• Title/Summary/Keyword: Class101

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  • Kim, Jung-Ho;Kwon, Oh-Won;Kim, Jung-Min
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.22 no.3 s.38
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    • pp.735-753
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the positions of upper and lower incisors according to facioskeletal patterns. The lateral cephalometric radiographs of sixty persons with normal occlusion, forty persons with Class II Division 1 malocclusion, and forty persons with Class III malocclusion all above the age of 18, were analyzed. The following results were obtained. 1. C I angle, the measurement related to masticatory system, were $89.20{\pm}4.34^{\circ}$ in normal occlusion group, $81.68{\pm}士5.95^{\circ}$ in Class II Division 1 malocclusion group and $101.96{\pm}6.31^{\circ}$ in Class III malocclusion group. 2. In comparison with the positions of upper and lower incisors according to facioskeletal patterns, Class II Division 1 malocclusion group showed that upper incisors were different significantly in all measurements and inclined labially (P < 0.05). Lower incisors were different significantly in all measurements except LI-APog, LI-APog (mm), LI-AB, LI-AB (mm) and inclined labially (P < 0.05), Class III malocclusion group showed that upper incisors were different significantly in all measurements except UI-SN, UI-OP, and inclined labially (P < 0.05). Lower incisors were different significantly in all measurements and inclined lingually (P < 0.05). 3. In all facioakeletal patterns, LI-SN and LI-PH ware correlated moderately to facioskeletal measurements, and FMA was correlated moderately to measurements of lower incisor position. 4. Regardless of the facioskeletal patterns, the reference planes equally applicable were AB line in the measurements of upper incisor and APog line in the measurements of lower incisor.

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Perception Changes of Graduate Students on Qualitative Research in Gifted Education (영재교육의 질적 연구에 대한 대학원생들의 인식 변화)

  • Chae, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Hang-Ro;Choi, Young-Owan
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to find out the change in graduate students' perceptions before and after they take a class on qualitative research. The class on qualitative research was held by the researcher in the winter semester of 2009. The subjects are nine graduate students (two male and eight female) and all elementary school teachers. An open-ended questionnaire with 5 items was used. The responses were interpreted, analyzed and categorized into several main conceptions. The results are as follow: First, some students perceived qualitative research as the counterpart for quantitative research, some perceived that qualitative research supplements quantitative research, while the rest of them had no concept of either before they took the class. Second, they all agreed that qualitative research is necessary in gifted education after they took the class. In order to better understand what is happening in classrooms, in terms of gifted education, a well organized curriculum for gifted education should be developed and conducted in graduate schools.

An Inferential Study on the Effect of a Graduate School Funding Project: Case of World Class University Project's Improving Effect of World University Rankings (대학원 재정지원사업의 효과에 관한 추론적 연구: 세계수준의 연구중심대학(WCU) 육성사업 사례)

  • Park, Kyoung-Ho;Jang, Deok-Ho
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to infer how is the effect of a governmental funding project to graduate schools by taking an example of World Class University Project's potential impact on the change of world university rankings in an international university ranking survey. Systematic results show that WCU contributes to improving academic peer reviews for both individual and institutional standings and discipline-based rankings. The potential effect of improving world rankings of participating universities could be ascribed to relatively higher weight of the survey to international peer review and invitation of world class scholars to the participating universities, which is a core device of the project. This implies a need to affirmatively utilize WCU foreign scholars over the course of facilitating international academic networking. The results should also be taken into consideration by universities and the government when developing evaluation systems and restructuring the project.

Maxillary protraction using skeletal anchorage and intermaxillary elastics in Skeletal Class III patients

  • Esenlik, Elcin;Aglarci, Cahide;Albayrak, Gayem Eroglu;Findik, Yavuz
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this case report is to describe the treatment of a patient with skeletal Class III malocclusion with maxillary retrognathia using skeletal anchorage devices and intermaxillary elastics. Miniplates were inserted between the mandibular lateral incisor and canine teeth on both sides in a male patient aged 14 years 5 months. Self-drilling mini-implants (1.6 mm diameter, 10 mm length) were installed between the maxillary second premolar and molar teeth, and Class III elastics were used between the miniplates and miniscrews. On treatment completion, an increase in the projection of the maxilla relative to the cranial base (2.7 mm) and significant improvement of the facial profile were observed. Slight maxillary counterclockwise ($1^{\circ}$) and mandibular clockwise ($3.3^{\circ}$) rotations were also observed. Maxillary protraction with skeletal anchorage and intermaxillary elastics was effective in correcting a case of Skeletal Class III malocclusion without dentoalveolar side effects.

The Idea of Mercantilism and Commercial War in late Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of the Industrial Revolution (산업혁명의 맥락에서 본 청말(淸末)의 중상론(重商論)과 상전론(商戰論))

  • 이화진
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    • v.101
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2019
  • This study reviewed the idea of mercantilism and commercial war which developed around "newly rising class" like translators, diplomats and compradors of late Qing Dynasty, by which new recognition of social classes was demanded. In particular, this study newly identified the meaning of commercial war and new social order of last Qing dynasty, by attempting an analysis based on the context and aspect in the process of globalization of industrial capitalism conducted under the influence of the first industrial revolution from the U.K. Therefore, in the history of modern Chinese intelligence, the theory of mercantilism and commercial war can not be limited to the transitional thinking system of "Yang-Wu(洋務)" and "Bian-Fa(變法)".

