• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chinese-Korean

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Developing contents model of Chinese phonology education - By Focusing on Korean-Chinese character phonetic (중국어음운학 교육의 콘텐츠 모형 개발 연구 - 한국 한자음을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Young Wol
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.21
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    • pp.255-270
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    • 2010
  • Chinese phonology is called 'juexue(絶學)' in Chinese linguistics field. For this, students of in Chinese universities as well as college students in Korea is unwilling to learn it. Chinese character phonetic is a very valuable resource in Sino-China comparative study as well as the Chinese phonology area. This study was attempt to develop the content model on education of Chinese phonology, such as Middle Chinese, Old Chinese, using close the data of Chinese character phonetic for students of Korea. In addition, I also make it known that contents of this paper is not a new discovery or analysis but recycling research of existing.

A Comparison of Self-concept in Chinese Immigrant, Korean-Chinese, and Korean Adolescents (화교, 중국조선족, 한국 청소년들의 자아개념발달에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Sarah;Park-Choi, Hyewon
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.181-194
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    • 2006
  • The influence of peer relationships and teacher's support on the development of self-concept was assessed in Chinese immigrant, Korean-Chinese, and Korean middle and high school students. Subjects were 205 Chinese immigrants in Seoul, Korea, 256 Korean-Chinese in Shenyang, China, and 368 Korean adolescents in Seoul and Ulsan, Korea. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, factor analysis, and multiple regression. Results showed that the self-concept score of Korean-Chinese was highest followed by Chinese immigrants in Korea, and Korean adolescents, in that order. The self-concept of Chinese immigrant adolescents was influenced by peer relationships, of Korean-Chinese by teacher's support, of Korean adolescents by both peer relationships and teacher's support.

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A Study on the Perception of Syllable Structure on Korean and Chinese in Korean-Chinese and Chinese Students (조선족과 한족 대학생의 중국어, 한국어의 음절구조 지각에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, H.K.;Park, H.C.
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2005
  • This study was analyzed the syllable structure of Korean and Chinese using subjective sound similarity judgement tasks with both Korean-chinese and Chinese students in Shenyang, China. 86 college students were administered with the tasks which lasted about 20 min. in a small group setting. Both Korean-chinese and Chinese students showed the sensitivity for the CV sub-syllabic unit and the CV+C was the building block for phonetic representation for both languages. This syllabic similarity of Korean and Chinese may be a help for Korean-chinese to become horizontal bilinguals. Further studies are needed to specify the mechanism that will explain the syllabic perception of CV+C in both Korean and Chinese which was different from that of C+VC structure dominance in English.

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A Comparative Study of the Trisyllabic Words with same form-morpheme and same meaning in Modern Chinese and the Trisyllabic Korean Words Written in Chinese Characters with same form-morpheme and same meaning (현대 중국어의 삼음사(三音詞)와 현용 한국 삼음절(三音節) 한자어(漢字語)의 동형(同形) 동소어(同素語) 비교 연구)

    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.25
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    • pp.743-773
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    • 2011
  • In this research, the writer has done a comparative analysis of 4,791 trisyllabic modern Chinese vocabularies from "a dictionary for trisyllabic modern Chinese word" and the corresponding Korean words written in Chinese characters out of 170,000 vocabularies hereupon that are collected in "new age new Korean dictionar y". Aa a result, we have the total 407 pairs of corresponding group with the following 3 types: 1) Chinese : Korean 3(2) : 3 syllable Chinese characters with completely same form-morpheme and same meaning, use, class (376pairs, 92.38% of 407), 2) Chinese : Korean 3 : 3 syllable Chinese characters with completely same form-morpheme and partly same meaning, use, class (18pairs, 4.42% of 407), 3)Chinese : Korean 3 : 3 syllable Chinese characters with completely same form-morpheme and different meaning, use, class (13pairs, 3.19% of 407).

The Adaptation Process of Korean Food for Chinese (중국인들의 한국음식의 적응과정)

  • Han, Kyung Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2017
  • Diffusion of innovation theories have been used to explain the adaptation process of Chinese college students to Korean food. This study examined and compared Korean food adaptation among Chinese college students in Gyeonggido and Daejeon. A total of 141 Chinese college students were surveyed from August 01 to November supported by the Chinese Students Association in Gyeonggido. The results show that the adaptation process of Chinese college students to Korean food was different between Gyeonggido and Daejeon. Chinese college students did not have many opportunities to learn about Korean food and search information about Korean food. The adaptation process of Chinese college students to Korean food was different by residential type and period. The adaptation process of Chinese college students in Gyeonggido to Korean food was composed of three factors: interest-reinvention-adoption, awareness, and evaluation-trial-adoption. Three factors of the adaptation process of Chinese college students in Daejeon to Korean food were awareness-evaluationtrial, adoption-reinvention-trial, and interest.

