• Title/Summary/Keyword: Communication Space

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Elimination of the Redundant Sensor Data using the Mobile Agent Middleware (이동 에이전트 미들웨어를 이용한 중복 센서 데이터 제거)

  • Lee, Jeong-Su;Lee, Yon-Sik
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2011
  • The sensor nodes of sensor network system are capable of wireless communication with sink nodes. They also acquire and transmit sensor data in broad region where people cannot access easily. However, the transmission of redundant data from sensor nodes reduces the lifetime of the entire system and substantial amount of resulted data needs to be resorted before implementing them to the specific applications. In this paper, the mobile agent middleware to eliminate the redundant sensor data is designed and implemented. In the proposed system, the mobile agent visits the destination sensor nodes according to the migration list offered by the meta table in the name space of the naming agent, eliminates the redundant sensor data corresponding to user condition, and acquires and transmits sensor data according to the purpose and needs. Thus, the excess transmission of the sensor data is avoided and the lifetime of the entire system can be extended. Moreover, the experiments using the mobile agent middleware with the conditions and limitations that are possible in real situation ore done to verify the successful elimination of the redundant sensor data and the efficiency of the data acquisition. Also, we show the potential applicability of the mobile agent middleware in various active sensor networks through the active rule based mobile agent middleware or the interaction with the active rule system.

A Study on the Application Service of 3D BIM-based Disaster Integrated Information System Management for Effective Disaster Response (효과적인 재난 대응을 위한 3차원 BIM 기반 재난 통합정보 시스템 활용 서비스 제시)

  • Kim, Ji-Eun;Hong, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2018
  • Periodic and systemic disaster management has become more important than ever owing to the recent continuous occurrence of disasters, such as fires, earthquakes, and flooding. This management goes beyond simple disaster preparedness, which was introduced minimally under the existing legal system. For effective disaster management, facilities should be managed through regular maintenance on a daily basis, and in the case of an emergency, intuitive and accurate communication is essential regarding the situation and purpose. BIM manages the entire building property data using the effective 3D visualization model, so it can be used for various management purposes from design to facility maintenance. In this study, through an expert survey on the use of services in a BIM-based integrated disaster information system, the available areas of BIM data were organized in terms of facility information management, 3D visualization, and disaster control. Later, through the use service and DB definition within the BIM-based disaster integration information system, the main facilities monitoring and response services based on BIM and BIM-based spatial management service are proposed. Based on this study, it is hoped that the BIM-based application service functions within the system will be implemented to enable an effective system response.

Identifying Regional Tourism Resources Using Webometric Network Analysis: A case of Suseong-gu in Daegu, South Korea (웹보메트릭스를 활용한 지역관광자원 발굴 및 네트워크 분석: 대구 수성구를 중심으로)

  • Song, Hwa Young;Zhu, Yu Peng;Kim, Ji Eun;Oh, Jung Hyun;Park, Han Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.475-486
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of present study is to identify the regional tourism resources using Webometric network analysis. The study focuses on Suseong area in Daegu metropolitan city. Various kinds of web-based data, for example, hit counts, online news, and public comments, were used to discover hot places and people's responses. The research question is, 'First, what is the optimum level of the search engine for suseong? Second, what is the online appearance of tourist resources in suseong? Which region is the center of tourism with high levels of emergence? Third, what are the main contents of news articles and comments related to the Suseong pond?'. The results show that the search engine optimization level in Suseong is lower than that in other areas in Daegu. In other words, tourism information and contents regarding Suseong are not highly visible on cyber space. Importantly, Suseong pond had the highest online presence. A close analysis of both online news and users' comments on Suseong pond, however, revealed the biggest concern as calling for improving public accessibility to tourism infrastructure. The findings are expected to contribute to policy development and service operation related to tourism resources in Suseong.

