• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cluster Group

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Macrobenthic Faunal Assemblages on the Soft-Bottoms around Dokdo in the East Sea, Korea (한국 동해 독도 주변 천해 및 사면해역의 대형저서동물군집)

  • Choi, Jin-Woo;Hyun, Sang-Min;Kim, Dong-Sung;Kim, Woong-Seo
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.429-442
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    • 2002
  • The faunal assembalges of macrobenthos and their habitat conditions on the soft-bottoms around Dokdo(Dok Island) was investigated using a box corer and a van Veen grab in Sept. 1999 and May 2000. The sediments in the slope sites were composed of sand particles and those in Ullneung Basin were mud. The sediments in the shelf sites were in the range of fine to medium sand. The organic content of the slope sediments was in the range of 1 to 2%. The macrobenthos occurred at the slope sites represented by 15faunal groups belonging to 8 phyla, and the major faunal group was polychaetous annelids. They comprised ca. 80.6% in slope sites, and 84.8% in shelf sites. Dominant species in the slope were Exogone verugera(40.9%), Cossura longocirrata (8.4%), Tharyx sp. (6.6%), Scalibregma inflatum (4.9%), Aedicira sp. (4.7%), Aricidea ramosa (3.8%), and Sigambra tentaculata (3.7%). Dominant species in the shelf were Chone sp. (49.3%), Tharyx sp. (18.4%), Ophelina acuminata (6.7%), Chaetozone setosa (3.8%), Glycera sp. (2.6%), and Aedicira sp. (2.4%). The mean densities of macrobenthos in the slope and shelf area were $2,028\;ind./m^2$ and $456\;ind./m^2$, respectively. The trophic composition of benthic polychaete worms in the slope area was different from that in shallow shelf area: surface deposit feeding worms were most abundant in slope area whereas filter feeding worms in shelf area. According to the cluster analysis and MDS plots, the spatial distribution of macrobenthos in Dokdo slope region was related with the sediment properties such as particle size and organic content. In the case of vertical distribution of macrobenthos in slope sites, most faunas concentrated in the upper sediment layer within 2cm depth.

A Study on the Characteristics of One-Person Household in Local Small and Medium Cities (지방 중소도시 유형별 1인 가구 특성연구)

  • Ahn, Jung-Geun;Kim, Dong-Sung;Park, Cheol-Heung
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2020
  • In modern society, the number of one-person households is increasing significantly. In particular, one-person households have rapidly increased around local small and medium-sized cities. This study examines the characteristics of local small and medium-sized cities by factor and cluster analysis. Analysis of variance are applied to the characteristics of one-person household in different local cities to find the relationship between different types of cities and the characteristics of one-person households. As a result of the study, local small and medium-sized cities are classified into growth stagnation cities, industrial leading cities, regional base cities, and population outflow cities. It is also found that there are several different types of local cities based on the characteristics of one-person households. The growth stagnation city is a city where the regional economy is revitalized due to the development of regional industries in the past. One-person households have a small age group in their 30s and 40s, which are the basis of industrial activities. They have a high proportion of older generation living in more than three rooms in their homes. It is necessary to supply long-term public rental housing and share houses for older generation. The leading city of the industry is a city where the local economy is revitalized as workers are concentrated. One-person households are evenly distributed among all age groups, and the apartment occupancy rate is the highest compared to other types. It is necessary to provide happy housing for youth generation and reconstruction or renovation housing of manhood generation. The regional base city leads the regional base function and the regional economy, but it has reduced workers. Many of one-person households are younger than 30 years old and college educated. They are also high rate of unmarried and live at one room as rental houses. It is needed to expand the supply of small houses such as apartments, officetels and rented houses for youth generation. The population outflow city has a slow local economy and a rural residential environment. It is found that the households of one-person households have high rate of bereavement and the age. They live more than four rooms in single-family homes. It is necessary not only to provide welfare housing but also to create a sound residential environment where cultural exchange is possible.

