• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cognitive Knowledge Structure

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Study on Effective Knowledge Delivery and Construction (효과적인 지식 전달 요소와 지식 구조화에 관한 연구)

  • Chae, Jeong-Byung;Kim, Soo-Hwan;Kim, HyeonCheol
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2008
  • This study investigates how learners extract their implicit knowledge into explicit form of the knowledge. The process of implicit-explicit transfer is known to help learners to reconstruct and refine their knowledge which was constructed before in some ways. Also we investigate which types of explicit form are more effective when it is delivered to other learners. In a classroom-based learning environment, students take educational content that is delivered by instructor and go through the process in which they try to fit the content into their cognitive structure by reconstructing the knowledge into their cognitive model. When they try to deliver their own cognitive model for the knowledge to other learners, they have to transform it into explicit form, and through the process, they reconstruct and refine the cognitive model of the knowledge, and find effective and appropriate way to express it. In this research, we experimented the process on a group of 77 college students and analyzed the results. We also did peer evaluated experiments to see which types of explicit format and factors are more effective than others. The results indicate that the types of explicit form of implicit knowledge play an important role in effectiveness of learning.

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Knowledge Structure of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Studies in Korea: Co-word Analysis (국내 인지행동치료 연구의 지식구조: 동시출현단어 분석)

  • Kim, Do-Hee;Kim, Hyeon-Jin;An, Da-Hye
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.509-521
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the patterns of the keywords in journals in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to identify the knowledge structure of CBT studies in Korea. To compare CBT studies from Korea and abroad, 234 articles (2008-2019) published on "Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Korea" and 2,316 articles (1977-2019) published on "Cognitive Therapy and Research" were collected. The data were analyzed using NetMiner 4.3. The co-word analysis was done by calculating the cosine similarity matrix of major keywords, followed by visualizing the network. The results of this study identified the main interests of Korean CBT scholars, and categorized the knowledge structure of CBT in Korea into 9 research areas: "scale validation"; "perfectionism and entrapment"; "cognitive, emotional, and relationship characteristics of schizophrenic patients"; "cognitive characteristics and treatment of borderline personality disorder and depression/bipolar disorder patients"; "adaptation and psychological health"; "cognitive characteristics and treatment of patients with social anxiety disorder"; "causes and co-morbidities of depression"; "acceptance and commitment therapy"; and "understanding and the treatment of binge eating disorder patients." This study is meaningful in that it has reviewed the accumulated knowledge in the CBT field in Korea for the past 11 years, and suggests future tasks for development to improve the standards of CBT practice.

A Study of Trajectory Mapping Method as a User Interface Design Tool for Mobile Devices (모바일 기기의 사용자 인터페이스 설계 도구로서 Trajectory Mapping 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Suk-Won;Myung, Ro-Hae
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2009
  • In mobile device's user interface, menu organization is very important as well as menu structure because small display of mobile device. Menu items should be organized based on user knowledge structure to design user-centered interface. Traditionally, MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) have been most often used to expose users' perceived organization of menu items. But, information that MDS reveals is just relative spatial location of concepts and not relevant to concepts connection. Unlike MDS, Trajectory Mapping explicitly finds users' cognitive links between perceived concepts. This study proposes a Trajectory Mapping technique for eliciting knowledge structure, especially a set of cognitive pathways linking menu items, from end user. With twelve participants, MDS and Trajectory Mapping were conducted using cellular phone's menu items. And user knowledge structure was analyzed through Visual Concept Map that combination of results of MDS and Trajectory Mapping. After then, menu items were organized according to users' perceived organization. Empirical usability test was also conducted. The results of usability test showed that usability, in terms of task performance time, number of errors, and satisfaction, for newly organized interface was significantly improved compare to original interface. The methodology of this study is expected to be applicable to design a user-centered interface. In other words, Trajectory Mapping technique can be used as a design tool of user interface for imposing user knowledge structure on the interface.