Modeling and identification of a class of MR fluid foam dampers

  • Zapateiro, Mauricio;Luo, Ningsu;Taylor, Ellen;Dyke, Shirley J.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents the results of a series of experiments conducted to model a magnetorheological damper operated in shear mode. The prototype MR damper consists of two parallel steel plates; a paddle covered with an MR fluid coated foam is placed between the plates. The force is generated when the paddle is in motion and the MR fluid is reached by the magnetic field of the coil in one end of the device. Two approaches were considered in this experiment: a parametric approach based on the Bingham, Bouc-Wen and Hyperbolic Tangent models and a non parametric approach based on a Neural Network model. The accuracy to reproduce the MR damper behavior is compared as well as some aspects related to performance are discussed.

Spider Invasion Across the Galaxy

  • Hui, Chung-Yue
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.101-120
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    • 2014
  • The nature of the exotic stellar corpses which reincarnate by consuming their companion is reviewed. Apart from sucking life from their partners, they are actually eating the doomed companions away by their deadly and powerful particle/radiation beams. Such situation resembles that a female "black widow" spider that eats its mate after mating. These celestial zombies are called - Millisecond pulsars (MSPs). In this review article, I will focus on the effort of Fermi Asian Network (FAN) in exploring these intricating objects over the last five years. Two special classes of MSPs are particularly striking. Since Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has started surveying the gamma-ray sky, the population of "black widows" has been boosted. Another dramatic class is so-called "redbacks" (Australian cousin of "black widows") which has just emerged in the last few years. These MSPs provide us with a long-sought missing link in understanding the transition between accretion-powered and rotation-powered systems. The strategy of hunting MSPs through mulitwavelength observations of the unidentified Fermi objects is also reviewed.

Design of the Scalable Naval Combat System Software using Abstraction and Design Pattern

  • Kwon, Ki-Tae;Kim, Ki-Pyo;Choi, HwanJun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a new scalable and reliable combat system software in battleship which was developed procedurally in the past. Recently, combat system software is required to change frequently due to addition of new equipment and change of function. To solve those problems, this paper propose how to change combat system software into scalable software using class structure change and design pattern. Simulation results show that our scheme provides better performances and reliability than conventional scheme. Therefore proposed scheme can be efficiently used in Naval combat system.

Early Treatment of a Class II Malocclusion with the Trainer for Kids (T4K): A Case Report (Class II 부정교합환자의 Trainer for Kids(T4K)를 이용한 조기치료 : 증례보고)

  • An, So-Youn;Kim, Ah-Hyeon;Shim, Youn-Soo;Kim, Min-Jeong
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2013
  • $T4K^{TM}$(Myofunctional Research Co, Australia) is one of the myofunctional appliance developed to be used in children of mixed dentition. Myofuncitonal appliance stimulate the facial, masticatory and tongue muscle and help to balance the muscular force. Labial bow included in the device exerts strength in excessively labial inclineded upper jaw, Lip bumper blocks strength of the mouth to prevent abnormal strength exerted in lower jaw, Tongue tag secures proper position of tongue, and additional exercise is not required for child patients. For the more, simpler design and softer texture of device prmoted cooperation of patients during use. This case report is to present the satisfactory results gained by using $T4K^{TM}$ on Class II patients. Comment 1. $T4K^{TM}$ was applied in Class II malocclusion patients of mixed dentition with expected space insufficient to gain facial improvement. 2. Excessive overjet, overbite were improved. 3. Main effects are regarded to have been achieved by development of lingual slant of upper jaw, labial slant of lower jaw, and lower part of jawbone. 4. Bad habits, such as mouth breathing, can also be adjusted.

Vascular Plants of the Bulyeong Valley in Uljin-gun, Gyeongbuk (경북 울진군 불영계곡 일대의 관속식물상)

  • Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Shin, Hyun-Tak
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2006
  • The vascular plants of this site were identified as 641 taxa through field investigation; 101 families, 340 genera, 547 species, 80 varieties, 12 forms, 1 subspecies and 1 hybrid. Based on the Rare plants of the Forest Service and Korea Forest Research Institute, 9 taxa were listed except implanted species; Loranthus tanakae, Aristolochia manshuriensis, Aristolochia contorta, Viola albida, Cypripedium macranthum, Schpolia japonioa, Acanthopanax chiisanensis, Rhododendron micranthum. Based on the Korean endemic plants, 18 taxa were listed; Salix purpurea var, japonica, Asarum sieboldii var. mandshuricum for. misnadrum, Persicaria lapathifolia for. alba, Pseudostellaria sylvatica, Aconitum pseudolaeve var. erectum, Corydalis maculata, Corydazis albipetala, Corydalis grandicazyx, Cardamine amaraeiormis, Chrysosplenium barbatum, Filipendula glaberrima, Lespedeza x tomentella, Acanthopanax chiisanensis, Melampyrum setaceum var. nakaianum, Weigela subsessilis, Adenophora triphylla var. hirsute, Cirsium setidens, Saussurea pseudogracilis. Specific plant species by floral region were total 81 taxa (12.6%); Prunus yedoensis in class V, 13 taxa (Thuja orientalis, Cimicifuga heracleiiolia, Sedum middendorffianutn, Rhododendron micranthum, etc.) in class IV, 17 taxa (Equisetum palustre, Aceriphyllum rossii, Angelica gigas, Cirsium setidens, etc.) in class III, 15 taxa (Heloniopsis orientalis, Lychnis cognata, Saxifraga oblongifolia, Viola orientalis, etc.) in class II, 35 taxa (Hosta capitata, Cimicifuga simplex, Chrysosplenium flagelliferum, Campanula punctata, etc.) in class I. So, the naturalized plants were listed 53 taxa and the naturalization index was 8.2%, urbanization index was 20.7%.