A Contrastive Study on the Change of Rural Houses of the Han Chinese and Korean-Chinese in Yanbian Area of China (중국연변지역 조선족과 한족 농촌주택의 변화에 관한 비교연구)

  • Heo, Seong-Geol;Cho, Won-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2016
  • This study is aimed to suggesting a hypothesis about the process of improvement of houses of the Korean-Chinese, comparing how Han Chinese and Korean-Chinese houses changed in Yanbian Area of China. This draws the conclusion by analyzing the field survey about residence of the Han Chinese and the Korean-Chinese in Yanbian Area of China. First of all, the characteristic of residence style change and the plan of rural houses of the Han Chinese are in the following. The plan of houses has been changed from allocating rooms from side to side with the kitchen as the center to linking each functional spaces through the aisle. And the main bedroom of houses becomes the central space for family members instead of Kang (partial Ondol) by expanding the floor heating system under the whole floor in houses. Next, the feature of residence style changes of the Han Chinese and the Korean-Chinese is as follows. In 1970s barns disappeared from houses of the Korean Chinese, but houses of the Han Chinese were not much changed. From 1980s to 1990s, spaces linking each rooms with aisles had appeared for comfortableness of residence and respecting each individual's privacy. On the other hand, The houses of the Korean-Chinese make a whole big space by getting rid of walls between the rooms. And after 2 thousand years later, Han Chinese houses have a bedroom with floor heating system. Both houses of the Korean-Chinese and the Han Chinese are changed to have a residence style which taking sedentary style and standing style.

The influence of Chinese high and level tone and rising tone on the pitch of Sino-Korean words pronounced by Chinese learners: Focusing on synonym with the same letters (중국인의 한국어 한자어 발음에서 보이는 중국어 음평과 양평의 영향: 동형동의어를 중심으로)

  • Liu, Si-Yang;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Chinese high and level vs. rising tone on the pitch pattern of corresponding Sino-Korean words delivered by Chinese learners of Korean and to examine the aspects how these two tones of corresponding Chinese words affect the pitch patterns of Sino-Korean words. Scope of this research is limited to the Chinese learners of Korean, especially when they pronounce same-form-same-meaning Sino-Korean words. In this study, Chinese learners pronounced both Chinese words and corresponding Sino-Korean words. By using the software learners' pitch pattern were recorded, analyzed, and compared with the tone of corresponding Chinese words. Experimental results showed that Sino-Korean words were affected by Chinese 'high and level tone - high and level tone', 'high and level tone - rising tone', 'high and level tone - falling-rising tone', 'high and level tone - falling tone' and 'rising tone - falling tone' when they started with lenis sounds. On the other hand when Sino-Korean words started with aspirated sounds they were affected by Chinese 'rising tone - high and level tone', 'rising tone - rising tone', 'rising tone - falling-rising tone', 'rising tone - falling tone'. In conclusion, the Chinese learners' pitch patterns of Sino-Korean words are affected by both Chinese high and level & rising tone, especially when Sino-Korean words started with lenis sounds they were more affected by Chinese high and level tone, on the other hand Chinese rising tone influence Sino-Korean words more when they were started with aspirated sounds.

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A Study on Construction and Implementation of Web education System with Chinese conversion rule set (중국어 규칙변환 웹 교육시스템 설계 및 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Lee, Eun Ryoung
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2016
  • When Chinese character used in Korea, so did the characters' pronunciation, so many Korean Chinese characters today have similar pronunciation with Chinese, but since Korean and Chinese pronunciations were preserved and developed in different alphabets, the written letter of the pronunciation also differs. This study on Chinese education, has constructed and implemented an easy way to study Chinese pronunciations by creating conversion rule set between Chinese pronunciation, Chinese Hanyu latin Pinyin and Korean chinese character pronunciation consisting of an initial sound, a medial vowel, and a final consonant. This study has established web version and application version of this conversion rule set education system to enhance Chinese education.