• Title/Summary/Keyword: Collaborative engineering system

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Multi-Slice Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation Scheme for Massive MIMO Enabled Network

  • Yin Ren;Aihuang Guo;Chunlin Song
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.794-815
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    • 2023
  • The rapid development of mobile communication not only has made the industry gradually diversified, but also has enhanced the service quality requirements of users. In this regard, it is imperative to consider jointly network slicing and mobile edge computing. The former mainly ensures the requirements of varied vertical services preferably, and the latter solves the conflict between the user's own energy and harsh latency. At present, the integration of the two faces many challenges and need to carry out at different levels. The main target of the paper is to minimize the energy consumption of the system, and introduce a multi-slice joint task offloading and resource allocation scheme for massive multiple input multiple output enabled heterogeneous networks. The problem is formulated by collaborative optimizing offloading ratios, user association, transmission power and resource slicing, while being limited by the dissimilar latency and rate of multi-slice. To solve it, assign the optimal problem to two sub-problems of offloading decision and resource allocation, then solve them separately by exploiting the alternative optimization technique and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Finally, a novel slices task offloading and resource allocation algorithm is proposed to get the offloading and resource allocation strategies. Numerous simulation results manifest that the proposed scheme has certain feasibility and effectiveness, and its performance is better than the other baseline scheme.

Resource Allocation and Offloading Decisions of D2D Collaborative UAV-assisted MEC Systems

  • Jie Lu;Wenjiang Feng;Dan Pu
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.211-232
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we consider the resource allocation and offloading decisions of device-to-device (D2D) cooperative UAV-assisted mobile edge computing (MEC) system, where the device with task request is served by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with MEC server and D2D device with idle resources. On the one hand, to ensure the fairness of time-delay sensitive devices, when UAV computing resources are relatively sufficient, an optimization model is established to minimize the maximum delay of device computing tasks. The original non-convex objective problem is decomposed into two subproblems, and the suboptimal solution of the optimization problem is obtained by alternate iteration of two subproblems. On the other hand, when the device only needs to complete the task within a tolerable delay, we consider the offloading priorities of task to minimize UAV computing resources. Then we build the model of joint offloading decision and power allocation optimization. Through theoretical analysis based on KKT conditions, we elicit the relationship between the amount of computing task data and the optimal resource allocation. The simulation results show that the D2D cooperation scheme proposed in this paper is effective in reducing the completion delay of computing tasks and saving UAV computing resources.

The Development of Competency-Based Extracurricular and its Operating System for developing creative-convergent talent (창의융합인재양성을 위한 역량중심 비교과과정 개발 및 운영체계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-mi
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.1987-1993
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    • 2016
  • The core value of the college of Interdisciplinary & Creative Studies is rely on the supporting system which can develop the learners' practical 'performing' competency. For aiming this, educational process of university constitutes the competencies which can be expected at the local field and develop the competency-oriented extracurricular & its operating system. Defining the creative convergent talent, as 'collaborative creative convergent one, bricoleur' and categorizes core competency named as TX competency. T competency contains humanities and the professionals of each major field needed. X competency consists of creative problem solving, convergent thinking ability, self-oriented learning ability and cooperative leadership. Developing extracurriculum & its operating system learners can be exposured the systemic learning and managing process. They can develop their potential abilities and can accumulate a proper mileage at their learning achievement. This research can be expected as a model of competency-based extracurriculum and its operating system which can develop learners' multiple competency overcoming the limit scope of curriculum.

A study on the development of the tabletop tiled display system and its application for high-resolution visualization (고해상도 가시화를 위한 테이블탑 타일드 디스플레이 시스템 개발 및 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyoung-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.2079-2087
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes the iTABLE tabletop tiled display system which is designed for displaying high-resolution scientific visualization. Unlike other tabletop systems that typically use a projection-based single display, iTABLE system is suitable for visualizing and sharing high-resolution data, and it is capable of facilitating group interaction with interactive data visualizations on a table and distributed collaborative visualizations with other tiled displays. First, it surveys prior works on tabletop and tiled display systems as well as scientific visualization, and it describes the design and implementation of iTABLE system, and middleware and an infrared camera-based tangible user interface designed for iTABLE system. It will then discuss some high-resolution scientific visualization applications developed for iTABLE followed by conclusions and future research directions.