Data Congestion Control Using Drones in Clustered Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (클러스터된 이기종 무선 센서 네트워크에서의 드론을 이용한 데이터 혼잡 제어)

  • Kim, Tae-Rim;Song, Jong-Gyu;Im, Hyun-Jae;Kim, Bum-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2020
  • The clustered heterogeneous wireless sensor network is comprised of sensor nodes and cluster heads, which are hierarchically organized for different objectives. In the network, we should especially take care of managing node resources to enhance network performance based on memory and battery capacity constraints. For instances, if some interesting events occur frequently in the vicinity of particular sensor nodes, those nodes might receive massive amounts of data. Data congestion can happen due to a memory bottleneck or link disconnection at cluster heads because the remaining memory space is filled with those data. In this paper, we utilize drones as mobile sinks to resolve data congestion and model the network, sensor nodes, and cluster heads. We also design a cost function and a congestion indicator to calculate the degree of congestion. Then we propose a data congestion map index and a data congestion mapping scheme to deploy drones at optimal points. Using control variable, we explore the relationship between the degree of congestion and the number of drones to be deployed, as well as the number of drones that must be below a certain degree of congestion and within communication range. Furthermore, we show that our algorithm outperforms previous work by a minimum of 20% in terms of memory overflow.

Importance-Performance Analysis on Human Rights of the Disabled of Living Rehabilitation Social Worker in Housing Facilities of the Disabled (장애인거주시설 생활재활교사의 장애인 인권에 대한 중요도-실행도 분석)

  • Kim, Sun-joo;Kwon, Sun-ae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.556-563
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the difference of importance-performance about human right of social worker who works in housing facilities of the disabled. Based on our result, we suggest strategies to implement human rights for the disabled. We collected data from 344 social workers in Busan. We analyzed descriptive statistics, and employed T-Test and Importance-Performance Analysis. Results found the importance level was higher than the performance level of human rights for the disabled. Second, agreement of residential space open and vote right guarantees, the importance level was higher than performance level. Items, excluding ensuring religious activities, prohibiting corporal punishment, strengthening the facility monitoring system and improve facility environment and strengthen program, featured a higher performance level than the importance level. Third, based on the IPA analysis, we derived action strategies for each IPA analysis matrix. We examined 10 items, including free communication included in the first quadrant, improvement of facilities management policy in the second quadrant, prohibition of corporal punishment and strengthening of facility monitoring system in the fourth quadrants.

Study on the improvement plans for Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival through the survey and evaluation of satisfaction (제주국제관악제 만족도 조사 및 자체 평가를 통한 개선 방안 제안 연구)

  • Yang, Jeong-Cheol;Lee, Gwan-Hong;Hwang, Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.362-374
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to identify and improve the satisfaction of people attending the Jeju International Wind Festival, the representative festival in Jeju. The Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival is a festival in which people communicate with each other through music. The objective of this study is to investigate user satisfaction of the International Wind Ensemble Festival and to make improvement plans. The average satisfaction rate for the event was 75.8% (Satisfaction + Great satisfaction). In addition, the average program level of the Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival and average appropriateness of the event space were 86.9% (Satisfaction + Great satisfaction) and 85.2% (Satisfaction + Great satisfaction), respectively. The disadvantage is that public transportation that should be improved. According to results of the survey through the interview, the town wind ensemble festival and outside concert enabled performers to communicate with the audience through melody. In order for the Jeju International Orchestra Festival to take root as a festival for citizens, it is necessary to increase the convenience of transportation, secure personnel in charge of the secretariat, revitalize the Jeju International Orchestra Festival website, and promote volunteer activities. We present future research direction.

New Regional Geography in Korea : (1) Context of Development, Research Trend and Prospect (한국의 신지역지리학: (1) 발달 배경, 연구 동향과 전망)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.357-378
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    • 2014
  • The concern on new regional geography in Korea has emerged in the 1990s under the influence of paradigm shift of Western geography, that is, the withering of positivist geography and the introduction of grand social theories into geography. New regional geography in Korea also seems to have developed in the rapidly changing process of glocalization of capitalism which has accompanied with the transformation toward post-Fordism with high-tech innovation, development of transportation and communication technology with time-space compression, and increasing social and cultural mobility with change of identity. But it can be pointed out that discussion on methodology for regional geography in Korea has been shrunken since the mid 2000s, and there has been relatively little empirical research with synthetic approach to region. But more concern on methodology in terms of place, territory, network, scale, etc. rather than the concept of region itself has increased, and empirical researches on regions in specific fields of human geography have been promoted. It is argued that the traditional distinction between synthetic and analytic approaches seems no longer significant. But geographers need to extend the concept of region in relation to other diverse spatial concepts, and to purse simultaneously structural analysis on glocalization process and practical strategies responding positively to the process.

