한 폴리머의 3차원 미세 형상 광가공기술)

  • 장원석;신보성;김재구;황경현
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.312-320
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    • 2003
  • The basic mechanistic aspects of the interaction and practical considerations related to polymer ablation were briefly reviewed. Photochemical and photothermal effects, which highly depend on laser wavelength have close correlation with each other. In this study, multi-scanning laser ablation processing of polymer with a DPSS (Diode Pumped Solid State) 3rd harmonic Nd:YVO$_4$ laser (355 nm) was developed to fabricate a three-dimensional micro shape. Polymer fabrication using DPSSL has some advantages compared with the conventional polymer ablation process using KrF and ArF laser with 248 nm and 193 nm wavelength. These advantages include pumping efficiency and low maintenance cost. And this method also makes it possible to fabricate 2D patterns or 3D shapes rapidly and cheaply because CAD/CAM software and precision stages are used without complex projection mask techniques. Photomachinability of polymer is highly influenced by laser wavelength and by the polymer's own chemical structure. So the optical characteristics of polymers for a 355 nm laser source is investigated experimentally and theoretically. The photophysical and photochemical parameters such as laser fluence, focusing position, and ambient gas were considered to reduce the plume effect which re-deposits debris on the surface of substrate. These phenomena affect the surface roughness and even induce delamination around the ablation site. Thus, the process parameters were tuned to optimize for gaining precision surface shape and quality. This maskless direct photomachining technology using DPSSL could be expected to manufacture tile prototype of micro devices and molds for the laser-LIGA process.

Derivation of a 3D Arching Formula for Tunnel Excavation in Anisotropic Ground Conditions and Examination of Its Effects (비등방 지반에서 터널굴착을 위한 3차원 아칭식의 유도 및 그 영향 조사)

  • Son, Moorak
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2018
  • Terzaghi proposed a 2D formula for arching based on the assumption of a vertical sliding surface induced in the upper part due to the downward movement of a trapdoor. The formula was later expanded to consider 3D tunnel excavation conditions under inclined sliding surfaces. This study further extends the expanded formula to consider the effects of different ground properties and inclined sliding conditions in the transverse and longitudinal directions considering anisotropic ground conditions, as well as 3D tunnel excavation conditions. The 3D formula proposed in this study was examined of the induced vertical stress under various conditions (ground property, inclined sliding surface, excavation condition, surcharge pressure, earth pressure coefficient) and compared with the 2D Terzaghi formula. The examination indicated that the induced vertical stress increased as the excavation width and length increased, the inclination angle increased, the cohesion and friction angle decreased, the earth pressure coefficient decreased, and the surcharge pressure increased. Under the conditions examined, the stress was more affected at low excavation lengths and by the ground properties in the transverse direction. In addition, The comparison with the 2D Terzaghi formula showed that the induced vertical stress was lower and the difference was highly affected by the ground properties, inclined sliding conditions, and 3D tunnel excavation conditions. The proposed 3D arching formula could help to provide better understanding of complex arching phenomena in tunnel construction.

Development of a Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Finite Element Model for Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding (Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian기법을 이용한 이종 마찰교반용접 해석모델 개발)

  • Lim, Jae-Yong;Lee, Jinho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to develop a FE Model to simulate dissimilar friction stir welding and to address its potential for fundamental analysis and practical applications. The FE model is based on Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. Multiphysics systems are calculated using explicit time integration algorithm, and heat generations by friction and inelastic heat conversion as well as heat transfer through the bottom surface are included. Using the developed model, friction stir welding between an Al6061T6 plate and an AZ61 plate were simulated. Three simulations are carried out varying the welding parameters. The model is capable of predicting the temperature and plastic strain fields and the distribution of void. The simulation results showed that temperature was generally greater in Mg plates and that, as a rotation speed increase, not the maximum temperature of Mg plate increased, but did the temperature of Al plate. In addition, the model could predict flash defects, however, the prediction of void near the welding tool was not satisfactory. Since the model includes the complex physics closely occurring during FSW, the model possibly analyze a lot of phenomena hard to discovered by experiments. However, practical applications may be limited due to huge simulation time.