• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community-based program

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Needs Assessment of Elderly for Community-based Long-Term Care (요양보호 대상노인의 서비스 요구도 평가)

  • Lee, Jae-Chang;Kim, Eun-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: Needs of health-welfare-medical service for the elderly is rapidly increasing in Korea. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the needs of health-welfare-medical service for the long-term care elderly in the community and to compare differences by their characteristics. Method: Needs assessment was completed in the homes of 598 persons over 65 years by using the tool of needs assessment, between November and December, 2003. We examined all the health-welfare-medical service of elderly in the community. Data were analyzed using SAS program. Result: The needs of the long-term care elderly in community was largest 'home visiting service of visiting nurse(87.5%)', and then 'religious, psychological and emotional support(73.9%)', 'home visiting therapy of physician(58.5%)', 'social support service(55.7%)', 'health improvement program of public health center and social welfare center(51.8%)', 'health examination(48.8%)' followed. The difference of health-welfare-medical service needs among characteristics(age, medical security, caregiver existence, and regions) was statistically significant by service contents(p<0.05 or p<0.01). Conclusion: We can apply it in the distribution of community resource and the development of service providing programs by figure out the needs assessment for the long-term care elderly in the community, and consequently, through this, realizing the health maintenance and promotion of the long-term care elderly.

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Using Community-Based Participatory Research(CBPR) for Health Promotion (건강증진을 위한 지역사회 기반 참여연구의 적용 방안)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.141-158
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    • 2009
  • Community-Based Participatory Research(CBPR) has gained attention as a public health approach to develop community health interventions to address health disparities in recognition of the community relevance of specific health issues associated with social determinants of health. It emphasizes community involvement in equal partnership with researchers and public health professionals to address community-identified needs. The characteristics and principles of CBPR discussed in this paper highlight participatory nature, capacity development, partnership building, and process-orientation of CBPR. A 6-step process model for community empowerment is then introduced as a CBPR operationalization strategy. Mixed methods research approaches are valuable in CBPR as well as process evaluation. For the application of CBPR in Korean contexts, the Diffusion of Innovation theory is suggested as a theoretical framework for implementation. Building public health partnerships between public and private sectors to create partnership synergy is a necessary condition for successful CBPR for health promotion in Korea. Accompanying critical factors for the CBPR application include: common understanding of CBPR and its values, establishment of the definition of 'community,' 'community-based' and 'participation' in community health, development of accommodating research infrastructure for CBPR, recognition of the importance of program evaluation (particularly process evaluation), and training CBPR specialists.

The Effect of a Community-Based Nutrition Intervention Program on Dietary Behavior and Nutritional Status of Low-Income Elderly Women in Gwangju City (광주지역 일부 저소득층 여자노인에서 지역사회 영양중재 프로그램 적용에 따른 식행동 변화 및 영양상태 개선 효과)

  • Kim, Bok Hee;Yang, Ji-Suk;Kye, Seung-Hee;Lee, Yoonna
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.495-506
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to measure the effect of a community-based nutritional intervention program on dietary behaviors and nutrient intakes of low-income elderly women in Korea. The subject of the study was a group of 88 elderly women using the free meal service in Dong-gu, Gwangju city in Korea. The study was carried out from April to July 2009, and the pretest, application of nutrition education, and post-test were applied in each stage. This community-based nutrition intervention program consisted of snack supplement and nutrition education provided three times a week and 36 times in total. The nutrition education was led by the nutritionists and professionals using various educational media. Snack supplement included were milk, soymilk, carrot juice, bread, yogurt, and bananas. The result of pretest showed that the nutrient intakes of the subjects were much below the Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) level of Dietary Reference Intake for Koreans. Comparison of the dietary behavior score and nutrient intakes before and after the nutritional intervention program indicated that the food behavior score increased from 3.1 to 5.6 (P<0.001) and intake of energy, protein, carbohydrate, thiamin, niacin, vitamin C, iron, and potassium of the subjects all increased significantly (P<0.05). Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR) of their nutrient intakes was also improved from 0.53 to 0.64 (P<0.01). These results indicated that the nutrition intervention program conducted in this study was effective in improving dietary behavior and nutrient intakes of elderly women in local community.