A Study on the Change of Knowledge Structure through Keyword Network Analysis : Focus on Business Model Research (키워드 네트워크 분석을 통한 지식구조 변화 연구 : 비즈니스 모델 연구를 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Jae Hong;Choi, Jinho
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.143-163
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    • 2018
  • The business models has a great impact on the successful management of enterprises. Business environment has been shifting from industrial economy to knowledge-based economy. Enterprises go through numerous trials for successful management in the changing environment. Along with trial tests, research areas have been growing simultaneously. Although many researches have been conducted with regard to business models, it is very insufficient to systematically analyze the knowledge flow of research. Accordingly, successive researchers who want to study the business model may find it difficult to establish the orientation of future application research based on understanding the process of changing the knowledge structure that have accumulated so far. This study is intended to determine the current state of the business model research and to understand the process of knowledge structure changes in keywords that appear in 2,667 business model articles in the SCOPUS database. Identifying the knowledge structure has been completed through social network analysis, a methodology based on the 'relationship', and the changes in the knowledge structure were identified by classifying them into four different periods. The analysis showed that, first, the number of business model co-author increases over time with the need for academic diversity. Second, the 'innovation' keyword has the biggest center in the network, and over time, the lower-rank keyword which was in the former period has emerged as the top-rank keyword. Third, the cohesiveness group decreased from 12 before 2000 to 5 in 2015 and also the modularity decreased as well. Finally, examining characteristics of study area through a cognitive map showed that the relationships between domains increased gradually over time. The study has provided a systematic basis for understanding the current state of the business model research and the process of changing knowledge structure. In addition, considering that no research has ever systematically analyzed the knowledge structure accumulated by individual researches, it is considered as a significant study.

A study of business model research knowledge structure based on social network analysis (사회네트워크 분석을 활용한 비즈니스 모델 지식구조 분석)

  • Ryu, Jae hong;choi, Jinho
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.47-68
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    • 2018
  • Business environment is shifting from industrial economy to knowledge based economy. Enterprises go through numerous trials for successful management in changing environment. Along with trial tests, research area has been growing simultaneously. Unlike initial research which focused on basic concepts such as: form of business model and success points. Current research emphasizes on actualization of business that enterprises plan, which brought academic research with perplex form of knowledge structure. On the other hand, there is limitation in understanding business model systematically due to preceding research primarily centered on analyzing definition and case study. In order to analyze knowledge structure, this study utilized social network analysis based on "relationship". For the analysis, 13,412 keywords were extracted from 36years worth of article or research related to business model stored in SCOPUS database. From the analysis, it was shown core research subject was INNOVATION and the number of co-authors has increased due to the academic diversity. Business model research is divided into five sub-categories (E-commerce, SMEs, sustainability, open-source, and e-book). Through cognitive map analysis on each of research characteristics of sub-category, it has shown that E-commerce, SMEs, sustainability, and open-source are core categories.

Cognitive Modeling of Unusual Association with Declarative Knowledge by Positive Affect (긍정적 감정에 따른 선언적 지식에 관한 비전형적 연상 과정에 대한 인지모델링)

  • Park, Sung-Jin;Myung, Ro-Hae
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to model unusual association with declarative knowledge by positive affect using ACT-R cognitive architecture. Existing research related with cognitive modeling tends to pay a lot of attention to strong and negative cognitive moderator. Mild positive affect, however, has far-reaching effects on problem solving and decision making. Typically, subjects with positive affect were more likely to respond to unusual associates in a word association task than subjects with neutral affect. In this study, a cognitive model using ACT-R cognitive architecture was developed to show the effect of positive affect on the cognitive organization related with memory. First, we organized the memory structure of stimulus word 'palm' based on published results in a word association task. Then, we decreased an ACT-R parameter that reflects the amount of weighting given to the dissimilarity between the stimulus word and the associate word to represent reorganized memory structure of the model by positive affect. As a result, no significant associate probability difference between model prediction and existing empirical data was found. The ACT-R cognitive architecture could be used to model the effect of positive affect on the unusual association by decreasing (manipulating) the weight of the dissimilarity. This study is useful in conducting model-based evaluation of the effects of positive affect in complex tasks involving memory, such as creative problem solving.

Knowledge Representation Characteristics of Categories and Scripts: An Investigation on Hierarchy and Typicality Effects (개념지식의 유형에 따른 표상차이: 범주와 각본의 위계성과 전형성 비교1))

  • 이재호;이정모
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.11 no.3_4
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to investigate some characteristics of representation of category knowledge and script knowledge. Using primed lexical decision task with higher level primers in the representation structure, Experiment 1 examined the interaction effects between knowledge type and concept typicality. It was found that the concept typicality has some effects in category representation, while it has no significant effect in script representation. In Experiment 2, primers of the lower hierarchy in the representation structure were employed. The results showed that the main effect of knowledge type was significant: the response time for category knowledge was faster than that for script knowledge. Typicality effect did not show in this experiment. The results of t the two experiments suggest that category knowledge is represented in hierarchy and typicality. while script knowledge may lack in that characteristics. Other aspects of the differences in characteristics of category- and script- knowledge representation were discussed,