Spatial Structure of Hinterlands and Forelands of Pusan Container Export Port: the Cases of 3 National Flag Carriers (부산 컨테이너 수출항의 배후지와 지향지의 공간구조)

  • Cho, Su-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.247-267
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    • 1993
  • According to developing international economy since the World War II, the increase and competition of the national business is so empha-sized tht both the interest and the necessity about marine transportation playing the impor-thant role of international transportation are increased. Today, the container transportation, as called the innovation of marine transport has been prevailed since the 1970's. The purpose of this paper is to grasp the spatial structure of the hinterlands and forelands, its object is export container cargo at Pusan Export Port, as known for the transportation node of modern containerlization. In this study, for the purpose of grasping the relation between hinterlands and forelands of Korean export container cargo, first, I researched the transition of carloading about container cargo, the bistribution channel of cargo, the change of the items of container and the carlo-adings about transport route, secondly, I used the cluster analysis so as to group hinterlands according to the items of goods and forelands. The object of the analysis is container cargo of Choyang Line, Hanjin Shipping and Hyundai Merchant Marine of National Frag Carriers. The source materials used in this study are Trucking Data of Hanjin Co., Container Ren-tal Data of Samik Transport Co. and Transpor-ting Present Condition Tables of Hyundai Mer-chant Marine. 1. There are two kinds of the transport classi-fied by its form: FCL and LCL. In Pusan Con-tainer Export, a lot of textile goods, clothings and furniture, compound, electric goods, and so on are dealed with but the rate of occupation of the transport is getting lower while that of occupation of equipment, papers and agricultu-ral, mineral and livestock industry higher. 2. In 1990, the transports of container cargo in Korea consist of 7 services and round-the world lines. We can list North America lines, East-South Asian lines, Japan lines and Inter European lines, in order of the quantity of tran-sport form the largest to the smaller. We can have another list that Japan lines, North Ame-rica lines and East-South lines in order of the rate participation of national flag carriers, be-cacuse Korean foreign trade lay disproportionate emphasis on East-South Asian lines. Japan lines among them is the biggest import-export market. Since the rationlization policy of marine tran-sport in 1984, each of national flag carriers have its own lines. Hanjin Shipping predominates over North America lines, Choyang Line over New Zealand, Inter European and Austria lines and Hyundai Merchant Marine over Center-South America lines, in terms of the volume of transport. And small-to-medium sized shippers are prevailing in lines which are adjacent to Korea, Such as Japan lines and East-South Asian lines. 3. In relation to hinterlands and forelands of Choyang Line, the light industry goods, electric goods and machinary produced in Seoul and Pusan are exported to the major ports in Europe and Japan, the same produces in Suwon, Ulsan, Kumi are exported to European Ports, and those in Incheon and Kwangju Austrian and Japanese ports, and those in the rest regions to the major port in Japan. 4. In relation to hinterlands and forelands of Hanjin Shipping, the light industry goods pro-ducing in Seoul and Pusan, the electric goods and machinary in Incheon and Pyeongteck, are exported to New York and Los Angeles. Electric goods and machinary Masan, Anyang, Cheona, Cheongju and Incheon, Electric goods machinary and light industry goods in Kwangju and non mental goods in Pohang, are exported New York, Los Angeles and Oakland. 5. In relation to hinterlands and forelands of Hyundai Merchant Marine, the region of Seoul, Pusan and Incheon closely related with the main ports in U.S.A. The rest regions with Montreal. The hinterlands of export container cargo can be classified by its export items into three kinds: the large city, industrial city and the rest city. Choyang Line's forelands are European lines, Japan lines and Austria lines, and Hanjin Shipping's forelands are North America lines, and Hyundai Merchant Marine's forelands are North America lines and Japan line. 3 National flag carriers' major forelands are determined by the size of port and the shipper's convenient use of the port terminal.

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Community Structure and Health Assessment of Macrobenthic Assemblages at Spring and Summer in Geoje-Hansan Bay, Southern Coast of Korea (거제한산만에 서식하는 대형저서동물의 춘계와 하계의 군집구조 및 건강도 평가)