Development and Evaluation of the Family Relations Enhancement Program - Applied to Rural Women in Gyeonggi do - (가족관계 증진 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증 - 경기지역 농촌여성을 대상으로 -)

  • Choi Kyu-Reon
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.31-48
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the program which aims at providing a better understanding of family role, establishing a desirable value of being good spouse and good parent, and good daughter/mother in-law and determine effects of the program on rural women in Gyeonggi do. Based on the strong & healthy family perspective, personality types theory, coping stress theory, anger control method, communication & conflict solution theory(eg; Minnesota Couple Communication Program), cognitive behavior theory, and relations enrichment theory, 6 session program was developed. The title of 6 sessions were 'Making happy family', 'Family communication', 'Coping parent-child relation stress', 'Coping conjugal personality difference', 'Becoming a good mother/daughter in-law', and 'Dissolving family conflict'. 188 women surveyed were asked to participate in the program held at 5 city located in Gyeonggi do from Jun. 22 to July, 15. 2005, with two days(3 session a day and 120 minutes per session based). The effectiveness of this program was evaluated by pre-test, post test through 188 rural women and it was analyzed by paired t-test and program evaluation questionnaire was also investigated. The major results were as follows: This program was effective in improving spouse relation satisfaction, child relation satisfaction, daughter/mother in-law relation satisfaction, their effort for making happy family, self-esteem, and depression tendency. Future research and practical implications were added.

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Development of a Community-Based Approach to Opisthorchiasis Control

  • Duangsong, Rujira;Promthet, Supannee;Thaewnongiew, Kesorn
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.7039-7043
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    • 2013
  • A liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrrini (OV), is the major cause of the high incidence of cholangiocarcinoma in North-eastern Thailand. The prevalence of OV infection remains high in various parts of the country, especially in wetland rural areas where a large proportion of the community work in agriculture and continue the traditional practice of eating raw or uncooked cyprinoid fish products. The national control program seems to have had little impact in many of these areas, and it has been difficult to make precise assessments of the overall effectiveness of the program. Therefore there is a need for a community-based approach to prevent infection with the parasite, ideally involving as many players as possible. Here we document an attempt to assess the best means to prevention on the basis of a community intervention in three villages in north-east Thailand, with participation of representatives of Health Promotion Hospitals of the Ministry of Public Health with dedicated staff, but also school teachers, independent government sponsored village health volunteers, and housewives responsible for cooking and diet selection. An action plan was followed, allowing detailed discussions of practical proposals, their introduction and then repeated reflection and further proposals at the individual village level.

How Does 12-weeks of Taekwondo Training Effect Older Persons' Functional Fitness: A Preliminary Study

  • Daniel Sullivan;Mike Climstein;Ben Exton;Luke Delvecchio
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2024
  • PURPOSE: This pre-post intervention study aimed to examine the effects of a 12-week supervised modified Taekwondo exercise program on the functional fitness of community-dwelling older adults. METHODS: 10 participants (mean age: 72.3 ± 4.6 years) completed the program over a 12-week period. The intervention consisted of Taekwondo-based exercises modified for older persons. Changes to functional fitness were measured using the finger-to-nose test, functional reach test, timed up and go test, 30-second sit-to-stand test, 30-second arm curl test, Chester step test, chair sit-and-reach test, and back scratch test. Participants were assessed prior to the training and after the final training session, changes were measured using descriptive statistics and paired sample 't' tests. RESULTS: Effect sizes ranged from small to large (Cohen's d = .22 to 1.23). The exercise program was well- tolerated by participants, with a high level of engagement and no attrition for the duration of the program. Results showed significant improvements in most measures of functional fitness (p < .05) except for the back scratch test (p = .051). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest a well-designed, supervised, modified Taekwondo exercise program can significantly improve functional fitness in older adults.

Case Study on ESG Engineering Education based on Software Education for Community Youth (지역사회 청소년을 위한 소프트웨어 교육 기반 ESG 공학교육 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2023
  • Recently, in terms of the future education, the need of the software education according to the 4th industrial revolution and the need of the ESG(environmental, social and governance) education according to social requests for sustainability are increasing at the same time. There may be a number of ways to satisfy the needs at the same time. In this paper, as an effort for meaningful implementation of the future education, a case study on the ESG engineering education based on the software education for community youth was analyzed and a future development direction was suggested. This ESG engineering education deals with the development and application of the program considering terms of target, method and implementation in order to enhance its systematicity and using physical computing and upcycling methods and a collaborative education support system. To verify the education program, a survey is performed and analyzed. Through this, the basis of an software education-based ESG engineering education model was established.