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Serialized Multitasking Code Generation from Dataflow Specification (데이타 플로우 명세로부터 직렬화된 멀티태스킹 코드 생성)

  • Kwon, Seong-Nam;Ha, Soon-Hoi
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.9_10
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    • pp.429-440
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    • 2008
  • As embedded system becomes more complex, software development becomes more important in the entire design process. Most embedded applications consist of multi -tasks, that are executed in parallel. So, dataflow model that expresses concurrency naturally is preferred than sequential programming language to develop multitask software. For the execution of multitasking codes, operating system is essential to schedule multi-tasks and to deal with the communication between tasks. But, it is needed to execute multitasking code without as when the target hardware platform cannot execute as or target platforms are candidates of design space exploration, because it is very costly to port as for all candidate platforms of DSE. For this reason, we propose the serialized multitasking code generation technique from dataflow specification. In the proposed technique, a task is specified with dataflow model, and generated as a C code. Code generation consists of two steps: First, a block in a task is generated as a separate function. Second, generated functions are scheduled by a multitasking scheduler that is also generated automatically. To make it easy to write customized scheduler manually, the data structure and information of each task are defined. With the preliminary experiment of DivX player, it is confirmed that the generated code from the proposed framework is efficiently and correctly executed on the target system.

Multi-query Indexing Technique for Efficient Query Processing on Stream Data in Sensor Networks (센서 네트워크에서 스트림 데이터 질의의 효율적인 처리를 위한 다중 질의 색인 기법)

  • Lee, Min-Soo;Kim, Yearn-Jeong;Yoon, Hye-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.1367-1383
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    • 2007
  • A sensor network consists of a network of sensors that can perform computation and also communicate with each other through wireless communication. Some important characteristics of sensor networks are that the network should be self administered and the power efficiency should be greatly considered due to the fact that it uses battery power. In sensor networks, when large amounts of various stream data is produced and multiple queries need to be processed simultaneously, the power efficiency should be maximized. This work proposes a technique to create an index on multiple monitoring queries so that the multi-query processing performance could be increased and the memory and power could be efficiently used. The proposed SMILE tree modifies and combines the ideas of spatial indexing techniques such as k-d trees and R+-trees. The k-d tree can divide the dimensions at each level, while the R+-tree improves the R-tree by dividing the space into a hierarchical manner and reduces the overlapping areas. By applying the SMILE tree on multiple queries and using it on stream data in sensor networks, the response time for finding an indexed query takes in some cases 50% of the time taken for a linear search to find the query.

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A Study of Limitation of Service Area by UWB Transmission Jamming in DMB System (DMB 시스템에서 UWB 전파가 서비스에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Ok
    • Journal of The Institute of Information and Telecommunication Facilities Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, n system did research about effect that interference effect with neighborhood single equipment or group equipment gets in DMB service. For this, 2.6425 GHz SDMB(Satellite Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) that a special of electric wave interference is near frequency-band including interference of signal by unnecessary radiation level that is radiated in UWB system, and degree of 3.4125GHz broadcasting relay net that is In-band frequency-band and interference effect that get in service analyzed comparison ud, modulation of broadcasting relay net and interference measurement equipment used Impulse and OFDM methods. Impulse method was $BER=1{\times}10^4$ that broadcasting signal receiption is possible at 1.4m point because interference effect happens from 2m point in SDMB system, and it was $BER=1^{\times}10-4$ that OFDM method receives interference effect from 0.8m point and broadcasting signal receiption is possible at 0.5m point. Also, about gap-filler center frequency, in case of space interval more than 0.01m, there was no interference effect. Therefore, for the electric wave of W system that is small output applies to system without interference effect in DMB service, confirmed that UWB system of OFDM method is less interference effect than UWB system of impulse method.

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