A Study on Developing Intrusion Detection System Using APEX : A Collaborative Research Project with Jade Solution Company (APEX 기반 침입 탐지 시스템 개발에 관한 연구 : (주)제이드 솔류션과 공동 연구)

  • Kim, Byung-Joo
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2017
  • Attacking of computer and network is increasing as information processing technology heavily depends on computer and network. To prevent the attack of system and network, host and network based intrusion detection system has developed. But previous rule based system has a lot of difficulties. For this reason demand for developing a intrusion detection system which detects and cope with the attack of system and network resource in real time. In this paper we develop a real time intrusion detection system which is combination of APEX and LS-SVM classifier. Proposed system is for nonlinear data and guarantees convergence. While real time processing system has its advantages, such as memory efficiency and allowing a new training data, it also has its disadvantages of inaccuracy compared to batch way. Therefore proposed real time intrusion detection system shows similar performance in accuracy compared to batch way intrusion detection system, it can be deployed on a commercial scale.

Personal Information Management in Korea National Long-Term Ecological Research Community (국가장기생태연구 커뮤니티의 개인정보 관리)

  • Huh, Taesang;Jung, Hoekyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.2274-2281
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    • 2016
  • In the long-term ecological research community, personal information is an important factor for the collaboration of data management and data usage in international long-term ecological research as well as on the national level. If lots of personal information was disclosed, collaborative researchers are useful to carry out research cooperation, whereas, information providers tend to be burdened to disclose it. LTER system should be considered to provide both maximum personal information required by a community and minimum personal information to be provided to unrelated people due to the scale of personal information and a number of the constraints on disclosure in the aspect of information distribution of the laws associated with personal information protection. In this article, we analyze international ecological metadata standard, EML, and trends in personal information management throughout international long-term ecological research platforms and propose a system model capable of managing personal information based on related domestic laws for the international data exchange through design and implementation.

Predictive Clustering-based Collaborative Filtering Technique for Performance-Stability of Recommendation System (추천 시스템의 성능 안정성을 위한 예측적 군집화 기반 협업 필터링 기법)

  • Lee, O-Joun;You, Eun-Soon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.119-142
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    • 2015
  • With the explosive growth in the volume of information, Internet users are experiencing considerable difficulties in obtaining necessary information online. Against this backdrop, ever-greater importance is being placed on a recommender system that provides information catered to user preferences and tastes in an attempt to address issues associated with information overload. To this end, a number of techniques have been proposed, including content-based filtering (CBF), demographic filtering (DF) and collaborative filtering (CF). Among them, CBF and DF require external information and thus cannot be applied to a variety of domains. CF, on the other hand, is widely used since it is relatively free from the domain constraint. The CF technique is broadly classified into memory-based CF, model-based CF and hybrid CF. Model-based CF addresses the drawbacks of CF by considering the Bayesian model, clustering model or dependency network model. This filtering technique not only improves the sparsity and scalability issues but also boosts predictive performance. However, it involves expensive model-building and results in a tradeoff between performance and scalability. Such tradeoff is attributed to reduced coverage, which is a type of sparsity issues. In addition, expensive model-building may lead to performance instability since changes in the domain environment cannot be immediately incorporated into the model due to high costs involved. Cumulative changes in the domain environment that have failed to be reflected eventually undermine system performance. This study incorporates the Markov model of transition probabilities and the concept of fuzzy clustering with CBCF to propose predictive clustering-based CF (PCCF) that solves the issues of reduced coverage and of unstable performance. The method improves performance instability by tracking the changes in user preferences and bridging the gap between the static model and dynamic users. Furthermore, the issue of reduced coverage also improves by expanding the coverage based on transition probabilities and clustering probabilities. The proposed method consists of four processes. First, user preferences are normalized in preference clustering. Second, changes in user preferences are detected from review score entries during preference transition detection. Third, user propensities are normalized using patterns of changes (propensities) in user preferences in propensity clustering. Lastly, the preference prediction model is developed to predict user preferences for items during preference prediction. The proposed method has been validated by testing the robustness of performance instability and scalability-performance tradeoff. The initial test compared and analyzed the performance of individual recommender systems each enabled by IBCF, CBCF, ICFEC and PCCF under an environment where data sparsity had been minimized. The following test adjusted the optimal number of clusters in CBCF, ICFEC and PCCF for a comparative analysis of subsequent changes in the system performance. The test results revealed that the suggested method produced insignificant improvement in performance in comparison with the existing techniques. In addition, it failed to achieve significant improvement in the standard deviation that indicates the degree of data fluctuation. Notwithstanding, it resulted in marked improvement over the existing techniques in terms of range that indicates the level of performance fluctuation. The level of performance fluctuation before and after the model generation improved by 51.31% in the initial test. Then in the following test, there has been 36.05% improvement in the level of performance fluctuation driven by the changes in the number of clusters. This signifies that the proposed method, despite the slight performance improvement, clearly offers better performance stability compared to the existing techniques. Further research on this study will be directed toward enhancing the recommendation performance that failed to demonstrate significant improvement over the existing techniques. The future research will consider the introduction of a high-dimensional parameter-free clustering algorithm or deep learning-based model in order to improve performance in recommendations.