  • Jung, Rae Hong;Seo, In-Soo;Choi, Byoung-Mi;Choi, Minkyu;Yoon, Sang-Pil;Park, Sang Rul;Na, Jong Hun;Yun, Jae Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2016
  • This study was performed to investigate the community structure and health assessment of macrobenthic assemblages in Geoje-Hansan Bay, Southern Coast of Korea. Macrobenthos were collected by van Veen grab sampler at May (spring) and August (summer) 2013. The total species number and mean density were 300 species $7.6m^{-2}$ and $1,994ind.\;m^{-2}$, respectively. The major dominant species were the polychaetes Lumbrineris longifolia ($299{\pm}164ind.\;m^{-2}$), Aphelochaeta monilaris ($100{\pm}57ind.\;m^{-2}$), the bivalve Musculista senhousia ($91{\pm}96ind.\;m^{-2}$) and the polychaete Praxillella affinis ($80{\pm}66ind.\;m^{-2}$). From the community statistics [cluster analysis and nonmetric multidimentional scaling (NMDS) ordination], the macrobenthic community was distinguished into two groups of inner bay (farming ground of near Sandal Island) and channel station(from Hansan Island to Chubong Island) group. In this study, the ecological status was assessed by four biotic indices Shannon's H', the ATZI Marine Biotic Index (AMBI), multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI) and the Environment Conservation Index (ECI). The ecological status of the macrobenthic community in Geoje-Hansan Bay were poorer in the inner bay station than in the channel station. The results of the present study showed that three biotic indices (Shannon's H', M-AMBI and ECI) were valid as an index for evaluating the ecological status than the AMBI.

Major Characteristics Related on Eating Quality and Classification of Inbred Lines of Waxy Corn (찰옥수수 자식계통 식미관련 특성 및 계통 분류)

  • Jung Tae-Wook;Kim Sun-Lim;Moon Hyeon-Gui;Son Beom-Young;Kim Si Ju;Kim Soon Kwon
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    • v.50 no.spc1
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2005
  • Objectives of this study were to select inbred lines which have a good eating quality and desirable segregates during inbreeding of waxy corn. The 64 inbred lines showed a large variance in their kernel shape and weight. 100-kernel weight, pericarp thickness, kernel length, kernel width, and kernel thickness ranged $11.7\~37.3g,\;11\~77{\mu}m,\;5.8\~9.6mm,\;6.5\~10.0mm$, and $4.1\~6.8mm$, respectively. The physicochemical analysis of 64 waxy corn inbred lines showed crude protein, crude fat, free sugar, and amylopectin content ranging $8.7\~15.8\%,\;2.3\~5.8\%,\;1.1\~11.0\%,\;and\;78.5\~93.8\%$, respectively. The texture property analysis of 64 inbred lines by texture analyzer showed a big difference. Gumminess, hardness, and chewiness of 64 inbred lines ranged $91\~383,\;181\~394,\;and\;73\~370$, respectively. The principal component analysis for 14 characteristics related to kernel quality showed that $73.1\%$ of the total variation could be attributed to the first five principal components. Biological meaning of the principal component was explained clearly by the correlation coefficient between principal components and characters. The first principal component appeared to correspond to small kernel and bad eating quality, The second principal component appeared to correspond to large kernel and good eating quality. The 64 inbred lines were classified into 8 groups by the cluster analysis using the first and second principal component. Among the groups, group VII and VIII included inbred lines with good eating quality that had thin pericarp thickness, low protein content, large kernel, and soft tenderness.

Assessment of the Impacts of 'Sea Prince' Oil Spill on the Rocky Intertidal Macrobenthos Community (암반조간대 대형저서동물군집에 대한 씨프린스호 유류 유출사고 영향 평가)

  • Shin, Hyun-Chool;Lee, Jung-Ho;Lim, Kyeong-Hun;Yoon, Seong-Myeoung;Koh, Chul-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2008
  • This study was aimed to classify the intertidal macrozoobenthic community status after 2 years of Sea Prince oil spill, and oil spill effects along oil spreading track from heavily impacted to unaffected reference site. Field sampling was initiated in late February and continued through November 1998 seasonally, after 2.5 years of oil spill. 7 rocky sampling sites were selected among coastal regions coated and/or affected by the Sea Prince spilled oil. Identified species was 158 species, 65 family, 24 order, 9 class, 5 phylum. Mollusca was the dominant faunal group comprising 100 species (63.3%), and followed by 38 species of Crustacea (24.1%), 12 species of Echinodermata (7.6%), 5 species of Porifera (3.2%), and 3 species of Cnidaria (1.9%). On Dugpo of Sori Island, the fewest species was collected from 28 species to 35 species seasonally among sampling stations. But far away Dugpo toward Gamak Bay, the number of species increased, collecting the maximum on Sohwoenggan Island. At the wreck site of Sori Island, especially the species number of attached animals such as poriferans and anthozoans was very low compared to another site. The density and biomass on the higher tidal zone increased toward the low affected sites, but biomass on middle tidal zone decreased. The invertebrate biomass of study area was dependent on the sessile animals. The major dominant species were small-sized barnacles, Chthmallus challengeri, periwinkles, Littorina brevicula, mussels, Septifer virgatus, and so on. The biomass of C. challengeri and L. brevicula on the higher tidal zone was highest in the wreck site of Sori Island and decreased further and further. However, mussels on the middle tidal zone showed the inverse trends because of the larger individual size of mussel inhabited in Sori Island than those of another sites. As a result of community analysis, the effect of oil spill was not found distinctly. Several ecological indices and cluster analysis did not show the meaningful variation with oil track despite of the conspicuous differences among tidal heights. These indicate that the macrozoobenthic community level of oil spreaded zone recovered in some degree after the Sea Prince oil spill accident, but population or individual levels of dominant sessile animals took more recovery times.

