• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color tone

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The Impression Evaluation of the Dress's Wearer in Relation to Hue, Tone, Skirt Width and Length (색상과 톤, 스커트 폭·길이에 따른 원피스드레스 착용자의 인상평가)

  • Choi, Su-Kyung;Kang, Kyung-Ja
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of four clothing cues(hue, tone, skirt width, and skirt length of dress) on female impressions. The experimental materials developed for this study are a set of stimuli and response scales. The Stimuli are 40 color pictures manipulated with four clothing cues by drawing. The 7-point scale designed for visual evaluation of female impression formation includes 29 bipolar adjectives. The subjects were 240 undergraduate female students in Jinju city. The results of this study are as follow: As analyzing the impression of the female figure by the hue, tone, skirt width, and length, five factors including ability activity, elegance, attractiveness, concentration of attention, and tenderness were identified. Among these factors, ability activity and elegance were proved to be more important. Each impression of hue and tone with skirt width length have significant effects on concentration of attention, and tenderness. We can express various impressions by diversifying hue and tone. Each impression of skirt width length with hue and tone have significant effects on ability activity and elegance.

Six Color Separation for Reducing Graininess in a Middle Tone Region (중간 계조 영역에서 낟알 무늬 특성을 감소시키기 위한 6색 분리 방법)

  • 손창환;김윤태;조양호;하영호
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes an improved six-color separation reducing the graininess in a middle tone region based on the standard deviation of the lightness and chrominance in S-CIELAB space. Graininess is regarded as visual perception for the fluctuation of the lightness of the light cyan and cyan or light magenta and magenta. In the conventional methods, the granularity is extremely heuristic and inaccurate due to the use of the visual examination score. Accordingly, this paper proposes a method to calculate the objective granularity for six color separation. First, we use the lightness, redness-greenness, and yellowness-blueness of the S-CIELAB space reflecting the spatial-color sensitivity of the human and normalize the sum of the three standard deviations. Finally, we apply the proposed granularity to the six color separation after assigning the granularity to the lookup table and obtain the result reducing the graininess in a middle tone region.

A Study on the Change of Dye-ability of Cornus officinalis with Mordanting Treatment and Colorfastness (산수유의 염색성과 견뢰도에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Kye-In;Choi, In-Ryu;Park, Kyeon-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2007
  • This study focused on the properties natural dyeing and natural material and on the development of functional material for well-being in apparel industry. Comus officinalis Siebold et Zuccarini is used as natural dyeing material which had been reported that have curable effect for unbalanced immunity, geriatric diseases like urinary tract system, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, tinnitus, hyperhidrosis and women's diseases like hypermenorrhea. And this material also has anti-cancer effect so that can restraint cancer cells. 3 kinds tester of cotton, wool and silk are dyed by boiled with each dye (flower, fruits, bark of tree) as first dyeing and dried in the shade. These testers are done by post-mordanting method. Aluminium Potassium(Alk(SO4)2), Cuprie Sulfate($CuSO4{\cdot}5H2O$), Stannous Chloride($SnCl2{\cdot}2H2O$), Ferrous Sulfate($FeCl2{\cdot}4H2O$), Titanium Sulfate 24% aqueous solution(Ti(SO4)2) are used as mordants. Dyeing results of Comus officinalis Siebold et Zuccarini flower and bark are shown as yellow color series. And dyeing result of fruits is pink color series. Silk shows the best dyeing property. As the point of view for dyeing property, Ti, Sn, Fe would be the properchoice for mordant. Following results are extracted in this study. Yellow color is resulted in dyeing with Cornus officinalis flower as non-mordanting condition. Yellowish red color is come from dyeing with Comus officinalis fruit as non-mordanting condition. Grayish yellow tone is resulted in dyeing with bark as non-mordanting condition. Orange tone color with Ti-mordanting, green tone color with Sn-mordanting and gray tone color with Fe-mordanting is resulted respectively. However light-fastness of Comus officinalis(flower, fruit, bark) is very low as 1 or 2 level in non-mordanting condition, Comus officinalis flower dyeing is turned out 3 or 4 level and fruit dyeing is 4 or 5 level, bark dyeing is 2 or 3 level with Ti-mordanting respectively. Eventually Comus officinalis fruit has the best light-colorfastness property among all of dyes. dry cleaning colorfastness of Cornus officinalis(flower, fruit, bark) is good as 4 or 5 level in Ti-mordanting condition, perspiration-colorfastness of Cornus officinalis(flower, fruit, bark) is good as 4 or 5 level in Ti-mordanting condition, With these results, this study could conclude that dye-ability, colorfastness problem is getting better after mordanting process and practical usage would be possible.