Architecture and Development Activities of the Full Engine Simulation Program (엔진 통합설계/해석 시스템의 구성과 개발동향)

  • Jin, Sang-Wook;Kim, Kui-Soon;Ahn, Iee-Ki;Yang, Soo-Seok;Choi, Jeong-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2007
  • A virtual engine test based on "Numerical test cell" can extremely reduce the time and cost for the development of a hardware by coupling multidisciplinary analysis. This paper introduces the development activities of full engine simulation programs in U.S.A. and Europe, with the their related techniques(the engineering models, the simulation environment and high performance computing) based on the NPSS(Numerical Propulsion System Simulation). NASA Glenn research conte. leads the development efforts of NPSS by assembling the current codes and improving their Auctions. VIVACE(Value Improvement through a Virtual Aeronautical Collaborative Enterprise), a consortium of universities, research centers and companies in Europe, is developing the PROOSIS(PRopulsion Object Oriented Simulation Software). The capability for the domestic development is also estimated by surveying the current status.

Current Status and Applications of Integrated Safety Assessment and Simulation Code System for ISA

  • Izquierdo, J.M.;Hortal, J.;Sanchez Perea, M.;Melendez, E.;Queral, C.;Rivas-Lewicky, J.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.295-305
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    • 2017
  • This paper reviews current status of the unified approach known as integrated safety assessment (ISA), as well as the associated SCAIS (simulation codes system for ISA) computer platform. These constitute a proposal, which is the result of collaborative action among the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), University of Madrid (UPM), and NFQ Solutions S.L, aiming to allow independent regulatory verification of industry quantitative risk assessments. The content elaborates on discussions of the classical treatment of time in conventional probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) sequences and states important conclusions that can be used to avoid systematic and unacceptable underestimation of the failure exceedance frequencies. The unified ISA method meets this challenge by coupling deterministic and probabilistic mutual influences. The feasibility of the approach is illustrated with some examples of its application to a real size plant.

Analysis on Electric Field Based on Three Dimensional Atmospheric Electric Field Apparatus

  • Xing, Hong-yan;He, Gui-xian;Ji, Xin-yuan
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1697-1704
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    • 2018
  • As a key component of lighting location system (LLS) for lightning warning, the atmospheric electric field measuring is required to have high accuracy. The Conventional methods of the existent electric field measurement meter can only detect the vertical component of the atmospheric electric field, which cannot acquire the realistic electric field in the thunderstorm. This paper proposed a three dimensional (3D) electric field system for atmospheric electric field measurement, which is capable of three orthogonal directions in X, Y, Z, measuring. By analyzing the relationship between the electric field and the relative permittivity of ground surface, the permittivity is calculated, and an efficiency 3D measurement model is derived. On this basis, a three-dimensional electric field sensor and a permittivity sensor are adopted to detect the spatial electric field. Moreover, the elevation and azimuth of the detected target are calculated, which reveal the location information of the target. Experimental results show that the proposed 3D electric field meter has satisfactory sensitivity to the three components of electric field. Additionally, several observation results in the fair and thunderstorm weather have been presented.