Data Mining and Construction of Database Concerning Effects of Vitis Genus (산머루 관련 정보수집 및 데이터베이스의 구축)

  • Kim, Min-A;Jo, Yun-Ju;Shin, Jee-Young;Shin, Min-Kyu;Bae, Hyun-Su;Hong, Moo-Chang;Kim, Yang-Seok
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.551-556
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    • 2012
  • The database for the oriental medicine had been existed in documentation in past times and it has been developed to the database type for random accesses in the information society. However, the aspects of the database are not so diversified and the database for the bio herbal material exists in widened type dictionary style. It is a situation that the database which handles the in-depth raw herbal medicines is not sufficient in its quantity and quality. Korean wild grape is a deciduous plant categorized into the Vitaceae and it was found experimentally that it has various medical effects. It is one of the medical materials with higher potentiality of academic study and commercialization recently because it has a bigger possibility to be applied into diverse industrial fields including the medical product for health, food and beauty. We constituted the cooperative system among the Muju cluster business group for Korean mountain wild grapes, Physiology Laboratory in Kyung Hee University Oriental Medicine and Medical Classics Laboratory in Kyung Hee University Oriental Medicine with a view to focusing on such potentiality and a database for Korean wild grapes was made a touchstone for establishing the in-depth database for the single bio medical materials. First of all, the literatures based on the North East Asia in ancient times had been categorized into the classical literature (Korean literature published by government organization, Korean classical literature, Chinese classical literature and classical literature fro Korean and Chinese oriental medicine) and modern literature (Modern literature for oriental medicine, modern literature for domestic and foreign herbal medicine) to cover the eastern and western research records and writings related to Korean wild grapes and the text-mining work has been performed through the cooperation system with the Medical Classics Laboratory in Kyung Hee University Oriental Medicine. First of all, the data for the experiment and theory for Korean wild grape were collected for the Medline database controlled by the Parliament Library of USA to arrange the domestic and foreign theses with topic for Korean wild grapes and the network hyperlink function and down load function were mounted for self-thesis searching function and active view based on the collected data. The thesis searching function provides various auxiliary functions and the searching is available according to the diverse searching/queries such as the name of sub species of Korean wild grape, the logical intersection index for the active ingredients, efficacy and elements. It was constituted for the researchers who design the Korean wild grape study to design of easier experiment. In addition, the data related to the patents for Korean wild grape which were collected from European Patent Office in response to the commercialization possibility and the system available for searching and view was established in the same viewpoint. Perl was used for the query programming and MS-SQL for database establishment and management in the designing of this database. Currently, the data is available for free use and the address is as follows.

Anti-Lipogenic Effect of Functional Cereal Samples on High Sucrose Diet-Induced Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mice (고당식이로 유도된 비알코올성 지방간 마우스에서 기능성 잡곡의 지질 대사 개선 효과)