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Senescent Effects on Color Perception and Emotion

  • Han, Jeong-won;Kim, Bog G.;Choi, Inyoung;Park, Soobeen
    • Architectural research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2016
  • Senescent effects are the gradual deterioration of function caused by biological aging. Senescent effects on color vision are not clearly understood even after considerable researches. Part of the reason is that the color vision is a complex phenomenon resulting from various factors such as organic systems, and the physical (neuro-optical) and the psychological (experiential) processes of color perception. We performed a field experiment on color perceptional differences due to aging vision. Our experiment was applied to two different groups in South Korea: an experimental group (46 subjects of over the age of 61 years) and a control group (49 subjects in their twenties). The experimental tools are comprised of (1) six gradual yellowing detector board (40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%); (2) pairs of vivid-strong, vivid-deep, grayish-deep, deep-dull, and bright-light tones of Blue (B) and Purple (P) colors; (3) Red (R), Yellow (Y), Green (G), Blue (B), and Purple (P) colors of dull-tones and pale-tones; and (4) a questionnaire on the semantic differential scales of the color images and color differences. A diagnosis system of gradual yellow vision, developed by the authors for this study, was adapted to generate the color detecting boards. The results are as follows. (1) There are significant differences between the two groups in detecting colors that simulate 40% and 50% of yellow vision. (2) As to the color difference detecting ability between similar tones, the experimental group shows difficulties in pairs of vivid-strong tones and deep-dull tones of the B color. And (3), the emotional responses to the dull tone and the pale tone are not stable in the red, the yellow, blue, and purple. Thus, we empirically demonstrate the specific differences in color perception between the old and young groups.

A Color Analysis on Working Clothing in Domestic Machine and Heavy Industry

  • Park, Hye-Won;Bae, Hyun-Sook;Park, Jin-Ah;Kim, Jie-Kwan
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this research is to the enhance the color function of work clothing : to research and analyze the hue and tone of work clothing colors to be used for machinery and heavy industries in national industrial complexes, Through this research, the color using problems which related with safety workers will be revealed. For this project, total 42 sets of work suits were sampled from 12 different companies in the machinery and construction industries in the national industrial complexes of Gyeongsang Namdo Province and 16 sets of work suits currently being sold in the market. The collected work suits samples were classified according to item types and design. Color measurements were taken thus: After calibration according to ASTM D1729 specifications of standardized configuration settings to match standardized luminous source D65(Daylight 6500K) in color cabinet BOTECK SuperLight-VI, the RGB values of the work suits were calculated using PANTONE Color Cue TX. The RGB values of the colors thus derived were converted into V/C values using the Munsell Conversion 9.0.6 and analyzed with Munsell's 10-color system and PCCS. The results were presented according to Munsell's color wheel and color and brightness distributions were expressed in table form, as well as presented as a tone map. Following analysis, color hue distribution was found to be concentrated around PB, and brightness distribution toward the low end and mid range of the scale. Saturation values were distributed mostly around the low end of the scale. Following color tone analysis according to PCCS, it became apparent that colors were mainly distributed around dkg, ltg, and g, at low- and mid-brightness and low-saturation. Therefore, it may be concluded that colors used in work suits in the machinery and heavy industries are mainly cool colors, at low- and mid-brightness and low saturation. It is conjectured that such colors were applied uniformly in the workplace in order to serve certain functions, such as concealment of stains and contamination. Therefore, it follows that the utilization of colors, among other functions served by working clothings, must be taken into consideration in order to enhance safety and efficiency.

Estimation of the Light Intensity by Using Bright-Chip LED Sensory System (고휘도 발광 Chip 소자를 이용한 빛의 명암도 분석)

  • Choi, Ju-Hyeon;Kim, Ji-Sun;Jung, Gu-In;Lee, Tae-Hee;Kim, A-Hee;Oh, Han-Byeol;Park, Hee-Jung;Kim, Kyung-Seop;Jun, Jae-Hoon
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.62 no.9
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    • pp.1290-1296
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    • 2013
  • The light intensity which represents the relative amount of brightness and darkness is very important feature to discern the color hue and its relevant information. With this aim, we devise a new optical system and method to analyze the light intensity. Our suggested system including a phototransistor and white-high-brightness chip light-emitting diode intend estimate the contrast value utilizing Image Research Institute(I.R.I.) Hue & Tone samples which includes 120 color sheets arranged by the color hue and tone. As a result, we confirmed that the brightness of the color checker can be accurately estimated by a high-brightness light-emitting-diode optical system.