Community-Based Care Programs for the Elderly among NPOs in Japan (일본 민간조직의 지역노인돌봄 프로그램)

  • Yoon, Soon-Duck;Park, Gong-Ju;Chae, Hye-Sun
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.337-362
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    • 2009
  • The purposes of this study are to review the community-based care programs for the elderly among NPOs, focused on the Regional Council on the Social Welfare and Elderly Club, in Japan and to examine the way these programs help the community elderly to live independently in their own home in the community. First, the community welfare policy for the aged and service delivery organizations in Japan are reviewed. Second, using the informations about the elderly support programs carried out by the Regional Council on the Social Welfare and Elderly Club, various kinds and processes of specific programs developed to meet the local characteristics are introduced. Applicability of these programs to rural Korea is discussed.

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Occupational Health Care Management Model in Small Scale Enterprises (소규모 사업장 보건관리 모델개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Soon-Nyung;Jung, Hye-Sun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.647-660
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    • 2001
  • Forming health care management model in small-scale enterprises was the purpose of this study. For the purpose, we tried to investigate the characteristics of small-scale enterprises and analyzed the pattern of their health care management. The results are as follow: 1. The strength of health managing agency and technical supporting program lies in team approach by specialized manpower. However, if the liaison between each part of the organization is not smooth, the overall management will be very difficult. 2. Small scale enterprises are characterized by their short life after the establishment, use of rental building, lack of welfare facilities, weakness in sanitary management and aggregation of factories of similar type of industry. Because of these characteristics, it is very difficult to solve problem basically, such as improvement of working environment. Therefore, it is important to focus on health education and community based approach. 3. Many workers in small-scale factories are in middle and old age. They have health problems mainly related to personal habits. Implementation of an appropriate health promotion program is needed. 4. The number of workplaces, which should be managed by health managing agent. is increasing rapidly. But the number of health managing agent is limited. In the aspect of the requirement of manpower and equipment, training personal agent is more urgent than founding institutional agent. 5. The uniform method of health management hampers the choice of employer and workers. The types of provision of health management should be diversified. 6. For an efficient management, a frequent visit of personal agent and the following referral to a specialist should be done. The specialists in charge of secondary management are from the field of occupational medicine, occupational hygiene, ergonomics, etc. 7. The health management of small-scale facilities should have six components. They are community-based approach, multi-disciplinary cooperative system, program based on the need of recipient, forming partnership of employer and worker, change of lifestyle, and evidence-based program.

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The Effectiveness of Mental Health Problems Screening and Treatment Linkage in Children & Adolescents : Community Based Study Focused on ADHD and Depression (소아 청소년 정신건강 선별검사 및 치료 연계 효율성에 대한 연구 : 지역사회 중심 연구)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jin;Cho, Soo-Churl;Kim, Jae-Won;Kang, Je-Wook;Shin, Min-Sup;Kim, Hyo-Won;Yun, Myung-Ju;Lee, Kyong-Young;Kang, Yun-Ju;Kim, Boong-Nyun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This study evaluated the effectiveness of school-based mental health screening and treatment linkage programs, focusing on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and adolescent depression. Methods : All 11,158 children and adolescents aged 8-14 years in Seoul received a school-based mental health screening, consisting of the Korean versions of the ADHD rating scale and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), for ADHD, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-DS) and the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire-Junior (SIQ-JR), for depression. The high-risk children's and adolescents' diagnoses were confirmed using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-IV (DISC-IV). Treatment linkage programs were managed by the Seoul Metropolitan Community Mental Health Center (Program 1), the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (Program 2), or the Dongjak District Office of Education (Program 3). We estimated and compared the referral rates of the three programs. Results : Program 1 screened and referred 22.9% of ADHD youths to mental health services, Program 2, 68.8%, and Program 3, 40.0%. Program 1 screened and referred 22.8% of depressed youths to mental health services, Program 2, 53.8%, and Program 3, 88.9%. Key elements for successful screening and referral programs were an effective school/community mental health center/Office of Education network, the parents' financial support and perception of their child's mental health status as being problematic, and the teachers' active engagement. Conclusion : This is the first study investigating the effectiveness of school-based mental health screenings' linkage to treatment for primary and middle school students in Korea. An effective network for community mental health and improvements in parents' and teachers' perceptions regarding mental health are needed for more successful treatment linkage.

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