An Inferential Study on the Effect of a Graduate School Funding Project: Case of World Class University Project's Improving Effect of World University Rankings

대학원 재정지원사업의 효과에 관한 추론적 연구: 세계수준의 연구중심대학(WCU) 육성사업 사례

  • 박경호 (경운대학교 아동사회복지학부) ;
  • 장덕호 (상명대학교 교육학과)
  • Received : 2011.12.16
  • Accepted : 2012.01.16
  • Published : 2012.07.31


The purpose of this study is to infer how is the effect of a governmental funding project to graduate schools by taking an example of World Class University Project's potential impact on the change of world university rankings in an international university ranking survey. Systematic results show that WCU contributes to improving academic peer reviews for both individual and institutional standings and discipline-based rankings. The potential effect of improving world rankings of participating universities could be ascribed to relatively higher weight of the survey to international peer review and invitation of world class scholars to the participating universities, which is a core device of the project. This implies a need to affirmatively utilize WCU foreign scholars over the course of facilitating international academic networking. The results should also be taken into consideration by universities and the government when developing evaluation systems and restructuring the project.



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