The Study on How Art Nouveau and Art Deco's Influenced on Modern Fashion (아르누보와 아르데코 양식이 현대패션에 미친 영향에 대한연구)

  • Lee, Soon-Hong;Je, Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.44
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 1999
  • The influences of Art nouveau and Art Deco are as follow: The first, in the side of silhouette, hourglass style and bell shaped skirt influence on mordern fashion chiefly and S-curve style was mollified. Empire style, hobble style in art deco age are all showed diversely, in these styles especially boyish style give an outstanding trasts to modern fashion. The second, the color of art deco, characterized by pastel in art nouveau's color tone, original color and black and gold was reflected on the textile design and showed diversely in the color fo modern fashion. The third, in the field of textile and pattern, flower and plant which was a motive of art nouveau style, organic curve and geometrical pattern and exotic motive was seperately used with motive in the pattern and design of mordern. Textile of goldish and silver tone, metal stuff, lace embroidery, fur, artifical flower, feather etc. showed up on the many parts of clothing. Like this Art Nouveau and Art style not only had a great effect on the costume but also decorations and formative arts.

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Natural Dyeing of Silk Fabrics with Undaria Pinnatifida Extracts (미역 추출물을 이용한 견직물의 천연염색)

  • Kim, Sangyool;Jeon, Soonduk
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2014
  • Fabric made of 100% silk was dyed with Undaria pinnatifida extracts under different conditions such as varing colorant concentration, temperature, time and dyebath pH. The dye uptake (K/S, value), CIE L*,a*,b* and Munsell values of the dyed samples and mordanted samples were measured. Colorfastness, antibacterial property and UV protection property were also evaluated. As colorants concentration increased, the dye uptake increased progressively and maximum color strength was obtained at 100% V/V. Dye uptake also increased with increasing temperature and time, and the maximum color strength was obtained at $80^{\circ}C$ and 60min. With pre-mordanting, the color of the Al and Fe mordanted silk fabrics was yellow on the Munsell color system, while the Cu mordanted fabric was a greenish color. Al and Fe post-mordanted fabrics had a yellow tone, and the Cu post-mordanted fabric had a yellow greenish tone. The light fastness property of the Cu mordanted silk fabric was relatively good, The effect of Al and Fe mordanting on fastness was insignificant. The antibacterial activity of dyed and unmordanted silk fabric was excellent, whereas fabric dyed and mordanted with Undaria pinnatifida extract demonstrated superior ultraviolet protection.

A Study on Characteristics of Pink Color and Fashion Images Used in Gender Neutral Men's Fashion (젠더 뉴트럴 남성 패션에 사용된 핑크색의 특성과 패션이미지 분석)

  • Hong, YunJung;Joo, Mi Young
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.52-71
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    • 2020
  • This study examines the color characteristics of the usage of the color pink in menswear by analyzing its usage status and method. It involves an empirical research method establishing the frame of the study through a document study centered on trend, gender neutral considerations, and the utilization of the color pink in men's fashion, by analyzing the characteristics of color and tone by extracting the pink color shown in menswear collections as well as analyzing and categorizing the fashion image and genderless characteristics. Analyzing the color and tone of the pink color shown indicate that bright, light and pale tones had higher proportions. Pink color can also be said to be utilized as a design element that gives off a younger and more vital color image in menswear. Further, the use of brighter and softer pink colors can be interpreted as reflecting modern society's demands of masculinity to change into a more sophisticated and soft image. To analyze the characteristics of the color pink utilized in gender neutral fashion, fashion images were presented as the analysis standard. An image grouping technique was used to classify pink while utilizing genderless types-fashion style. The result showed that even with the same pink color, the fashion image can vary with different methods of expression in terms of clothes and styling. The results of this study can serve as basic data for planning fashion design concepts as it analyzed pink-using fashion images and the genderless concept type.

Practicl Use of the COS Color System in Interior Design - Focused on the Color Analysis of ′97-′98 Interior Materials Produced in Korea - (실내디자인 분야에서 COS Color System의 활용성에 관한 연구 -′97-′98 실내마감재 색채분석을 중심으로 -)

  • 박영순;신인호;김미경;방희조;하승아
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Design Studies Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.64-65
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    • 1999
  • 현대 생활에서 색채는 점점 더 중요한 환경의 구성 요인으로 고려되고 있다. 또한 색채와 관련되는 정보의 특성은 분야에 따라 다르므로 사용된 분야의 색채와 관련된 요인들을 분석하고, 이룰 토대로 한 활용색체계를 갖추어야 할 필요성이 있다. (중략)

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