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Model Construction of Maternal Identity in Primi-gravida (초임부의 모성 정체성에 관한 모형구축)

  • 김혜원
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.510-518
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    • 1998
  • It was assumed that the maternal identity in primi-gravida is one of the most attribute of the motherhood, that is not biological but cognitive phenomena, appears active process as intelligent human being. The purposes of this study were that the identification the cognitive structure and the influencing factors of the maternal identity in primi-gravida. Theoretical framework in this study, maternal identity in primi-gravida was constructed as a cognitive output, has the cognitive structure of cognitive-perceptual factor, cognitive-behavioral factor, and cognitive-emotional factor. Influencing factors of maternal identity was constructed as a cognitive input, which were pregnancy related perceptions (pregnancy intention, minor discomfort, value of motherhood), interpersonal relationship(relationship with mother, relationship with husband, relationship with social network), preparation to motherhood(maternal knowledge, antenatal self care), and biological factor (gestation period). This study was the descriptive correlational research design, was done from the 3rd January to the 15th March 1996, and the research subjects were selected conviniently 226 the primi-gravida during the gestation period, data collection method was self reported questionnaire cross-sectionally. Descriptive data analysis was done by SAS PC$^{+}$, testing the hypothetical model was done by covariance structural analysis using LISREL 8.03 program. The result of the hypothesis testing, the value of motherhood(y=.650, T=4.26) the maternal knowledge (y=.137, T=2.030), the gestation period( y=.113, T=2.621), showed significant causal effect on the maternal identity in primi-gravida. In conclusion, the maternal identity in primi-gravida had interrelated cognitive structure consist of perceptual, behavioral, and emotional factors. Significant causal factors influencing the maternal identity were value identified. It seems to contribute toward the understanding the characteristics of the maternal identity as a cognitive domains that has been regarded highly abstract concept, so has not been validated empirically.y.

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A study on the model of the information service in the taylorian researcher's cognitive viewpoint (테일러(R. S. Taylor)계 연구자 관점에서의 정보요구 및 탐색모형에 관한 연구)

  • 이승채
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.22
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    • pp.245-276
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    • 1995
  • This study analyzed the process of information service and its factors in the cognitive viewpoint. And developed a conceptual model to help in developing future information systems and services. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1) The paradigm of information user study is changing from the system-centered to the user-centered one. 2) The researchers describe the user's internal cognitive process as the starting point of the information service. 3) The user's personal cognitive process influence the process of the information service over. And the focus is a microscopic one including the factors of the perception and recognition of the stimulus, remembering and searching information, reasoning the rules, recognition of the patterns, formalization of the concepts, etc. 4) The information librarian performs the role as a knowledge/ information system interface, and his knowledge structure reflects the organization of that knowledge/information system. 5) The information librarians can perform their role as information specialists actively and offensively. And the performance of the librarians can be measured on the scales of the su n.0, pplying capability of relevant information and the client satisfaction.

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Work Domain Analysis Based on Abstraction Hierarchy: Modelling Concept and Principles for Its Application (추상화계층에 기반한 작업영역분석의 모델링 개념 및 적용 원칙)

  • Ham, Dong-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2013
  • As a work analysis technique, Work Domain Analysis (WDA) aims to identify the design knowledge structure of a work domain that human operators interact with through human-system interfaces. Abstraction hierarchy (AH) is a multi-level, hierarchical knowledge representation framework for modeling the functional structure of any kinds of systems. Thus, WDA based on AH aims to identify the functional knowledge structure of a work domain. AH has been used in a range of work domains and problems to model their functional knowledge structure and has proven its generality and usefulness. However, many of researchers and system designers have reported that it is never easy to understand the concepts underlying AH and use it effectively for WDA. This would be because WDA is a form of work analysis that is different from other types of work analysis techniques such as task analysis and AH has several unique characteristics that are differentiated from other types of function analysis techniques used in systems engineering. With this issue in mind, this paper introduces the concepts of WDA based on AH and offers a comprehensive list of references. Next, this paper proposes a set of principles for effectively applying AH for work domain analysis, which are developed based on the author's experiences, consultation with experts, and literature reviews.