  • Lee, Ko-Eun;Song, Jia-Le;Jeong, Byung-Jin;Jeong, Jong-Sung;Huh, Tae-Gon;Park, Kun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.789-796
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    • 2016
  • The anti-lipogenic effect of cereal samples on high sucrose diet (HSD)-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in mice was studied. We divided C57BL/6 mice into various groups based on 8 weeks of treatment with three types of cereal samples (HSD+WR, HSD diet containing 40% white rice; HSD+MCG, HSD diet containing 40% mixed cereal grain; HSD+AO-MCG, HSD diet containing 40% mixed antiobesity-cereal grain). After the experimental period, body weight changes, liver weights, serum lipid profiles, and hepatic fatty acid metabolism-related gene expression levels were determined. We found that HSD+WR, HSD+MCG, and HSD+AO-MCG treatments reduced body weight and liver weight, especially HSD+MCG and HSD+AO-MCG effectively reduced levels of serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. However, high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels increased compared to the control group. Furthermore, expression of hepatic lipogenic genes such as sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c, acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase-1, cluster of differentiation, and $PPAR-{\gamma}$ (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor ${\gamma}$) decreased, whereas expression of ${\beta}-oxidation$ genes such as $PPAR-{\alpha}$ and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 increased following HSD+MCG and HSD+AO-MCG treatment compared with levels in HSD+WR and control groups. These results suggest that the functional cereal samples, especially HSD+AO-MCG treatment, improved hepatic steatosis triggered by an HSD-induced imbalance in hepatic lipid metabolism.

Seasonal distribution of phytoplankton and environmental factors in the offshore waters of Dokdo: Comparison between 2018 and 2019 (독도 연안 식물플랑크톤의 계절적 분포 특성과 환경요인: 2018년과 2019년 비교)

  • Lee, Minji;Kim, Yun-Bae;Kang, Jung Hoon;Park, Chan Hong;Baek, Seung Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2020
  • To assess the characteristics of phytoplankton community structures related to environmental factors, seasonal surveys were conducted in the vicinity of Dokdo. In 2019, phytoplankton of four phyla and 69 species were observed. During winter, unidentified nanoflagellates dominated, with an average of 3.19×104 cells L-1. In spring, unidentified nanoflagellates occupied about 50% of the composition and a variety of dinoflagellates appeared. The summer phytoplankton population showed very low abundance. In autumn, various species of Chaetoceros appeared, along with diatoms, such as Bacteriastrum spp., Guinardia striata, and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. In addition, tropical species Amphisolenia sp. and Ornithocercus sp. were observed in both 2018 and 2019. The diversity was high in the summer of 2018 and the winter of 2019 and the characteristics of each index varied. Cluster analysis was divided into four groups according to species and population characteristics regardless of the season. The stratification of spring was particularly weak. In the autumn of 2018, the water mass was stabilized in the same way as in the summer, which is considered a suitable condition for phytoplankton growth. However, in 2019, the water masses were mixed, resulting in a low population. In a phytoplankton comparison, the dominant group showed seasonal differences, except for summer when the population was low, and the difference was most pronounced in autumn. Therefore, the waters surrounding Dokdo have different environmental and ecological characteristics from the East Sea, but the seasonal characteristics of each year are considered to be different depending on the topography, various currents, the island effect, and other factors.

Analyzing the characteristics of mathematics achievement in Korea through linking NAEA and PISA (국가수준 학업성취도 평가와 국제 학업성취도 평가의 연계를 통한 우리나라 학생들의 수학 성취 특성 분석)

  • Rim, Hae-Mee;Kim, Su-Jin;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to understand Korea students' characteristics as well as to give important information of improving our education using comparative analysis of framework, test booklets, test results between PISA 2009 and NAEA 2009. PISA 2009 was administered on May of 2009 and NAEA was administered on October of same year. The summary of the results of comparing two assessment is as follows First, cut score of NAEA Advance level is bigger than the cut score of level 5, which is considered as high achievement level. The cut score of Basic level of NAEA is also higher than the level 2 of PISA, which is considered as basic achievement level. This phenomenon can show that NAEA achievement level is set little bit higher than the achievement level of PISA in mathematics domain. Second, the percentage of female students on higher level was higher than that of male students. In suburban area, the percentage of high level was small and the percentage of low level was big. Third, students of Advanced level are distributed concentrating in PISA levels 4~6, Proficient achievement level concentrating in PISA levels 3~5, Basic achievement level concentrating in PISA levels 2~4, and below basic achievement levels concentrating in below level 1 and level 3 of PISA. Fourth, the correlation between NAEA 2009 and PISA 2009 achievement scores are significantly positive. However, the correlation of subscales were low. Fifth, analysis of non-equivalent group, 11 items located in 'change and relationship', 'uncertainty', 'connection cluster' domains found to be significantly different. The percent correct showed very big difference. The analysis results presents the implication of mathematics curriculum, teaching and learning methods as well as National Assessment of Educational Achievement.

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